End Of Heavens

Chapter 1002

End Of Heavens Chapter 1002


Chapter 999 I don't want to work hard

Silber, Maybach, Koenigsegg, Bugatti, Pagani...

Luo Su swiped through the eight luxury car keys, and felt more and more that Winston was actually a river god, speechless saying: "The doorman really didn't remember clearly, I was driving a Camaro with a price of 20,000 USD. "

"No, No way!"

Winston didn't understand what Luo Su meant, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and cautiously said: "Think again, right?" Did you remember wrong, or your car keys are not here?"

"Not here!"

"Wait a minute, I'll arrange it, and bring eight more car keys over here. ."

"No need, put away your suit."

Luo Su rolled his eyes and said bluntly, "I'm just a small police officer on duty, the hero here is The car starts at tens of millions of USD, do you want me to drive it to and from work, do you want to add to the traffic jam for me?"

Winston stared wide-eyed suddenly, surprised: "What, Luo Su Officer, don't you know about that yet?"

"Know what?"

Luo Su looked strange, feeling that there would be explosive news.

"Officer Luo Su, please condolences and change. One of your rich and distant relatives has passed away. According to his will, you will inherit his entire estate."

while speaking, Winston took out another jewelry box from the bookcase.

After opening, there are a series of title documents, two jewelry stores in New York, seven equity certificates of multinational groups, a mansion on Long Island, and so on.

The most incredible thing is that there is still an oil field in the Middle East.

Luo Su: "..."

"Officer Luo Su, your relatives have left too suddenly, and you just want to transfer all your property as soon as possible before dying, just contact you in the past two days. Without you, the lawyer hastily went through the formalities so that your relatives will pass away without regrets."

Winston wiped away tears, and then said: "But don't worry, they are all professionals. Lawyer, there is no problem with taxation, and we have helped you to establish a charitable fund."

Speaking, Winston pushed the jewelry box in front of Luo Su, whether Luo Su admitted it or not, it was him property is protected by USA law and is inviolable.


Luo Su continued to be speechless. For no reason, there were billions more, and TM was USD. Does he have a relative like this?

Should... not! ?

Maybe you forgot, why don't you go back and check?


Luo Su spit on the ground: "Return these things, this is not the life I want, and dare to find them for me. Relatives, I'll screw your head off."


Winston's eyelids twitched, said with a bitter smile: "It's all recorded, This is your property, and you do have a wealthy relative who has passed away."

"What do you mean, I have to recognize it?"

"Uh, there is no way to do this either. ."

Winston was apprehensive: "frankly, these assets are the handwriting of leg-raising meetings, if you insist, they are equivalent to war reparations, you refuse to accept them, they will go crazy ."

"War? I don't remember when there was a war, and they still have this qualification."

Luo Su pouted disdainfully: "If this is my asset, then trouble. Find another lawyer and donate it all."

"Uh, okay!"

"Where's my Camaro?"

"In the Garage, this will let people drive to the door of the hotel." Winston gave his deputy Cuaron a look and asked him to do it immediately.

"That's it, I won't meet again if I have nothing to do in the future."

Luo Su turned to leave, waved with John Wick on purpose, and disappeared into the office with his back neatly.

John Wick looked awe-inspiring and said with admiration: "He's a good police officer. No one I know can compare to him."

Winston rolled his eyes , declined to comment on this sentence, he does not know if it is a good police officer, no one can compare it to be true.

Nearly 10,000 lives are bloody proof!


Winston dialed the phone and contacted the High Table Organization, the rain stopped, the sky was clear, the war was over, and Luo Su would not kill again.

The operator on the opposite side shed tears of excitement, but when he heard that Luo Su refused to accept the war reparations and wanted to donate it all, he became nervous.

"Winston, what do you mean by that gentleman, do you think you have less money?"

"No, I just don't like it, I don't want to use your dirty money."

"It's not dirty money, it's all earned through legal procedures... Forget it, no Having said this, the gentleman can donate if he wants to, and I will teach you to handle this matter. Remember, there are many ways to donate money. There is one called charitable financial management, which will only give more and more, understand?"

"I understand."

Winston shrugged and ended the call, knowing that the other party was already crazy and eager to party for three days and three nights, so he didn't bother them to have fun.

"Winston, have you forgotten something?"

John Wick hesitated for a moment, then reminded kindly: "Mr. Leonid of Moscow, he seems Following your advice, I'm committing suicide."


Winston then remembered and hurriedly dialed Leonid's long-distance call, Several times in a row no one answered.


The two were speechless, and after a long while, Winston spoke slowly, "Mr. Leonid has a big heart, it shouldn't' t be is easy to commit suicide, what do you think?"

"Uh, I think it's better for you to keep calling."

"I tried it, but no one answered, so it's better to go first Have dinner and call later."

"Listen to you."

At this point, the twelve high-level managers at the high table have been reduced again, and the remaining number is 5/12!


Luo Su called the director on the way home, and he communicated when the call was missed.

He knew the general situation in his heart, and sure enough, after getting on the phone, the director told him that the suspension from duty was revoked, and the ceremony award was postponed to three days later.

Because the media reporters praised him, the NYPD is more convinced to establish him as the new police standard to replace the bald brother's vacancy.

On the day of the ceremony, the two members will be present in person. At the same time, the original 'Battle Cross' will be replaced, but at the strong request of the two members, it will be upgraded to a 'Medal of Honor'.

This is the NYPD's highest honor, given to individuals who, in critical situations, risk their lives, serve their duties faithfully, and demonstrate great courage.

A strong personal heroism, full of USA style.

At the same time, because of his outstanding personal contribution, Luo Su jumped to Level 3 in the police rank, jumped over police detective, sheriff/superintendent, and was promoted to platoon chief/Superintendent.

Before, Steinfeld had been desperate for this position.

The police rank is equal to the position. This is because the USA is a federal country, and the legal systems of the states have nothing common with each other. The police do not have a unified national police rank. glance .

Luo Su doesn't care much about the level. If he has an idea, he will be the chief tomorrow, so this message is directly ignored by him.

But there is an interesting news. The firearms tactics group of the training bureau wants to hire him as an instructor to teach students how to accurately operate pistols and rifles.

It is not required to serve for a long time. When he is free, the tactical team will organize class hours.

It was fun, Luo Su decided to give it a try some other day, nothing wrong except that teaching the instructor to handjob sounds weird.


Luo Su walked briskly onto the third floor, preparing to do nothing for the next three days, give herself a small vacation, play cats, chase dramas, and wait for the ceremony to come.

It can't be done without stopping, he guesses that he will continue to wander, and the ceremony award has to be postponed again.

When I touched the key to open the door, I remembered that my credit card was in the hands of the bankrupt sister, and walked back to the first floor.

In the corridor, several movers came in and out, and it seemed that the room originally rented by Leon and Maserati had a new tenant.

Telepathy swept over, Max and Caroline were at home, but they were in a bad mood. Without telepathy, Luo Su could see a black air called 'despair', passing through the cracks of the door towards him. spillover.

He shrugged, guessing that the two of them were bankrupt. When he raised his hand to slap the door, he slammed the door down.

"So, what's the point of this door?"

Luo Su groaned silently, lifted the door and put it back in place, not because he was too hard, but because of this. The door is too broken.

With a slight push, it will fall on its own, with no morals at all.

"Ladies, I'll get my credit card back."

In the house, Max and Caroline were unable to lie on their stomachs, one was lying on the sofa and the other was lying on the floor, like Great salted fish being dried.

Like the salted fish, the two were full of negativity.

Caroline pressed her face to the floor and said, "@##¥%~!...*#"

"Max, what did she say, translate it ."

"Ah, it's Officer Luo Su, the credit card is on the table, you can get it yourself!" Max translated as he was, lying motionless on the sofa.

Luo Su gets back the credit card, the day after tomorrow is the beginning of the month, the credit card is automatically refreshed, and the limit is reset to 1 million USD.

This is a good thing, but he doesn't know how to spend it, and it gives him a headache just thinking about it.

Seeing the two women's clothes are disheveled, Luo Su lightly coughed reminded: "Your home's anti-theft facilities are very worrying. From a police point of view, I would like to remind you to pay attention to personal and property safety, and to wear clothes. Dress well."



"Whoever dares to touch us will marry directly He, owed debts to the point where he doubted his life."

"Like this, you are not only bankrupt, but also in debt?" Luo Su grinned, the plot was tragic, but he just wanted to laugh.


“The failure to invest half a million USD is more desperate than the 5,000 USD owed. We have committed suicide.”

“I can lend you some money to buy a coffin, a wreath and a priest.”

Luo Su is unlucky for the two Egg expressed sympathy and took out five thousand USD and put it on the table: "If you use it to repay the money, remember to replace the creditor with me. If you use it to buy a coffin, you should treat it as a friendly sponsorship from me."

" @#¥%...~!¥#"

"Officer Luo Su, is there still a shortage of people in your basement? We don't want to work hard."

Luo Su: (?_ ?)

He laughed: "Not available, but there is only one vacancy, you decide for yourself!"

clang! With a voice, Luo Su silently left, putting the door behind before leaving.

(end of this chapter)

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