End Of Heavens

Chapter 1045

End Of Heavens Chapter 1045


Chapter 1042 is running out of time

Jagged Elder stride proudly ahead, Lucy also stepped forward, in Luo Su and several Under the watchful eyes of the onlookers, the two sides slowly approached.

Luo Su swallowed and couldn't help but look forward to it, guessing how Lucy would end the fight.

Although it is pointed out that it is hand-to-hand combat, Lucy's brain dials up the Internet to download all the fighting skills spread on the Internet, and instantly Full Mastery, with amazing body control ability to exert it to the limit.

A punch to Earth.

But Luo Su didn't think Lucy would obediently and honestly fight with the Jagged Elder. The biggest possibility is that she rubbed out nuclear fission with one hand and slapped the Jagged Elder on the face.

The picture is too beautiful, it is worth looking forward to!

The four iron blood essence Ying whispered about Elder and a human woman's fighting behavior. They could hardly believe that the powerful Elder Council was so self-deprecating.

The honor code of hunting is written in the Jagged Civilization, among which is included do not hunt assassin unarmed prey, forgive weak women and children, do not open the invisible device when hunting and so on.

Different clans have different hunting rules, but basically both of them don't hunt assassin's defenseless prey, and forgive weak women and children.

With the blood essence, the British know the women of Earth, the defenseless and weak women, Lucy is all, Elder's behavior of taking the initiative to challenge is very unwise, which will affect his prestige in the council.

The four iron blood essence Ying did not notice that when Lucy stepped forward, the restless two-headed alien queen immediately sat down obediently.

Two long, thorny tails dangling from the ground, saliva flowing from their mouths, haha gasping for breath.

The desire to survive is extremely strong!

Looking at the performance, you can tell that although they are chained with iron and blood, they have fallen to Lucy inwardly.

Jagged Elder stopped and kept a distance of five meters from Lucy, his eyes brows tightly frowns, looking at Lucy who was only at the height of his chest, the four frontal bones sticking out of his face opened, revealing Relatively small mouth.

"Human, your name?"

"Lucy, Miller Lucy!"

Jagged nodded, raised the fighting lance with one hand, Instead, hold your hands high, bring one-knee kneels down and bring them up.

Luo Su: ╭(⊙?⊙`)╮

What is reality?

The reality is that no matter how your brain breaks through the sky, reality can make you eat a pound of cold air.

"This TM is too mature!"

Luo Su covered his face and dared not look, thinking that he had overlooked an important issue. Like him, he was good at pretending His eyesight is not bad, he knows when to pretend and when to be cowardly.

This is indeed the truth. The most representative behavior of Iron Blood Fighter is to travel around the universe, hunting for entertainment or seeking glory, chasing and killing opponents who think it is worth fighting. , remove the victim's personal items, or body parts as souvenirs.

But this is just a young iron Blood Fighter, a young man full of blood, fighting around the clan's glory view, arrogant, ruthless and full of offensive.

Older Jagged Bloods are different. As they grow older, they travel the universe experienced and knowledgeable, become more calm and autonomous in character, and understand the way of life.

To put it simply, the iron-blooded without eyesight has long since died, and those who can become Elders are all human beings.

Lucy looked towards the Jagged Elder, who was kneeling on the ground, stunned for a moment, then turned to Luo Su for guidance.

Luo Su covered her face and didn't look at it. Seeing this, Lucy made up her own mind and said indifferently: "It's called father!"

After she finished speaking, she felt stupid, like a joke .

If this is the pursuit of higher life, she can only say that there is no fun at all, it is better to learn more knowledge.


Jagged Elder held up the fighting lance and said sincerely: "You created us and gave us knowledge and technology, we have been looking for you."


Luo Su and Lucy were silent at the same time, and the four iron blood essence Ying looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what Elder Bai was talking about.

Lucy's silence was looked thoughtful, while Luo Su's silence was speechless. His intuition told him that Jagged Elder didn't speak nonsense, and this was not commercial tout.

With Lucy's ability, it is impossible now, but it is entirely possible to intercept the timeline in the future and start the Jagged Civilization.

This also explains why the Jagged Clan's backward clan social structure, bizarre hunting civilization, and advanced technology conflict.

"One hundred thousand years ago, you appeared on the home planet, gave us the key to evolution, and left behind the fire of civilization. You are the guide of our family, our god..."

"Time has not faded the truth, the Elder Council will never forget, we search for your traces in the universe, please return with me to the home planet, where there is still your sacred relic."

Jagged Elder lifts the head and said solemnly: "It's the sacred relic you left to yourself. We have taken care of it so far, and we have never been negligent."

"The me in the past... no, it should be the me in the future. "..."

Lucy's eyes were empty, while muttering to herself, her brain developed rapidly, from 70% breakthrough to 90%, only one step away from perfection.

She shook her head slightly to stop thinking, and temporarily stopped the fast evolutionary path. She raised her hand slightly and pointed her fingertips to the damaged escape pod. The material reorganization restored the battleship to a new one.

"I have already received the things, you can go."

After she finished speaking, she took the fighting lance and waved the Jagged Elder and a few stunned onlookers into the battleship , start it up to leave the atmosphere.

[World Mission: 1. Major Cases 3/5]

Luo Su glanced at World Mission with a shy look on his face, exactly similar to what he expected. long term mission.

If it wasn't for Lucy's sudden appearance and developing this line alone, he has great probability and would go to the iron-blooded mother star Huo Huo.

It's like raising a high-level organization, not to mention exterminating the iron blood, at least killing them to make Earth a hunting restricted area.

Looking at Lucy walking towards him, Luo Su gave a thumbs up: "Yes, this is a fresh and refined look, without losing the arrogance of a literate person, it completely stunned me."

"Can you be faster?"


Luo Su was very puzzled when he heard the sentence without beginning or end.

"I can feel that now is different from before. I don't have much time. Please teach me the meaning of higher life as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to save my current feelings." Lucy Mian Said expressionlessly.

"Are you sure you still have feelings?"

Luo Su said in surprise. He didn't know if Lucy had feelings. The sentence 'called father', how many normal people can say it?

He can't say it anyway!

System: "..."

"Exist, I still have a certain desire, not wanting to die is proof..."

Lucy calmly looked towards Luo Su, his eyes are flat and unwavering, and he is even more devoid of humanity than before: "I don't know if it's the future me or the past me, and gave me a warning. If you refer to the initial evolution, you will break through 100% in the brain at the moment , I will completely integrate into this universe and become an inseparable part of it."


Luo Su shrugged, indicating that he didn't understand.

"So I don't exist either, I'm scared!"

Looking at Lucy with a calm face, Luo Su couldn't help but complain: "Sorry, whether it's you I didn't see the fear response, either physically or mentally."

"There's no need to be afraid, I'm telling you, you know, that's enough."

"To be honest, if you say like this, I'm scared."

Luo Su wiped the cold sweat from her head, feeling that Lucy is extremely dangerous now. Swallow him at any time without seeing the slightest emotional fluctuation.

He really wanted to scratch his ear and make Lucy calm down a bit.

"Well, regarding the fact that higher beings are obsessed with pretending, let's take the super-large cosmic battleship in outer space as an example, and I will show you."

Facing Lucy's expressionless face, Luo Su lightly coughed, panicked.

Higher beings like to pretend to be forceful, but it's purely his nonsense.

The big guys don't like to pretend to be forceful, but they are too powerful and follow the law.

Big Brother: I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it!

"You already have the foundation for pretending, the next step is the environment, you need a grand stage..."

Luo Su brace oneself, for example: "The East is over there. I won’t say anything about the myth of God, the religious system is a bit messy, and there are many different opinions about who created the world.”

“Let’s take Christianity as an example, you should know the saying that God created the world in seven days, which is absolutely overwhelming. It's amazing. The main reason is that the stage is big and the audience is very large... There was no audience at the time, but after the book was published, the audience was large."

"Luo Su, please skip the meaningless Go directly to the topic.”

“Don’t worry, foreshadowing is also an important part of pretending, and the necessary process cannot be omitted.”

Luo Su grinned and said with a smile: "Simply put, the movement can be as big as it gets, the scene can be as grand as it needs to be, and there must be a lot of audiences."

Lucy didn't speak, she stretched out her hand in a gesture of invitation.

"Okay, then, I'll reluctantly come here once. It's a rare opportunity. You should study hard." The speed skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Both of his hands were raised and opened, and the magic frenzy agitated in the sleeves expanded, the black curtain covering the heavens, shielding the sun, instantly invaded from the shores of the Eastern Sea, and swept across the Atlantic Ocean and the entire USA.

In the atmosphere, the black screen stretched straight and turned into a body of Demon God with a black robe covering the whole body.

The thick black mist rises on the face, two thunder vortex as the eyes, and the horns on the top of the head stand above the Earth.

As the body of the Demon God becomes bigger and bigger, the Dark Element frenzy hits the outer atmosphere, and its huge body cannot define the virtual and the real. The rotation of Earth remains unchanged, and the surrounding gravity is no different from usual. It's just a lookalike.

On the ground, Lucy waved and opened a light curtain, telepathy covered the whole world, sensed the changes in everyone's mentality, and the brain development involuntarily approached 100%.

(end of this chapter)

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