End Of Heavens

Chapter 1050

End Of Heavens Chapter 1050


Chapter 1047 bad person lasts for a thousand years, it's not that easy to die


Looking at the crucial props in [Super Body], Shen Menghan and the female Superman stopped breathing for a while, allowing the ordinary person to lose their mortal body and become a god Supreme Treasure. That's all deceptive.

Moreover, CPH4 is not on the list of goods in the main god space, it is a rare commodity that cannot be bought with money.

"Luo Su, if we take CPH4, will we also become emotionally indifferent like you?"

"No, my indifference is not because of CPH4, the situation at the time was somewhat It's special, but I'm sure that this package of medicine won't affect my body, at least it's not effective for me now."

Luo Su explained that as a medicine, his body developed resistance to CPH4 , As a tonic, his 'Chi' attribute exceeds 200, which is a rather exaggerated height, no matter how much CPH4 knocks, it is useless.

"That is to say, we take CPH4, and there is no adverse effect?"

"The situation is unclear, I can't make a conclusion, but I suspect that CPH4 is only effective for Lucy, Other people will not take the same super body changes as her."

"Wait a minute, aren't you taking it too?"

"My situation is better than Lucy's. It is more special and cannot be used as a reference case."


The two women looked at each other for a moment, Shen Menghan shook his head slightly: "Let me come, I am stronger than you, Even if there is a problem, it can last longer than you."

Luo Su held down most of the pack of CPH4, indifferently said: "I don't recommend you to take it, let's not talk about whether CPH4 can shake Iron Body, Even if it is really effective, the amount of CPH4 required for super body evolution is far more than the current amount, and taking it blindly will only disintegrate on its own."

"Thank you."

The two female Superman were stunned. , some are not used to Luo Su's current way of speaking.

It may be too serious to say something wrong...

Wait, this seems to be a good thing!

"You're welcome, with your IQ, it's understandable that you can't make a thorough consideration."


Bullshit Good thing, this product is clearly worth more.

creak creak! !

The rhythm of teeth grinding sounded in the living room, and the two female Superman looked towards Luo Su's eyes became more and more bad.

Luo Su's heart is open, speak frankly fearless, ignoring the increasingly bright red eyes of the two women, and continued: "CPH4 is a synthetic medicine, give me a period of research and analysis, I may be able to make Copy.”

“You still do research?”

“Not before, but now you will.”

Luo Su nodly admits, Suddenly frowned: "I need a little white mouse with certain strength, contact your teammates, I will use them in the experiment."


Shen Menghan He swallowed and said stiffly: "Luo Su, you are missing some of your feelings now. It is not surprising to have such thoughts, but they are my teammates after all, so I can't agree with your proposal."

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Luo Su opened his mouth and laughed three times, and gave Shen Menghan a contemptuous look: "I'm kidding you, you're taking it seriously."

( ╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

Shen Menghan was furious, couldn't bear it any longer, raised his hand and overturned Luo Su with the sofa.

Female Superman secretly nodded , quietly gave Shen Menghan a thumbs up, she just wanted to lift it... um, didn't find a chance.

The sofa flipped in the air, and in the eyes of the two women, it floated back to its original position.

Luo Su's hairstyle is not messy, and continued: "I am not joking about researching the synthetic replica of CPH4, I will conduct experiments on the little white mouse first to confirm that there are no side effects, or the side effects are within the acceptable range. Human experimentation will only be carried out within the period. Inform your teammates at that time, the number of places is limited, seize the opportunity.”

“Luo Su, I don’t think anyone will take the initiative to sign up.”

IQ After being demoted continuously, Shen Menghan was so angry that she didn't want to speak, but the female Superman helped her.

"No, synthetic replicas cannot make people super-bodied, but they can definitely improve the attribute related to spiritual force. , they will not refuse this opportunity."

"There is still a risk, let's try the drug!"

"It is because of the risk that I ask them to test the drug, After all, you guys are more important to me."


Suddenly saying this, it sounds weird...

Any more? , continue!

Luo Su observed the two women's squeamish gestures, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she secretly said that the trifling female Superman, her IQ was not good enough, so what if it was cracked, it wasn't that he was leading her by the nose.

"Wait a moment, I suddenly remembered that CPH4 is an important substance secreted by women during pregnancy to give embryos. If you want to synthesize, wouldn't it be..."

Shen Menghan's face was ugly : "Don't tell me, you're serious."

"CPH4 is just a virtual magical medicine in the [Superbody] movie. Current scientific research has not found similar substances, so I don't make any reference. I will Choose a milder method, such as extracting the relevant chemical formula from plants and then synthesizing it."

"Is that still CPH4?"

"That's why you need a little white mouse, yours Teammates will play an important role in this session.”


Shen Menghan flat-mouthed, Luo Su used little white mouse to describe her teammates, sounding full Uncomfortable, as expected, the previous Luo Su was pleasing to the eye.

At least, Luo Su, who has no lack of affection, will not casually find someone to kiss.

Thinking of kissing, Shen Menghan's face instantly collapsed: "We already understand the situation on your body. Now let's talk about what kind of predicament will make you stick to the Red Seal. ?"

"Lack of feelings!"

Luo Su said calmly: "When I married Lucy, I was driven by her evolution..."

"Wait, what does this combination mean?"

The eyes of the two female Superman suddenly became sharp, and the temperature in the air rose, which was a sign that heat vision was ready to go.

"In order to avoid Lucy's pursuit, I fled to hell, and betrayed Satan's position to Lucy, wanting to bring trouble to others and let her stop the disaster for me."


The two women are silent, so I won't comment on this paragraph, and I don't need any good words to say it.

"As a result, Lucy located the coordinates of hell through Satan. We were both trapped in hell and became turtles in the urn. After that..."

Luo Su remained calm throughout: "Satan and I were caught Lucy devoured, and at that time, the fusion was completed, and I also got the opportunity to escape and ascend to heaven. It was very thrilling and almost became a part of Lucy."

"It turned out to be this combination! "

"Speak clearly next time, it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

Shen Menghan and female Superman said a word, put away the heat vision, and revealed the embarrassing one. stubble.

"When I was reunited, I was driven by Lucy's evolutionary rhythm. Although I finally escaped alive, I also lost many important emotions, such as fear, anger, sadness, love, and happiness."

Luo Su continued: "I have already found a solution to find a way to be happy. So far, the initial results have been achieved. Persistence is not a problem."

System: "..."

"What you call happiness is to let Satan kiss you?" Female Superman laughed angrily.

"No, I made a beep request to Satan to get back 'love' through reproduction, but she refused without the slightest hesitation, kissing me as a life-saving grace Thank you, although the effect is not satisfactory, it is better than nothing."

"She refused?"


(?~? )x2

The two women have mixed feelings, both fortunate and angry, why should they refuse, who do they look down on?

"Because of the lack of affection, I was very frightened. I completed the mission as quickly as possible and returned home to meet you."

Luo Su looked towards the two with a serious face: " Please beep with me, I need this way, with your help, to get back my lost important feelings."

( ̄mouth ̄)!!x2

With a word like this, Shen Menghan and the female Superman didn't know how to take it. If there was only one person, they would not refuse Luo Su's request, but the problem lies in two people... Who is it?

"I'll help you!"

"Bah, shameless, what qualifications do you have as a clone?"

"hehe, the ex is even less qualified. !"


Luo Su calmly looked at the two who were caught in the quarrel, eyebrows slightly frowned, and suddenly a complacent rise.

Seeing the escalation of the situation, the two female Superman's foreheads were sticking together, and they were about to switch from talking to doing. He didn't want to waste time, and immediately said: "No need to argue, what I need is you two, It's not just a certain person."


When the voice fell, the two women immediately united the front and aimed their guns at Luo Su to focus fire.

"Bah, scumbag!" Shen Menghan gnashing teeth.

"I can see it clearly, you have no lack of feelings at all, and you want to use this method to deceive us... and in the name of 'love', you... bah, scumbag!"


The female Superman looked disgusted, saying that she had seen through the truth, and Luo Su was acting from beginning to end.

"You misunderstood."

Luo Su slightly shook the head: "I want to beep with you, not to find love."

" What is that?"x2


Luo Su said solemnly: "Among all the feelings that are currently missing, I desperately want to find 'fear', only Only fear can avoid harm, I have nostalgia for life, and I don’t want to die because of lack of fear.”


And Satan Beep It's to get back 'love', and beeping with them becomes fear, why don't this scumbag die!

bang! bang!

The two of them were so angry that their scalps would explode, and one punched Luo Su in the face.

Luo Su tilted his head back, his feet were suspended off the ground, and his body was controlled by electromagnetic force to freeze in mid-air. When the inertia dissipated, the two black-eyed blues automatically recovered.

He said seriously: "I'm not joking, it's really important to me. If you're mad about it, all I can say is that, with reference to the priority of your feelings, you're more than Satan to me. Precious."

"No, I think it's fine if you don't have feelings."

"That's right, bad person lasts for a thousand years, you think it's not that easy to die, there are enough It's time for you to find your feelings back."

The two of them snarled, fearing that the other would be dragged, otherwise Luo Su would have been strangled to death.

"I understand!"

Luo Su nods, raised hand and beckoned, took Shen Menghan's cell phone from the coffee table, and he didn't see any movement, the cell phone turned out automatically Phone book, dialed a number.

"What are you doing?"

"Contact Duan Xinlan, if I make a request for beep with her, she will certainly not refuse. When it's done, I'll be with you Feel the anger in you and get back the concept of fear in this way."


Shen Menghan squeezed the phone and said with a cold face, "Go into the bedroom and lie down!"

(end of this chapter)

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