End Of Heavens

Chapter 1086

End Of Heavens Chapter 1086


Chapter 1083 A real man, there will inevitably be times when words don't count

"Yes, as long as you have light, I will accept it Your challenge."

Helios sneered and glanced at Apollo, isn't it just brought trouble to others, like a patent.

"Then I'm fine, stake your theocracy as a bet, let's start!"

Luo Su shrugged, and with this twist and turn, Helios was finally defeated. Si flickered into the pit, and he added: "The Divine King is in front of you, and there are many gods to testify, you are not allowed to go back."

Helios slightly frowned: "I will not go back, but Where is your light, Sun God is not a god of darkness, you must be qualified first."

"According to your words, isn't War God invincible?"

Luo Su took advantage of the situation and ran on Ares, and continued: "Although your request is a bit arrogant, I am not a person who cares about everything. If you want light, I will give you light."

After finishing speaking, Luo Su condensed a holy light sword in his right hand under Helios' astonished gaze.

The wings of light unfold behind it, and the holy and dazzling rays of light illuminate the temple, blooming with luxury and splendor.

This is the light that never appeared on Mount Olympus, similar to the rays of light of Apollo and Helios, but different.

Like Ai, the gods who saw holy light for the first time were amazed. They only felt that bathing in holy light was extremely warm, and they were overwhelmed by the power contained in the rays of light. There is a smell of holiness.

This is the benefit of the vest, with a cover of holy light, who dares to say black?

The gods closed their eyes, shook their heads to dispel the hallucinations, and opened their nostrils again.

That's right!

The wings of light unfolded magnificently, and the invisible rays of light covered the audience, and finally turned into floating white feathers.

The light plume fell to the ground, the stars dissipated, and faded to nothing in midair.

The needles fell in the temple, Apollo was stunned, and Helios was the most shocked. He felt that he might have been tricked.

"This impossible, the battle between you and Hades, I saw it with my own eyes, such a rich darkness, an impossible birth of light..."

He said, Leos himself was stunned, because the combination of 'Dark God' Erebus and 'Night Goddess' Nyx gave birth to 'Day Goddess' Hermera.

It would make sense to explain the source of Luo Su's power in terms of extremes, but the light was too warm.

Although it is not dazzling, it is full of heroic and righteousness.

This is the strangest part, Helios thinks this power is incompatible with Luo Su, after all, he is black.

"Narrow God, although light and darkness are in opposition, they coexist. How can light be defined without darkness?"

Luo Su said meaningfully, and turned to look towards divine Zeus on the throne: "Divine King, I was invited to challenge Helios... Forget it, no nonsense, let's make arrangements, and I'll go home for dinner after the fight!"

Zeus for a while Choking, overwhelmed by emotions instantly blown to beyond the topmost clouds, lightly coughed said: "Helios, I will ask you one last time, have you accepted Luo Su's challenge, the two of you surrounding the authority of 'Sun God' game, the winner is the new Sun God?"

"Divine King, Helios did not promise him."

'Goddess of the Moon' Selene walked out , defending his big brother, Helios has no benefit in winning or losing this battle, why should he participate?

As for the previous promise, a real man, there will inevitably be times when words don't count.

It doesn't matter if you lose face, Zeus and Luo Su like this shameless, don't live well!

Besides, those who do not know are not guilty, Helios will agree, which is clearly a trick of Luo Su.

"Where are the idle people waiting? The Divine King asked Helios, does he need you to answer?"

Luo Su raised his finger to Selene: "Helios After all, Si is the straightforward and upright Sun God, ten thousand zhang rays of light illuminate the earth, how can such a sturdy man easily break his word, what kind of peace do you poisonous woman have, and you want him to learn from that shameless ?"


"What are you, you, all the money, smashed to pieces, today Helios is shameless, tonight his notoriety will suffice. Spread it to the foot of Mount Olympus. Early tomorrow morning, Poseidon will tell the Queen of the Underworld, and then all hell knows that Helios is a villain who does not believe in his words. How can he be a god in the future?"


"That's right, it's me, and it's me who spread the news."

Luo Su raised her head up, honest and unpretentious: "Also, Like this on the great hall, many gods just heard it clearly, you can't make everyone deaf. Even if I agree, the Divine King will not agree, the Divine King will agree, and the queen will not agree... She has good ears. !"


On the divine throne, Hera clenched her fists and warned herself not to be angry.

Luo Su is hateful, but it's about Zeus Clan's rule, and she'll be over.

"Divine King, this matchup is unfair, Helios has the right to revoke it!"

"Yes, Helios has the authority, but that kid has nothing. ."

"Yeah, Lord Divine King, it's not fair to Helios!"


The veteran gods have helped , if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers, today Luo Su challenges Helios, and tomorrow he will come up with other fancy things, can't we challenge them one by one?

It will cause no end of trouble, and it will never allow it.

"Bah, what's the matter with you?"

Luo Su put one hand on his hips and pointed at the gods with his nostrils: "I duel with Helios, he fights for eternity. In addition to future troubles, he will naturally take the opportunity to kill me. He gambled on theocracy, and I gambled with my life, why is it unfair?"

The crowd of Divine Heart slandered, Luo Su was arrogant in the field, and a small man intoxicated by success was rampant and ugly, which made them even more speechless.

What kind of dogshit luck did such a black-hearted villain go to be able to control such a holy brilliance?

"Nonsense, did I ask you?"

Zeus swept his hand away, scolded the gods for retreating, and stared at Helios: "Helios, Do you accept Luo Su's challenge?"

Helios facial expression grave looking at Zeus, his face is small, theocracy is big, if he can, he really wants to have a shameless.

But he has no way out. Whether he agrees or not, Zeus will arrange the challenge.

Rather than shirk it in every possible way and suffer sarcasm, if you don't stand up to the battle, kill Luo Su to defend the divine right, and by the way, put eye medicine on Mount Apollo.

Although his 'Sun God' Helios is low-key, he is not the one who can be bullied by others. What is his is his, and no one can take it away.

"I, Helios, challenge!"

Helios looked at Zeus coldly, and out of the corner of his eye included Apollo, and said loudly: "Victory, Luo Su My life belongs to me, and I will be a slave for ten thousand years; if I fail, I will give up the authority of 'Sun God' and stay away from Mount Olympus."

"Helios, calm down!"


"I have made up my mind!"

Helios looked towards Zeus: "Divine King, without further ado, Arrange for a showdown!"

"Yes, it's in the Olympus mountain range."

Zeus narrowed his eyes slightly, and the clouds in the great hall drew in, manifesting a boundless spectacle. Olympus mountain range, his random point, chose an area as the battlefield.

When the decisive battle was decided, Hermes stepped forward and took out a fair and just contract for Helios and Luo Su to sign.

It stands to reason that there is also a 'law Goddess' Themis on the mountain, the second wife of Zeus, impartial and incorruptible, symbolizing justice and law, and it is more appropriate for her to make a ruling.

But this Goddess has always kept a low profile, and divided the authority among his children, Goddess, Goddess, Goddess, and Goddess, Goddess of Destiny.

By the way, Themis is the only Goddess who doesn't disgust Hera, and even treats her with courtesy, among all Zeus' wives and lovers, the standard wise man.

When the contract was signed, Luo Su only felt that an invisible law was imprisoning him, as did Helios on the opposite side. The two of them nodded slightly, and Luo Su took the lead and spread his wings to the battle location.

Helios took a deep breath, the sun war chariot that summoned him from afar, pulled by four flaming war horses, infinite light, majesty that could not be looked directly at.

Besides, Apollo's eyes were round, and he wanted to get in the car.

"Helios, you shouldn't be so unwise."

Selene stepped forward, worried about her brother's decision.

Helios is very calm: "I know, but I don't have to choose. If I fail once, there will be a second time. Zeus will not give up easily."

"But, Although Luo Su is a Demi-God, he has the power to rival the Lord God. As you can see, Hades has nothing to do with him."

"That's why I choose to fight. If it was Apollo, I would I will hesitate."

Helios walked up to the war chariot and said calmly: "Luo Su has no divine power, to the gods, he is just a mortal with powerful power, he can hurt me, but You can't defeat me, let alone kill me."

After he finished speaking, Helios left behind his young sister with a worried face, and rode the war chariot down the mountain. In the blink of an eye, he carried ten thousand zhang brilliance. Arrived in the distant mountain range.

The gods watched the battle in the great hall, and only Luo Su, who sharpened his knives, and Hermes, who presided over the duel, were on the battlefield.

The most loyal son of Zeus, with wings on his feet and holding a double-coiled snake with a winged scepter, has many divine powers, flexible minds, and the same ability to make the gods astonish.

Run fast!

Complimentary words, he ran too fast.

"You two, before the decisive battle, do you have any questions?"

Hermes held the scepter and smiled like hehe.


"I have!"

Luo Su raised his hand to speak: "When the fight starts later, Hermes, you Stay far away, it will be bad if it is affected."

"Don't worry, I'll take a walk and go back to the mountain."

"Then I'll be fine."

Luo Su finished speaking, fluttered his wings and exited a kilometer away, darkness surged all over his body, and six big black hands stretched out from behind, each holding a black flame sword.

At the same time, black mud dripped from under his feet, staining the mountains and rivers in black.

I haven't said start yet!

The solemn killing aura haunts and makes people terrified. Hermes smiled awkwardly, waved his hand sharply, and ran disappeared without a trace with a swish.

"hmph, darkness..."

Helios threw down the purple cloak, waved his golden gun, locked his eyes on Luo Su, and the four war horses started, rushing like a shooting star And down.

(end of this chapter)

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