End Of Heavens

Chapter 100

End Of Heavens Chapter 100


Chapter 100 Explore the true face of the world (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)

I didn't hear Luo Su's self-talk, he was Use your brains to figure out which world best fits your requirements.

First of all, this world's Rank must be high, otherwise this world will be useless when he becomes stronger and stronger. Secondly, this world must have a novice village, otherwise it will be full of full-level monsters. In the past, he couldn't pretend...cough cough, and he couldn't level up. Who can stand being abused all the time.

Also, this world must be rich in resources. Since you have stepped into the hall of magic and decided to follow this path to the dark, resources are an indispensable item.

In the real world, there are no ghosts and monsters. If you want resources, you can only go to other worlds to scavenge. The duration of stay in Mission World is too long or too short, and the completion of the mission is only 24 hours.

The world anchored by the world does not have this shortcoming...

Thinking about it, Luo Su suddenly hooked the head. Fantasy, take one step at a time, and adapt accordingly!

Luo Su continued to browse the materials related to Character Card. When he saw the ghost video of 'A Fu', his whole person was not well. Battle strength fluctuates high and low, it's not easy to judge, you can only draw conclusions if you use it, but this guy... what a rhetoric!

Thinking of equipping Ah Fu's Character Card, the permanent skill 'Poisonous Tongue' has been upgraded to 'Poisonous Tongue', Luo Su is a shivering from head to toe, and when he is determined to use it, he must put his mouth first block up.

"Uncle Luo, something bad happened! Uncle Luo... Are you listening to me? Luo Su? Xiao Luo? Poisonous Tongue Luo? Xiao bastard..."


In the spiritual world, there is lightning and thunder, and infinite thunder falls from the sky, bombarding the System indiscriminately.

A moment later, the thunderclouds dissipated, and System stood up tremblingly. Just as he was about to say something, he saw an F-35 flying overhead, and the huge black spot became bigger and bigger in his eyes.


The tumbling mushroom cloud rose into the sky, lava, fire sea, hurricane, nuclear radiation all baptism on the System one by one...

"If you don't die, just finish your fart." Luo Su held a teacup and projected a silhouette in the spiritual world.

"Still... still alive!" System crawled out of the dirt with a dark face, opening his mouth to exhale black smoke.

"Then let it go!"

You just like this and want to smell my fart?

System MMP in his heart, using the mental victory method to abuse Luo Su over and over again, but in reality he has a bright smile on his face: "Uncle Luo, just now, I suddenly found your item ' Fate Goddess' ring' lost contact, which made me make a very bold guess."

Luo Su shook his hand holding the teacup and said without a trace, "Continue talking."

System licked his face and leaned towards Luo Su: "Remember what I told you before, my last Host came to this world to do a mission, because of his death, you were randomly selected to become the New Host."

"This I know, every world is real, in the world of Eight Legged Freaks, I saw the Spider-Man movie poster. At that time I was thinking, Earth where I am, what kind of plot is it in other worlds, shootout movies, horror movies, or romance movies, the hero and heroine are both human and ghost.”

Luo Su calm and composed said, My world is just a movie or novel in other world, and I am a fictional character in the eyes of others. It sounds difficult to accept, but on second thought, everyone is not the same.

"That's right! That's right!" System was desperately nodded, and compared to his thumb: "Uncle Luo, you are exceptionally intelligent!"

Luo Su slapped System down. To the ground, he added two more feet: "Idiot, this idiom is used to describe women."

You are the idiot, and this word can sometimes be used for men with both talent and beauty!

What does it feel like to slap flattery because the other person is illiterate and compliments are considered mockery?

System is very painful, but he said that God has a good life, and he doesn't want to lower oneself to somebody's level with Luo Su. After getting up, he continued to lick: "I suspect your gun...cough cough, Your ex-girlfriend is involved in the plot of this world, because she carries the 'Ring of Goddess', and I also accidentally got the node to enter the plot world."

Luo Su squinted, Very interested in this: "When she stole the ring, I guessed that there is another System in this world..."

System looked confused, and then repeatedly nodded: "Yes, yes, I also thought like this."

Luo Su slapped him again: "If you have time for nonsense, tell me quickly what mission did your last Host encounter and how did he die?"


After the System got up, it did not return to the original state, maintaining the slap print and shoe print on his face, looking like he was selling miserably: "This...he just came in, before he could trigger the World Mission, he was attacked by a A bullet killed."

Luo Su: "..."

What should I show, laugh?

System saw that Luo Su didn't speak, and quietly took two steps back: "Uncle Luo, should we follow to enter the world node to see."

Luo Su looked strange: "You can enter directly, there is no countdown this time?"

"Well, because you are in this world!"

Luo Su licked her lips, a little dry, He picked up the water glass and drank, stood up and sorted out his equipment: "Let's go now! I've explored other people's worlds, but I still don't know the true face of the world I belong to. It's too embarrassing to say it!"

"Receive Here, let's go now!"

Luo Su's silhouette disappeared into the house...


The world is spinning!

When Luo Su opened his eyes again, the all around scene had changed a lot, and his condition was not very good.

This is a spacious house with cold silver white metal walls, ceilings and floors, and a clear glass front.

It's a bit like a laboratory observation room, but if it is an experiment, who is the object of the experiment?

Luo Su is sitting on the metal chair in the center of the room. Judging from the current situation, he is the one being observed.

His limbs were bound by iron hoops and a belt was put on his neck. Luo Su did not rush to break free, and looked towards the outside of the glass with great interest. Rows of sofa seats are arranged in a stepped pattern, there are five floors in total, with four people on each floor, a total of 20 people are watching him.

This is not a laboratory, none of the 20 people are wearing white coats, they are wearing suits and leather collars or exquisite dresses, everyone has a laptop in front of them, and waiters shuttle among them, Handed wine, food and refreshments.

Finally, a man in a white coat appeared, a man wearing a mask, pushing the medical treatment cart, and slowly walked to the edge of the seat. Luo Su's calm performance surprised him, but he didn't say anything, and began to wipe the scalpel and other tools with alcohol cotton.

Luo Su continued to look at the people outside the glass, he probably had guessed where it was, shook his head, laughed and said nothing.

The white lab coat came with a piece of cloth, cautiously on Luo Su's shoulders, Luo Su nodded towards him, and raised his neck in cooperation.

White coat: "..."

The white coat is a little stunned. I have played like this many times, and this is the first time I meet someone like Luo Su. He turned his head and looked towards the outside of the glass. A person who might be the leader also browsed tightly knitted. This person nodded in the white coat, indicating that he should not stop.

The white coat was a little flustered, Luo Su's playful eyes were like looking at a lamb to be slaughtered, which made him very uncomfortable, and he always felt that the person tied to the chair was himself.

Shaking his head, the white coat dispelled the absurd thoughts in his mind, took out a white mask and placed it on Luo Su's face, and traced the outline with a black ink pen.

"Dude, have you ever thought about being tied to a chair?"

Luo Su asked with a light smile, starting from guessing where she was, There was always a smile on his face.

The white coat didn't answer, Luo Su's gaze made him so stressed that he didn't even dare to look at each other. He followed the instructions in the headset, took out the electric drill from the shelf by the wall, turned it on, and placed it in front of Luo Su's eyebrows.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ————

Luo Su smiled the whole time, ignoring the rapidly turning electric drill in front of him, just like this After 30 seconds, the white coat first Unable to bear it, he put down the electric drill and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a cotton cloth.

“The betting time is two minutes, and there is no answer from the player who guessed the target correctly. All the chips in this round belong to the dealer.”

Listening to the female voice on the radio speaker, Luo Su pointed The white coat said, "I also have a game, which is super exciting and bloody, do you want to play?"

"What?" The white coat held a scalpel and subconsciously asked.

According to the rules, he should not speak, because this will interfere with the judgment of the target character and cause the game to lose fairness. But he still asked, Luo Su made him feel very depressed, if he didn't say anything, he would be out of breath.

Luo Su smiled and closed his eyes. When he opened it again, his appearance changed greatly, and the skin on his whole body became purple. He tried his best to break free from the shackles, pushed aside the white coat in front of him, walked to the glass, and said to the stunned crowd, "I want to play a game, live or die, make your choice!"

I want to play a game, live or die, it's up to you!


3 chapters are being updated tonight, and there is another chapter in the process of coding, which will be sent out later. Chapter 2 will be updated in the afternoon, and it will be like this more tentatively!

(end of this chapter)

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