A faint fragrance filled Su Nuo's nose with a hint of warmth, but her heart was currently suffering. Half of it was ice, the other half was fire, but looking at the porridge that was brought to her mouth, Su Nuo finally opened her mouth and drank it all.

Bei Chen Han watched as Su Nuo finished the congee, and smiled in satisfaction: "This is how I should behave."

Su Nuo just smiled. Her heart was warm, and her heart was full of pain and blood.

Actually, she really wanted to ask what kind of person she, this Su Nuo, was in the eyes of her master right now, or rather, just who she was.

But ah, even if she didn't ask this question, she knew it very well. No matter which Taoist it was, or her own heart, she had already revealed this answer to her.

Thus, from beginning to end, Su Nuo had been quiet, meekly allowing Bei Chen Han to feed her the congee. From beginning to end, she had only been smiling gently.

Perhaps, she was already beginning to feel unsatisfied.

Perhaps this would be the beginning of her true tragedy.

After the two had eaten their fill, Bei Chen Han changed their dirty clothes and hugged Su Nuo before going back to bed.

The autumn wind outside was blowing lightly, causing the maple leaves to rustle and fall. It was as if blood was being poured, as if the maple leaves were crying.

As for the two people in the room, they just slept together. No, it wasn't really a hug, and Bei Chen Han's strength in holding onto Su Nuo was as strong as ever, as if he was afraid that the moment he let go, Su Nuo would disappear.

Su Nuo was truly exhausted; otherwise, with her current state of mind, she wouldn't be able to sleep at all. However, she was glad that she fell asleep. Otherwise, even if she faced her master simply, it would be indescribably painful.

However, even though Su Nuo was asleep, she was still not at ease. Su Nuo dreamt of the past. He dreamt of when he was fifteen years old, hiding in the distance and looking at the owner of the peach blossom tree. At that time, the light pink petals floated down and fell onto the master's body and to his feet.

At that time, she really wanted to walk up and hold her master in her arms. But before she could even take a step forward, she heard her elder sister's name being called out from her master's mouth.

Actually, no matter when it was, she would always be jealous of her elder sister. How could she not be jealous of her elder sister? In the past, there was warmth from home.

Even in the future, what big sister has, she still has nothing!

Su Nuo woke up from her dream. As she turned her head, she saw the pitter-patter of autumn rain outside. It was light and soothing.

Su Nuo laughed. She really wasn't a good slave girl.

"What are you laughing at, Nobian?" Suddenly, Bei Chen Han's voice was heard.

Su Nuo was slightly surprised, but then looked towards the recovered Bei Chen Han, gently shaking her head: "It's just that I haven't seen rain for a long time."

Beichen scratched Su Nuo's nose lovingly, "If Nou'er likes it, I can always accompany her to watch it."

Su Nuo smiled gently and amiably, neither nodding nor shaking her head.

No matter how unqualified she was as a female slave, no matter how greedy she became, she still knew the naked outcome in the future, and she knew it better than anyone else. Thus, there were many things that she could not allow herself to hope for.

In the past, she didn't understand, she just thought that as long as she could obtain more of her master's gentleness, she would be even more content, and everything would be understood only when she truly possessed it. Actually, it wasn't.

They would want to monopolize their master for the rest of their lives.

Su Nuo laughed. She had become so scary, and now she had such a thought. How terrifying!

Beichen dotingly kissed Su Nuo: "Look how you're giggling, even hearing the sound of the rain can make you laugh like this, and you're not even looking at me, I look so much better than that Rain." Bei Chen Han turned Su Nuo's face towards him.

Su Nuo coordinated with him and turned around to look at his increasingly handsome face. With a gentle glow in her eyes, she said, "That's right. Han Bi Yu is prettier than the rain. He's prettier than all the other things in the world."

After hearing what Su Nuo said, Bei Chen Han started to feel a bit unnatural. Su Nuo smiled as she caressed Bei Chen Han's face, should she tell him that this time she was worth it, although from the beginning the master did not know who Su Nuo was, and perhaps the one the master saw was always the elder sister, but looking at the master with such a different expression, and personally feeling the master's love, was it enough, worth it?

Su Nuo laughed so hard that her eyebrows furrowed. "Han, do you want to try again?"

She could not bear to see her master suffer, not even the slightest bit. However, she still knew that her master wanted the world. If one day did not return to normal, then one day would be painful for her master.

Beichen nodded, he paused for a moment and then said to Su Nuo, "Xiao'er, I will accompany you to watch the rain next time."

Su Nuo stood up, smiling as she helped Bei Chen Han put on his clothes.

This time, Su Nuo accompanied Bei Chen Han to the cave. The Daoist leader had already brought the young Daoist to wait there. Bei Chen Han held Su Nuo's hand and said, "Xiao'er, you can go back now."

Su Nuo did not expect Bei Chen Han to say this, she was shocked.

Bei Chen Han said: "Xiao'er, I don't want to hurt you, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself when the time comes." He remembered that day when he couldn't control himself, and the only thing he was glad about that day was that he recognized Su Nuo and didn't hurt her.

Su Nuo nodded meekly. "Xiao'er will be waiting for you when we return."

Bei Chen Han nodded and watched Su Nuo leave.

Su Nuo had always been an obedient slave, especially when it came to her master. No matter what, she would listen to him.

The Daoist bowed to Beichen and said, "Second Prince, in view of the accident last time, I did not make proper arrangements. This time, I will personally watch over Second Prince to overcome the effects."

Bei Chenhan only nodded his head and entered the cave.

Suño tried to keep her mind blank, to think of nothing, for if she did, even she was afraid that she would lose control of herself as her master had.

As the rain continued to fall, Su Nuo continued walking with her umbrella in hand. Suddenly, she stopped.

He saw Ning Fei standing in the rain without any cover. Her clothes were soaked and dripping with rain. Her delicate face had turned pale from the rain for so long. She looked like she could fall at any moment.

Only then did Su Nuo suddenly remember that a few days ago a young Daoist boy had told her that Ning Fei was waiting for her here.

Su Nuo's eyes widened. She didn't bother about the umbrella as she ran in front of Ning Fei. "You, are you alright?"

When Ning Fei saw that it was Su Nuo, she looked at her with an aggrieved expression before she collapsed in front of Su Nuo.

This sudden turn of events frightened Su Nuo to death. She quickly squatted on the ground to try and calm down, "Ning Fei, wake up. "Wake up!" Ning Fei didn't react at all.

Actually, it was no wonder. He was just a malnourished half-grown boy. He had been waiting for a long time with a tough steamed bun that blew in the wind and rain. Moreover, he was a stubborn kid who didn't know how to take care of himself.

Su Nuo wanted to call for help, but when she looked back, the guards had followed her into the cave. No one could help her in this short period of time. She gritted her teeth and dragged Ning Fei back to her room.

Although Ning Fei was a child, he was still a man no matter what. Su Nuo dragged him back to the room with much difficulty. Su Nuo was panting heavily as water dripped from the wet clothes of the teenager on the floor. Her face was pale and her heart was in pain.

Thinking of this, Su Nuo quickly took Bei Chen Han's clothes to change into them for Ning Fei, but she stopped midway. No matter how many times she had slept with her master, she had only served him once, and no one else had done so.

Even if he thought a bit further, it would be like having a third prince, but —

No matter what Su Nuo thought, her hand still wouldn't let go.

Suddenly, Su Nuo looked at Ning Fei's face and thought of Duke Bei Chen. The Third Marquis, who had been pestering her since she was young, and had always been shamelessly laughing at her, was actually just silently sacrificing money for her and suffering alone. Thinking of this, Su Nuo's heart unconsciously started to twitch in pain, and he muttered to himself, "Why must you suffer?"

Once again, he looked at Ning Fei, who was on the ground, and this time Su Nuo reached out her hand and took off his clothes. Su Nuo looked at Ning Fei, who was on the ground, and this time, Su Nuo reached out her hand, taking off his clothes, although she was thinking about something, and even if she was half a child, she was still a man.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, Ning Fei looked at Su Nuo and asked.

Su Nuo was shocked, but when she saw Ning Fei staring at her, and she was taking off his clothes, her face turned red. She wanted to explain, but she couldn't say a single word.

"You have to take responsibility." Ning Fei said.

Su Nuo's face was completely red.

Although Ning Xuemo's expression was a little unnatural, she still looked straight into Su Nuo's eyes. "Take off my clothes, you have to take responsibility."

This time, Su Nuo's eyes widened in disbelief. When she finally reacted, she waved her hands and shook her head. "I, I just wanted to help you change your clothes. Your clothes are wet."

Ning Fei looked at Su Nuo with her usual unruly expression, "You looked at my body, so you have to take responsibility."

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