Su Nuo's eyes widened. She hurriedly shook her head and said, "It's settled. Come, I'll bring you there." As he spoke, he pulled Su Nuo towards the back.

Su Nuo sneaked a peek at Bei Chen Han's face. Sure enough, her master was currently not looking well. Su Nuo said, "No need, I — —"

"Qian'Er is doing it for your own good. You can rest here." Bei Chen Han suddenly said, and perhaps others could not, but Su Nuo could hear the cold intent in his words.

Su Nuo could only nod in agreement. She didn't dare to say anything else, but she couldn't say anything either.

Bai Qian brought Su Nuo to her room and personally made her bed for Su Nuo to sleep in. Su Nuo looked at this scene and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. Although it was extremely minute, it was still there.

"Rest well and leave this place to your own home." Bai Qian smiled.

Su Nuo replied. Watching Bai Qian leave, Su Nuo felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

She looked around the room, it was still as delicate as it had been in the past. She had sneaked a peek into the room from behind the pile of grass, but at that time, she had never had the chance to enter it. This time, she came in and saw a room that was much better than what she had imagined.

Su Nuo thought, her sister would always be lucky, no matter if it was the time she got the love of her parents in the Su Palace, or the time she met her master in the Imperial Palace, or now, even if she was kidnapped and disappeared, she could still be lucky enough to be picked up by such a good person.

A sound came from outside the door, causing Su Nuo to freeze. She went to open the door, but the moment she saw Bei Chen Han, her thoughts froze.

Bei Chen Han coldly looked at Su Nuo without concealing his disgust: "Su Nuo, you better remember clearly what you said and shouldn't say. If I were to know that you told Qian'Er about getting married, I will definitely not forgive you."

Su Nuo's thoughts returned to normal. Lowering her head, she meekly said, "Nou'er will not say."

Bei Chen snorted coldly, turned around and left.

The door was opened. Outside was Xiao Se's and not far away was a big tree. It was still autumn, but it was not even late autumn yet, but the big tree was already completely withered. Not even a single leaf was left.

Su Nuo looked up and smiled softly. She thought to herself, "She is that tree. Before the winter arrived, it had already completely dried up. I can only wait for my death in the distance."

Su Nuo closed the door, turned around, and walked towards the bed, facing the elegant aroma in the room.

She had thought that at this point, she would feel endless fear, just like when her eyes were no longer visible. Or perhaps a few days ago, she thought that she would be able to find her elder sister, but she couldn't, as her master had left her alone in the inn.

It was just that there was no fear, no madness, only a hopelessness so strong that it suffocated her.

The end was already decided. Besides, Su Nuo had already said what her master had said earlier. Even if she wanted to deceive herself, she would not have the chance to do so.

Her body began to fill with pain, and Su Nuo curled up on the bed. Her body, Su Nuo thought, was the same as her own body, as if it had reached the end of the world.

Cold sweat formed on Su Nuo's forehead. Her originally pale face now turned even paler. Towards Su Nuo's face, she was like a ghost girl who had died a violent death at midnight.

Su Nuo gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She did not make any sound, allowing the pain to continue increasing until she finally fainted from the pain.

The atmosphere in the hall was harmonious.

Old Mistress Bai listened attentively to Bei Chen Han's story. Of course, it was mostly about his past with Bai Qian.

"So that's the case …" Old Madame Bai nodded repeatedly. She looked at Bai Qian and said, "I really didn't expect that my Qian'Er was General Su's daughter. At that time, my family's old man really admired General Su."

The expression on Bai Qian's face was somewhat complicated. She asked, "Father and Mother, are you okay?"

Bei Chen nodded his head: "They are fine, they just miss you everyday." Pausing, he continued, "Qian'Er, I'm going back to the capital in a few days. Do you want to come back with me?"

Her fair eyes instantly lit up, but immediately dimmed down. She looked at the Old Madam Bai and said kindly, "This is a good thing. Of course you have to go back and see your biological parents."

"But …" Whitewater Hound was in a dilemma.

"There are no buts," Old Madam Bai said flatly. "Your eldest brother and your father will be back in a few days. I won't be lonely." Pausing for a moment, she held onto Bai Qian's hand and said, "As long as you come back to visit us when you have time, I am assured that you will follow the Second Prince."

Bai Qian held on tightly to Old Madam Bai's hand, "Mother, Qian'Er is unfilial."

Old Madam Bai was still smiling benevolently as she patted her hand to comfort her.

After dinner, Bai Qian prepared to go see Su Nuo. Bei Chen Han said: "She should be sleeping right now, Qian'Er shouldn't be going."

Bai Qian felt a little awkward, but after thinking about it, she nodded her head. Of course, she did not know. Bei Chen Han wanted to be with her properly right now, so it was best for everyone else to just disappear.

"Qian'Er, it's been so many years. I've missed you. I've been thinking about you all the time." Bei Chen Han looked at Bai Qian and said.

Bai Qian was stunned as her face blushed. "I'm sorry, but I forgot about you."

Bei Chen Han shook his head: "It's okay, I will make Qian'Er remember."

"What if I can't remember?" Bai Qian looked at Beichen.

Bei Chen Han said: "Even if I can't remember, it doesn't matter, as long as Qian'Er is by my side."

Bai Qian lowered her head, and after a long while, she said, "Although I have forgotten the past, I can still feel that I definitely liked you at that time."

Bei Chen Han approached Bai Qian: "Is it only in the past? "Then what do we do after this?"

In an instant, Bai Qian's face turned completely red. Even though she was a lady from a noble family, she could not stand Bei Chenhan's teasing. She could only speak softly, "In the future, I will definitely think of you."

Bei Chen Han moved closer to Bai Qian: "Just trying to remember?"

Bai Qian subconsciously wanted to dodge, but with Bei Chen Han's huge body blocking her path, she could only stay where she was, blushing as she said, "I will also … like you again."

Bei Chen Han's words caused the wind to blow at the corners of his mouth, allowing Su Nuo, who was still in pain and had just woken up, to see everything clearly.

Su Nuo's body slowly turned inward, not allowing the open window to imprint her. She then heavily leaned her body against the wall, which was filled with pain.

So it turned out that her master also had such a smile on his face. It was such a relaxed and joyful smile, and after following her master for so long, it was the first time she saw such a smile.

Su Nuo closed her eyes and chuckled.

Su Nuo no longer knew how much pain her heart must be in order to be able to smile when she saw her master and sister together. She really did not know.

Because she couldn't see it for herself. Her smiling face was filled with despair and grief. Even if she poured all her life's gentleness and gentleness into her face, it wouldn't be able to make up for it.

The sky gradually darkened, and the lanterns in the corridor were lit up by the onlookers, releasing a hazy red light.

Ever since Su Nuo got off the bed, she had been squatting in the corner by the window, hugging herself tightly as if she was cold. In fact, it wasn't just cold, but her body felt like it was broken.

The cold wind blew through the open window, making a whistling sound. Su Nuo wanted to stand up, but at least not in this corner, but her body felt like it was filled with lead. Even moving would be difficult.

The door suddenly opened. Su Nuo dreamily wanted to see who it was that could only see a rough outline, but even if it was, Su Nuo still knew that the person who came in was her elder sister.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, Su Nuo did not want to see this person. This person was her elder sister in name. This elder sister had been her substitute for seven years. She really did not want to see him.

Until now, he had even taken away his elder sister's rights to be her last substitute!

Bai Qian came in with a square plate and softly lit up the lamp. When he saw that the bed was empty, his gentle face was filled with panic. This change was indeed reflected in Su Nuo's eyes.

Bai Qian was about to turn around in panic when he saw Su Nuo, who had a pale face. His eyes immediately widened as he ran to Su Nuo's side, "Why did you run all the way here? Why do you look so pale?" As he spoke, he reached out his hand to touch Su Nuo's forehead, as if he couldn't tell the difference and used his forehead to touch Su Nuo's.

The moment the two touched, Su Nuo fell into a trance. This was a feeling she had never experienced before, and the originally inexplicable emotion in her heart was slowly spreading.

"Fortunately, there is no fever." Bai Qian seemed to heave a sigh of relief as she helped Su Nuo up from the ground and placed her on the bed. "Are you still feeling very uncomfortable? I'll call the doctor." As he spoke, he turned around to leave.

Su Nuo quickly grabbed her hand. She was just a female slave, how could there be so many things? Moreover, if her master knew about this, he would only hate her even more.

Bai Qian turned around. "What's wrong?"

Su Nuo shook her head. "It's alright. I don't need to rest. I don't need to find a doctor."

This time, Bai Qian did not believe him. "You just said you wanted to sleep a bit earlier in the morning, but you're still not doing well at all. Your complexion is still so bad." As he spoke, he caressed Su Nuo's face affectionately.

Su Nuo felt her entire body stiffen. That kind of gentle feeling was as if it was going to melt her down.

"Never mind, if you really don't want to see it, then don't look at it." Bai Qian looked at Su Nuo and indulged her. Then, she stretched out her hand to pull the blanket towards Su Nuo. "Such a big person, he actually doesn't know how to take good care of himself."

It was so doting, so naked, just like all the other sisters.

Su Nuo felt as if her whole heart was violently swaying, as if the originally ashen white world was collapsing at this moment.

No matter what she said, it was impossible for her to say that she was grateful to the Su family, that she was also grateful to the people within. That was impossible, because even if she did not want others to know, no matter how she tried to hide it, she still hated the Su family.

Even if she did her best to not hate him so much, it was true that the first person who treated her well in this world, her mother, had died in the Su Palace and she had been bullied in the Su Palace. Moreover, a large portion of it was because of this elder sister in front of her.

And now the master.

"Alright, even if you're sick, you still have to eat." As she spoke, she took a bowl of porridge from the square plate, scooped up a spoonful of porridge and blew on it, bringing it to Su Nuo's mouth.

Su Nuo looked at the spoon in her mouth and instinctively wanted to reject. However, Bai Qian said, "You're such a big person, you can't be picky about food. Come, eat it. Only then will you be better."

Since she was young, no one had ever spoken to her in such a tone, not even her mother. It was as if she was gently and dotingly coaxing a child.

The shock to his heart was so intense, but somehow, Su Nuo opened her mouth and drank the porridge.

"That's weird. The illness will only recover after you eat your meal." Whitesnow scooped another spoonful and carefully fed it to Su Nuo.

The warm congee was eaten into his stomach just like that. His originally cold body seemed to have become warm because of the congee. Even the pain from before seemed to have recovered a little.

Bai Qian was very patient and did not seem to be in a hurry. He gulped down all the porridge in the bowl and asked, "Do you still want more?"

Juno shook his head.

Bai Qian packed up his things and returned to his bed. He looked at Su Nuo's face and asked, "How do you feel now?"

"Much better." This time, Su Nuo spoke the truth, as if the pain would lessen after eating the porridge.

Because even Su Nuo didn't know, it was because she was often hungry that made her fall ill.

Only after seeing Su Nuo's somewhat warm face did Bai Qian relax. Smiling, he said, "You don't like me?"

Hearing these sudden words, Su Nuo was stunned and hurriedly shook her head.

It wasn't that she didn't like Whitey, she just didn't want to see her.

"No? You didn't even tell me your name. " Bai Qian smiled.

Su Nuo saw the smile on her face and realized that Bai Qian was joking. She said hesitantly, "My name is Su Nuo."

"Su Nuo." Bai Qian repeated Su Nuo's words before turning to Su Nuo, "Xiao'er, you haven't even called me big sister before. It can't be that you really don't like this big sister of mine, right?" This time, there was a smile on his face, but he felt somewhat uneasy.

Su Nuo thought it was an illusion, but it was real. She didn't understand why such an outstanding person would be so worried about a lowly slave girl who called herself a sister. She could have ignored or even despised her like everyone else.

A hint of desolation flashed across her fair eyes. She pretended to be relaxed as she said, "So it turns out that Xiao'er really doesn't like this sister of mine."

"Nope." Suddenly, Su Nuo made a sound. Even she was shocked. She just couldn't bear to see the person in front of her looking desolate.

Bai Qian raised his head and looked at Su Nuo. His eyes lit up. Su Nuo was truly looking at him.

"Na Nuo will call me sister." Bai Qian asked.

Su Nuo suddenly felt funny. From the first time they met, he had been holding her hand tightly, and his master had repeatedly told her to leave only because this person was holding her tightly and not letting her leave. She hadn't eaten for the whole day, and it was also this person who had given her food.

It was really funny.

But Su Nuo slightly lowered her head and even she could not control herself as she called out, "Big sister." It was very clear that this was a quiet room.

"Yes." Bai Qian replied seriously before reaching out his hand to caress Su Nuo's face. "Big sister will take good care of you in the future."

This made Su Nuo's heart collapse even faster.

White Dang suddenly took off her shoes. Su Nuo was surprised to see that White Dang had already crawled into her bed. She adjusted her position like a child and hugged her from behind, saying, "Okay, Xiao'er needs to go to bed early. This way, she'll wake up tomorrow."

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