End Of Heavens

Chapter 1014

End Of Heavens Chapter 1014


Chapter 1011 The bad movie is unexpectedly good

In a certain area of the Hawaiian Islands, the surrounding Sea Territory is isolated and domesticated sharks for biological use Research on the preparation of medicine recipes.

Because of the risk of scientific research, this Sea Territory is located in a remote location, far from golden beaches and swimsuit beauties, and can only be reached by helicopter.

Except for the two-story communication observation deck on the water, the overwhelming majority of the institute's buildings are located underwater for experimental research.

The helicopter lands, John and Matilda jump on the tarmac, the two brats are interested in the deep-sea shark house.

Luo Su and Arnold followed and got off the plane, followed by Leon in a suit and sunglasses, who worked as a part-time bodyguard and was responsible for Luo Su and Arnold's security.

Although there is really something, it is not certain who will protect who, but Luo Su and Arno are rich people, and personal bodyguards are necessities of life.

No one came except the five of them.

Sarah Connor has yet to get out of her anxiety disorder. Compared to a shark with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, the blue sky and white clouds and the beach and sea breeze are more suitable for her to regulate her mentality.

Max and Caroline have no love for sharks, one took a selfie frantically on the yacht, and the other was eating and drinking on the yacht.

Not to mention Eleanor, Luo Su's robot maid, who hates the sea and all marine life, including sharks.

"You two, I'm the Chief-In-Charge Susan McAllister here, and you're welcome."

For Luo Su and Arnold's arrival , The intellectual beauty Susan showed great enthusiasm, not too exaggerated in acting, but sincerely welcomed the arrival of the two.

Project research is stuck in bottleneck, Arnold's partner, the project investor, intends to terminate funding.

Putting aside dreams and talking about reality, it is impossible to continue research without money. Susan Academician just didn't know what to do when two rich people came to her door.

There is no way out!

She is ready to present her research results to Luo Su and Arno, and she is convinced that her eloquence and the huge benefits brought by the success of the research project will impress them to bring enough funds.

Susan knew the identities of the two. Arnold was a banker and a famous investor, while Luo Su was a billionaire with nowhere to spend, and a properly rich man.

Don't ask these two people to be interested, just one of them is nodded, and a little pocket money in her fingers can make her get through this difficult time.

"Hello, Susan Academician!"

Arnold shook hands with Susan politely, and several people took the elevator to enter the Deep Sea Research Institute, which is 100 meters deep.

"About 200,000 people in the world suffer from Alzheimer's disease every year. If one medicine can be cured, it will be a great benefit for all mankind..."

In the elevator, Susan couldn't wait to talk about the greatness of the research project.

The so-called Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as Alzheimer's disease, is a kind of... Encyclopedia is omitted here... There is currently no treatment, which can only be alleviated and irreversible.

"Susan Academician, your project may benefit all mankind, but I have no intention of investing. I just brought two little fellows to visit today."

Arno Press Lived in the heads of John and Matilda, and politely rejected Susan's chatter.

"I understand..."

Susan Academician was very embarrassed, but she had no choice but to retreat, and continued: "You two, you are not interested in academic research, you might as well listen The benefits of this research are huge. Countless people afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and their families have to spend a lot of time with them, and these people are very willing to pay a lot of money for special medicines."

"No, we'll leave when we're done watching the sharks."

"Well, let's talk while watching. These sharks are amazing. Extracting the protein in their brains can restore the shrinking human brain, fundamentally Healing..."

Susan Academician still didn't give up, Arnold shook his head and said nothing more.

Luo Su didn't say a word the whole time, thinking divergently, and I don't know where to go.

Humans are both curious and fearful of sharks, marine predators, so many movies and TV works about sharks eating people have been born, such as the classic [Great White Shark], and the [ Deep Sea Crazy Shark].

After listening to Arnold talk about the key eyes of sharks and research institutes, Luo Su knew that this chaotic world has not spared the classic IP of sharks, so he decided to try one's luck to see where A shark was fortunate enough to contribute a lottery to him.

And then be killed by him!

When he arrived at the institute by helicopter, he was fiercely relaxed, a regular shark thriller, not the [Sharknado] series with a brain hole breaking through the sky, nor the crazy [Deadly N-Headed Shark] series.

He once watched movie clips in two series, and then his whole person was not well, and he felt that watching a few more films would seriously reduce his IQ.

He couldn't think of riding a sister, such a shoddy film, could actually shoot several consecutive films to form a series, and there was a market.

In turn, the audience chose to watch for a very good reason, not for the sharks with special effects, but for the swimsuit beauties who did not wear swimsuits.

At that time, Luo Su thought that he could not lose his IQ by himself. He had to recommend it to the vast number of netizens and drag them to lose their IQ together. After checking online, he was speechless.

The two series are from the same company.

Luo Su had MMP in mind, and searched for how sacred this company is. After reading it, he was deeply impressed.

The company that makes these brain-shattering, heavenly thundering movies is famous and has an unshakable position in the bad film industry.

In addition to the two shark films, there are also many well-known IPs, such as [Transformation Body], [30,000 Leagues Under the Sea], [Atlantic Rim], [Da Vinci Treasure], [The Hunger Games] , sit firmly on the top spot in the cottage industry.

Uh, there seems to be something wrong!

It's just right, its corporate culture is about perseverance, and it will never make movies that cost more than 1 million USD.

What I have to admire is that this company has never made a loss-making movie, and every one made a profit.

Even if the original hit the street, they can make a profit.

It is like the [super battleship] that Luo Su experienced before, the genuine lost 200 million USD, and the company's [US warship] not only recovered the cost, but also made 50% of the total profit. Up to 250,000 USD.

Just ask if you are angry!

But even if it's too bad to be added, even if you know it's a bad film before watching it, there are still audiences who are willing to buy it. They regard the slot as a bright spot and find that the bad film is unexpectedly good.

"Mr. Luo Su! Mr. Luo Su!"

Luo Su, who was thinking divergently, came back to his senses from speechless, and found that Arnold and Leon were with two little ghosts in the In front of the glass of the main laboratory, watching the sharks swimming by, exclaimed and laughed from time to time.

And in front of him, was Susan Academician who looked hungry... eager.

Luo Su took two steps back and subconsciously grasped the collar: "Sorry, I'm not a casual person."

"You're so... humorous."

Susan Academician smiled embarrassingly, and continued with a serious face: "Mr. Luo Su, just now you heard me mention the progress of the experiment, and smiled and nodded, did you decide to invest in the project?"

"What? , what did you just say?"


Susan Academician's smile was stiff on her face, secretly thinking that rich people are really hard to serve, she took two deep breaths and said: " Mr. Luo Su, this research is very promising, and the return profit can make you monopolize..."


Luo Su raised his hand to stop, shook his head and refused: "No Interested, I don’t call on sharks, and I don’t expect to invest in this project to benefit mankind.”

Seeing Luo Su returning to Danger Land very simply, without leaving the slightest leeway, Susan Academician gritted her teeth and stepped forward in a low voice. Said: "If you are worried, I have sufficient experimental data in my office to prove it, and we can talk slowly there."

"No, Academician, I'm really not a casual person."

"No, Academician."


Luo Su refused again, bypassing Susan Academician and came to the observation glass wall, looking at the three super sharks inside through the dark water.


[Host contacts the mutant shark of the plot character, lottery section triggered, would you like to pull now? ]

There is lottery!

Luo Su's eyes lit up, and it was worthwhile to press it. He took back what he said before, and he began to call the shark.

"Mr. Luo Su, these two sharks are specially cultivated in the laboratory, what do you think?"

Noticing the change in Luo Su's expression, Susan Academician asked aloud, She attaches great importance to this research and very much hopes to convince Luo Su.

Luo Su telepathically swept over, his expression remained unchanged: "Academician, if you read correctly, these three sharks should be mako sharks, but aren't they a bit too big?"

The mako shark has a ferocious temperament and preys on other fish, including sharks, up to four meters in size. These three heads are obviously over the standard, and the largest one is about six meters, which is already the level of the Great White Shark.

Perhaps because of someone's own affinity, Susan Academician bowed her head in shame: "The brain capacity of ordinary mako sharks is too small to extract enough protein. In order to achieve a major breakthrough in medical experiments, I Using genetic engineering to increase their brain size, the side effect is that they become stronger and smarter."

Luo Su nods, affirmed: "Academician, you are the one who should increase the brain size."

"I know that I have violated the relevant regulations, but once the experiment is successful, countless people will benefit from it." Speaking of this, Susan Academician immediately became firm.

"You don't worry about them being too smart, escaping from the deep-sea base, and madly multiplying and causing chain disasters?"

"Don't worry, they are very smart, but far better than not. Humans can't escape this underwater prison." Susan Academician said confidently.

"Academician, I have a question, your genetic modification technology is mature like this, why are you still obsessed with sharks? Wouldn't it be soft to win awards if you change research fields?"

Luo Su complained, his eyes locked on the three mutant sharks, and the invisible telepathy swept over, causing them to lose their minds and frantically attack the tempered glass in front of them.

One of the sharks had a stone in its mouth, and zhi zhi cha cha wrote the word 'death' on the tempered glass.


The main research room screamed again and again, Arnold and Leon kept the two brats taking pictures behind them, and the other researchers were stunned Step forward.

"Sharks...what does that mean?"

"I read it, it's in Chinese, wait for me to check."


Luo Su lightly coughed, the shark with a rock in his mouth is rewritten, this time in English - Die!

This time, the laboratory is in complete chaos, because they have raised sharks that can speak two languages.

(end of this chapter)

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