End Of Heavens

Chapter 1076

End Of Heavens Chapter 1076


Chapter 1073 It is up to the owner to beat the dog

"Brother, I vaguely remember something very important, but I think about it no matter what. Can't get up..."

Perseus frowned tightly, and when he calmed down and showed a thoughtful expression, ordinary people couldn't see his IQ arrears at all.

Understandable, after all, the pants are still on the head, and the face can't be seen, how can I see the expression.

"Then don't think about it. This kind of thing is like your pants. You can't find it when you want to look for it. When you don't want to look for it, it will appear on its own." Perseus needn't worry.

"I understand."

Perseus thinks it makes sense. Although he doesn't understand it very well, Luo Su like this is smart, and it must be right to listen to him.

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking, should I cut off her head."

Luo Su touched the chin with one hand Thinking, holding a long sword in one hand, and Medusa wrapped in white chains under his feet.

Medusa was first wrapped into a zongzi by her own long tail, and then wrapped tightly in chains. She could not see or open her mouth. Although she was awake, she could not make a sound, and it was extremely difficult to move. .

This white chain is from Luo Su, it is his waistband, it becomes a chain after being consecrated.

"Why didn't you cut it? Wasn't it planned?"

"You don't understand..."

Luo Su pondered and did not say the reason. I was going to cut off Medusa's head because I hadn't met Zeus at that time, and I always felt that something was wrong after the encounter.

For example, in this temple, if you look closely, you will find that the incomplete sculpture in the great hall is a female figure, holding a shield lance. If you guessed correctly, it should be 'Goddess of Wisdom', one of the Twelve Main Gods. Athena.

Considering the legend of Perseus beheading Medusa's head, Athena gave advice and sent equipment, and Medusa's head finally belonged to Athena.

Luo Su judged that behind this incident, the mastermind was not Zeus, but Athena herself.

The three witch sisters said that apart from God, only the eyes of Medusa can kill the sea monster Setters.

The directivity is too strong, a bit too absolute!

Let's not mention anything else, Typhon, the famous 'father of all demons' in Greek mythology, is not considered a god, and the sea monster Setters is also a food delivery service.

The more she thought about it, the more conspiracy she became. Athena wanted Medusa's head, but she refused to do it herself, but let Perseus do it.

Luo Su didn't know what Athena was taboo about. He imprisoned Medusa but didn't kill her immediately.

But Goddess of Wisdom like this is wise, and what he does must have its own meaning, and there is nothing wrong with following people who understand.

Luo Su pondered for a moment, then pulled the pants off Perseus's head and put them on Medusa's head.

"Brother, I remembered, my pants are gone."

Seeing the light, Perseus immediately clapped his hands: "You are right, when I don't want to When you look for it, it appears on its own."

"Stop showing off IQ, pick her up, and go back to Argos to get the sea monster."


Perseus picked up the Medusa, only to feel that the latter was extremely heavy, and he stepped on the feather shoes a few times, but he didn't fly.

"It's okay, just throw it on pegasus' back later."

"But pegasus can't move her?"


Luo Su slapped Perseus on the head and offered advice: "You carry Medusa, then ride on pegasus to help him share some of the weight, isn't this done?"

"Brother, you are so smart."

"Well, you are also really stupid!"

Luo Su rolled his eyes, fooling the fool is no fun at all.

He took the lead out of the temple, followed by Perseus dragging Medusa, moving very slowly.

A whistle sounded, and the black pegasus circled in the air for a few times, reluctantly falling, and the horse's face was sullen.

Once, he was the most beautiful boy in the clan, with long black mane and fluttering hair, sweating like oil when running, strong and brave in the sun, I don't know how many mares he has fascinated.

But now...

These adventurers are not human!

Perseus listened to Luo Su's advice and carried Medusa on the back of pegasus. The latter swayed on all fours, flapped his wings and accelerated to sprint. After several hundred meters, he stumbled and successfully lifted off.

"Brother, I'm going back to Argos first, you guys hurry up."

Perseus waved vigorously and patted Pegasus' head, who was sobbing blood. , the horsepower moved towards Argos.

A thousand meters away, Perseus lowered his horse's head and landed on the ground. He put Medusa on the horse's back and rode on Medusa himself.

"I'm exhausted, Ma, you have to work hard, I will rest and take over later."

pegasus: "..."


At the entrance of the temple, Luo Su waved at Perseus' back, telling the adventure squid that the mission was successfully completed, so he hastened his pace and rushed back to Argos, and he might be able to catch up with the celebration banquet.

"Through everyone's unremitting efforts, we have completed the impossible mission. You are all proud of Argos and have made indelible contributions to defending the country."

Soldiers Hearing the words and cheering, Dragu touched the fat that overflowed his armor with a confused look on his face.

Working hard?


The crowd returned to the Netherworld River ferry, where Charon would wait for them as agreed.

Ai'e was entangled for a while, and took the initiative to approach the son of Zeus, and asked her doubts: "Why did Perseus bring back a complete Medusa, shouldn't she cut off her head?"

Luo Su shook his head slightly: "There is something strange, I think there is a conspiracy here, and I don't want to be used as a tool."

"But Perseus can't control Medusa, she doesn't. Reasons to help us defeat the sea monster."

"Yes, when she has mortal danger."

Luo Su is very sure: "Change the sacrificed Princess to Medusa, If she doesn't petrify the sea monster, she will be eaten, and she will work hard for her life."


Ai'e was speechless for a moment, While thinking about how to correctly classify Luo Su, suddenly his feet rumbled and trembled, and he saw a small hill moving rapidly towards here from afar.

The black monster is on all fours, with an incomparably majestic figure, more than ten meters tall, like an enlarged fighting dog.

It has three heads, a snake's tail, and the whole body is a poisonous snake wrapped in coils.

The three heads are ferocious, spewing red flames, purple poisonous smoke and black fog respectively, leaving mottled burn marks on the ground wherever they passed.


Ai drew out her dagger and told everyone to hide.

Cerberus, the Three Headed Hound, guards the gates of the underworld for Hades, the king of the underworld. It allows every soul of the dead to enter the underworld, but forbids any soul to leave.

Likewise, the gate of the underworld guarded by it prohibits the living from entering and leaving it.

Such a powerful monster, and one of the priests of the underworld, is far stronger than Medusa, and the ordinary person class in the square is not an opponent at all.

Luo Su didn't want to cause trouble. Following Ai's advice, Luo Su kept a low profile with her behind a black rock.

It can only cover a small corner of one person, but because of shameless, two people are squeezed out.

"Don't look at me like this, you made me hide."

"Yes, I'm the one who's cheap."

Ai'e fiercely Glancing at Luo Su, he probed into the tracks of the Three Headed Hound in hell. He didn't understand why it didn't guard the gate of the underworld, but ran to the edge of the Netherworld River for a stroll.

"It may be dividing the territory. Dogs have a strong sense of territory."

Luo Su made an assumption, but Ai's decisively ignored it. The Three Headed Hound in hell just looks like The dog, in fact, has the Titan bloodline, which is a powerful monster, otherwise it would not have been selected by Hades to guard the gate of the underworld.

Boom! !

The Three Headed Hound was on all fours, six eyes blazing fiercely, and drifted away in a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

Ai'e was relaxed, moved away from the black rock, and was dragged back by Luo Su's arm in the next second.


"Don't talk, don't make a sound."

Luo Su covered Ai's mouth and headed towards the Three Headed Hound He scratched his head in the direction he left, but after a while, the black mountain bag moved back.

The Three Headed Hound strode forward, the left head sniffed the meat in the air, the middle head was fierce, and the right head opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, constantly Dripping saliva.

Soon, the three heads locked onto the position of Luo Su and the others, all roaring and roaring, leaving claw marks on their forelimbs, and rushing towards them.

"According to my years of EXP, the dog wants to eat meat buns."

Luo Su left Ai'e after finishing speaking, and accelerated with her toes, leaving a depression in place. The cobweb cracks of , use the reaction force to increase the speed to the limit in one go.

I saw his figure disappear, leaving behind an afterimage, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the Three Headed Hound, momentum is big, power is deep, kicked out his right foot, and hit the middle one steadily. brain.


The time was slightly frozen, and after half a second, the air exploded, the head in the middle of the Three Headed Hound was slightly deformed, and the powerful impact spread from the neck to the whole body, and the body slowly floated off the ground.

The afterimage whistled past, Luo Su closed his feet and fell to the ground, and countless smoke and dust exploded on the ground in the distance.

The entire group headed by Dragu was stunned for a moment, but they were not too surprised. They had long known that Luo Su was not an ordinary person and was more powerful than Perseus.

"Luo Su, no, that's Cerberus, even if you can beat it, you'll catch Hades' attention with this move."

Ai'e rolled up The strong wind fell on Luo Su's side, persuading him not to cause more troubles.

"What do you mean, it's up to the owner to beat the dog?"

Luo Su raised his finger and pointed to the Three Headed Hound that got up: "Don't be a stupid woman, it's not that I want to cause trouble , but something happened to me."


"If I'm not mistaken, Cerberus came here instead of guarding the gates of the underworld. It should be Hades, Hades."

"What do you mean?"

"Hades asked his dog to come over and investigate the origin of Jinzhi."

Luo Su makes a rational analysis, any wife's token suddenly appears, always need to investigate.

"But the golden branch was given by Zeus..."

Halfway through the sentence, Ai'e shut up, yes, where did Zeus get the golden branch, there is a problem here.

(end of this chapter)

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