End Of Heavens

Chapter 1161

End Of Heavens Chapter 1161


Chapter 1158 The Honest Fenghuang

Under the shock of their hearts, the faces of the two Monster Race Great Saints changed suddenly, and they stepped back five steps in a row , Each step is vomiting blood.

Besides, seeing the reinforcements appear, Artemis and Apollo's faces all showed joy, and then they all turned into stinky faces.

With regard to the synchronization rate of this face-changing, there is no doubt that they are proper siblings.

The difference is that Artemis thought of the dirty things Luo Su did when he forged battle clothes for Athena, and was not angry.

Apollo thought that Luo Su was plotting against his elder sister and hooking up with Athena. He was a scumbag who was even worse than him.

Luo Su winked at Artemis and was not annoyed when he got the back of his head, until Apollo blocked in front of Artemis and showed an indignant anger, and he gave Apollo the back of the head with a dark face.

Boy, it's too late, I've already eaten and wiped up!

Luo Su hummed, his eyes locked on the two Monster Race Great Saints, ready to use them to test the strength level after strengthening.

“Sun God Luo Su…”

“I can’t believe that the two Twelve Main Gods are so different from each other.”

Two Monster Race Great Saint complexion pale, gritted his teeth and stood in place, choosing to take the initiative to fight instead of turning around and running.

"I also didn't expect, the same as the ten Great Saints of Monster Race. Your strength is so different from Ji Meng and Chong Ming!"

Luo Su speak frankly, except for the tone, Does not contain any sarcasm.

This is the truth. The two Monster Race Great Saints in front of them are worse than Ji Meng and Chongming. They are not little bits. For example, they are the gap between Zeus and Poseidon.

One fingertip!

"However, if you know you're losing and you still have to stay and die, you have to be rewarded for your courage..."

Luo Su stepped forward, and when the two of them were amazed at his source of information, and how skilled he was. The moment he mastered the language of Monster Race, he slammed his long sword down.

The golden crescent sword qi swept out, like a distorted space, disappeared suddenly at a speed that naked eyes couldn't recognize, and then jumped in front of the two of them.

The sharp sword qi stirred up, smashing the air layer by layer.

Facing the violent sword qi so close at hand, the two Monster Race Great Saints didn't dare to think too much, they used the weapons in their hands, wielding the blade light and sword shadows in front of them, weaving them into a big net that covered the sky, Continue to consume the impact momentum of sword qi.

The endless blade light and sword shadows like the waves were defeated by the golden sword qi, and the two men's weapons were heavily struck. The terrifying destructive power continued to move forward against the two of them.

On the ground, the footprints plowed out the gap, and the two Monster Race Great Saints struggled to support them, retreating 100 meters in a row, and at the same time bursting out the stored demon power.

Boom! !

The earth shook and the mountain quivered , the sword qi was shattered by the demon power, and the thin sword light phantom lost its direction, blindly scouring the four fields.

The afterimage of the Invisible Sword swept across and ran over like a hurricane, with rubble splashing, potholes, and deep criss-crossed ravines.

The two Monster Race Great Saints were stiff, their trunks and limbs were riddled with holes, and their muscles wailed, falling into the cooldown countdown time after the ultimate move.

Suddenly, golden rays of light flashed by.

Luo Su dodged and appeared in front of a Monster Race Great Saint, waving his spear and long sword in a row, slashing hundreds of attacks at a super-fast speed.

The light and shadow are intertwined, and the speed is too fast to defend.

Luo Su's body turned into an afterimage, and the opposite Monster Race Great Saint slowed down a few rhythms, blindly blocking from left to right.

As he bleeds from his nose and mouth, the bloodline of his body cracks, and the speed of the block becomes slower and slower. Finally, Both eyes are spiritless, and his body freezes in place, allowing the sword qi to be shrouded in layers. body.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! !

Luo Su shook the long sword lightly, scattered the blood beads on the sword edge, looked at the Monster Race Great Saint with both eyes, and used Soul Control + the power of the mind to destroy its spiritual defense in one fell swoop. Divine Soul torn to shreds.

The breath was silent, Monster Race Great Saint's eyes were dark, and his straight body was divided along the bloodline, shattering into pieces.

Ignoring whether the pieces on the ground were birds or beasts, Luo Su slowly turned around and grinned towards another Monster Race Great Saint.

Golden Sun God battle clothes divine light Magnificent, bright ten thousand zhang, the background is hazy blood mist fluttering, I see this Monster Race Great Saint brow beaded with sweat, my mind is terrified fighting intent full without.

Companions with similar strengths were cut into several pieces at a glance. He felt that he would not be much better if he replaced him. Condor, soaring into the sky.


Luo Su flew a long spear with one sword, fluttering his wings and was about to pursue, when he saw a fiery red cloud flying fast in the distance, he immediately stopped in place and retreated to Artemis around.

Boom! !

The red cloud roared and slammed into the fleeing Monster Race Great Saint in an instant. The raging flames wrapped it, and almost in a blink of an eye, it burned to flying ash annihilation.

Luo Su's eyes narrowed slightly, clearly seeing a pair of wings with golden marks on a red background in the firelight.

The fire clouds gathered, dressed in black armor, the Monster Race man who looked like a young man fell to the ground, bearless white face, his eyes were as sharp as eagles, and golden light burst out.

"Sun God Luo Su!"

"Monster Race Great Saint Fenghuang!"

"Behead your teammates, you are sure you are Monster Race that On the side?"

Luo Su's brows trembled when he heard Fenghuang calling himself Monster Race Great Saint, not Monster God.

The gap is too big!

Seeing two Monster Race Great Saints of average level, he thought Ji Meng and Chongming were the peaks of this level, but he never thought that there were experts like Fenghuang who could kill other Monster Race Great Saints in seconds.

This is much bigger than the fingertips of Poseidon and Zeus!

If Fenghuang is not a reserve of Monster God and can challenge his superiors at any time, Luo Su can only say that the concept of Monster Race Great Saint is vague and the battle strength is a bit broken.

"Phoenix Emperor is the general of the warlord before the battle, holding the demon sword given by Your Majesty, and both those who descend and escape can be killed on the spot."

General of the warlord before the battle!

Slayer Sword!

Luo Su narrowed his eyes slightly, analyzed intelligence, and judged that Fenghuang's strength was not bad, far surpassing other Monster Race Great Saints, so he was deeply attracted by the demon Emperor Treasure.


This is an honest man, he says whatever he asks, and even says the name of the magic weapon.

Luo Su likes to communicate with honest people the most, and immediately coldly snorted: "You said you are the Monster Race Great Saint, I don't like this. I think that the Monster God who fought the Divine King over there is only better than you. First line, so..."

"You are also a Monster God. Monster Race attacked Mount Olympus, and a total of two Monster Gods were dispatched, right?"

"Fenghuang I don't dare to compare myself to Emperor Jiang, as one of the four gods of Monster Race, he possesses great magical power and is the existence that my younger generations look up to."

The honest man is a bit too modest!

"so that's how it is, it seems that I think too much."

Luo Su twitched his lips, continuing to put on intelligence: "But you Monster Race are too conceited Now, do you really think you can conquer Mount Olympus with just one Monster God?"


Fenghuang frowned, realizing that he would miss out if he spoke too much, he waved his hand and took out a handle long sword.

The waves of red fire spread out behind it, condensing the phantom of Phoenix flapping its wings and coercing all things.

Luo Su glanced at the long sword in the hands of the Phoenix Emperor. The cold light was a good sword, but he didn't see anything special. I wonder if it was a demon slayer given by the Monster Emperor. sword.

Speaking of which, don't you feel uncomfortable using the 'Slayer Sword' for Monster Race?


The boiling pressure condensed into a single point, and it erupted from Fenghuang's body.

Artemis and Apollo looked solemn, Apollo put away his long spear and shield, put on a bow and arrow and stood side by side with the elder sister.

You can tell from the posture that the two archers are ready to play assist.

"Hey, that person is the Monster God Di Jiang, how could he be here?"

Luo Su looked at the sky behind Fenghuang, with horror on his face: "Why? So, is the Divine King already beaten to death?"


Fenghuang's body trembled, subconsciously about to turn around.

Suddenly, a strong murderous intention swept in, Fenghuang's eyes narrowed, and two golden divine lights were emitted, and at the same time he pulled back and opened a distance.


Luo Su's mouth was full of pitch blackness. Facing the oncoming two divine lights, he directly smashed it into pieces, killing him before Fenghuang without reducing his speed.

The point of the spear is decorated with cold glow, the long sword is tucked under the abdomen, and the golden sword qi is swung violently.

The two combos were fired at the same time, Luo Su had the main attack advantage, and brought the battle rhythm to the top in one breath, without giving Fenghuang the slightest chance to breathe.


Fenghuang didn't notice for a while, and in a hurry, the long sword opened the point of the spear that was straight at the door, and the black armor was cut open by the sword qi.


The two long swords collided violently and pressed each other in a mighty imposing manner. Luo Su took advantage of the first move and defeated Fenghuang with one sword. The long spear followed up continuously. Scattered golden gun shadows as dense as strong wind and swift rain.

The Emperor Feng cursed Shameless secretly, confused by the name of Luo Su Sun God, his eyes shone brightly, and a pair of fiery-red wings unfolded behind his back.

The raging fire waves spread out, the high temperature scorched as far as the eye could see, the air was twisted and hot, and everything turned into a bright red fire sea.

sou! sou!

Two long arrows jumped over Luo Su's side, one gold one silver, jumped at a flashing speed, and pierced directly into the eyes of Fenghuang.

The red wings were folded, and the two long arrows were melted by the scorching heat. Just as Fenghuang blocked the two long arrows, the war spear snake came out of the hole, penetrated the gap between the wings, and stabbed straight into the center of his forehead.

The blood dripped, and there was a bloodstain on Fenghuang's forehead, his eyes gleamed fiercely, and he waved and pulled out a golden king's sword.

Slayer Sword!

The fierce sword qi attacked, Luo Su didn't even think about it, the long spear stabbed the right eye socket of Feng Huang, raised the long sword to protect his chest and parried.

sou! sou!

At the same time, two arrows swept across Luo Su and shot directly at the neck that Fenghuang's armor could not protect.

There was a crisp sound, followed by the sound of flesh and blood running through.

Fenghuang held two arrows in his mouth, and the demon force urged the fire to refinish them, and the bloody eye sockets healed themselves.

Luo Su stopped chasing, the long sword in his hand broke out, and he looked at the Demon Slayer Sword, revealing a little look of dreading.

Intuition tells him that being slashed by this sword is no joke.

"Dignified Sun God, actually using such despicable means!"

Fenghuang gnashing teeth, still entangled in previous matters, I don't know if it was disgusting and broken by Luo Su's means, Still resentful of being fooled easily.

"hmph, it's useless to talk too much. I can't let go of my hands and feet here. Would you dare to change a place to have a one-on-one duel with me?"

Luo Su didn't explain, not during the day. Knowing the darkness of the night, Emperor Feng did not know his difficulties at all.

Before, he was also a straightforward and upright young man, born arrogant and difficult to surrender...

Until he entered the world of Mount Olympus and met Zeus and Poseidon, Only become bohemian love freedom.

(end of this chapter)

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