End Of Heavens

Chapter 1008

End Of Heavens Chapter 1008


Chapter 1005 Named I'm on my way

The police car was parked on the side of the road. About twenty minutes later, Arnold received a call from Luo Su. Phone, drive alone.

Sitting in the back row of the police car, Arnold saw the blond beauty who had changed from TX, and his expression was slightly stunned. The browsers tightly knitted and said, "Mr. Luo Su, you have given life to a machine again?"

"Well, she's a TX model of The Terminator, which is more advanced than you and T-1000."

Luo Su explained, and then said: "Skynet sent the robot assassin The frequency is too exaggerated, and I will keep the TX by my side to monitor the whole New York in case more advanced robots appear."

"I'm bothering you, in fact, I recently..."

Hearing that Luo Su wanted to keep the TX close to him, Arnold raised his brows and didn't say much. The topic changed and he talked about the Cybertron company he recently acquired.

The emergence of Skynet cannot be stopped. Arnold took a different approach, grasped it from the source, and tried his best to promote cooperation with the US Department of Defense to monitor the birth and growth of Skynet. its destroyed.

To the outside world, the banker had invested a lot of money, set foot in the computer field, and was ready to go big.

"Actually, you don't need to do it like this. I have already said that even if Skynet awakens intelligence, it cannot launch a nuclear war to destroy the world."

Speaking of this, Luo Su Glancing at TX: "Don't be stunned, tell me the purpose of your return from the future."

TX dressed in a black lady's suit and sat in the co-pilot without saying a word. After gaining life, she fell into After a period of shock, I began to think about the meaning of my birth and existence.

Each intelligent program that is brought to life by the left side of the divide throne behaves differently, Jarvis's stability, Arnold's mature and stable, T-1000's mixed eating and waiting, Deathstroke Battle Armor's Resolutely obey orders...

TX is different from them, a little cold in character, cherish words like gold, but very serious, Luo Su hammered her head three times in a row, all Does not change its speak frankly shortcomings.

After getting life, TX didn't ask Luo Su too many questions, accepted the fact and started to think about his name.

She seems to be very concerned about this point because of her sincere personality. She thinks that a name is of great significance to a life. She rejected the 'Dogegg·Lee' offered by Luo Su, and searched for a suitable name online.

It’s not bad, it’s not good, it’s not good, it’s not good for lacking profound meaning, it’s not good for it to be unimpressive, or it’s not good...

It may be too serious, or it may be a syndrome of difficulty in choosing. She is currently Haven't found the right name for myself yet.

Hearing Luo Su's order, TX turned sideways and looked at Arnold coldly: "I was sent back by Skynet to assassinate John Connor's main comrade-in-arms before the war started. , to weaken the human resistance forces to the greatest extent possible."

Luo Su disagrees with this, every turnip is a pit, without John Connor, there will be other 'saviors', without the top leaders of the resistance army, there will be Someone else stepped up to replace it.

Time makes the man or the hero creates the situation. These two statements are contradictory but interoperable, but obviously, Skynet does not understand this truth.

"There is still Skynet in the future?"

Arnold sighed with a worried look on his face: "I have mastered the company that developed Skynet, it seems that the future is not It's going in the direction I'm looking forward to."

"No, the future may have been messed up."

TX said: "I connected to the current Internet and found that the time was wrong, a full advance Twelve years later, the current John Connor is only ten...and your adopted son."

The ultimate iron-blooded, unfathomable mystery is brought to life without the record, see you again Arnold made TX at a loss.

The situation is unknown, with no clues available, she doesn't understand what's going on.

"This world is really messy, and it's completely different from Earth in the database."

Arnold agreed with this statement, and finally let go of the big stone in his heart and decided to continue his own work. Plan, monitor the development of Skynet, and destroy it when something goes wrong.

"Arno, if you encounter other robot assassin sent by Skynet, remember not to kill it directly and leave a life for me to deal with."



Arnold nodded, and then insisted: "Mr. Luo Su, I still want you to call me..."

"Don't stress it again, it's fine, Arnold!"


Arnold was silent, said goodbye to Luo Su and drove away. Regarding the serious damage on the street, he will establish a Foundation to raise funds to make up for the loss of the business.

He has become more and more proficient in how to be a capitalist, and he may join politics in the future and become a real governor through elections.

Luo Su continued to patrol and returned to the police station before dawn.

He didn't immediately track down the night walking Divine Dragon and the hell demon, a trifling demon was not worth his troubles, telepathic monitoring, waiting for it to actively reveal its whereabouts.

Returning home, T-1000's changed beauty saw Luo Su, meowing a few times in a cute way, and then saw TX who followed Luo Su into the house.




The scene is a bit awkward, T-1000 put away the cute cry and jumped on the coffee table to make a lion.

However, it was of no use. TX could see it clearly, her frosty expression could not be maintained, and the corners of her mouth twitched: "Sir, T-1000 is made of liquid memory metal, and the whole body can be freely used. Deformation, and I have an alloy inner skeleton, and I can't become a cat, nor can other animals."

"I know that you are here to monitor the whereabouts of possible robots. This is the previous T- 1000 work, now you two work together, working in two shifts during the day and night."

Luo Su glanced at TX: "The T-1000's beautiful short form saves me a lot of trouble, what do you say, and Didn't you choose your name and register your personal information?"

"The first round of screening has reserved a thousand names, and after a few rounds of screening, it can be confirmed."

"You It's really tiring to live!"

Luo Su shook his head: "I'm good at naming, list the names you choose, and I'll make the final decision for you."

" Sir, thank you for your kindness, but I want to confirm my name myself." TX politely declined, not wanting to be named by Luo Su with a messy name.

"Okay, I'm not forcing it!"

Thirty seconds later, TX slammed on the carpet with a hole in his forehead, which was transformed by T-1000. Meijian made the connection line and transferred a thousand names to the laptop for Luo Su to screen.

"Ellie...it's not a very friendly name...Alix...somewhat masculine...Debbie...forget it...Kara...seems to be a dog's name... "

Luo Su complained one by one in alphabetical order. After reading all the names, he said to the street goods at his feet: "These names are very pitiful, why don't you think about 'Dogegg? Lee', which has far-reaching meanings Unforgettable and full of personality, it's guaranteed to be memorable once you hear it."

"Sir, I've already thought of my name."

Difficulty-Choice Syndrome Forces Due to the pressure, he instantly decided on his name, which was displayed on the laptop screen through the connecting line.

"Eleanor Skye! Dog Dan, does that name have any special meaning?"


Eleanor is' The meaning of 'light' symbolizes the source of rebirth. Sikai has no deep meaning and was randomly selected.

TX wanted to find a name with a better meaning, but time was running out, and if she hesitated, it would be her turn to call the shots.

"Okay, since you've made up my mind, I won't have much to do. I'll call you a dog in the future."

"Sir, it's Eleanor!"

"Okay, dog, no problem, dog."


The T-1000 beside him squinted and lay down, as smart as he has ever been I have never thought of a name, and I have such a stupid idea if I can't see it.

TX hacked network data, supplemented the identity card of 'Eleanor Skye', and compiled all information from birth to the present, such as school, family, work, and supermarket shopping and insurance records.

The reissue will be mailed to Luo Su's home two days later, when she is a native New Yorker with a lawyer's license and an accountant's certificate, and she is absolutely legal.

The plug is still connected, Luo Su chooses work clothes for his beloved dog Dan, the maid should have the maid's clothes, the small suit is very handsome, but he does not want the steward.

A topless maid outfit is chosen, Luo Su taps the enter key, TX, no, it should be called Eleanor, the liquid metal on her body changes, from a small black suit A maid outfit with a miniskirt.

Luo Su calmly glanced at it and commented: "The skirt is a little longer, it should be shorter."

It's as short as the waist!

Eleanor struggled to get up, pinched the corner of her skirt tightly, with a beautiful short tail stuck on her forehead: "Sir, whether you admit it or not, I have been given life and self by you. I am a 'person' with a sense of shame, please face up to my dignity and don't trample on it."

Luo Su looked at Eleanor and saw that she had one's hair stand on end before she relaxed. Slowly said: "You have some truth in what you said, then both sides take a step back, and if it is shorter by five centimeters, it should save fabrics and contribute to low-carbon environmental protection." As a threat to self-destruct, he finally kept his little skirt.

The price is to jump on the street again, lying on the carpet and questioning life.

You will die if you don't agree, what a poignant statement!

T-1000 looked at Eleanor sympathetically. He was as smart as he never thought of becoming a human. The cat was different.

Bang Bang Bang!

There was a knock on the door, and Luo Su kicked Eleanor, who was thinking about life, and asked her to open the door.

T-1000 turned into a beautiful short unperturbed lying on his stomach, proud of his wise decision. With more people in the family, the work of opening the door was saved.

"Luo Su police..."

Seeing the expressionless Eleanor and the maid outfit on her body, Max and Caroline put away their smiles and apologized He closed the door: "sorry, we knocked on the wrong door."

Three seconds later, the door was pushed open again. Eleanor.

slackjawed .JPG

Max stared at Eleanor's chest, Caroline stared at Eleanor's long legs, naked eyes visibly depressed.

After 30 seconds of silence, Eleanor took the initiative to ask, "You two, do you have anything to do with Mr. Luo Su?"

"No more!"

(end of this chapter)

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