End Of Heavens

Chapter 1100

End Of Heavens Chapter 1100


Chapter 1097 This question is beyond the scope

A huge rock ball is suspended high in the sky, with its back against the sun, and its outline is wrapped in a halo .

Luo Su has vomited two or two blood and waited for the next god who sent authority to come to provoke him. Although it is not realistic, he does not like this. The probability of someone coming to provoke is zero, and he will break through if he does. zero.

From a mathematical point of view, this is more significant than going from one breakthrough to one hundred.

The technique of Earth Blast Star is to create a black gravitational core on the surface, forcibly attracting surrounding objects in a large area, trapping and crushing the enemy.

In fact, the Earth Blast Star belongs to the seal art, ignoring its pretentious side, and basically the same meaning as closing the elephant in the refrigerator.

Luo Su raised his hand a little, his fingertips touched the bottom of the rock ball, the huge ball was slightly trembled, slowly moving up into the sky, the speed climbed steadily, and finally roared out of the sky.

Tonight, the world will see the light of Ares.

The battle came to an end, a contract flew from the top of Mount Olympus, landed directly in front of Luo Su, dissipated with the wind and released him, and sent him into the 'war' by the way authority entered into him.

There are multiple War Gods on Mount Olympus, each representing a different meaning. The most famous ones are Ares and Athena.

One is a bloodthirsty war, symbolizing bloody murderous invaders, and the other is a defensive war, symbolizing strategy and victory, never launching an unjust war of aggression.

Both are War Gods, the two are obviously different and strictly opposed.

Ares should thank Luo Su, because the conflict has been transferred to Luo Su. He has no authority to fight, so he is just a passerby, and he no longer has to be afraid of being beaten by Athena.

The authority of Sun God is different from that of Sun God. After gaining the authority of War God, Luo Su immediately felt a force rising from his body. Although he couldn't compare to his thunder and darkness, he couldn't even compare to light, but continuously. There is no end, and it will be very scary to add up.

Just think about it, don't take it seriously, as the human wars gradually cease, these forces will also disperse.

Luo Su covered his mouth and coughed lightly to hide the smile on his face. The authority of Sun God is a pretense, and war is the authority he really wants.

Thanks to Ares, no, thanks to Aphrodite, if it weren't for her, Ares wouldn't have staked his authority.

Gaining the authority of War God means that Luo Su's All Gods turn to Dusk plan has officially entered the second stage. He is almost ready for the prelude. Next, he will contact Hades and Poseidon, and he will be obscure to the second stage. Man expresses his dissatisfaction with Zeus and re-forms the Triangular Alliance.

Luo Su considers himself to be a long-sighted person, so even if Poseidon lacks virtue and has Trident reckless waste of natural resources, he does not plan to kick him out.

After all, he is the emperor of the sea, a god who can break arms with Zeus, and his strength is first-class.

How to befriend these two people, Luo Su didn't have a good idea at first, he just wanted to disguise himself as Poseidon and stroll in the palace of the Queen of the Underworld and the Queen of the Sea.

Now it's different. As long as he can learn to pinch the figure and pinch it beautifully and gorgeously, he can build a good relationship with the two by virtue of the holy clothes.

As for the 3rd Stage, the branches are more complicated, and the multiple connections are full of uncertainties, so it is not yet operational.

Luo Su closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then turned into a red glow and went straight to the great hall of Olympus. To outsiders, he was comprehending the authority of War God, but in fact he was thinking about how to communicate with He He as soon as possible. Meet Phaistos.


The great hall of the gods.

All the gods are still reminiscing about the heaven shaking, earth shattering 'earth blasting stars', that scene is so shocking that they are still amazed.

The gods can't think of the principle of this move, but I have seen Ares being played in the palm of the palm like a puppet by Luo Su before, plus the black sphere, but I don't think it is different. Only when Luo Su spare no effort used his abilities.

It doesn't matter what ability he has. Anyway, Sun God and War God are powerful and have top-notch acting skills. If he vomits blood, he must be pretending.

Luo Su walked into the great hall of the gods, the characters of arrogant and despotic were online, looked around at his nostrils, and saw that no one came to congratulate him, so he walked with the steps that he did not recognize, and sat in Ari in his original seat.

Olympus Twelve Main Gods——Luo Su, in charge of the sun and wars, he is a gentle light source in normal times, flooding the world with light, and when he is angry, he brings disasters to soldiers and wars.

The gods didn't say much, they were all expressions of as it should be by rights.

Hera ugly complexion, lost her love token with Zeus, along with a thug in Twelve Main Gods.

The worst thing is that Zeus was furious because of the dive blood, she was worried, and she didn't dare to show her dissatisfaction with Luo Su.

Luo Su took the seat here, and suddenly found a very interesting thing when he was on the scene. The original position of Ares was Athena on the left and Aphrodite on the right. And next to her is Artemis.

Overall, it's not a very friendly ranking, Ares and Athena feuding, and Aphrodite and Artemis feuding.

Also, Aphrodite's seat is next to Ares, not Hephaestus.

Luo Su touched his chin. He knew that Zeus Clan was a theological family, and the family relationship was very weak. The relationship between the gods of Mount Olympus and Zeus was equivalent to the king and minister, and he used contradiction to control it. The subordinates are sympathetic and coherent.

But is the contradiction too acute?

Three seconds later, Luo Su didn't think like this anymore, unprecedented, Athena next to him didn't have an iceberg facial paralysis, but smiled at him friendly.

The fiery eyes in those eyes are almost like seeing you in the grove tonight.

This woman's brain was squeezed by the door this morning?

Luo Su looked disbelieving and was a little flattered. Athena would not treat him differently because of his identity as a War God, which can only mean...

Athena hungry for his body.

Luo Su was so tangled, there were Artemis and Aphrodite, and Athena, and the complicated relationship couldn't be sorted out all of a sudden.

This question is out of scope, he put on his pants and didn't know how to solve it.

Luo Su tilted her head to look to the other side in order to verify her guess, and as expected, Artemis faintly smiled, while Aphrodite licked her lower lip with her tongue.

We'll see you in the woods tonight at three shifts.

Luo Su clearly got the deep meaning in his eyes and became more entangled.


On the divine throne, Zeus was coldly snorted.

He was very dissatisfied with today's duel, whether it was the result or the process.

This is the end of the temple meeting, and no one came to congratulate Luo Su on his new position as War God. Considering his personality, those who have ideas will also a strategic withdrawal.

Athena smiled slightly and walked straight away. Aphrodite stepped forward with a smile on her face. Before she got close to Luo Su, she was blocked by the Apollo brothers and sisters. She was not annoyed. The person threw a wink at Luo Su, then Shi Shiran left.

The back is elegant and unpretentious, like this comparison, it suddenly appears that the Apollo sisters and brothers are too small.

"This woman is not a good thing. Ares is a lesson from the past. Even if it is for yourself, it is best to stay away from her."

Looking at Aphrodite Intet's back, Artemis persuaded Luo Su with kind words, his voice was very loud.

Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person either!

Luo Su shrugged and didn't care. Anyway, the Goddess were fighting back and forth, and at most they could only get his body.

He was about to say something to Artemis when Apollo suddenly squeezed in between the two, with warnings in his eyes like a wolf.

"Apollo, is the sun war chariot open to make the wind?"

Luo Su asked with a light smile, without waiting for Apollo to reply, he added: "You should thank you elder Sister, if it wasn't for her that night...forget it, you probably wouldn't like to listen to it either."

Apollo was furious, while Artemis rolled the eyes, pulling away the slightly childish younger brother .

Sun God Temple, Garden.

Ai'e looked at Luo Su who moved the blacksmith shop to the open space with a complicated look. The third-rate god was not qualified to enter the great hall of the gods. She stayed away from the edge of the battlefield and witnessed the battle between Luo Su and Ares.

As before, every time Luo Su impresses her, she is shocked every time, and there seems to be no limit to her powerful strength.

The first time the two met, she still wanted to play against Luo Su and win, and thinking about it now, she felt ridiculously stupid back then.

"Don't be too deep, I see you look full of emotion, I don't know, I thought you defeated Ares."

Luo Su Zhang to Ai'e Open hands: "As far as our relationship is concerned, if you really want to congratulate me, just give me a warm hug."

"Luo Su, you are now Twelve Main Gods, with a prominent position and a noble status. Although the name has not been rectified, it is a matter of time."

"So what?"

"You have to pay attention to your words and deeds, and you can't like this anymore." Ai's good words persuade.

"What happened to the Twelve Main Gods, Zeus is still the Divine King, isn't he also out of tune all day?"


Well-founded , A living example, Ai'e was speechless.

At this time, several Nymph Goddess came to the garden path, and they brought several congratulatory posts, which were the good words of the gods to Luo Su's upcoming promotion to Twelve Main Gods.

Luo Su one after another opened, and most of them were gods they didn't know.

He eliminated irrelevant people, and left four invitations from Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus.

"Strange, Athena actually invited you to her temple?"

Ai'o had a ghostly expression on her face, Aphrodite invited Luo Su to watch the stars and sunbathe the moon , she can fully understand what happened to Athena, the courtesy greeting is a bit too much.

"No, if I go to Athena, I won't be able to keep up with the invitations of Artemis and Aphrodite." Luo Su shook his head.

"Then who do you want to choose between these two Goddess?"

"Choose him!"

Luo Su picked up 'Vulcan' Hepheus Toth's invitation, it was worthwhile for him to catch Ares and beat him, and finally got the favor of this hard-working man.


Ai'e was very puzzled, she chose a lame man despite three Goddess, is this the Luo Su she knew? ?

(end of this chapter)

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