Su Nuo nodded with a smile and entered the house. However, when she entered the house, a strong musty smell greeted her. Su Nuo took a while to react and wanted to open the window.

Su Nuo gave up. She still knew about it. Just now, she had used the money to exchange for a room to stay in. Even so, it should have been worth it.

He then closed the door and began to pack up.

In an exquisite room, the Duke of Beichen frowned as he stared at the letter in his hands. Yan Qingcheng walked over and asked, "What's the matter, your Highness?"

"Shadow said that Little Nuo has already left Luo He City and is on her way back to the capital." As the Duke of Beichen spoke, he clenched both his hands into fists and slammed them onto the table, causing it to break into pieces. "Iceberg's face actually allowed Little Nuo to return alone." He spat out word by word, his eyes cold.

Even if she did not like Su Nuo, she had a long journey ahead of her. Furthermore, she knew that Beichen Han was a kind person, and even she did not expect to give money to that girl. The possibility of a weak girl returning to the capital alone was not as high as dying and disappearing halfway through due to various reasons.

Duke Bei Chen made a gesture, and the shadow in the dark immediately kneeled on the ground. Lord Bei Chen said, "Use every force that can be used here. Find the position of Xiao Nuo for me, the sooner the better."

"Yes." Shadow said and left.

His eyes were like ink before a storm, without a trace of a smile on his face.

"Your Highness, should I continue forward?" Yan Qingcheng asked.

The Duke of Beichen was silent for a moment before he said, "It's been almost ten days since Little Nuo left Luo He City. Even if Little Nuo is slow, we should be in the Yanzhou region by now. Let's head back."

Yan Qingcheng continued, "What if she gets into trouble on the way?"

The Duke of Beichen didn't reply to Yan Qingcheng's question. He merely replied, "Go and prepare, we will set off immediately."

Yan Qingcheng didn't ask any further. She merely replied and went to pack her things.

The Duke of Beichen was still clenching his fists tightly as he spoke word by word, "Little Nuo, if anything happens to you, I will definitely make Beichen pay back a thousand times the price."

Su Nuo could not wake up no matter how hard she tried.

Outside the door, there were two people squatting, a man and a woman. The man was blowing the smoke into the room carefully, and the woman said in a low voice, "There's nothing wrong with this new smoke. It can't be like last time, the customer has already woken up before we even went in."

"Nope." The man said.

Su Nuo once again felt that something smelled very uncomfortable, so she turned around, covered her nose with the blanket and fell asleep in a daze.

The two of them squatted outside for a while. Then, the man stood up and opened the door skillfully with a knife. Then, the two of them carefully walked in, one in front and one behind.

"That one." The man pointed to the bundle Su Nuo had placed on the headboard of the bed. The woman went over and opened it.

Actually, they were the innkeeper and waiter. The two of them did not think of anything else and just wanted to steal the silver from Su Nuo's bag and put it back where it was, leaving nothing behind.

Su Nuo actually didn't sleep well, and she didn't inhale much of that fake smoke. When she heard the sound, she immediately opened her eyes, but the moment she saw that there was someone by the bed, Su Nuo instinctively screamed. It was the waiter who reacted quickly, covering Su Nuo's mouth to prevent her from making a sound.

The female owner was also shocked when she saw Su Nuo wake up. She complained to the waiter, "Didn't you say you were serious? Did you buy fake goods again?"

"I, I don't know either." The waiter said with a wronged expression.

Su Nuo struggled as hard as she could. This was the first time in her life that she had encountered something like this. It was so frightening that even half of her soul had disappeared.

The female owner looked at the struggling Su Nuo and said, "What do we do now? She saw us."

The waiter was silent. At that moment, the only sound that could be heard was Su Nuo's wuwu.

Now, Su Nuo finally understood why Yumei wanted her to travel during the day and stay at an inn at night. But Su Nuo thought that even though she was staying at an inn, she still encountered one.

It was the first day of travel to the Yanzhou Region.

Suddenly, the waiter looked straight at Su Nuo and said, "Sell her."

With a single sentence, the originally repressed atmosphere in the room became even more stifling. Su Nuo did not know why they wanted to sell her out, but she instinctively shook her head.

The female owner did not say anything. Instead, she leaned close to Su Nuo and carefully observed her face under the faint light. Then, she said, "Can you do it?"

The waiter firmly said, "Definitely. As long as she enters there, even if there is a huge grievance there will be no place to speak of it. When the time comes, she will not care about us." Pausing for a moment, his eyes lit up. "Furthermore, we can also get some silver taels. It's a lot of silver taels."

"Alright." The manager nodded.

Su Nuo shook her head harder and harder, but when she was halfway there, she suddenly felt a force coming down on her, and then she lost all feeling.

Spring Flower Hall.

As it was broad daylight, the racket from before was completely gone.

Su Nuo lay unconscious on the ground. A bawd with heavy makeup walked over to her and looked at her carefully, then said, "It's not bad, let's do what you said."

The waiter quickly said, "Okay, okay."

The old procuress signaled with her eyes and a servant girl took out some silver and gave it to the waiter. The waiter took out some silver and bit on it before leaving.

"Bring them in." The old procuress said to a middle-aged man at her side. The man walked over and carried Su Nuo up the stairs like he was carrying a sack.

As soon as he entered the room, the man threw Su Nuo onto the old bed. Su Nuo only felt pain in her body before she opened her eyes in a daze. What entered her eyes was a completely unfamiliar environment.

"He woke up." The old procuress opened her mouth leisurely.

Su Nuo followed the voice and raised her head. She then saw the madame with thick makeup looking at her emotionlessly. "Do you know where this is?"

Su Nuo shook her head instinctively.

"This is a brothel." The old procuress said expressionlessly.

Su Nuo's eyes widened. That uneasy feeling had been completely proven. The chaotic scene from last night was still fresh in her mind. So they were trying to sell her to a brothel.

"This will be your home from now on." The old procuress smiled at him, but it was a very cold smile.

"No." Su Nuo rushed to say.

"No?" The old procuress seemed to have heard the funniest of words, "If you say no, then no. Where do you think this is?"

Su Nuo did her best to calm herself down, forcing herself not to think about the feeling of fear. "You guys got it wrong. I didn't do it on my own accord. I was kidnapped by someone."

"I know." The old procuress said lightly.

This left Su Nuo speechless. She had thought that if they knew that she was being forced, that she had been set up by a villain, they would definitely let her go.

"That's how many of our girls come here." The bawd added.

She was afraid, but she could not be afraid. She had to find a way to save herself.

"Then what do I need to do to let me go?" Su Nuo asked, but her hands were clenched tightly.

The old procuress looked at Su Nuo and sat down on a wooden chair. "If you have enough money to redeem yourself, you can leave."


Su Nuo quickly searched for silver on her body. Suddenly, she remembered that the silver had been taken away by the two bad people.

His mind went blank for a moment, but then a person appeared. Su Nuo's eyes lit up. So it turned out that the person she was really thinking about was that person.

Yes, other than that person who would care about his own life and death and be afraid that she would be hurt and sad, there was no one else.

Her master's words must have thought that she was scheming something, right? Or perhaps, no matter what she did, she wouldn't care about it, much less save her!

"Then can I ask someone to bring me some silver?" Su Nuo asked.

"Sure." The bawd looked at Su Nuo and smiled, "You can give me that person's name and address. I'll get someone to get the silver and I'll let you go. After all, everything here is legal and formal." As she spoke, the smile on the bawd's face became even wider.

Su Nuo felt her heart tighten. If that person spoke, he would definitely save her.

"Who is that person?"

"Third Marquis." Su Nuo replied.

The old procuress paused for a moment, then asked, "Who do you think it is?"

Su Nuo thought she didn't hear him clearly, so she explained in more detail, "As long as you go to the Third Marquis' Mansion and tell him Su Nuo, he will definitely give you money."

Before Su Nuo could finish her sentence, the old procuress began to laugh loudly. Su Nuo didn't know what was going on and wanted to explain more. The old procuress suddenly stood up and said, "Third Prince, why don't you tell us about the current emperor?" Then he said to the man who had been standing by the side, "Subdue her and post it to me. We'll start receiving customers tomorrow." He looked at Su Nuo with disdain, "Third Marquis, you really know how to think."

When the man heard the order, he walked towards Su Nuo, who instinctively retreated.

"There's no need to hide anymore. Every girl here is like this. After this is over, all they will do is stick to men." The old procuress said coldly from the side.

Su Nuo was afraid, boundless fear. She didn't know what to do, but she knew that no matter what, she definitely couldn't let this man do that to her. Absolutely not.

The man got closer and closer, as if he could completely grab Su Nuo's hand as he pleased as soon as he reached out his hand.

The bed had been pushed back to the end, and there was no way out. Su Nuo was like a cornered beast, whether it was in front or behind, they could not see the path.

The moment the man stretched his hand out to grab her, Su Nuo suddenly lost her fear. She knew that she definitely wouldn't continue living like this. She definitely couldn't.

When she turned around, she ruthlessly slammed her head against the sharp corner of the bed. Her strength was incomparably sinister, as if she had a grudge with herself.

Blood immediately flowed down and his clear consciousness slowly turned into chaos.

Okay, so it doesn't matter.

However, the only person she felt sorry for was that person. After waiting for seven whole years, she finally made up her mind to protect that person and accompany him for the rest of her life.

She, ah, at the beginning only brought pain to the last person.

If there was an afterlife, she would definitely spend her entire life to make it up to him.

As for the master's words, he must be very happy right now, happy to forget all about her!

Good, good, she could finally stop loving her master. She said that only death could stop, so now — die!

Su Nuo fell onto the bed. This sudden scene caused the two people in the room to stare blankly. The bawd looked at Su Nuo and laughed coldly, "You want to die? Mom, I haven't earned my money back yet. How can I let you die?" Then he said to the man, "Bring me the doctor."

Then the man left.

At the edge of the forest.

Lord Beichen stood, and Shadow knelt on the ground, "My lord, we have found the approximate location."

"Where?" The Duke of Beichen asked.

The dark figure hesitated. Duke Bei Chen's gaze swept across the dark figure and he said, "Miss Su is in the Yan Province."

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