End Of Heavens

Chapter 115

End Of Heavens Chapter 115


Chapter 114 Despicable Shameless Dirty Classic Japanese and Korean

Parking lot building!

Luo Su was attracted by the melee of the three squads. The other battlefields may be too far away, and it would be a waste of time to rush over, or the reincarnator is very powerful, and it takes time to kill people. , the strength is relatively ordinary.

Three-team melee is rare, the cause is the conflict between the two squads, the third squad peeps secretly wants to sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits, and does not want to be discovered and attacked by the two squads together .

Team battles are like this. There are no absolute enemies and friends, only absolute interests. The third squad wants to fish in troubled waters, which undoubtedly stimulates the nerves of the other two squads.

We are here to fight to death, but you are ready to stab you in the back, so be prepared to be killed together!

Luo Su stepped on the ceiling and hung upside down to observe the battlefield. The two squids launched attacks from different directions in the front and back. They had a tacit understanding and did not cross the line. The strength of the three squids was almost the same. The personnel were seriously wounded, and the rest were also fighting with wounds.

6 people! 5-people! 7 people!

Three squads total 18 people!

There are those who have strengthened the ability of the spiritual department to command the tandem squid, there are full-time meat shields and melee personnel, and there are medium and long-range firemen who have strengthened the skills of firearms. The configuration of the three squids is very reasonable. Each has its own strengths, and almost no idlers are supported.

Luo Su remembers that fatty was randomly assigned to Fan Bo's Squad by the Lord God, so each Squad should have one or two people who don't fit in. At present, there are no idlers in the three Squads, and there are only two possibilities.

One is that he stayed in the base camp and did not join the team to participate in the war, and the other is that he has already hung up and the team has lost points!

The third squad struggled to support, and people began to die. Luo Su knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and half squatted on the ceiling and began to seal.

17 prints in less than four seconds.

The technique of water escape and great waterfall!

A-Rank Water Escape, crushing the enemy with a waterfall-like volume of water, very suitable for use in crowded situations.

Using the water escape where there is no water, it can only be said that Kakashi deserves to be the man who became Naruto, but his chakra amount is too small, creating a big waterfall that swept the audience, and the overall chakra amount Directly consumed more than half.

The roaring water splash rolled up in front of Luo Su, forming a spiraling water flow. With the injection of chakra, the water flow became bigger and bigger, and finally formed a turbulent trend, surging forward. out.

The essence of the technique of the Great Waterfall is large volume and high speed, submerging the enemy with a water force so large that it cannot be avoided, and then using the high-speed water pressure to inflict a fatal blow, an attack ninjutsu that combines quality and speed. .

Rumbling ——————

The rolling wave crowded the parking lot and filled it up quickly. If it was in the outside world, this amount of water was simply not enough. But being in a nearly sealed garage equates to inevitable flash floods.

The stormy sea swept down, filling every corner!

The three squads were fighting to the last minute when they suddenly heard a rumbling vibration, and they had no way to escape and were swept away by the roaring waterfall. Many people were directly stunned by the wave, and the rest were also in danger. I want to hold my breath, but the strong water pressure oppresses my chest, squeezing out the remaining oxygen in my chest and abdomen...

The water is full of waves, rushing!

Luo Su made a sudden move, deliberately calculating without intention, and achieved a strategic gain in one fell swoop. In the three squares, the seriously injured or weak constitution sank into the water and did not climb out.

After thirty seconds, the water made of chakra slowly disappeared, and the remaining part was the water vapor gathered from nearby. Luo Su glanced briefly, there were still 6 people standing in the field, he did not meet force with force with a knife, and rationally used the residual water vapor to start ninjutsu again.

Water Escape·Mist Hidden Technique!

The amount of chakra is not enough, the concentration of the fog is affected, and it does not achieve the effect of not being able to see the five fingers, but it is enough to hide the figure.

Luo Su put his feet on the ceiling, relying on Chakra's enhanced sense of smell and hearing to argue, and dodged to the nearest reincarnator.

The knife is very fast, and you can leave it as soon as you touch it!

The blade wiped his neck, without stopping to move towards the next target. He had already made up his mind to withdraw from the battlefield after resolving these few people. a big event.

The blade light flashed, and after he had eliminated three targets, a strange wind suddenly rose in the parking lot. The unprovoked whirlwind blew away the fog, Luo Su pulled away and retreated, he sensed the breath of magic, and there were magicians among the remaining two reincarnators.


A deep anger swept away the thick fog, and the vision became clear. A silhouette dressed in a two-dimensional costume appeared in Luo Su's line of sight.

Blonde double ponytails, sailor suits, white gloves, magic wands, the style of painting here is still right, how can this costume be a young and invincible beautiful girl. However, when the fog completely dissipated, the style of painting began to deviate, from the motor vehicle lane to the sewer.

Muscular arms and legs, two chest-haired pectoral muscles, a thick beard and a masculine, tough face. In general, the hair is strong, the picture is hot, and it is easy to cause discomfort.

Damn, can this be a magical girl too?

Luo Su was stunned, thinking that when he just observed the battlefield, he didn't realize that there was a strange flower like this hidden in the crowd that affected the appearance of the city.

Just as he was dumbfounded, the invisible wind wrapped around his limbs and torso, turning into invisible chains with naked eyes, fixing him in midair.

In addition to Luo Su, another survivor in the field was also entangled by the chains that the wind turned into.

"God damn bastard, you finally got a good score, and it's all ruined for you!"

Less magic... uh, the magic brawny man roars louder than thunder Also, Luo Su felt nauseated just listening to it, and what was even more uncomfortable was that this product was actually painted with purple eyeshadow.

This is Spirit Attack!

It must be Spirit Attack!


The magic brawny man raises his hand and pulls out a magic card from the inside pile of chest hair. One hundred and sixty degrees, the moment the card fell, the magic wand hit it straight.

"Power card, grant me unparalleled strength!"

no no no , you are already very powerful!

Luo Su complexion ashen, watching the brawny man girl's actions, Spiritual Plane was hit hard as never before, he is not bad, the buddy next to him vomited, and he looked at life. I can't take care of myself.

"Yah hahaha, thank me, it's your honor to die under my strongest weapon."

The magic brawny man bulged his gleaming biceps, He rushed towards Luo Su's position quickly, even if there was a strong wind to support him, he couldn't make him light. Every step he took, he left a sunken footprint on the ground.

You are wrong about innate talent, what kind of magician!

The strongest blow of the magic brawny man is to swing the magic wand with all his biceps. With the whistling sound of breaking through the air, the magic wand's speed is too fast, and the afterimage becomes bent backwards.


The staff hit Luo Su's head with a stick, like a sharp edged weapon, cutting all the way to his chest.

It's sizzling! !

"Wow ahhhh ———"

Before waiting for the magic brawny man to take action, Luo Su's body suddenly turned into a ball of thunder and lightning, and the magic wand energized his whole body It was smoking, and the chest hair was charred.

Lei Dun·Shadow Clone Technique!

The one bound by the chains is Avatar, the real Luo Su has come behind the survivors, he simply sent him on the road, and turned to leave.

I can't bring up the courage to fight, the spirit of the magic brawny man is too terrifying, just a glance makes people want to run away, and I can't give birth to the idea of fighting with him for 300 rounds.

Running all the way out of the parking lot building, Luo Su continuously used the Teleportation Technique to change directions, released Kakashi's Character Card beside a building, leaned against the shadow of the corner, and watched the sky riding a magic wand. The burly silhouette leaves.

The pink magic wand of 1.5 meters, with white wings at the end, full of girlish style, but with a big brother-level chest-haired man, this is no longer a hot eye to describe, see more There will definitely be a needle eye!

"With such a thin stick, it's not too much to panic."

Just when Luo Su was lucky to escape, the sixth sense alert murderous aura struck, It felt like he had encountered it before, bending forward and rolling over to hide behind the sneak attack.

Meet again, the girl who gave the equipment, what's your name?

Looking at the familiar silhouette, Luo Su took out the long knife from the space ring. The opponent has the ability to teleport. If it is entangled, it can't be thrown away, so it can only fight.

Jian Shaoxin looked at Luo Su angrily, his eyes filled with anger: "Finally let me find you, you perverted, nasty, despicable, shameless, filthy, lewd pervert!"


Girl, you also missed classical, Asian, Japanese and Korean and campus!

(end of this chapter)

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