Su Nuo's heart was beating rapidly. She knew that tonight, those words would definitely be said. She would definitely say them.

The heavy sounds of horse steps were exceptionally clear in the quiet night.

Bei Chenghan looked at the large courtyard not far away with an indescribable iciness in his eyes. Behind him was a group of guards.

Su Nuo's face began to pale. Her heart was in pain because she knew that soon, tonight, she would hurt this person heavily again. Because of that sentence, that sentence was filled with deep emotion and sadness, so she had no choice but to clearly explain it to this person.

"Little Nuo, come with me, don't follow that ice face anymore, don't, he will only hurt you, he will never properly love you, little Nuo, okay, we are like that old couple on the mountain, no one can find us." The Duke of Beichen kept begging again and again.

Bei Chen Han dismounted his horse, and when he walked to the door, he heard the Duke of Northern Chen's words, and his steps suddenly stopped.

A large group of guards outside had already surrounded the courtyard. Even a fly would not be able to fly away.

Su Nuo turned his head away, not looking at Duke Bei Chen's expression. Closing his eyes, he said very clearly, "Third Marquis, you know, I cannot leave with you, because I fell in love with you a long time ago."

Bei Chenghan stood outside the door with a gentle expression on his face. Because he hadn't had a care in the world for a long time, his handsome face had taken on a different look.

I know, I know, but I don't mind, little Nuo, I don't mind anything, as long as little Nuo follows me, I don't mind anything, little Nuo, I love you, ever since the first time I saw little Nuo, I've been in love, it's been seven years, little Nuo, I love you, I love you, so, come with me! The Duke of Beichen buried his face in Su Nuo's neck.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and Beichen pulled Su Nuo into his arms with a dark expression. He looked at the Beichen in disdain, "But I don't love you, and I won't go with you."

The Duke of Northern Chen didn't refute what he used to do. He just looked at Su Nuo, waiting for her reply.

Su Nuo did not expect her master to appear at this time, and her entire person froze in shock, staring blankly at Bei Chen Han.

The Duke of Beichen's eyes were so sorrowful that tears seemed to be falling from the corners of his eyes as he looked at Su Nuo.

Bei Chen Han held Su Nuo tightly in his embrace, just like a treasure he had lost, so precious.

"Nore, let's go home." Saying that, he did not look at the Viscount and turned to leave.

Only when Bei Chen Han was carrying him away did Su Nuo remember Lord Bei Chen. Turning her head, she could only see his sorrow that was like flowing water. Even this momentary gentleness was unable to make up for it.

At that moment, his heart was in uncontrollable pain.

Su Nuo finally turned her face away and slowly closed her eyes.

She had hurt him badly after all. She did it again and again, and it never stopped.

So deep, so deep, yet she still forcefully stabbed the knife into this person's heart, she still did it.

She could see that person's eyes were tearing up and that person was bleeding. It was so painful!

But she was still as cruel as ever.

"Icemountain Face, you have to treat Little Nuo well. If you treat Little Nuo badly, I'll definitely snatch Little Nuo back." Suddenly, Duke Bei Chen's voice came from behind.

Bei Chenghan turned around and said coldly, "Impossible." As he spoke, he carried Su Nuo onto the horse.

Tears finally rolled down her cheeks. This person, what kind of level was he going to reach, and what kind of level was he going to reach for a cruel person like her?

She was so selfish and so bad. Why didn't she give up? Why didn't she give up?

Tears flowed down crazily, and his heart was in unbridled pain, but Su Nuo bit her lips tightly, not daring to make a sound.

This person, this person, just what should she do with him!?

What should I do!? The last layer of paper between them had already been broken. Why did this person still not give up? He should give up. He should hate her. He should hate her!

He had never wished for such a person to hate her so much, to hate her, to hate her.

Yet why did this person still love her? Even after she said that, he was still able to say such words.

Under the night sky, everything was enveloped in a layer of darkness, making it impossible to see clearly.

The Duke of Beichen stood at the door just like that, watching as the group walked further and further away in the darkness of the night. The watery moonlight covered his entire robe.

It was unknown when Yan Qingcheng had appeared behind him. She gently hugged him from behind and gently pressed against his back, "Your Highness, you still have me, Cheng'er, and Cheng'er."

Yan Qingcheng would no longer ask him why he did not bring Su Nuo away even though she knew Bei Chen Han had already found this place.

If he brought Su Nuo away, at least Bei Chen Han wouldn't be able to find him in such a short amount of time, perhaps, for the rest of his life.

Why, why did he not give Su Nuo any water to drink, making her forget about Bei Chen Han, why, in fact, there were many ways to keep Su Nuo by his side, many many ways, but none of them worked, it just made him feel even more miserable, and his injuries were even worse.

And all these answers were the same, only because he loved Su Nuo very much.

So, even though the pain was so great that he couldn't breathe, he still indulged everything in Su Nuo.

Including her — in love with someone else.

Su Nuo buried her face in Bei Chen Han's embrace, her fingers tightly grabbing onto his clothes. With such strength, it was as though she wanted to deeply carve this person into her heart.

Bei Chen Han hugged Su Nuo tightly, "Xiao'er, it's alright. I won't let anyone take you away from me anymore." Bei Chen Han said, his face was filled with determination.

Su Nuo did not speak. Her master could take her again, return to her master's side, and feel her master's warm embrace, all of this was already extravagant, but after knowing that person's thoughts, from this moment onwards, how could she be able to peacefully stay by her master's side and enjoy such selfish feelings?

Thus, Su Nuo, who had been immersed in the sorrowful feelings of the Duke, did not find anything amiss, all the way to the Royal Mansion.

Housekeeper Zhou saw that Beichen carrying Su Nuo in, and his entire body relaxed. At least for a short period of time, nothing would happen. Of course, this was just Housekeeper Zhou's wish, but it did not come true.

"Nore." The moment the two of them returned to the main room, Bei Chen Han hugged Su Nuo tightly, and then madly kissed the two of them from all directions.

Su Nuo was dumbfounded. The thoughts about the Duke of Bei Chen were completely shattered as well, and she just stood there blankly, allowing Bei Chen Han to kiss her.

Beichen's kiss was very urgent, it felt like someone who had been thirsty for a long time, seeing the lake water, he just wolfed it down.

"Nore." Bei Chenghan kissed and shouted out Su Nuo's name. That scorching feeling burned Su Nuo to death.

His large palm had already untied Su Nuo's dress, and he couldn't wait to caress her smooth skin. Su Nuo couldn't help but tremble slightly, and her consciousness immediately returned.

How could her master be here now — but was it not meant to punish her?

Before Su Nuo could even think about it, Beichen had already kissed Su Nuo's lips again, allowing it to grow deeper. This action of his caused Su Nuo to have an illusion, as if she was the master's most precious treasure, and this treasure was retrieved.

"Nore, you're mine, you're mine." Bei Chen Han pressed Su Nuo down on the bed and stared straight into Su Nuo's eyes, repeating the same action again and again.

Su Nuo could not help but be stunned. She had never seen a master like this before.

His heart was beating rapidly from these words. He was in high spirits.

Actually, it wasn't that her master hadn't said that, it was just that she didn't know why, it was clearly the same words. At this very moment, while her master was taking over her, he was also looking into her eyes.

Su Nuo stretched out her hands and placed them on Bei Chen Han's neck, saying gently and obediently: "Xiao'er belongs to master, Xiao'er belongs to master only."

Bei Chen Han's black eyes flashed with joy. Su Nuo could clearly see it, and he reached out his hand to caress Su Nuo's face, "Xiao'er, my Nuo'er is the most obedient. In the future, no one will be able to take you away from me, never again … …" When Bei Chen Han said these words, his eyes were filled with coldness.

As he said that, that kiss fell once more, and he sped up. After reaching the peak, he continued to hug Su Nuo tightly.

Su Nuo's eyes instantly widened. Just now, her master did not ask her to turn around, nor did he call her elder sister when she was almost here, treating her as if she was his elder sister.

At this moment, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself. His master was actually hugging him like that.

And then the tears came, straight, running down her cheeks, soaking into the pillow.

In this situation, she could only smile and laugh to show how happy she was. She was so happy that even she couldn't believe it was real. Her master actually didn't treat her as a substitute for his sister.

Bei Chen Han hugged Su Nuo as if he was protecting his most important thing. His lips gently caressed Su Nuo's ear as he repeated with a bewitching voice, "Nore, Nore."

"Nore is here." Su Nuo tightly held onto the blanket under her, trying her best to make her voice sound normal.

She did not know why her master did not call out his elder sister's name this time, nor did he use her as his sister's substitute. She only knew that this kind of thing that she had never dared to hope for had actually happened.

That was the only way, and that was the only way.

Only, with her — That's enough.

Bei Chenhan raised his head, "Xiao'er, why are you crying? Did I hurt you?"

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