End Of Heavens

Chapter 1039

End Of Heavens Chapter 1039


Chapter 1036 Explosion in Place

With M9 on her forehead, Lucy was not flustered, her body structure has mutated, and she can do whatever she wants Manipulating the cells in the body and maintaining the human form is just a habit.

The specific performance is that Luo Su pulls the trigger, which can blow her head, and she can quickly heal herself to complete the 'resurrection'.

"Officer Luo Su, I have no ill intentions, I just want to communicate with you in the most efficient way. We are aliens, and maybe we can find a common ground."

Between Lucy's words , the M9 disintegrated automatically and fell into pieces one by one: "And this gun too, you know it can't destroy me."

"We are not familiar enough for me to open my heart to you, think Communication with me can only be done in writing or verbally."

Luo Su picked up the parts on the ground, quickly reassembled the M9 with both hands, and then enchanted the left side of the divide throne to transform it into an oversized one. The shotgun pressed against Lucy's head again.

"How about this time, can I kill you?"


Lucy was speechless, the holy light energy seemed to open to her After entering the gate of New World, he looked towards Luo Su's left hand along the energy source, where he saw Golden's Cross stigmata.

Ordinary person couldn't see it, but she did.

Lucy tried to simulate the energy of the holy light, the arc of the palm, the heat, etc. flashed in turn, and finally ended in failure, frowned: "What is this, does God really exist?"

"Exist, the Professor Norman you are looking for is the one you are looking for."

Luo Su speaks frankly: "Because of some misunderstandings, God the old man closed the gate of heaven, it is impossible for you to find him It's gone."

"Officer Luo Su, my intuition tells me that the disappearance of God has an inevitable connection with you."

"Nonsense, how can I have that ability." Luo Su black His face returned.

"What about hell?"

"There's no one in hell, I'm taking over now, and I'll give it back to her when Satan returns."

"She!? "

Lucy showed a surprised look slightly, stared at Luo Su for three seconds, nodded and said: "I understand."

"What do you understand?"


"The reason for Satan's disappearance, and if there is no accident, she will never return to hell again."

"You know, your tone is very rude."

Luo Su snorted: "Satan is currently on vacation at Nether King Star. Whether she can return or not is only related to her personal mood. If she is happy, she will return to hell in the next second."

"Luo Officer Su, are you defending?"

"Ms. Lucy, why are you a hundred thousand?"

"No, I just think it's weird."


Lucy frowned and stared at Luo Su's eyes, and stepped forward to get close to Luo Su's face: "All human senses are too primordial, with the height of your evolution, It shouldn't be concerned about whether these are possible or not. There is no problem, but in fact, you are still controlled by the hormones your body secretes... You are limited by yourself."

Luo Su flat-mouthed: "It makes sense, but I really have no desires or desires. I am still me?"

Lucy was amazed and said in disbelief: "This is your understanding of evolution?"

"No, I am happy. Good!"


Lucy fell into a brief silence, opened the mouth and said: "Officer Luo Su, I have absorbed a lot of synthetic CPH4 and opened the brain domain. After more than 20%, the brain will develop itself without control, like a domino Bone Token, forming a chain reaction."

Luo Su nods and gives a pertinent solution: "like this disobedient brain What's the use of it, cut it!"

Lucy chose to ignore it and continued: "I can't feel physical pain, mental fear, joy and other emotions, and all kinds of Desires are being lost little by little."

"Well, you are not human anymore!"

"On the contrary, the more I lose my humanity, the more I can comprehend the knowledge of all things in the universe, Quantum physics, applied mathematics... new knowledge keeps appearing in my mind, I don't know what to do, can you answer my doubts?"

Lucy looked forward to looking towards Luo Su, think that this pioneer on the road of evolution will have constructive comments.

In the original book, Lucy confided her confusion to Professor Norman, who gave her advice to pass on knowledge, so she had that precious USB flash drive.

Now that Professor Norman is running away, she turns to Luo Su for advice, and the style of painting will be somewhat different.

"Don't ask me what you like to do, you just don't know."

"If I knew what to do, I wouldn't ask you."


Luo Su looked at Lucy sympathetically: "I don't know what you are, maybe it's a tool, after all, only a tool has no feelings... If you really If you don't know, you might as well use your developed mind to think about a few simple questions."

"Please tell me."

"Who am I, where do I come from, and what do I do? ?"

"Officer Luo Su, this kind of question is meaningless."

"Yes, if you don't even know who you are, why bother with what you want to do? "

Luo Su shrugged: "If you say you don't have Seven Emotions and Six Desires, then just explode in place. You don't care if you exist anyway."

"No, I still have a goal in my life..."

Lucy looked at Luo Su calmly: "I want to be freed from my body, if you describe it as an explosion in place, this kind of statement That's fine too."

"Then fry slowly and be quiet!"

Luo Su patted Lucy on the shoulder and walked quickly towards the stairs: "I can't help you. It's your favor, don't come to me."

After three steps, he silently looked towards Lucy behind him, what did he mean?

"Lucy, you still have to pick up the remaining three packs of CPH4, don't follow me, this is about your liberation."

"You really know something!"

Lucy followed Luo Su firmly once again, explaining: "I just hypnotized Mister Li, he will let his men come to New York with three packs of CPH4, and I don't need to go to Europe."


"So I want to make more observations of you in order to understand the meaning of my existence in the future."

(一`'one )

Luo Su was stunned and tried to imagine what would happen if Lucy substituted his behavior pattern.

If the world learns from me, it is like entering the demonic path!

"A friendly reminder, you should find a reliable person to learn from. If you can't do it, then go to Nether King Star. Satan's little elder sister is also a high-level being, and she used to be Angel!"


Luo Su didn't even think about it, and decisively sold Satan...to learn from God.

"With my current strength, I can't reach the Nether King Star."

"I can send you there!"

Luo Su lit up Sacred M9 in hand: "Let's go to the nearest air base... No, there's the USS fearless Museum on the Hudson River, in Manhattan, New York, you can fly to the Nether King Star."

"Officer Luo Su, if Satan is really one step ahead of you in evolution, why would he hide from you, hide in the Nether King Star and not want to come back?" Lucy shook her head and looked for Luo Su.

"I said she basks in the Nether King Star, do you believe it?"

"No, Mercury and Venus are more suitable."

"… ”

The topic is dead again, Luo Su also vomited this groove, God pointed out the correct answer, but he can’t say it to Lucy, it will damage his personal image.

Just when Luo Su was thinking about spreading her wings and running to the Nether King Star to avoid the limelight, Lucy's face changed suddenly, her mouth was slanted, her eyes were slanted, and the corners of her brows drooped to the level of her nose.

"Why, you really don't want to be a man?"

Luo Su teased, and then stepped back for a while with a serious face.


Lucy's body surface is sandy, and dust-sized particles are suspended from her torso. At first, the outer epidermis is gradually peeled off, revealing the flesh and blood texture, and then the rest of the body. Parts disintegrate quickly.

"Officer, help... help me."

Lucy opened her mouth and gradually became unable to speak. four.

Really TM exploded in place?

Luo Su suppressed the suspicion in his heart, glanced at Lucy, and quickly stepped forward to take out half a bag of CPH4 from her backpack.

He opened Lucy's mouth, accidentally ripped off his jawbone, said apologetically in his heart, and poured the half bag of CPH4 into it.

Thinking that direct blood contact with this thing is more conducive to absorption, he pointed and stabbed Lucy's mouth with a sword... if it was a mouth at all.

Lucy's whole body trembled, her eyes showed despair, and half of her palms grabbed Luo Su's arm, her eyes full of reluctance for life.

Luo Su slightly frowned, CPH4 failed to stop Lucy's weathering, subconsciously opened his palms to cover those desperate eyes.

Holy light injection!

Not valid!

Two times in a row failed to stop Lucy's decomposition, he pondered the possibility of using the 'Left of the Divine Throne'.

The left side of the divine throne has the ability to change something rotten into something magical. Except for weapons, all objects regarded as means of transportation by Luo Su, whether dead or alive, can be magically changed and controlled.

In addition to his permanent skill 'Ace Pilot', everything can be ridden, so theoretically, Lucy is also a vehicle.

It's quite exciting to think about it!

The holy light transforms. The left side of the divide throne covers Lucy's body, briefly stopping the disintegrated body. After three seconds, Lucy's whole body turns into light particles.

Break up!

Without gunpowder or anger, Luo Su had only a few clothes and a pocket left in front of him.

"I saw it all, she blew it up herself, and has nothing to do with me."

This is embarrassing!

Luo Su also counted on the success of the enchantment and went back to try the female Superman. The latter has been entangled that she is not as strong as Shen Menghan, and the left of the divide throne may be able to make up for the regret.

It looks like it's not working now...

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ! ! !

The air rhythmically moved under inexplicable rules. Luo Su stepped back vigilantly. Electromagnetism and telepathy opened at the same time, with black glow in his eyes observing everything.

The world in front of you is completely different, one after another is woven from chaotically crossed thin threads, and the electromagnetic stand shows an extremely strange runaway pattern.

Luo Su's eyes are straight, and a series of garbled information is programmed and formed in his eyes, and reflected into his brain through visual capture.

Visuals are deceiving!

He closed his eyes and only used electromagnetic and telepathy to observe and record changes in the surroundings.

In the dark void, countless light spots hit, and then dotted lines formed a surface, depicting the outline of a curvaceous body.

Under the action of the electromagnetic field, the material is recreated, filling it bit by bit, creating a human-like but completely different body.

The rays of light dissipated, and it was pitch black.

Luo Su opened his eyes, and in front of him was Lucy, who was naked.


Luo Su's hair is surrounded by electric arcs, and the five fingers are opened and gradually faded into transparency. A drop of blood overflows from the palm, and it expands and grows rapidly, becoming a beating heart.


The faded fingers were restored, Luo Su crushed his heart with all his might, and burned it into ashes with a handful of black flames.

He fiercely slapped his expressionless face, took out the vanity mirror from his pocket, winked and made a few grimaces, and finally relaxed.

"It's so dangerous, I almost have no desires."

"Bastard, kindly help you, why do you give me this kind of memory, and am I still a man?"

(end of this chapter)

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