End Of Heavens

Chapter 1088

End Of Heavens Chapter 1088


Chapter 1085 Know Uranos?

Black light flashed!

The moment Luo Su sword edge landed, the crescent-shaped sword qi slashed straight out, splitting the mountain where Helios was standing.

The sword cry came a step late, a vertical line appeared on the ground, and the mountain slowly collapsed.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, stones were flying all over the sky, and a silhouette surrounded by golden light stood at the foot of the mountain.

Helios held a shield in one hand, and pulled out a golden sword from the void with the other hand. Golden light burst from his eyes, and his whole body was covered with an extremely rich golden red arrogance.

Pang Pai divide might grandiose soaring into the sky, like a big sun rising, shattering the surrounding mountains and lifting countless boulders into the sky.

And the power in his body is also awakening rapidly, as if there is no upper limit, constantly improving and improving.

"che, it's just a special effect, who wouldn't!"

Luo Su's eyes turned black, and he took a step forward. .

The picture is distorted, only a shadowy outline similar to a human figure can be seen, the face is scarlet, and a large mouth with silent laughter is cracked below.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! !

The two disappeared at the same time, and in the next second, the two great swords of gold and black collided.

Rays of light ten thousand zhang on the left, dark and silent on the right, with two long swords as the boundary, the sky and the earth are rendered, gold and black are completely different.

The air hummed with a harsh roar, and two diametrically opposed energies erupted, causing a hurricane of energy to boil, impacting all directions, and causing a series of chain reactions.

The strong wind swept through, and when a dazzling light flashed, a huge mushroom cloud rose up.

The shock wave follows closely from behind, the strong wind presses the earth, crushes countless ancient woods, and shakes the ground like waves on the sea, rising and falling, up and down.

The smoke has not yet dissipated, and a black shadow flew out backwards, and there were countless black muddy water on the road.

The Titan's body is too strong, Helios inherited the bloodline of the two Titan Lord Gods, and the power is so strong that Luo Su sighs so much that the black flame horse can't catch up.

A strip of black big hands rose from the ground, caught his flying body, and broke hundreds of them in a row before they could stabilize their balance.

Opposite, Helios held a shield to protect his chest and abdomen, swept his golden long sword, cut off the black arm blocking the road, and charged quickly to Luo Su.

Sensing an advantage in melee combat, Helios decided to make the most of it.

Luo Su's eyes narrowed slightly, his forehead jumped with arcs, and the shape of his fleshy body changed drastically. Two monster arms extended from the left and right shoulders, with scales and armor, and the fingertips were as sharp as knives.

The whole body is proportionally enlarged, and his body jumped more than three meters, his muscles were pierced, and the blocks were bulging as solid as a rock.

Luo Su uses electromagnetic force to manipulate cells, and can make his own Myriad Transformations, turning into monsters are all trails, go deeper, recover one's youthful vigor, Rebirth from a drop of Blood are nothing difficult.

He had used this trick before, transforming into Poseidon and Zeus.

Non-magical changes, whether naked eye or technology, can't tell the difference between him and himself just by looking at the surface.

In other words, Luo Su pretended to be Hades, just and honorable walked into the back garden of the Queen of Hades, and the other party didn't even know that it was Poseidon in disguise.

Considering the issue of divine power, the Queen of Hades may notice a clue, and then Poseidon fled in embarrassment, and finally Zeus took over the pot.

Let's get down to business, Luo Su's transformation is complete, with one head and six arms, wielding a heavy sword, and slashing towards Helios like a wheel.

At the same time, the shadows poured down under the feet, dispersing the devil's face rising from the black mist, and setting traps all over the front.


Helios was surrounded by flames, the ground evaporated into darkness when he stepped, and the high temperature and heat bloomed red glow, and the darkness could not get close to him.

He raised his shield to block the black flame sword that slashed down, the yellow golden sword stabbed Luo Su's chest straight, the golden beam impacted, and the space distortion swayed wherever he passed.

Two black flame greatswords cross into a block, deflecting the golden beam, causing it to strike into the distance, shattering a mountain top.

Then, the two crossed black flame swords slashed, releasing an 'X'-shaped shock wave, like a black bat fluttering its wings, and a wild laugh hit Helios' chest.

Death screams!

From the bloodfiend-sucking skill, Luo Su uses the energy simulation of the dark dimension, which can make the opponent's body function stagnate and temporarily unable to move.

With Helios' bloodline innate talent and the authority of the 'sun', this move has little effect on him, the arm holding the shield stiffens slightly, and he can continue to fight again.

But just like this with a pause, the shield's blocking is no longer unbreakable, it is pressed down by two long swords, and provoked by two long swords.

A blood light splashed, the tendons of Helios' arm holding the shield were cut off, and the shield flew into the distance.

Four big black hands wrapped around them, filthy golden divine light, rolled their shields and dragged them into the underground cracks, and there was no movement.

The sun war chariot, flaming war horse, Great Golden Spear, shield, Helios lost four Divine Weapons in a row, only a golden sword in his hand, he was suppressed, and he could only defend for a while. attack.


The sparks flashed, the four long swords fell one after another, Helios held his arms, and his mighty body could not help but trembled slightly.

The aftermath of sword qi was criss-crossed, and the violent wind swept the ground, split and crushed it, leaving a bottomless crack one after another.

Luo Su held a sword in each hand and stabbed straight down at the right moment. The black sword edge was against the golden flame of Helios' bodyguard, and the front end burned red like a meteorite.

Helios raised his hands high, his legs below the ankles, submerged in black sludge, unable to dodge or block, he could only quickly activate the Divine Force in his body and release the Divine Light to block.

Luo Su's face was covered with black mist, the corners of red's mouth twitched to the side of his ears, the muscles in his arms swelled, and the two black flame swords moved towards Helios's chest little by little, and the whole thing burned into red.

The sword edge touched the chest and slowly cut open the armor. Helios watched the long sword pierce his chest, but there was nothing he could do.

pu chi!

Two black flame long swords penetrated the body and stabbed out from behind Helios. His face changed suddenly, showing an extremely strange pitch black, and the protective dive light dissipated in an instant.


Luo Su loudly shouted, raised Helios with his sword in both hands, and stabbed straight with his sword with the remaining four hands, making the six long swords crossed. Then hold it high above your head.

The divine blood flows down the sword edge, Helios bleeds from his nose and mouth, and there is still an incredible look in his eyes.

The battle is neither long nor short, but except for the first few rounds, he has always been at a disadvantage.


A black flame sword pulled away from Helios' chest and cut off his sword-carrying wrist, and then six black flame swords spit out poisonous snake letters in turn, knocking Helios in midair away. The puncture became a blood hole.

The body of God fell to the ground, Helios's injury was repaired in the blink of an eye, he was reborn from his broken wrist, and took out a short dagger from the void.

The blood hole in the eye socket was repaired. Looking at Luo Su with six arms holding a sword, his face was gloomy and he was worried. There was only one self-protection dagger left. This battle was extremely difficult.

Of course, he can also be shameless, anyway, Luo Su has no divine right, and Luo Su can't kill him if he lies still.

Wait until Luo Su becomes exhausted, that's when he turns defeat into victory.

Helios pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and decided to do it!

Shameless is embarrassing, after all, he is the straightforward and upright Sun God, but think calmly, shameless is only temporary, theocracy is forever.

In today's battle, the world will only remember 'Sun God' Helios beheading the challenger and defending his own authority and glory, not Helios lying still and taking the enemy Worn out.

As for the period of time lying down, it is easy to explain that Helios played with a powerful enemy and showed off the Immortal Body of the god by the way.

That's it, done!

With four black arms rolled up from the ground, wrapped around both hands and feet, Helios vibrated his body and dispelled it with golden flames.

In the next second, four dark shadows flashed by cold light, Helios attacked with a short dagger, and swiped golden light again and again to knock him back.

The short dagger is a body protection weapon after all. It doesn't have the wide opening and closing of the long spear, and there is no long sword to overcome the enemy. The sword runs through the chest.

Seeing the shadow swept down, Helios narrowed his eyes slightly, and before he broke his wrist, he nearly retracted the dagger.

It is distressing to say that this is the EXP summed up by his repeated loss of weapons.

Luo Su waved the four black flame swords to the ground, grabbed Helios' wrists and ankles with four hands, and held them high in the air.

He looked suspiciously at Helios, whose fighting intent was no longer as fierce as before, and wondered what the other party meant. He was sure that it was impossible to be soft. Theocracy was very important. .

"Why, do you think I can't kill you, so you have nothing to fear?"

Luo Su raised his eyebrows and asked, if that's the case, then Helios is too naive.

"hmph, can you?"

Helios sneered, with the same strategy, recovering the consumed Divine Force by the way, before turning into a Titan to fight the darkness, causing his follow-up attack Lost a lot of stamina.

"It seems really impossible, but..."

Luo Su smiled slightly, modestly said: "The difference between me and you is like the difference between many gods and Zeus. , you cherish feathers too much."


"Do you know the 'God of the Sky' Uranos?"

Luo Su said calmly, look Focusing on Helios, who had fear in his eyes, two black arms stretched out from his shoulders, rubbing his hands together.

He smiled and comforted, and Ji Chang Lulu said: "Don't be afraid, I can only hurt you but not kill you, your divine body is destined not to be damaged, but...there are many gods on the mountain. I'm watching."

"bully intolerably!!"

Helios's double-eyed Flamethrower, his body enlarged infinitely, turned into a kilometer-high Titan, facing Luo Su The position is a punch combo.


In the great hall of Mount Olympus, the gods were speechless, the male gods clenched their legs and smiled awkwardly, the goddess closed their eyes, As if nothing was heard.

"It's absurd, how could he humiliate a god like that?"

Zeus sat on the divide throne, face revealed disdain and shook his head again and again, indicating that this punishment belongs to the evil way, malignant Social trends should be suppressed.


Hera next to her smiled, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, telling Zeus what real disdain was.

"Hera, that smile... uh, where are you looking!?"

(end of this chapter)

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