End Of Heavens

Chapter 1058

End Of Heavens Chapter 1058


Chapter 1055 I have a plan

The space ring has been stripped away, the value of the Deloney has dropped sharply, and it is basically useless, he I also felt like this, rubbed my hands and flattered: "Look, if things are satisfactory, can I leave."

"No, you can't leave now."

Luo Su's voice fell, Deloni's face suddenly stiffened, and Agata's face also became ugly.

"Don't worry, if you say you won't kill it, you won't kill it. Although I'm unreliable, I do what I say, stand by one's word, and never ambiguous in terms of reputation."


Seeing that the three were silent, Luo Su didn't explain much: "Deloney, take off your clothes."


Delaunay covered his butt with his hands and took a few steps back with a face: "No, this is the only one that can't be done. Hungry McCracken has an open atmosphere, it doesn't mean that everyone is gay, I'm a religious, Very conservative."

Luo Su looked disgusted: "Less stinky beauty, taking pictures of you is just to witness our friendship, and I will not appear in the camera."

"Say it earlier, it scared me to death!"

Delaunay patted his chest, only taking pictures would be fine: "Frankly, I have liked flash since I was a child, if it wasn't for being a reincarnator Delay, it is definitely the world's first-class male model."

As he spoke, Delaunay was dumbfounded, because Luo Su did what he said and would not appear in the camera, but Zade next to him was stunned. With a sad face, he undid his belt.

"F beep, Zade, what are you trying to do! Don't think you can do anything if you hug your thighs, you won't even be able to touch my pinky finger unless I'm dead."


Delaunay screamed in shock. He was so emotional that he broke his voice with a hoarse roar.

"It's just posing, believe in yourself, if it weren't for your status as a reincarnator, you'd already be a supermodel."

Luo Su turned her head to Zade. The latter immediately strode forward, roughly pressed Deloni to the ground, and put on a few strongman-locking poses.

ka-cha! ka-cha ————

"Very good, Delaunay, your camera sense is great, you cry like the real thing."

"Zade, you too That's right, keep this pose, I'll give it a shot."


Two minutes later, Zade put up his pants expressionlessly, his fingers embedded in the soil on the ground, Delaunay weeping beauty.

Although they were only posing for pictures, they still left a lingering shadow in their hearts. They felt shameless and wanted to die.

"This big guy, you promise me that the photo will never go out." Deloni cried and begged.

"Let's talk about it later."

Luo Su casually said, staring at the uneasy Agata, harboring malicious intentions said with a smile: "Agata, Lun It's your turn."

Agata's face turned pale, and he was about to step back when he suddenly found that Deloni was blocking his way of retreat, and Zade next to him also looked gloomy.

"You two calm down, I will never say anything about today's affairs."

Agata's eyes twitched: "Deloney, especially you, before he regrets it. , hurry up and get out of here."

"No, I can't be the only one to be unlucky."

Delaunay, gnashing teeth, volunteered: "Boss, I found a sense of the lens, I can go ahead and let me cooperate with Agata."

I think you want to eat shit!

"It's just a set of artistic photos, there is no male lead in the lens, even if there is... it won't be your turn."

Luo Su's good words are comforting, the effect is average, Agata His face was even more ugly: "I can give you everything in the space ring, just... just please let me go."

"Don't be stupid, your life is in my hands ."

Luo Su shrugged: "But don't panic, I never force women to give you two choices, those who wear clothes and those who don't."


No clothes! x3

Agata blurted out, the three men pouted in unison, Luo Su lightly coughed: "Think carefully, this group of artistic photos in clothes will be very stupid and damage your Goddess image."

"Think clearly!"

Agata gnashing teeth, the next second, Luo Su took out a marker from his pocket: "Come, before taking pictures, I will give Put on your makeup."

Five minutes later, Agata sat on the ground in a daze. These five minutes were no different to her than five centuries. She had regained a small life, but lost it. more stuff.

Luo Su opened the photos on her phone and was satisfied with nodded, beautiful women are beautiful women, and stupid looks like this.

He closed the phone, put it in his pocket, clenched his fists and coughed: "This way, everyone is his own. I said like this, do you have any opinions?"

"Don't dare!"

If you don't dare, it means yes, Luo Su doesn't care, he raised his eyebrows and looked towards Agata: "Take out the things in the ring, and you can see the result of Deloni. You are a smart person and know what to do."

Delaunay's memory was flipped through by Luo Su, there was no secret at all, Agata learned his lesson and took out a medal from the ring: "This It's the 'Proof of Veles', I got it in the side story."

Veles is the great god in Slavic mythology, the god of earth, water and the underworld, and the Sovereign of mysterious power. The god of darkness, in the form of a snake or a giant bear.

Villes has a lofty status in Slavic mythology, and the opposite of it is Perun, the god of thunder and lightning, whose 'bear' image also symbolizes the hegemony of kings.

"So, what's the use of this 'Villes' certificate'?" Luo Su took the bronze medal, a giant bear with a roaring mouth, lifelike, and it was a masterpiece at first sight.

"There are many functions, the bear is the King of Myriad Beasts, the Sovereign of the forest..." Agata talked about the main effects of the 'Villes' card, which can be roughly divided into two categories.

As ordinary equipment, the holder can get the protection of the earth and the ocean, and the damage of the same attribute attack is halved, depending on the spiritual force, and has the ability to control the earth and ocean to a certain extent.

Even if an ordinary person holds the 'Certificate of Villes', he can walk on the ocean as if on the ground.

As a one-time item, 'Viere's Evidence' can trigger Absolute Defense called 'Earth Main Field', the body and the earth are fused together, and the user will not be attacked unless they encounter a star-level attack. suffered the slightest injury.

The attack aspect is also quite good. The full strength attack can change the displacement of the crustal plates and has the power to destroy human civilization.

"It's a good item, but it doesn't seem to be useful to me..."

Luo Su frowned, if it was useful, Agata had taken it out before: " What else is there, take it out together."

"No, this is the best thing I have."

"What about the second best?"



Agata's face stiffened, she knew that Luo Su's appetite would never be easily satisfied.

But that's the truth, she really has nothing good, in order to get the 'Verses of Veles', items with a little value are all exchanged with other reincarnators in the main god space, and there are only some in the ring. Restoration Potion.

"Are there any props such as resurrection?"

"How could there be such props..."

Agata was talking when suddenly two Tiao Black's big hands protruded from the ground, wrapped around her limbs, imprisoned her in place, and sealed her mouth together.

Luo Su reached out and pressed Agata's head, a mass of dark sludge flowed down, forcibly read his memory to confirm that she was indeed not lying.

"Tsk, a bunch of poor bastards, they're too embarrassed to call themselves S-Rank reincarnator."

Luo Su disdainfully made a sound, and at the same time stayed two steps away from Agata, Mao Mei was fine with everything, Just too high.

Looking at the memories of the two of them, he roughly understood a lot. It was not that the S-Rank reincarnator was too poor, but that the strength was touching the upper limit, and ordinary props, bloodlines and skills could not meet their needs.

Items that are in line with their own abilities or more powerful will consume an astronomical amount of reward points, which cannot be bought.

For example, the 'Potara earrings' worn by Shen Menghan, unless a group is formed, a single reincarnator, even an S-Rank reincarnator, can only be imagined in a dream.

Of course, the Potara earrings belonged to Shen Menghan's impulsive consumption, and it is not appropriate to give an example.

I found a bunch of bottles and cans in the Agata space ring, Luo Su gave up, Zade did not have a space ring, the modified body has its own folding space, and a large amount of ammunition and black technology are stored inside. arms.

For example, railguns, space-based weapons, and cosmic spaceships that can be integrated with themselves, these are dispensable to Luo Su and have no research value. He looked at them and found them boring.

"Can we go now?"

Agata looks unhappy, whoever has his memory read, and is a blacklist of the opposite sex, will not have a good face.

"No way!"


At this moment, not only Agata, but also Deloni and Zade became uneasy.

The fire star doesn't go to the village or the store. Luo Su wants to do something. He doesn't need to bury the body, just throw it on the ground.

"Three, although you are all S-Rank reincarnators, strong men at the top of the pyramid, but in fact, reincarnators are reincarnators, and all of you are pawns of the Lord God, involuntarily, precarious."

The red glow on Luo Su's face skyrocketed: "I have a plan to overthrow the Lord God, are you interested?"


The three of them said in unison, Lord God The concept is too big, they have never thought of resisting, and they know that they are powerless to resist.

At the same time, the three label Luo Su as a 'madman', not wanting to have anything to do with his plans.

"No, you can only answer yes."

Luo Su coldly snorted: "The most annoying powerhouse like you is, the great the ability, the great the responsibility. , you don't understand this truth?"


There is no sequential relationship between ability and responsibility, they should coexist!

The three of them responded at the same time, Delaunay smiled shyly, and Brace oneself said: "Boss, we don't know who you are yet, and suddenly invite us to join a great plan like this, isn't it a little bit? Is it wrong?"

Luo Su waved his hand: "It doesn't matter who I am, the key lies in you, you have to face yourself and learn to say 'no' to the Lord God."

"Then ...What about the plan, what's the specific point?"

"It's coming soon, I'm still thinking about it."


Three hearts After getting cold for a while, he really wanted to kill Luo Su, but he just changed a nicer way of saying it.


Luo Su said, suddenly closed his voice, looked towards the direction of the dark restricted area, waved his hand: "The meeting is here, I will give you a few days to consider, I'll call you after a while, don't think about running away, I have your telepathy, and I can't escape from my palm."

Deloni came up curiously: "Boss, over there What happened?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Luo Su coldly snorted: "Would you like to come and see with me, and then die of knowing too much ?"

"No, I'll go right now."

Deloni swishes out of the way, and Agata sits on Zade's transformed spaceship, swiftly heading towards Earth drive away.

(end of this chapter)

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