Su Nuo lowered her head and replied softly, "Yes, Master."

Bei Chen Han frowned slightly and took out a signal detonator. He placed it in mid-air and the light blue smoke instantly filled the air. Bei Chen Han then headed down the mountain.

Su Nuo followed closely behind.

Spirit Mountain was very high. Su Nuo had already known this long ago. However, she had never expected it to be so difficult even when descending the mountain.

Su Nuo's strength was only recovering temporarily, not only did she have to go down the mountain, she also had to follow Bei Chen Han's steps closely, it was extremely difficult, very quickly, Su Nuo's strength was almost depleted, his face gradually became pale, but she still tried her best to follow Bei Chen Han, but no matter how hard she tried, the distance between them continued to increase, and it continued to increase.

Su Nuo panicked. This kind of distance made her feel an unbearable pain. Although she tried her best not to investigate why pulling back would make her feel so uncomfortable, as the distance between them continued to increase, the piercing pain became more and more intense.

Due to the fast pace and the luggage on his shoulders, Su Nuo could be said to be exhausted at this moment. It was just that the mountain path had just begun.

Suddenly, both his legs violently trembled. Su Nuo's body went soft and she was about to fall down.

Spirit Mountain was not only very high, but the terrain was also very steep and the stone steps were naturally the same. Thus, no one would come to the Spirit Mountain at this time.

Su Nuo's current fall was definitely not a simple one. She would have rolled down from this incredibly high Spiritual Mountain. If she had already reached the foot of the mountain, it would have been fine. However, at this height, she would definitely not have any chance of survival.

Su Nuo's jaw dropped. She could only watch as her body continued to fall, but not a single word came out of her mouth.

Su Nuo thought, it seemed that she was going to die this time, so she closed her eyes out of habit.

If she were to look from such a high vantage point, she would still be afraid. Thus, Su Nuo felt that if she closed her eyes, she wouldn't be afraid anymore, right?

However, the pain of the ground colliding with the ground and then rolling down had yet to come. Su Nuo was slightly hesitant.

Bei Chen Han had been holding onto Su Nuo's clothes, and snorted coldly. He looked at Su Nuo with eyes full of ridicule: "What, Su Nuo, you also want to come and play to get this king's pity?"

The cold words were like water that poured into his heart, watering the bottom of his feet. Su Nuo opened her eyes and took in the sight of Bei Chen Han's mockery. She could not utter a word of explanation, as if her throat did not belong to her anymore.

Bei Chenghan threw Su Nuo onto the stone steps and just stood there, looking down coldly at Su Nuo who was slumped on the stone steps. "I'll tell you, Su Nuo, you are only a female slave of this king. You should understand what you should and shouldn't think about." With that, he walked down the stairs without even looking back.

His back was still the same, and he was also the same person.

As Su Nuo looked at him, her eyes were filled with sadness and foolishness.

The sun was setting in the west. In less than a day, things had changed, and he could no longer find the gentle feeling.

When she went up the mountain, it was her master who insisted on carrying her from the foot of the mountain all the way to the top. Her heart ached so much that she refused to obey.

Beneath the maple tree, her master held her and said that if she liked it, he would accompany her to see the stars in the future.

The broken white noodle, the master said, would be given to her later if she wanted to eat it!

The master said that when he was well, they would go anywhere she liked.

His master said that she was his and would stay by his side for the rest of her life.

Master also said that he liked her!

Everything was just like the scene from many years ago. It had an old and musty smell, but Su Nuo was happy to see it. It was just that in that one day, everything had changed.

The master said, "Do not use a trick."

Master said she was just a slave!

The master said--

Su Nuo closed her eyes and smiled softly. Fortunately, Master didn't say — Don't want her!

Isn't it!

This heart, after going back and forth and bleeding all over the floor, she still returned to her original spot. She could only smile and thank the heavens. Luckily, her master still wanted her.

Fortunately, her master still wanted hers!

Bei Chenghan suddenly stopped, but did not turn his head back, only coldly said: "Still not going?"

"Yes, Master." Su Nuo opened her eyes, struggled up from the stone steps, and walked down.

Yes, master!

Everything was back to normal. Yes, master, that was what she could say!

She, Su Nuo, had only had an incomparably luxurious dream. In the dream, there was an endless gentleness and an incomparable ruthlessness. When she woke up, she would laugh, she would cry, and she would even cry presumptuously.

Wake up. A dream. A drunken dream. She had to wake up. Wake up. She could only hide this dream and continue her hopeless love!


Su Nuo didn't know how she managed to make it to the foot of the mountain, but the facts proved that a person's potential was limitless. As long as they were forced to that extent, it was always possible.

The carriage stayed where it was, as if it had never left.

Bei Chen Han walked over, and did not get into the horse carriage. He just stood there, and the two men in black suddenly appeared in front of him, kneeling down and bowing respectfully at his feet.

Bei Chen Han responded with an indifferent tone, getting them to stand up and ask: "What's the matter?"

A black-clothed man replied, "Reporting to Your Highness, the Emperor is secretly dispersing His Highness' military power."

When Beichen heard this, he harrumphed coldly, his eyes filled with coldness.

Su Nuo paused. She knew that ever since her master had returned to normal, he had been in a bad mood. But as for the reason, she did not know.

But she did not expect that the relationship between the man and her master would become so bad. Suddenly, Su Nuo thought of the day when the master almost killed Beichen. At that time, their relationship should have already been completely torn apart!

Thinking of this, Su Nuo could not help but lower her head!

"Your Highness, what should we do?" the man in black asked.

Bei Chenghan smirked, "That old man wants to scatter this king's military power. Then let him be." He looked at one of the black-clothed men and said, "Tell them that they will know what to do." His eyes were filled with a light that said victory was in his grasp.

"Yes." The man in black saluted and left.

Bei Chen Han looked into the distance and suddenly asked: "Is that person here?"

"The letter says that they are already on their way here. It is very possible that they have already arrived here." After a pause, he said, "Do you want this subordinate to tell that person so Master can see that person?"

"There's no need. This King will head back after dealing with the things here." His gaze suddenly became distant. "It's the same when we go back."

"Yes." The black-clothed man nodded.

When Su Nuo heard this, she did not know what to say. However, she had never been curious about these things. A qualified female slave was not allowed to investigate her master's matters!

She had already failed in so many areas, now she had to bury that dream in the deepest part and try her best to become that qualified slave girl again.

Only this way could she stay by her master's side.

Bei Chenghan said: "Go and handle this matter properly. Do not leave any traces behind. "

"Yes." The moment the man in black finished his words, he had already gone up the mountain.

When Su Nuo came back to her senses, Bei Chen Han was already in the carriage. Su Nuo did not know what to do, and her master did not let her get in.

Bei Chen Han frowned: "Damn it, don't come up if you don't want to."

Su Nuo was stunned, she quickly got into the car and knelt in front of Bei Chen Han, saying in a low voice: "Nore knows his mistake."

Bei Chen Han just shot a cold glance, allowing Su Nuo to kneel down. He said to the coachman outside, "Go to the county." They did not speak again along the way!

The road was bumpy, and the carriage swayed violently along the way. When the hard template rubbed against his knees, the legs, which originally lacked strength, struggled even further as they knelt. Any carelessness would cause them to stumble and fall.

Su Nuo lowered her face and gritted her teeth, but did not fall down. The carriage was not big, so once Su Nuo fell down, he would definitely touch Bei Chen Han.

Thinking up to here, Su Nuo's chaotic spirit immediately became much more clear-headed. She once again straightened her back and just knelt there without moving.

Bei Chenghan did not have any expression on his face, but his eyes were cold, so it was not hard to see that he was not in a good mood right now.

The carriage traveled on like this for an unknown period of time. Fortunately, it wasn't too far from the county magistrate court.

When the carriage stopped, the mute coachman could not speak and could only wait outside to indicate that they had arrived.

Bei Chen Han lifted the curtain and looked out expressionlessly. His gaze fell on the old smell of the yamen, and he said lightly: "Go to the inn in front."

Hearing the order, the coachman immediately picked up the carriage and headed towards the inn in front of them. In a short while, they arrived at the inn.

Bei Chen Han did not say anything, but just coldly glanced at Su Nuo. Su Nuo immediately understood what he meant and obediently got off the carriage.

The sky had already completely darkened, so he could only rely on the bright lanterns.

Su Nuo and Zhen Bei Han walked into the inn. When the child saw Bei Chen Han's attire, he immediately came up to him with a smile, "Are you here to stay or to eat?"

"All of them." Bei Chen Han simply spat out two words.

The child hurriedly said, "Please take a seat in the private room upstairs." Then, he led the way for Beichen.

Bei Chen Han went upstairs, and Su Nuo followed with a lowered face and a backpack on her back.

Although Luo He City suffered from the flood, it was not too serious. These places were originally good for people to enjoy, or to be more accurate, the rich were just like before. The people who suffered the most were the poor.

Bei Chenhan sat down by the window of the private room. From start to finish, his expression had never relaxed.

Perhaps others would not be able to see it, but Su Nuo could tell that her master was still in a bad mood from start to finish.

Su Nuo couldn't figure out why, but she could faintly feel that it was due to this accident that delayed Master from many things, and also that the Emperor had finally made a move against Master.

No matter what, that person was still the master's biological father, so the feeling of his loved ones making a move on him must be unbearable!

In truth, Su Nuo was still quite smart and had guessed most of the things, but Su Nuo had never thought that these things would turn into such a cruel reality in the end and even drag her into it, causing so many people to die.

They were all people that truly cared about her.

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