End Of Heavens

Chapter 1031

End Of Heavens Chapter 1031


Chapter 1028 Magicians should melee

"From time immemorial to the present, the war between magicians was unknown, and Supreme Merlin mastered it. The Book of Magic, the fate of Protectors."

Basser told Luo Su about the history of magician: "He told the secrets of the Book of Magic to three trusted mages, I, Victoria Ronica and Maxim, but Maxim betrayed Supreme Merlin and revealed the secrets of the book of magic to Morgani of wild ambition, she robbed the book of magic and got magician's forbidden spell."

"Supreme Merlin died because of this betrayal, Morgani was self-sealed by Veronica, and both were trapped in the soul artifact. For the next few hundred years, I chased Maxim's I followed my footsteps and successfully sealed it until I met David..."

Speaking of this, Basazer couldn't help but glance at the pitiful discipline, David sneered, lowered his head and dared not confront him See.

"I followed Supreme Merlin's will and searched for the successor for the Dragon Ring, that is, David. As a result, he left the dogshit luck and released Maxim, making the war continue to this day."

"So it's like this..."

Luo Su touched the chin and thought, and felt that he had seen the plot before. He assumed that Supreme Merlin was equal to Ancient One old man, and the second and fifth sons, Maxim and Morgani were respectively It was Kaecilius and Dormammu, who found that there was no sense of incongruity in substituting characters.

It's hard to say whether David is Doctor Strange, but Supreme Merlin is 80% the same as Ancient One.

After all, Balthazar also said that Supreme Merlin is a bad old fogey. With reference to Ancient One and Gandalf of the same type, it is not difficult to find that it is really difficult for these old monsters to die.

Thinking of this, Luo Su tentatively asked: "How did Supreme Merlin die, whether it was an electromagnetic pulse weapon or a nuclear weapon, or did he survive a nuclear explosion and died of nuclear radiation?"

"Neither of them."

Basser said with sadness on his face, "Supreme Merlin was sneak attacked by Morgani because of Maxim's betrayal and died under her sword."


"Cut off his head?"

"Stabbed in the stomach."

"OK, I understand!"

Luo Su is sure that the real hammer Supreme Merlin is an old fogey like Ancient One and Gandalf.

David didn't understand and asked: "Basser, you were shot in the chest just now and you didn't die, and you said it was just a minor injury, so why did Supreme Merlin die after a single blow?"


Luo Su is nodded again and again, this is the truth, Supreme Merlin has been immersed in the magic palace for many years, and a sword in the stomach is no different from an ordinary person cutting his appendix.

No, it's an exaggeration to cut the appendix, and a haircut is more appropriate.

Basser said solemnly: "David, this is the choice of fate. Supreme Merlin is powerful, but he is a human being, not an omnipotent god."

Nothing else. They all push on fate, it is clearly because the old fogey is too tired to guard the world, and runs away.

Luo Su slandered in his heart, he is from the past, and there is EXP in this matter.

"Master Luo Su, regarding Maxim, can you invite you to work with him, arrest him and reseal him?"

Basser made a request to form a team, but Luo Su ignored him , changed the subject and took it to the past.

"Speaking of Supreme Merlin, I think of King Arthur of ancient Britain, and then the fairy in the lake and the sword of the king, then the question arises, is King Arthur a man or a woman, is he 1.6 meters tall?"


David couldn’t keep up with Luo Su’s jumping thoughts, and his logic was confused and fell into a cross-eyed state.

Baszer stroked for a while, opened the mouth and said: "King Arthur is male, tall and strong, with red hair and Sideburns, is a standard Celtic..."

"Okay, needless to say, leave me some fantasy."

Luo Su raised his hand to stop, and then pointed to the soul artifact doll on the table, which looks like a forbidden nesting doll. Layers can cast seals.

"I have an immature idea. Since Maxim wants to release Mo Ganni, the evil mage in the soul artifact, why don't we release her and kill her on the spot to solve the problem from the source. ."

"No way!"

Basazer categorically refused, fearing that Luo Su would do what he said, he picked up the soul artifact and shoved it into his arms: "Master Luo Su, Gan Ni is Supreme Merlin's lifelong enemy, she's so powerful, we can't risk the entire world."

"No, I think it's better to let her out now."


"According to my many years of EXP, Maxim will definitely get the soul artifact, and then successfully release Morgani, then you will be beaten to death and the task of saving the world will be It will fall on David."

Luo Su continued to substitute in the plot of [Doctor Strange], the screenwriter was just that three-pronged axe over and over again, and he was so tired that he almost vomited.

Basazer followed Luo Su's thinking and thought of relying on David to save the world, and immediately shivered and said with a smile: "Master Luo Su, your imagination is so rich, but Unleashing Morgani is impossible unless you get past me first."

"Are you sure?"


Basser Dumbfounded, he wasn't very sure.

"Okay, don't let it go, I'm nothing serious, you don't have to be nervous."


Luo Su is fine if she doesn't explain , As soon as he explained that Balthazar became even more nervous, his face was full of alertness, and he tightly covered the soul artifact.

"By the way, I have another question. You said just now that Supreme Merlin was stabbed to death by Morgani, so can I assume that Supreme Merlin's weapon is also a long sword?"


"Two to be exact. Supreme Merlin loves to use one long and one short two-handed sword against the enemy. Sometimes he also uses the Knight two-handed sword." gives the answer.

Sure enough, the mage should melee, attribute points full point of life, stamina, skills one-handed sword, two-handed sword, crit, charge, Tornado Slash, armor piercing, spell quality but not quantity, point A lighting spell is done.

Supreme Merlin's image suddenly became taller, Luo Su was puzzled and looked towards Balazer: "There is a good template for Supreme Merlin like this, why are your two claws blind when you are fighting? Swipe?"

Basazer thought for a moment and replied: "It's different, Supreme Merlin uses a two-handed sword to fight the enemy because he has a strong backing, I haven't reached that level yet, and melee weapons can only As a support."

"Master Balazser, you have fallen into a misunderstanding."

Luo Su felt the need to correct Balazser's erroneous concept, and said solemnly: "You are mistaken. It is not because Supreme Merlin is strong that he can use the two-handed sword to crush the enemy, but because he uses the two-handed sword to crush the enemy, he appears to be strong."

"Is that so? ?"

David was very curious about this, and imagined the scene. Supreme Merlin encountered a strong enemy, and he threw away the staff in Lengzi's hand, and at the moment when the strong enemy dodged, he drew his two-handed sword and a heaven falls and earth rends slash, ending the battle easily.

It seems to be no problem!

"Master Luo Su, are you joking?"

Basazer shook his head repeatedly, Luo Su's words subverted his magic concept, and he couldn't agree with him no matter what.

"Basser, do you know why I can beat you with no difficulty?"

Luo Su looked at Balazr with pity, he went astray and didn't know, what a sad pseudo-mage .

"Why?" Luo Su's eyes made Balazer very aggrieved, and he asked out loud with his neck stuck.

"Because I, like Supreme Merlin, have a strong physique, we both add attribute points to the constitution."


"Sorry, I made a mistake."

Luo Su lightly coughed, and said slowly: "Supreme Merlin saw through the essence of magician and embarked on the right path, so he was able to defeat everyone and gain The title of 'Supreme'."

"His strength is not in how powerful his magic is, but because he has developed a good body that is strong enough to resist magic, and he can knock other mages down if he is shirtless. ."

"It makes sense, I agree with this point of view."

David nodded again and again, no wonder he always felt that something was wrong when he learned magic before, it turned out to be on the wrong road .

"Shut up!"

Basazer gave David a fiercely look, and then said: "Master Luo Su, your theory is not realistic, no one can pass the training. , let his body resist the magic without getting hurt, Supreme Merlin just... just..."

Basazer was stunned in the middle of his words, it seemed that when Supreme Merlin was fighting with people, he was facing the madness The magic of the explosion, rushed to the other side and beat him to the point of crying.

"That's it, go on!" Luo Su looked at Balthazar with a funny look.

"Supreme Merlin was stabbed to death by a sword, which proves that his body is not that strong."

Basser found the final proof that his magic theory was correct, His face looked much better.

“he he he...”

Luo Su grinned, pulled out the M9 in the holster, and with Bassaze and David backing away, put the muzzle against the gun. on the forehead.

"Master Luo Su, calm down!"

Basser whispered BB, saying words of advice, but there was no movement in his hands.


With a gunshot, Luo Su removed the deformed bullet from his forehead, raised his hand and threw it on the ground.


Basser:(; ̄︿ ̄)

"You see, I don't use magic , I can bear this bullet with only my body."

Luo Su blew the muzzle and retracted the M9 into the holster: "If I guess correctly, Supreme Merlin must have done something similar. Son, like catching the ion cannon with your mouth."

"You, how do you know?" Balazser turned pale in fright.

They are all pretending to be in the world!

Luo Su twitched his lips with disdain: "Admit it, I can crush you, and Supreme Merlin crushes other mages for the same reason, you are going the wrong way."

"Impossible, there must be other reasons for this."

Basazer refused to admit it, emotionally excitedly said: "Among the mages I've seen, only you and Supreme Merlin can do it like this, and you can It's an alien."

"Hehe, the aliens have won the title of 'Supreme', and you mainstream mages have been brought down with three fists and two feet."

" ..."

Basazer collapsed to the ground in a daze, his rebuttal paled in the face of reality, and he tried to organize the language several times, but he didn't know what to say.

Luo Su looked towards David with a smile, and said temptingly: "David, I have some proven magic tricks, do you want to learn it?"

David was very attentive and shook his head Rejection: "I don't want to!"

"After completing my studies, Betty will fall in love with you."

"Master Luo Su, no, teacher, please teach me the magic of proven."

(end of this chapter)

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