A large group of people arrived at the hunting grounds, causing the previously empty area to become somewhat crowded. However, this was only limited to the entrance of the hunting grounds.

Beichen sat on the seat that he had prepared, he said to the group of young men: "This year, you must also let me see who fought the most." He then laughed, as if the words were a simple joke, and did not mean what he said.

Everyone in the audience said it was true, except for Su Nuo, who seemed out of place among them. She was like a little white rabbit that was about to be devoured by a wild beast, as pitiful as she was, and as helpless as she was.

Bei Chen Han did not say much to Su Nuo, but he was not as angry as he was just now. He only helped Su Nuo onto the horse and followed the group of people into the forest.

As soon as the group entered the woods, they dispersed like beasts. Not a single trace was to be found. Su Nuo did not know how to ride a horse. This was the first time she rode a horse, so she could only tightly hold onto the reins. Her face was pale and she did not dare to move.

There was only her and Bei Chen Han left. Su Nuo wanted to speak, but before she could do so, Bei Chen Han had already kicked his horse's belly, leaving Su Nuo alone on the ground.

A gust of wind blew past, causing Su Nuo to shudder involuntarily. Looking in the direction that Bei Chen Han had left in, she couldn't even see a trace of him.

Everything seemed to have stopped. It was so painful that Su Nuo could not speak. At the same time, there were no tears. She could only sit on the horse stiffly.

The horse did not feel Su Nuo's fear at all, but fortunately, it was not as impudent as before. Instead, it was a relatively docile horse, and Su Nuo did not care about it.

Sue got off the horse. She was miserable but scared. She didn't know what was in the forest, but her master had told her before that hunting grounds like this existed even for ferocious beasts, such as tigers and wolves. Thinking of this, Su Nuo felt her hands begin to tremble unobediently.

She was truly afraid, especially since the horse was walking deeper and deeper into the forest. It was getting darker inside, and she could not hear a single sound, let alone see a human figure.

Suddenly, from who knows where, there came a sound of rustling. Su Nuo's entire body was lifted up like a startled little bird. She could not get any more. Any more and she would have completely collapsed.

But very quickly, the sound disappeared completely. Su Nuo couldn't help but suspect that it was just a phantom image that she was too afraid of.

However, what she did not know was that right behind her, there was a black-clothed person barbed into a large tree, and a silver arrow was aimed at her back. If she only needed a single arrow like that, she would definitely die, because the direction of that arrow was no different than Su Nuo's heart.

The man in black released his grip on the arrow and shot it towards Su Nuo. In the nick of time, the arrow was actually cut off by a small stone that pierced through the rock, but the horse was sensitive to the danger and immediately ran deeper into the forest as if it had received some sort of stimulation. Su Nuo was so frightened that she pulled on the reins with all her might, barely able to avoid falling down from the top.

Seeing that he did not succeed, the man in black changed his posture, leaped up, about to catch up, but just as he leaped up, his body was ruthlessly kicked by the approaching Duke of Bei Chen. The man in black clutched his chest and fell to the ground, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

There was no trace of a smile on the Duke's face, only a simple coldness. He stared at the man in black on the ground, "Was it my father who asked you to kill Xiao Nuo?" That tone was full of certainty.

The man in black lowered his head in silence.

Lord Beichen snorted coldly, "You think I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me?" His sharp eyes wandered between his sword and the man in black, "This time I won't kill you, I want you to go back and tell my royal father that if he still wants to touch Little Nuo, then let him step on my corpse, otherwise — —" The Beichen laughed coldly, "Don't let him waste his efforts."

The man in black was stunned. Lord Beichen said, "Get out of here." The man in black hurriedly stood up and left in a sorry state.

Seeing the man in black leave, Lord Bei Chen turned around and headed in the direction Su Nuo disappeared in.

As the horse kept running, Su Nuo felt uncomfortable from the top and bottom of the horse, and even the sense of touch was slowly becoming unreal. Just as she was distracted, the horse suddenly came to a screeching stop, and Su Nuo was thrown straight out, landing heavily on the ground.

The intense pain caused Su Nuo to be unable to distinguish which direction was which. She could only watch as the horse ran back even more crazily than before.

Su Nuo frowned in pain. While rubbing her hands, she sat up, but no matter how painful it was, she had finally dismounted. Just as she was about to stand up, she heard a roar resounding in her ears. The roar was so powerful that it made all the birds and beasts in the forest fly up in fright.

Just like that, Su Nuo turned around and saw a strong and ferocious tiger standing behind her. Seeing her turn around, he let out another roar.

Boom — —

Su Nuo's mind was blank. There was nothing there. She just lay there limply on the ground, unable to move.

Su Nuo finally understood what it meant to be afraid. She couldn't think of anything, and she couldn't run away. She could only follow the fear and wait for her death.

The tiger seemed to have been hungry for a long time. Looking at Su Nuo, its sharp teeth filled mouth was constantly dripping with saliva, and its originally crouching body was now slowly standing up. In an instant, the shadow had completely covered Su Nuo, causing Su Nuo to not even be able to breathe.

There was a heart-wrenching feeling in his body, as if he was going crazy, but Su Nuo just couldn't let it out.

When the big tiger walked into Su Nuo, its coarse tongue started licking Su Nuo's face, and bit by bit, the saliva all over her face.


The tiger seemed to have not expected Su Nuo to act like this and made Su Nuo run a few steps forward. Then the tiger pounced towards Su Nuo agilely, effortlessly knocking Su Nuo to the ground, as if it was blaming itself for underestimating Su Nuo. The tiger opened its mouth and bit down, causing Su Nuo's right shoulder to bleed profusely.

Su Nuo was only a weak girl, but after enduring such pain, she immediately fainted.

Just as the tiger was about to bite down on Su Nuo's neck, Duke Bei Chen's sword pierced down from above, directly into the tiger's back.

The sudden sneak attack angered the tiger, causing it to rush forward. Duke Bei Chen picked up Su Nuo, who was on the ground, but had no time to dodge. The tiger slammed his back with force, and the sound of ribs breaking could be heard.

When Yan Qingcheng rushed over, what she saw was precisely this scene. When the Duke of Northern Chen saw her, he tossed Su Nuo over to her and said, "Bring Little Nuo out." He paused for a moment before saying, "No, send little Nuo to Bei Chenghan's side."

Yan Qingcheng did not seem to care about Su Nuo at all. She wanted to help the Duke of Bei Chen, but the Duke of Bei Chen, upon seeing this, snapped sternly, "Hurry and go!" Those eyes were full of hostility, devoid of any trace of humanity.

Yan Qingcheng froze as she picked up Su Nuo and said, "My prince, I'll be right back." As he spoke, he used the fastest Qing Gong to leave.

Watching his food leaving, the tiger grimaced in pain, and his attack on Duke Bei Chen became more and more ferocious. In addition to the fact that the sword in his hand had fallen far away while protecting Su Nuo, he didn't even use his bare hands to fight the tiger. Not only did he not reach the peak, his wounds that had started to heal a little while ago also opened up once again.

But Duke Bei Chen was not Su Nuo, and it was not easy for the tiger to harm him, so the tiger found an opportunity and opened its mouth wide, and bit on the side of the noble's waist. Duke Bei Chen's reaction was fast, and kicked away the tiger, but a piece of flesh was still ripped off the side of his waist.

Not only did the tiger not give up, its offense was even fiercer. The noble clutched his wound and took another bite, viciously biting his right leg, causing it to bleed profusely.

The tiger still wanted to attack, its sharp teeth fiercely biting on the shoulder of the Duke of Northern Chen. As long as the tiger used a little more strength, its entire arm would be gone. The Duke of Beichen's eyes were filled with a cold look. He grabbed the tiger's head with both his hands, ignoring the blood that was flowing like a spring, and said word by word, "I can't die yet. If I die, Little Nuo will have no one to protect him anymore." As he spoke, he grabbed the tiger and slammed it into a large tree. The tree actually fell down and let out a rumbling sound.

The tiger seemed to have been knocked unconscious, Duke Bei Chen jumped up, took the sword from the ground, and quickly stabbed the tiger with a ruthless force. It was as if the sword was not a sword, but a brush, and it was just casually drawing something on the paper.

At first, the tiger was still struggling fiercely, but gradually, it stopped struggling. Even its voice died down.

Hot blood sprayed onto the viscount's face. It was a shocking bright red color. It was impossible to tell that the viscount was a good-looking person.

The tiger did not move, not even a twitch. Duke Bei Chen was lying on the tiger's body, holding his sword, gasping for breath, the blood on his body mixed with the tiger's blood, perhaps no one would be able to recognize that this was the coquettish third prince – Duke Bei Chen.

Duke Bei Chen got off the tiger's body, and used one hand to cover his wound, while the other hand to support the tree. Before he could take a step forward, he fainted, and the red blood instantly dyed the clean grass red.

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