"We're going to the movies. I suddenly want to see a movie." Xi Ling revealed an expression of anticipation.

"Puchi ~ ~ ~"

Su Nuo was amused. "I found it so cute of you to suddenly turn into this."

"Idiot woman, do you know what you're called?" "Yes." Su Nuo shook her head sincerely. "Unsatisfied, look how good I am to you right now. Whatever you say is what it is, I will never refute you."

"Yes, yes." Su Nuo forced a smile and nodded.

There weren't many people in the cinema yet, but there were quite a few. The people coming and going were couples holding hands, and at a glance, there was an indescribable sweetness. Xiling took Suno's hand. Juno looked up at him.

"What, you're not even willing to hold hands, are you?" Su Nuo smiled widely at the Western Tomb.

"As long as you don't object." Xi Ling could not help but tighten his grip on Su Nuo's hand. It was so tight, yet so gentle. It was as if he had just let go and disappeared.

Inside the cinema.

Su Nuo and Xi Ling were sitting in their seats. Su Nuo was holding a big bag of popcorn in her hands and would occasionally put it in Xi Ling's mouth. Every time, Xi Ling would intentionally bite Su Nuo's finger, making Su Nuo glare at him fiercely.

The film was on the third D version of Titanic, and when put in the place of sorrow, it caused many people to cry. Su Nuo looked at it and cried as well.

"Idiot woman, will you cry if I die?" Xi Ling gave her sleeve to Su Nuo, allowing her to wipe away her tears and mucus.

"Don't speak nonsense." Su Nuo suddenly stared at him very seriously.

"I was just assuming. Don't be angry, I will definitely accompany you for a lifetime. I will definitely die later than you, so that you won't be lonely anymore." In the dark light, there was no sign of the naked sadness of Xiling.

"In the future, I can't even make assumptions." Su Nuo spoke seriously.

"Alright, I won't say anything about it in the future." Xi Ling pulled Su Nuo into his embrace and asked gently, "Idiot girl, have you fallen in love with me?"

Su Nuo sniffed. "You didn't even manage to catch up to me. You're still missing ninety-nine paper cranes."

The corners of Xi Ling's mouth drooped. Ninety-nine paper cranes. Did he still have time? No, stupid woman. He didn't have time to waste with her. He thought he would be able to waste his entire life with her, but it turned out that he couldn't afford to waste even a single minute! He listened to the idiot woman saying, I love you. It was just a sentence, not much, but it was very extravagant.

After the movie ended, Xi Ling brought Su Nuo to the store.

"How is it? Do you have a sense of accomplishment?" Xiling continued to hold Suño's hand.

"What sense of accomplishment?" Sue looked around the coffee shop, baffled.

"You're the boss here!" He used his eyes to signal Su Nuo, "This is all your territory."

Su Nuo was amused. "Do you think I'm a gangster and want to return my territory to me?"

Xi Ling suddenly hugged Su Nuo from behind. Su Nuo panicked a little. "Hey, this is a public place. Stop messing around and let go of me."

Xi Ling hugged even more tightly, as if there was no one around. "Remember, this place is yours. It's all yours." A customer came in from the outside and could not help but look at Xi Ling with eyes full of envy. Xiling smiled back.

Actually, it would be great if he could make people jealous for the rest of their lives.

Su Nuo saw that she didn't understand Xi Ling, so she could only shamelessly let him hug her. "Do you feel that you've become especially sticky these past few days?"

Xi Ling nodded his head and whispered into Su Nuo's ear, "Do you know what this means?"

"What other representative?" Su Nuo was curious.

"That means I love you even more. I love you so much that I want to cling onto you and pester you at all times." Su Nuo's face turned slightly red. If this was the past Xi Ling, she would definitely not say these words. She would even say them in such a gentle manner. It was just that — if that was the case, then Su Nuo really wanted to hear it. Every time she heard it, she would feel a warm feeling in her heart.

The sky gradually darkened and the stars appeared. Xiling set up a transparent tent on the top floor of the coffee shop. Lying inside, he could clearly see the night sky. Su Nuo lay in Xiling's arms, looking up.

"Beautiful?" Xiling asked.

"Right." Su Nuo nodded. Suddenly, a meteor streaked past. Su Nuo quickly closed her eyes and made a wish. God, please let her and Xiling be like this for the rest of their lives.

Just like that, Xi Ling looked at Su Nuo sincerely praying and softly said, "Idiot woman, I want to live with you forever."

However, he didn't know if this sentence was a wish or if it was for him to hear.

Su Nuo opened her eyes and said brightly, "Is this what you wish for?" Same as hers.

Xi Ling pulled his hands together and pressed Su Nuo tightly against his chest. "Yes, this is the only wish of my life."

"Impossible." Su Nuo didn't believe it.

"Really." His voice was so low, yet so unspeakably convincing.

Su Nuo was stunned and hugged him. "I believe you." Xiling, she thought she was beginning to like him, and —

Early in the morning, Su Nuo was still sound asleep. Xiling had already driven out.

In the office. Wu Xi and Xi Ling sat facing each other.

"Is that true?" A look of disbelief appeared on Wu Xi's face.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who jokes about this sort of thing?" Xi Ling had a faint smile on his face. However, he was certain that at this moment, he would absolutely not truly laugh.

"Then what are you going to do? Did you tell Su Nuo? " Wu Xi had actually helped Xiling quite a bit in this escape plan.

"Do you think I'll tell her?" Ziling asked.

Wu Xi awkwardly smiled. This extremely arrogant character didn't even need to think about this possibility.

"Then you are not going to receive treatment either." This time it was a tone of certainty.

"I don't want to end up like that."

"I know a very good doctor, or —"

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to hang myself in one house?" Xi Ling's eyelids drooped. "I've also sought out powerful experts." He paused. "It's too late."

Wu Xi didn't say anything. Suddenly, the office became much quieter.

"What do you want me to help you with? Let's be friends, I'll definitely help you." Wu Xi looked at the Western Tomb.

"Two things."

"Which two?"

"First, after I die, you have to protect that idiot woman well in the dark. No matter where I do business, I have to have power. I don't want to sell my coffee shop, that was a dream I gave her, so I hope she can continue to run it." The sadness in Xi Ling's eyes was not concealed at all.

"This is a small matter. As long as I am here, I will definitely protect her."

"The second item, help me leak this information to Bei Chenghan, and then — pass it to Eastvictor."

Duke Dong, he must have recovered his memories! If it was him, he would definitely be able to stubbornly guard this idiotic woman for the rest of his life! Unexpectedly, the tides had turned and it was his turn to count on the East Duke. As Xi Ling thought this, the bitterness in his mouth almost overflowed.

"You …" Wu Xi wanted to say something but hesitated.

"I have my plans." He then stood up, "I'm leaving." Wu Xi looked at Xi Ling's leaving figure and heavily sighed. At that time, he was such a proud person when he saw Xi Ling. He was still muddle-headed when he liked someone, but he didn't know that it was love. And now — in fact, there were many things they couldn't compare it to before, because only things were different.

For more than ten days, Xiling brought Su Nuo around to create memories.

"Idiot woman, I've discovered that ever since I've been with you, I've become more and more vulgar." Xi Ling hugged Su Nuo as he sat on his bed and spoke while watching the moonlight.

"What do you mean?" Su Nuo was dissatisfied.

"What I mean is —" Xi Ling dragged his voice long. Suddenly, a small box appeared out of nowhere and placed in front of Su Nuo. "I want you to marry me." As he said that, he opened the box and two exquisite rings laid there quietly.

Su Nuo was stunned.

"In the past, I always thought that I couldn't buy a ring for the person I love like an ordinary person, while using this useless method to tightly wrap the other half by my side. However, I realized that the current me can't do that, no matter how old or foolish this method is, I still want to do this." Xi Ling gently looked at Su Nuo. "I want to keep you by my side for the rest of my life."

Su Nuo's eyes suddenly turned red.

"I'm so selfish that I want to take you for myself. I want you to only have me in your heart, to only love me, to only cry for me, to laugh by yourself, to only want to live with me for the rest of your life. Idiot woman, do you know?"

Tears flowed uncontrollably down his face. Su Nuo hurriedly wiped them away and said, "Do you think I'm so easy to catch up to? Don't forget that you're still 90 or so paper cranes away. Only after the collection will you be qualified to propose to me."

"Okay, whatever you say is what it is. But you keep this first." He was afraid that he wouldn't have the chance to give it to an idiot woman again.

"Alright, then I'll reluctantly keep it for you. Remember to work hard to get the remaining paper crane in your hand." Sue laughed and cried.

"So ugly." Xiling helped Zonuo dry her tears. I'm sorry, stupid woman. Originally, he only wanted to make her laugh for his entire life, but it seems like he would have to make her cry after all.

"Oh right, idiot woman, I did something today. I think you should give me a paper crane." Xi Ling said mysteriously.


"Naw —" Xi Ling handed Su Nuo a stack of papers.

Su Nuo took it and looked at it. "Why did you transfer all your property to me? I don't want it. "

"Of course it's to express my sincerity. Also, since you took my money, I won't worry about you escaping with others. I will do everything I can to not let you leave me, and only love me." Xi Ling once again placed a stack of papers into Su Nuo's hands and tightly held her. Idiot woman, he didn't want to see her wander helplessly around the streets looking for work, because he would never again drive a car to her side and take her home as a nanny. He can't do it anymore, you know?

"Nutjob." Su Nuo cursed softly.

"Idiot woman, I will be with you every New Year's Eve in the future." In the sky with her.

"Got it, got it." Su Nuo pretended to be impatient, but the corner of her mouth rose.

Only, when Beichen came to the United States and appeared in the house, Su Nuo didn't notice that when the gunshot rang out, Su Nuo was stunned.

The sound of gunshots rang out.

Just like that, Su Nuo stared at the snow-white shirt of Xi Ling that was stained with Yin Hong's blood, and then flowed down along the shirt all the way to the ground. She had picked the shirt herself, washed it herself, ironed it herself, and helped him put it on.

Bei Chenghan still wanted to shoot, but the bullet inside the gun was gone. He threw the gun to the ground. Xi Ling fell towards Beichen, and used his last bit of strength to whisper into his ear in a voice that only Beichen Han could hear: "Beichen han, thank you for making this idiot woman completely fall in love with me. Oh right, I purposely let you kill me, because I have a brain tumor."

"What did you say?" Bei Chenghan's pupils dilated.

"Beichen, you are really pitiful, but this time, you will forever lose your idiotic woman." Xi Ling had a strong smile on his face. He looked at Bei Chenghan with a gaze full of ridicule and victory.

Bei Chen Han threw Xi Ling onto the ground, his eyes red: "Impossible, impossible, I will not lose Xiao'er, Xiao'er is mine, it can only be mine."

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