End Of Heavens

Chapter 1125

End Of Heavens Chapter 1125


Chapter 1122 Pretending to be cruel from the outside in

In the twin wombs, hearing the words of Oshys banning passage, seven The tester was both shocked and angry, unable to believe his ears.

“talk nonsense, Sun God proclaims the word of God, anyone is qualified to enter the temple, what qualifications do you have to block the way?”

“You are the saint of Sun God, you should be Follow Sun God's will, why disobey him?"

"Yes, you are not worthy of wearing the golden garment!"


In the face of several people's doubts, Oszys face revealed disdain without explaining much. He waved his hand and swept away a hurricane mixed with golden light, knocking them all out of his twin uterus.


"Brother, if you are not like this, Sun God will be angry."

Vibiu Si leaned halfway from behind the wall, carefully reminding his eldest brother not to offend Sun God.

"Idiot, you are also a Saint Seiya of Gemini, what does terrified and over-cautious look like?"

Seeing Vibius' cowardly appearance, Esysis immediately confronted Revealing anger, and then...



Esythian gas Without hitting one place, he waved a golden light and smashed the wall where Vibius was hiding to smash, and volleyed him in front of him.

The Gemini Gold Cloth is separated from the body and turned into golden light and transferred to Vibius. The two are exactly similar in body and face.

"Yi! Clothes? Big brother, look, I'm wearing the sacred clothing of Gemini!"


Facing how hu hu Vibius, the veins on his forehead jumped, and when he raised his hand, he punched him in the head.

Boom! ! !

The reverberation was crisp, and Ossis hit the helmet with a punch, and face doesn't change put his hand behind him, suddenly clenching his fist, and suddenly turning into a claw.

"Brother, are you all right?"

"Nonsense, how could I be in trouble!"

Essyth coldly snorted, there is something wrong at this time There must be nothing wrong, otherwise what is the majesty of the big brother.

"You said it's fine...then it's fine..."

Vibius wanted to say, because of the omnipresent sense of the two brothers, his hand also hurt a little , but Ossis is fine, he will not be beaten.

"Next, if there are more passers-by, you will be responsible for blocking."


Vibius shook his head repeatedly: "No, Sun God will be angry and we will all be punished."

"Stop crap, that's what Sun God means, don't ask for..."



Oxysis took a deep breath, gave up the idea of punching the younger brother, for the sake of the golden clothes, just this once.

"Remember, in the future in Sacred Domain, everything will be done according to Sun God's command, we are holy warriors, there is no reason."

After finishing speaking, Ossis turned proudly , leaving the battlefield to Vibius, ready to let it play freely.

The blessing brought by the golden cloak is terrifying. With or without the cloak, the difference between Heaven and Earth, Erxis is confident that even if there is a tester with extraordinary talent, he is definitely not his own younger brother. opponent.

I just took this opportunity to build confidence in Vibius, so as not to be compared by other golden saints.

In all fairness, Zoe, Dremore, and Perseus, the three existing golden saints, Ossis felt that his younger brother could not beat a single one of them.

Especially Zoe, Ossis measured it and found that he was not completely sure.

He found a corner and sat down, closed his eyes and meditated, recalling the 'Galaxy Starburst' taught by Luo Su. He had personally experienced this trick, and he was confident that he could learn and master the essence.

Also, my hands really hurt!


Outside the twin uterus, seven testers were blocked by a yellow golden light curtain, and they failed to break through the palace gate after several attempts.

After issuing a series of curses, the four left, leaving only three unwilling to give up.

"Three, do you need help?"

A moment later, two tall silhouettes appeared, both with long black hair and beautiful faces.

You can tell from the looks that this is a pair of sisters, but there is a slight difference in age, two or three years apart, which is different from the twin brothers.

"Meet me, my name is Diais, this is my elder sister Hedamian."

The younger Diais has a lively personality, she was the one before During questioning, elder sister Hedamian was relatively indifferent, with a frosty face and a gesture of rejection beyond a thousand li.

Seeing the two beauties, the three male testers immediately puffed up their chests, indicating that it was just a golden gas wall, and it was not difficult for them at all.

There is no breakthrough for a while, just too tired to take a break.

At the same time, they also talked about the reason, the Gemini Golden Saint blocked the way and refused to let anyone pass through the twin uterus.

"It's a pity, the Gemini's holy clothes have been taken away."

Diais secretly said that she was unlucky, and asked Hedamian in a low voice: "elder sister, Gemini's Saint Seiya disobeyed Sun God's orders, do we still have a chance?"


Hedamian is concise, Gemini is Sun God's Saint Seiya, and there is no reason to disobey The order of the Lord God, the forbidden passage of the twin wombs can only be the meaning of Sun God.

So, this is a test!

She came to the light curtain with a blank face, looked at it for a moment and then suddenly pulled out the long sword from her waist.

Click! Kalala------

The light curtain shattered in response, and the cracks traveled around, shattering into pieces like a mirror, and dissipated as golden light powder before landing.

The three testers on the side swallowed their saliva in unison. They didn't know how to evaluate it. An idea popped into their minds. If Hedamian couldn't get the approval of the Holy Cloth, they would definitely be in trouble. .

“elder sister, wait for me.”

Seeing that the two sisters walked into the twin uterus, the three testers hurriedly followed, ready to challenge the twin uterus again.

On the stone steps, the young man walked slowly, saw the great hall of the twin uterus, and then looked up at the sky: "In the name of the constellations on the ecliptic trajectory, the corresponding twelve golden garments were created. , Sun God's use of authority is far stronger than the previous generation, whether it is wisdom or creativity, it is amazing, but..."

He paused and continued: "According to my observation, there are There are thirteen constellations, but the Sacred Domain has only the twelve houses, and there is one more... what is the special meaning?"

After thinking for a while, the young man sighed that the contemporary Sun God is a man of great wisdom, Walk towards the twin uterus.


"The golden saint, Vibius, was instructed to guard the twin uterus of the third house. Without the will of Sun God, no one can pass."

The twin wombs great hall golden light shone, Vibius imitated his elder brother's tone, and blocked his way with a blank face.

"You lied!"

A tester said, "Just now you said your name was Ossis, why did you suddenly change your name."


"Oh, you said this..."

Vibius vented his imposing manner and said embarrassingly: "There are two golden saints of Gemini, and Esysis is me. Brother, he thinks you guys are too weak, so let me guard the twin wombs."


The identical faces make Vibius' words untrustworthy. degree, but the three testers believed.

Just because the temperament is too different, one is cold from the inside out, and the other is cold from the outside, so they can't help not believe it.

"Sorry, I said something wrong."

Seeing a little cold, Vibius hurriedly explained: "Brother let me guard the twin uterus, not because you are too weak, Instead, I want to exercise me and make me feel like a powerhouse.”


The more I listen, the more angry I get, this is not an explanation, it is a humiliation of Chi Guoguo .

"elder sister, this guy is so interesting!"

Hearing the girl's voice, Vibius' eyes lit up, and his eyes moved to the sister flower. Ais stayed on the body for a second, and then settled on the elder sister Hedamian.

It's not that Diais is not good-looking. In terms of appearance, she is more beautiful than the elder sister.

It's just that, whether it's Hedamian's indifferent temperament or his identity as an elder sister, they all hit Vibius's hilarious point. Resistance.

Diais: (? Benefit?)

"elder sister, this guy is really annoying!" Diais changed her words instantly.

Don't ask, ask is a woman.

Hedamian didn't speak, he pulled out his long sword and waited for it. Since it was a test, he had to spare no effort.

She could feel the pressure continuously emanating from the Gemini Cloak, as if looking up at a mountain, and a little slack was signed to eternal damnation.

A drop of cold sweat fell, and a brief look made Hedamien stunned by the imposing manner, and the arm holding the sword trembled slightly.

She knew that the situation was grim, and if she didn't make a move, she would lose the courage to hold a sword later.


After a light beep, it was a crunching sound.

The long sword shattered and Hedamian stepped back with the complexion pale of the hilt.

striking a stone with an egg, like a white board wooden sword slashing a full-level epic divine outfit, she holds the sword and slashes the golden holy garment shoulder armor, and the sword in her hand is directly scrapped.

"That...you have no chance of winning, and my mission is only to block, not to attack, so everyone, please sit down and rest for a while!"

Looking at the delicate face close at hand , Vibius pretty boy slightly red, makes a bold plea for what could be a date.

This idiot!

Behind the wall, Ossyth was trembling with anger, easily bewitched by beauty, how could he become a true powerhouse.

He got up and walked out of the wall, waving his hand to summon the Gemini holy garment, put it on himself, and turned to Vibius with a cold face: "Stand by the wall, let me tell you, guard the twins. The real way of the womb."


Vebius was about to explain when his elder brother grabbed the back of fate and threw him aside.

Essyth narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Hedamien who confuses Vibius with his beauty, and waved a golden light after being coldly snorted.

The murderous intention was dignified, and the imposing manner was completely different from the previous one. Hedamian faced the golden light of Wandao, his pupils shrunk to the tip of a needle, and his figure flashed continuously, avoiding the fist pressure and turbulent flow.


The beam danced in a turbulent flow, Hedamian avoided several attacks, and his final speed was a bit slower. He was hit by the golden light and slammed into the stone wall.

“cough cough—”

Hedamian’s face was pale, coughing up two mouthfuls of blood, which was a lot easier. He took the long sword handed by the younger sister and told her not to Approach without authorization.


Essyth was about to praise Hedamian's fighting spirit when suddenly had a feeling in the heart looked towards the direction of the Twin Palace Gate.

true powerhouse appeared.

(end of this chapter)

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