End Of Heavens

Chapter 1041

End Of Heavens Chapter 1041


Chapter 1038 No, I don't

"Lucy, this kind of talk is just off-putting and makes you look a little more attractive. Neither..."

Luo Su looked at Lucy with a strange expression, and said sympathetically, "But I can't blame you, after all, your humanity is gradually losing, and you lack the sense of shame you deserve. Understood, understandable."

Luo Su decided that adults should not remember villains, but Lucy didn't think she was making rash comments and emphasized: "Officer Luo Su, you should face yourself, you I know that what you do is not out of desire itself, but out of your resistance to evolution."


Luo Su He took out the digital camera from the back of his butt and put it in front of Lucy: "Look, I took a picture when I dressed you, how is it, isn't it scumbag?"

Lucy glanced at first. Behind Luo Su, his eyes fixed on the black stigmata on the back of his left hand, and finally he looked towards his own photo.

She was frowned, and the digital camera automatically turned to Ashley's album: "There really is this person...Ashley...strange, this person shouldn't exist... Who is she and where did she come from? ?"

"Don't worry about the details, the key is that I took pictures of you, which is the best proof."

"Forgive me to speak bluntly, this can only prove you Struggling, your stubbornness makes you reject yourself."

"I don't!"


Luo Su slapped the coffee table, cautiously stuffed the digital camera into the space, and glared at the inhumane Lucy.

If you have a grudge, it will change overnight!

Faced with Lucy's repeated provocations, Luo Su stretched out his hand, put it on his shoulders, and strode into the bedroom.

Lucy wants to prove that he has lost his desire to be a human being. All his performances are trying to cover up and deceive others. Luo Su also wants to prove that...

To be honest, he is a little panicked, Because Lucy did have some truth in what she said, asking Max and Caroline to come to the door is to save the missing part.

Now there is a more perfect Lucy, and those two tool people have become dispensable.

——N-shaped dividing line——

Luo Su put away the digital camera, lit a cigarette by the bedside, thanked Lucy for letting him pick it up successfully lost part.

In addition to morality!

Lucy leaned against Luo Su, her fingertips close together, the reconstituted substance replicated a cigarette, the cigarette butt was heated and spontaneously ignited, imitating Luo Su's appearance and began to smoke.

"The main pharmacological effect of nicotine is to stimulate the brain to secrete dopamine hormone, which makes the brain in a state of excitement..."

"With the prolonged smoking, the You will become addicted to smoking by repeatedly stimulating the brain and driving various organs of the body to become dependent on nicotine."

"If you have a fart!"



Luo Su fiercely scratched his head and said frantically: "If you have something to say, don't give me all this messy science."

"Luo Officer Su, I don't understand why you want to smoke, after all, with your physical fitness, cigarettes cannot make you dependent."

"Yes, you are right, but I am I like it."

Luo Su raised his eyebrows: "Don't you think it's a good time to light a cigarette at this time?"

"I don't think so."

"Then why are you smoking..."

Luo Su said slightly frowned, took the cigarette from Lucy's mouth, burned it clean, and then took out a cigarette from the cigarette case to light it superior.

"How do you feel?"

"It's the same as before, no difference."

Lucy shook her head slightly, wondering why Luo Su insisted on being inefficient , and answered the previous question: "I smoke to learn from you. Only by getting to know you better can I prove that my theory is correct."

"Don't prove it, I have no future. Your theory is correct."

"No, if my theory is correct, why would you rather pick up the dregs than agree with my theory?"

"Fuck, why do you like this so much?"

"The more you know, the more doubts you have."

"Then think slowly, don't Talk, I'm going to bed."

Luo Su didn't recognize anyone before he lifted his trousers, so he put out his cigarette and fell asleep.

In ten minutes.

"Officer Luo Su, you..."

"Remove the officer, it hurts to hear."

"Luo Su, you obviously can't sleep, why? Do you want to pretend to sleep, pretend you need sleep?"

"You're boring, really."

Luo Su rolled over and sat up, Lucy stared at him for ten minutes, It comes to a conclusion like this that is unbelievable.

Lucy unyielding unyieldingly asked: "Why?"

"There is no reason, I want to do like this, I am happy."

Luo Su sighed: "I know that you lack humanity now, but you should still remember the emotions of joy, just like just now, when we were there, weren't you very happy?"


Lucy replied very sincerely: "I don't feel happy, I just feel that by showing happiness, you will be happy."

?(╬▔Ware▔) ┌┛#)`з゜)

Luo Su leg raised kicked Lucy out of bed and pointed to the bedroom door: "Go out, you sleep on the sofa tonight."

"Why? ?"

The scars on Lucy's face healed by themselves, and she asked and answered: "If it is my answer that damages your male self-esteem, there is absolutely no need for it. This is just an experiment to verify the theory. Both sides are very calm."

"You and I both know that true communication never comes out of the body, it's an open heart..."

"Get out!"

Luo Su opened the bedroom door and pointed out the door: "When you go downstairs, by the way, help me call up the first floor who don't want to work hard."

"I refuse, you don't want it. Waste your energy and time on them."

Lucy shook her head: "Allow me to remind you that there is a huge disparity in life rank, and there will be no outcome between you. If it is Ms. Satan, it may be possible. ."

"I don't like this. You think Max and Caroline's life rank is low, but I think they are much higher than you."

Luo Su twitched his lips, the reason is very simple, he is also the protagonist in the story, there is only one episode of [Super Body], and six episodes of [Bankrupt Sisters].


Lucy shook her head in denial, no matter from which point of view, there is no comparability between the two parties.

"I know you don't believe it, so that's fine, let's do an experiment."

Luo Su's eyes lit up and came up with an interesting idea: "The two sisters of the first floor Unlucky, almost every day all go bankrupt, never rich, you make them rich, I will admit that your life rank is higher."

"It's easy."


"Try and talk, or you'll be slapped in the face."


Lucy nodded, narrowed her eyes slightly, and revised the bankrupt sister's The bank records turned the two of them from poor people to billionaires in an instant.

"Yeah yah——"

I don't know if it's because the slab is too thin or the voice is too loud, Luo Su can clearly hear the scream 2nd layer, then peng The peng falls to the ground twice, and then...

The endless loop of screaming and fainting can starve Max and Caroline to death.

Lucy frowned slightly, telepathically invaded, made the bankrupt sisters accept the reality of being rich, then smiled slightly towards Luo Su.

"Don't worry, let... daydream for a while."

Luo Su is very calm. If he expects it well, the money will be frozen soon. The IRS then visits in person.

In short, this money is just looking festive, and the two will never be able to get it out, it is better not to have it.

Suddenly, Lucy gave a surprised look and looked towards Luo Su suspiciously: "Strange, the bank filed for bankruptcy and the USA government took over the debt."



Luo Su shrugged, the reality was more ruthless than he imagined, and the bank just disappeared.

According to the financial system on the USA side, if the bank goes bankrupt, the depositor can jump off the building directly, because the government will only pay 100,000 USD to Max and Caroline, even if there is 100 million in the account.

"It's weird, it's...there is no reason...it's too sudden."

Lucy lost interest in Luo Su instantly, and was ready to study the bankrupt sisters .

Just as she closed her eyes and was about to win the 100 million yuan lottery jackpot, Luo Su raised her hand and called to stop: "Don't be like this, the ups and downs can't bear the heart, before you can turn them into rich women, they I'm scared to death."

While speaking, Max and Caroline both rolled their eyes and passed out when they received a call from the bank.

But after waking up this time, they calmly accepted the fact that the bank went bankrupt, and were complacent for the compensation of 100,000 USD.

Maybe it's a habit!

Lucy was stunned and looked towards Luo Su suspiciously: "What would happen if I made cash directly on their sofa?"

"Two outcomes , the first sofa caught fire, and the one they rescued is now King Kong so that he can buy a new sofa.”

Luo Su continued: “Or the room caught fire and other residents suffered, the 100,000 USD that has not yet been received. All in."

"What if I kill them?"

"Uh, calm down!"

Luo Su wiped the hair on his head. In a cold sweat, I really want to say that all New Yorkers are dead, these two people are still living in poverty, and they are silent when they say it, and they do not want to bet their lives.


Lucy didn't speak, and she was telepathically connected to Max and Caroline. Just as she was about to start, a strange feeling hit her, which made her take the initiative. Choose to give up.

Luo Su frowned, his eyes darkened, looking towards the sky, a huge cosmic battleship appeared on the fire star orbit through Space Jump, slowly approaching the Earth position.

It was a coincidence or something else, not to mention Lucy, Luo Su himself was dumbfounded.

"Impossible, it's just a coincidence, there is no necessary connection between the two."

Lucy didn't believe it, she used telepathy again, and then, it was a cosmic battleship Space Jump Appeared, the size is much smaller, but the shape and style are completely different from the previous one.


Lucy chose to give up, but Luo Su came interested, he turned on telepathy…


The bedroom door was kicked open, and Eleanor lost one's head out of fear: "Sir, we are in trouble, Skynet's robot army suddenly came and surrounded the entire New York."


After a brief silence, Luo Su's mouth twitched, and a far-fetched smile looked towards Lucy: "How about it, just move Earth and it will explode, isn't it a very high level life? form."

"This...I can't understand, they are just ordinary people."

Lucy continued to show surprise and confusion, the extremely low probability is a coincidence, and she cannot help Do not believe.

How would you explain it, if you can believe it?


Has Alliance Leader 'A Lonely Dog', 'A Lonely Dog', 'A Lonely Dog' 'reward!

I owe it to the boss, there are eight chapters, a total of sixteen chapters...

(end of this chapter)

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