End Of Heavens

Chapter 1103

End Of Heavens Chapter 1103


Chapter 1100 is a great chapter title

On the boulder bridge, because Luo Su wants to start learning from forging weapons and armor, Heffey Storrs took the first step in teaching.

Identify the material!

This is basic, just like mathematical formulas, you must know what the characters represent before applying them.

The reason is that Hephaestus asked a few simple questions about forging, and Luo Su answered them one by one. After more than ten questions, Hephaestus secretly nodded, this is a man who is even an apprentice. Not a layman.

It is stable when full, and I like to shake the half bucket of water twice if I have something to do.

In Hephaestus' view, Luo Su is a big empty bucket with only three or five drops of water in it.

The specifics are as follows:

"Can you strike iron?"

"Ashamed to say, I made a lot of armor, it's strong and durable."

"What material?"

"If I knew all this, why would I come to you?"


Hephaestus couldn't argue with himself, and stopped paying attention to the barman. He dragged the chain again and again, and lifted the various materials in the center of the earth lava to the edge of the bridge.

He took the trouble to describe the advantages and disadvantages of various materials, applicability, melting point and cooling point, the concentration ratio of alloys, and the corresponding use channels.

Complicated and brain-burning, and Hephaestus was not good at words, he often used a hammer and a stick to talk about it, which led to ten days and ten nights of this material science.

Although the teacher is not good at teaching, he has extensive knowledge reserves, rich EXP, and strong hands-on ability. He pays more attention to practice than theory. Luo Su will not complain about this point, be careful. Keep all its teachings in mind.

Except for the occasional mention of Aphrodite, the two of them got along quite happily.

Luo Su is happy to learn something, Hephaestus is happy to have his expertise heard.

Don't look at most of the otaku being indifferent and arrogant, and they seem to ignore everyone. In fact, they are more talkative than anyone else. As long as the conversation topic continues in their professional field, they can say It's not boring to go to the land.

"The ordinary person makes weapons and armor, or cools them with molds, or forges them at high temperature, constantly hammering out impurities..."

"But for us, we don't need that. Trouble, I'm Vulcan, you're Sun God, both are good at temperature control, and far surpass them in forging..."

"Of course, I personally prefer to use a hammer, when you don't get tired of it. , carefully polishing a piece of art, it will produce a sense of accomplishment of creating life, or creating a world, and the process during this period is pleasant."



Luo Su didn't answer, thinking that if Aphrodite changed her mind, she would be able to sleep Hephaestus submissively in one go, so happy that he forgot what a hammer looked like.

"Luo Su, since you want to build a piece of armor, you must have a general idea and design concept, whether it is a dress or a battle."

"If If it is a dress, before forging, you need to hand-paint the design and make a simple finished product to ensure that the material is not wasted, and..."

"If it is for combat, this armor is being designed In the process, there are more things to pay attention to."

Hephaestus kept talking, but he couldn't interrupt him, because what he said was very reasonable.

"The armor should match your own fighting style. It's like different arms, focusing on practicality. Don't talk to me about using materials to make up for it. When everyone's materials are the same, it will It's no longer your advantage."


Luo Su scratched his head and said his ideal Sun God battle clothes: "First of all, you must be handsome, Pull the wind, make the opponent feel ashamed as soon as he comes out, and feel that the piece on his body is tattered, sorry to wear it."

"Secondly, the defensive power must be strong, I don't have a punch, the opponent's hand must be strong. Break."

"Finally, if you can transform and combine with three forms, that's the best."

Hephaestus: (?灬?)

"What's the matter, is it difficult?"

"Yes, it's really hard to talk to you."

Hephaestus nodded, only ten days Get along well, honest people have mastered the skillful Tucao.

"Why, I think it's okay!"

"Modeling, defense, and combination changes are basically incompatible. They can be designed, but cannot be used in actual combat, to put it bluntly. It's useless except to look good."

"It's not necessarily."

Luo Su said, and took out his Golden Battle Armor from the portable space, indicating that it was made by himself. And list the advantages: "Whether it is physical defensive ability or element resistance, it is very powerful, and it is very handsome and attractive. It is my proud work."

Hephaestus is not in a hurry. Retorted, checked carefully, brows slightly wrinkle: "If I'm not mistaken, the material of the armor has been forged more than once, it's very strange... I'm not saying it's bad, in fact, the forging method is very brilliant, no The materials suitable for forging armor have been perfectly made into a piece of armor."

"How to say it, how to do it, the forging process is different from all the methods I know, It's like... naturally grown!?"

Hephaestus had a question mark on his forehead, not thinking that this armor came from Luo Su's hands, if it was, then Luo Su didn't need to be with him Studying has become a school of its own.

Luo Su's face was solemn, secretly worthy of being the god of craftsmen, and he saw through the reality of Golden Battle Armor at a glance.

The material of Golden Battle Armor comes from the world of [Pirates of the Caribbean]. Luo Su drew out Poseidon's golden war chariot, which was bombarded by Zeus' thunder, and the fragments were kept by him.

Later, he used the Skill Card 'Matrix Forging' to transform the war chariot fragments into gold battle clothes by the alchemy method of material decomposition.

When fighting Thanos, the gold battle clothes were shattered by Mind Stone and became a piece of debris again.

In the end, he went astray and accidentally became the master of the dark dimension. He reorganized Battle Armor in the dark dimension, and attached dark lines to it, so that he has the current appearance.

Hephaestus was right in his assessment that it was a creation of nature.

"Hey, this armor has a weird design."

When Hephaestus checked the boots of the Golden Battle Armor, he stunned: "Look here, The sole is too thick..."

"cough cough, no need to worry about the details, you said it is a natural growth creation, everything must have its value and deep meaning."

Luo Su grabbed the boots and said solemnly: "Look at this Battle Armor, the appearance and defense are perfectly compatible, that's the point."

"But it won't deform, and there are no three A combination of forms."

"If you take it back, you can use two, can you teach me how to forge it?"

"It's difficult!"

He Phaistos shook his head: "The forging principle of this armor is very rare. I have not figured it out myself. How can I teach you?" God?"

Luo Su sighed: "If I knew this would happen, I would date Aphrodite or Athena, and I won't come to you. Luo Su thought silently in his heart, afraid of being hit. Because of Hephaestus' self-esteem, he didn't say it."

Hephaestus immediately blushed and muttered in a low voice when he heard Luo Su's words: "For forging, why... Rigorous, I didn't say no, I just need to study it."

After that, Hephaestus told a few simple techniques, let Luo Su design the armor, and try to practice from the most basic , I studied Golden Battle Armor myself, and wanted to crack the technical process.

It's hard!

Luo Su is not optimistic about Hephaestus, even if he is the god of forging, it is impossible to uncover the secrets of the world's forging products.

He raised his hand and evoked several molten liquid metals from below, fused them into a ball according to the ratio, and then used electromagnetic force to plasticize them. After cooling, he directly formed a cold light and fierce long sword. .

"It's not too difficult!"

Luo Su muttered, and took out the 'Vulcan Sword' in the portable space, from DCworld, Wonder Woman Diana's sword, Forged by Hephaestus, the god of fire of that world.

The two long swords stood up, the sword edges collided, and the Vulcan sword cut iron like mud, cutting Luo Su's new long sword in half.

Luo Su didn't speak, seeing Hephaestus concentrated attention completely studying the Golden Battle Armor, whistling and kicking the broken long sword into the lava below, and then raised the Vulcan sword.

"Hephaestus, come and see, I made a Divine Item."


Hephaestus Snort disdainfully, he knew very well that Luo Su had several points of ability, but when he saw the Vulcan Sword, he was immediately amazed, grabbed it and studied it.

"What a brilliant forging technique, great... from a famous master, where did you get it?"

"I don't like to hear that, it's clearly me Forged by myself."

"Impossible, this sword is complicated in craftsmanship, and I haven't started to teach you many skills..."

Hephaestus glanced at Luo Su: "At the very least, you have to have a hammer to increase your persuasiveness."


Luo Su took out the one-handed hammer that had been in the pocket: " By the way, this hammer was also forged by me, a long time ago.”

[Item Card: Opponent (Epic Grade One-Handed Hammer, 6g)]

"Nice hammer, but still, you can't forge it." Hephaestus shook his head again.

Who do you look down on?

Luo Su coldly snorted, let System open Hephaestus' lottery twice.

[Skill Card: God of Forging (don't look, you are Ancestral Master)]

[Skill Card: God of Forging (don't look, you are Ancestral Master)]

"I didn't get the Character Card with the highest probability..."

Luo Su whispered BB, and shot the Golden Battle Armor from the sky: "See clearly, I forged it on the spot. A piece of Sun God battle clothes to let you know that I pretended to be crazy before, not because I didn't understand it, but because I was a relatively low-key person."

"Calm down, the craftsmanship of this armor is unknown, it is an isolated copy, If you destroy it, there will be no second one."

Hephaestus broke into a sweat: "And the materials of Battle Armor, as well as the dark energy magic pattern attached to it, are of great research value. You can't mess around."

"hmph, if I can make one, I can make the second."

Luo Su contacts System and uses 'Forge God' The Skill Card of , and then the enchantment of the left of the divide throne, turns the opponent's one-handed hammer into a white sledgehammer covered with cross inscriptions.

The Golden Battle Armor disintegrated by itself, one after another was put on Luo Su, his eyes were closed, and the authority belonging to the sun in his body began to glow and heat.

The scorching heat dissipated, and the Golden Battle Armor turned red, and the hidden dark energy was stripped away, turned into several snakes, and left far away after landing.

When the Battle Armor melted into a liquid, Luo Su narrowed his eyes slightly and held the hammer handle, and the tattoo on the sole of his foot became hot.

Today he let Hephaestus know that Gray Wolf is not just a funny character.

(end of this chapter)

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