End Of Heavens

Chapter 1084

End Of Heavens Chapter 1084


Chapter 1081 If you can't speak, don't speak

Zeus and Hera are more than one child, Ares is not the elder son, the real Big Brother is 'Vulcan' Hephaestus.

Referring to the relationship between the two, and thinking about Aphrodite, I can only say...

There is nothing to say, put it on Mount Olympus, this is all Not a problem.

Although Hephaestus is the elder son, but because he was born lame, so Hera doesn't like this son, and rarely takes the initiative to mention him.

Aris, with majestic appearance and uncommon martial heroism, was Hera's favorite son, but this was only when Ares was young.

It may be that Hera's mother's love is too much, and she has spoiled the child, or it may be War God, and it is the authority that tends to chaos, killing, and fear. Ares is a polite and courteous person. The young boy gradually turned into a fierce and aggressive man.

As a result, Hera no longer likes him, at least not as much as she did when she was a child.

But even so, Ares still occupies an irreplaceable and important position on Mount Olympus with his powerful innate talent and the authority of War God.

He is war, a symbol of bravery!

Although he is often beaten, by his parents, by his brothers and sisters, by his enemies, and by his subordinates, it is not a big problem. The hero doesn't mention Ying Ying, and he has grown up from Aphrodite's womb. When he woke up, he was the majestic and undefeated War God again.

Aware of the unkind gaze, Luo Su turned his nostrils and aimed it at Ares.

Ignoring Yingwu's handsome face, Luo Su saw Kong Wu's strength, tall and strong, and lack of shrewdness.

There is no threat at all, Luo Su instantly determined that with this brain, he could cheat eight times a day.

By the way, who is this stupid?

Luo Su turned his nostrils to the other main gods, trying to make a judgment by the method of exclusion.

Twelve Main Gods Except Zeus and Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, Hephaestus, these main gods all arrived at the temple.

The first two Goddess are notoriously low-key, and Poseidon didn't attend because of a recent feud with Zeus.

Hephaestus is even simpler. Anyone who sees his wife and more than one man flirting with each other in a meeting will refuse to appear.

Therefore, several main gods present are very recognizable.

'Goddess of Love and Beauty' Aphrodite, 'Goddess of Light' Apollo, 'The Hunt of Goddess' Artemis, 'War and Goddess of Wisdom' Athena, 'War God' Ari S, 'business... a lot... the god of competition' Hermes.

Apollo and Artemis stand together, with outstanding appearance, two pairs of long legs, perfect interpretation of lipstick and cake.

At first, Luo Su thought that these two people were Ares and Aphrodite. With a slight sniff of the nostrils, he knew that he had recognized the wrong person. After all, Goddess is very different from Goddess.

Hermes smiled hehe, everyone was greeted with a smile.


She is very beautiful, but her face is expressionless, and she is quite repulsive beyond a thousand li.

Luo Su pointed her nostrils at her, and she looked at her nostrils coldly, seeing that Luo Su was sorry.

Not to mention Aphrodite, Luo Su smelled that bohemian...perfume smell from afar, lowered his nostrils slightly, and received a wink as a reward.

Although she is a slutty Goddess, she has nothing to say about her figure and appearance. She is a stunning beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes, and her white porcelain skin is extremely attractive.

One second is flirtatious and charming, attracting spirit seizing soul is like a devil, the next second is elegant and refined, every frown and smile are all graceful, just like Saintess who came to the mortal world.

A man's longing for a woman can be found in her.

Luo Su stared at him, and got another wink that he wanted to reject and greet. He was very sure that Aphrodite was greedy for his body, and she was so mad that she couldn't hide it.

Strangely tangled!

Luo Su's original plan was to find a Goddess' thigh to hug on the mountain, but this plan was abandoned because of his status.

Now, it seems that this stranded plan can still be activated.

"hmph, erotic!"

Seeing Luo Su and Aphrodite frowning, Ares's vinegar jar was overturned on the spot, and Zeus was about to speak. Speaking, he pointed at Luo Su with a sword and yelled loudly.

I love you!

Luo Su raised his brows, pointed his nostrils at Ares, and all the other people avoided him, he was about to start stirring shit.

Regarding Ares's identity, he had already guessed that he had watched several other main gods before.

"Who the lecher says, I don't know you."

"The 'War God' Ares, one of the Twelve Main Gods on Mount Olympus!"

Ares reported his name, and his eyes flashed fiercely. Before coming to the great hall, Hera used the crow to send a message to let him seize the opportunity to fiercely teach Luo Su a lesson.

There is only one way Ares teaches people. After all, it is War God, and he cannot be expected to be skilled in his words, so Hera's meaning is simple and clear.

If you can kill it, you will never leave a breath, and if you can't kill it, you will be disabled!

"It turned out to be Ares, then it's all right."

Luo Su's nostrils trembled, and after patting her chest, she said in fear, "I thought she was flirting with Aphrodite. , was caught by Hephaestus on the spot, after all, he is the husband, I am wrong, it is you... No, why do you speak for Hephaestus, because the brother is very affectionate?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was mystifying. The complexion of the gods in the great hall changed slightly.

What a cheap mouth!

Zeus covered his face and didn't dare to look at it, Hera was so angry that her knuckles were white, and the expressionless Athena couldn't help but twitch at the corners of her mouth.

Aphrodite, one of the parties involved, was embarrassed for a moment, flew a roll of eyes at Luo Su, and continued to behave in a dignified manner.

Ares blushed, some things he could say, some things he couldn't say, he was just reckless, it didn't mean he didn't have any brains, he pointed at Luo Su and continued to scold: "madman, gods great Hall is so majestic, how can I allow you to talk nonsense here."

"Injustice, I'm telling the truth."

Luo Su whispered BB, in order to let everyone know Hearing clearly, the voice was a bit loud: "Aphrodite and I look at each other, and we will admit if we are wrong; Aphrodite and Hephaestus are husband and wife, and the queen of the heavens Hera personally ordered the marriage, so you are right; Hephaestus speaks because of his brother's affection, which is enough for a man."

"These three sentences, which sentence is wrong?"


Ares pointed at Luo Su, unable to answer for a while, because Luo Su was right at all.

Luo Su's nostrils said: "If you can't speak, don't speak. You can't expect others to accommodate you just because your mouth is stupid, especially when you meet a sincere person like me who can't rub the sand in his eyes, It will be very embarrassing."


Ares was furious, waving his hand and pulling out a golden light long sword from the void, walking quickly. Charged towards Luo Su.

"Good time!"

Luo Su grinned, leaned forward, the shadow behind him twisted, and instantly turned into a laughing black ghost.

Around the black smoke, the ghostly hands wandered, and between the lightning flashes, each of the six arms held a black flame sword and slashed straight down towards Ares.


Zeus furiously shouted while sitting in the center of the temple, raised his hand and clapped on the armrest, rolling thunder in mid-air, accompanied by the Divine King majestic sweeping the audience, Let all those who are going to watch the play look steadily forward, put away their smiling faces and sit upright.


Hearing Zeus' voice full of anger, Ares took a deep breath, suppressed the rolling anger, put away the sword, and stood back in situ.

Zeus glanced at the expressionless Hera beside him, coldly snorted and then looked towards Luo Su: "What about you, how long are you going to make a fool of yourself?"

"No, I'm not going to be fooling around."

The shadow of Demon God retreated to Luo Su's feet, he shrugged: "Aris couldn't get off the stage just now, and he lifted the table to prepare for a fight, so I had to cooperate with him, otherwise he would be very embarrassed. "


Zeus was in a hurry, and before he could speak, Luo Su said again: "Besides, it's just pretending, someone will definitely stop him and he won't be able to fight."

"You shut up!"

"Okay, I shut up."

"You said that!?"

"Stop talking."


Zeus was choked speechless, glared at Luo Su viciously, and took advantage of this anger to spread on others.

I saw his eyes staring coldly at the audience, and after swept over, slightly frowned: "The gods are together, why is Sun God not here?"

"Hey, isn't Sun God there? ?"

Luo Su raised his hand and pointed at Apollo in several seats.

Suddenly being pointed at by Luo Su, Apollo is in a good mood. He and 'Sun God' Helios have been grumbling for a long time, and he is about to go to work for theocracy.

"Ashamed to say, I'm not a 'Sun God', at least not yet."

Apollo's sunny smile was so bright that he seemed ignorant of the world, like a small flower Hundred flowers.

At the same time, 'Hunting Goddess' Artemis also gave Luo Su a small smile, as pure as water, as pure as possible.

Aside from the official expression of fooling people, the two brothers and sisters have a good impression of Luo Su, the reason...

It is directly related to Hera.

Hera, jealous of one of her cousins, first married Leto, the 'nurture Goddess' of Zeus, to prevent her from giving birth on the earth, and forbid the gods to help Leto, which made Leto suffer in pain. Hiding in the east on the earth, there is no place to stay.

At the same time, Hera also sent a giant snake to pursue, making Leto even worse.

In the end, Leto's younger sister turned into an island and helped the elder sister give birth to a boy, Apollo.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and Hera is also not pleasing to the eye. Apollo naturally has a good impression on Luo Su.

Luo Su didn't know these origins, and when he saw the two's gesture, his heart suddenly burst.

Damn it, Artemis is greedy for his body!

Luo Su is very entangled. Aphrodite in front and Artemis in the back. It is not appropriate for the two Goddess to refuse either one. After all, Goddess also wants to save face, and there are too many legends about their scruples.

What should I do?

Luo Su is very entangled, Artemis is very fragrant, Aphrodite is not bad, this multiple-choice question is too difficult.

Or, learn Zeus, put on your pants and fall out to become hostile?

It's not good...well!

Luo Su's thoughts diverged here, Zeus In Helios was not in flies into a rage, everyone became a quail, but one person stood by, connecting Zeus and Luo Su's behavior together .


She snorted coldly and closed her eyes as if she couldn't see.

(end of this chapter)

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