End Of Heavens

Chapter 1078

End Of Heavens Chapter 1078


Chapter 1075 This is a good thing

The Argos Palace, King Kepus trotted all the way to the hall, and was unhappy for a few days, Melancholic and suffering can't sleep at night, the whole person seems to be more than ten years old, and no longer has the heroic spirit before.

Today is the last day of the ten-day period. If Princess is not handed over, the sea monster Setters will destroy the entire city-state, and tens of thousands of people in the city will hardly survive.

Outside the palace, nearly 10,000 people are besieging, and it is possible to snatch Princess at any time to sacrifice ceremony.

No matter what happens next, the royal family will lose its majesty and lose its previous appeal and cohesion.

The queen has changed from a beautiful woman to a dead old man, the future of the Princess is uncertain, and her dominion is in turmoil...

The repeated bad news makes Kepus extremely regretful. The impudent speaks wildly, otherwise it would not have fallen into such a miserable situation.

Fortunately, there is still room for recovery. The heroic soldiers entrusted by him with the important task brought back the way to repel the sea monster from the edge of the Netherworld River.

In front of the hall, Kepus put away his sad face and replaced it with a complicated face that met the hero.

There are remorse, feelings, shame, excitement, and so on.

Of course, in terms of emotions, compared to Changbanpo, Imperial Uncle Liu rushed out to meet Zilong, fell three buttocks along the way, and finally threw his son. few.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Imperial Uncle Liu is such a thick black genius. It only takes a thousand years to produce one. The gap between Kepus and him is equivalent to selling shoes and buying shoes, not the same way. .

"Dragou, you've worked hard for you, you must have eaten...eat..."

Kepus rushed into the hall, but did not throw off his shoes. I squeezed my eyes but didn't shed any tears, and when I was not knowing what to do, I saw Dragu with oil on his face, and then looked at the fat-headed soldiers behind him, even more not knowing what to do. .

How much pain does it take to get fat like this?

"Your Majesty, I've survived my life and managed to return from the Netherworld River."

Dragu one-knee kneels, pressing his knees against the fat on his stomach Meat, hot tears ran across his face, and splashed oil after landing.


Kepus scratched his beard and sighed, looking at the fat balls that couldn't fit in the armor, he felt that he was the one who worked the hardest.

He had a weird expression and said with difficulty: "Dragur, and all the warriors, you have worked hard for you during this time."

"Your Majesty is serious. It should be, we don't work hard!"

"Yes, we don't work hard!"


Kepus was speechless, just talking, It's actually true.

The slander in the back and forth can be seen by everyone. These people eat well, drink well, sleep well, and they are not hard at all.

In this situation, the prepared speech is useless, and Kepus is not in the mood to say it, lightly coughed bluntly: "Dragou, I won't say more polite words, beat the sea. What is the strange method, hurry up and say it."

"In the past three days, the people outside the city have gathered more and more, and you can see that they may rush in at any time and snatch Andromeda. ."

"Your Majesty don't have to worry, we found the witch by the Netherworld River and asked how to defeat the sea monster."

Dragu said quickly: "In the On the edge of the underworld, there lives the snake-haired Banshee Medusa, her eyes can petrify all the flesh in the world, and can easily kill sea monsters."

Kepus stared blankly at Dragu: "So, Did you come back after you asked?"

"Of course not, we crossed the Netherworld River to Banshee's lair and captured Medusa alive."

Speaking of which, Della Gu was very ashamed. He was a warrior who was willing to die generously for honor, and falsely claiming merit has always been his most shameless behavior.

But speak frankly, do you want a face?

Kepus didn't pay attention to Dragu's complex face, and was overjoyed: "Where is the snake-haired Banshee, bring her to the waterside altar, it will be too late."

"Your Majesty, Medusa she..."

Dragu wiped the oil on his head and whispered: "Medusa was taken out of the underworld by Perseus, the half-human Demi-God, on a pegasus. , at present... still on the way to Argos."

Kepus: ?_?

Why can't I understand this?

"Your Majesty, Dragon's Captain means, Perseus rides pegasus one step ahead, so it comes later."

Luo Su, who fell in the corner, couldn't bear it. After a pause, Dragu's speech was unclear and illogical, and the king would be hell if he understood it.


Kepus stared blankly at Luo Su, as if he understood, but he wasn't sure.

Luo Su Regardless of this, he got up and stepped forward: "King Your Majesty, I'm Perseus' eldest brother, my name is Luo Su, you should have investigated our family, so I won't introduce myself. I'm done."

"No, I haven't investigated...I'm just a little curious, so I asked someone to ask."

"Your Majesty doesn't have to be like this, such is human nature is inevitable. , I don't care about that."

Luo Su casually took it and entered the topic: "Regarding the announcement made by Your Majesty before, as long as the sea monster is repelled, Princess will marry him, this Does it count?"

"What, you want to marry Andromeda?"

"No, it's Perseus, the one who defeated Medusa, bring it back Medusa is also him, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Perseus, I remember him..."

Remembering the day of the banquet, Perseus was in front of Hades Concave shape, Kepus's facial features are twisted together uncontrollably.

speak frankly, he himself refused, a cabbage with water and spirit, and did not want her to be arched by a silly pig.

Luo Su saw what Kepus was thinking at a glance, with a sneer on his face: "King Your Majesty, Perseus is handsome and well-built, and he is also half-human Demi-God, the son of Zeus. The bloodline is very noble, and for that alone, Princess is already a high match for him."


"Your Majesty, rest assured, Perseus and his father Zeus Not the same, he was willing to go to the Netherworld River to take risks for Princess, and he was willing to anger Hades at the banquet, all of which showed his heart for Princess, not just for fun."



"hmph, it's written perfectly clear in black and white, if Your Majesty dares to go back on it, I'm going to freak out!"


Kepus chokes , I don't understand what it means to be mad.

At this time, Dragu, who was kneeling on the ground, struggled to get up, leaned against Kepus's ear and whispered BB, telling what Luo Su had done along the way.

Hearing Luo Su beating the Three Headed Hound so fatly that he ran away with his tail between his tails, and then hearing Luo Su freely entering and leaving the underworld and the world, he suddenly changed his attitude and became smiling. flowery.

"That's right, Andromeda can marry Perseus, it's really high."

Seeing Kepus's swiftness, Luo Su's face also showed Smile: "Your Majesty is serious, men and women are already equal, and their identities are floating clouds. How can you climb such a statement."


Kepu Si didn't know how to answer, so he could only laugh.

"Your Majesty, in fact, Perseus's marriage to Princess is a good thing for the Argos royal family."

Luo Su skillfully took Kepus' shoulders , with a good tone of brothers, analyze it: "Perseus was raised by a fisherman since he was a child. He has not received a serious education, nor has he seen complicated people's hearts, so he is a little naive."

"So, he's not really stupid, but he is pure-hearted and doesn't understand the world."

"But you can't blame him, after all, poverty can be forgiven, right? "

"Ha, ha, ha..."

"Your Majesty, it is because of Perseus' simplicity that I say that Princess marrying him is a good thing for the royal family." "

Luo Su stood at Kepus's point of view, and flickered seriously: "Your Majesty, how many years can you live with your body? After a hundred years, if you kick your legs, the country should Who should I entrust it to?”

Kepus: (?`?′?)

If you don’t know how to speak, just say a few words less. I'm definitely going to turn against you.

"Your Majesty, a wise royal son-in-law will snatch power, but not Perseus. After Your Majesty dies, only Princess can govern the country. When Princess is old, it is time for Prince to continue. The throne."

Luo Su's eyes widened, with an expression like you made a lot of money: "The power of the royal family is in the hands of your family, and you have earned a Deity Bloodline for nothing, isn't it a good thing? "

"Yes, it makes sense!"

Kepus winked, listening to Luo Su like this, Perseus really couldn't find a lantern The son-in-law of Chenglong Jia arrived.

"It makes sense. You saw it that day. Dozens of noble ladies from high-ranking officials circled around Perseus. Oh, the queen was drooling at the time!"


"This... should be no."

"Yes, many people saw it with their own eyes."

Luo Su slightly frowned: "I know Your Majesty You love face, but I will never lie about this kind of thing."


Kepus just shut up and didn't want to talk to Luo Su anymore.

In the corner of the hall, Ai'e was very angry and funny. She saw Luo Su playing Kepus between her palms with her own eyes. s felt sad.

A moment later, she began to feel sorry for herself again, as if she was not much different from Kepus.

Bounce! !

Outside the hall, the sound of wings flapping from far to near, suddenly there was a loud sound of falling objects, which was the whine of a horse.

"Your Majesty, your son-in-law is back, Princess is saved."

Luo Su finished speaking, strode outside the hall, and Kepus quickly followed after hearing the words.

In the hall, eight meat buns were beaming with joy, led by Dragu to follow closely from behind.

Ai walked at the end, Perseus returned safely, this trip has a beginning and an end, and the big stone in my heart can finally be put down.

Outside the hall, black pegasus was carrying Medusa, and Medusa was carrying Perseus. The latter two had nothing to do with each other. Only pegasus lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and occasionally pumping horses' hooves.

"Hey, big brother, why did you come back first?"

Seeing Luo Su and the others, Perseus was extremely surprised, and his already confused head moved, even more confused .

"It's your fault."

Luo Su pointed at the ground angrily: "I asked you to carry Medusa to help pegasus reduce the weight, but you were lazy and unwilling, so you were arrested. We surpassed."

"So it is!"

Perseus suddenly realized, Luo Su understood it as soon as he explained it.


Kepus covered his face, feeling a little sorry for his daughter, and now there is no other way, just hope she will like the silly boy.

"Big brother, I don't think the king likes me very much."

Perseus whispered, a person with a pure heart may not understand the world, but he is best at perceiving the likes and dislikes of others.

For example, when Kepus and Luo Su first came to this world, they were easily noticed by Perseus.

"It's okay, he just thinks you're stupid."

"Brother, how can you be smart?"


Luo Su said a trivial matter: "Perseus, what do you want to eat tonight, only one thing, don't be greedy."


Perse Ursius immediately frowned and thought. Having eaten Luo Su's luminous dishes, he wanted to eat too many, and it was really difficult for him to choose only one.

"Don't move, just like this, keep this expression, you are a smart person."

(end of this chapter)

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