End Of Heavens

Chapter 1164

End Of Heavens Chapter 1164


Chapter 1161 The acting is not good, just like the real thing

For Monster Race Great Saint Fenghuang, there are more or less people in Monster Race We all know a little bit, give up our minds and love them more.

At best, it is a strong executive ability and strict self-discipline; at worst, it is stubborn and conservative, does not know flexibility, only knows to act according to instructions.

But it is undeniable that it is precisely because of this style of strictly obeying orders that Fenghuang can be appreciated by the Monster Emperor, holding the demon sword in his hand, and becoming the general of the warlord before the battle. .

Di Jiang felt that the sword was stabbed, and eight percent of the reason was that Fenghuang had a brain, and regarded him as a deserter who flinched.

Heaven is pitiful, he was ordered to invade this world and is the highest commander in command of an army. Even if Fenghuang misunderstood, there is no need to turn his face right away!

Besides, he didn't really plan to escape, he just finished gathering intelligence and went back to formulate a new strategic plan.

Di Jiang was still in a daze, Luo Su's hand holding the sword was not soft at all. Starting from the chest, he cut Di Jiang's body from bottom to top, and then the cold front swept across and cut him straight. Head away.

Di Jiang's body faded, avoiding Life Seizing Sword, covering his wound with a pale face.

Suddenly, he met Luo Su's eyes, and then he woke up: "You are not Fenghuang, who are you?"

Luo Su stepped forward with his sword and slanted Slashing at Di Jiang's head, the latter turned sideways to avoid him, touching the wound that could not heal on his own, so much pain that he gasped, and his body froze in place.


Luo Su didn't turn his head, and stabbed Dijiang's neck with a backhand sword.

Di Jiang raised his hand to hold the sword edge, a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, his body was dim, and he was disappeared with the Demon Slayer Sword.

With nothing in his hand, Luo Su winked his eyes, and then he realized that he was in the game.

Di Jiang was slashed with a sword, not because he was too injured to escape, but to regain the Demon Slayer Sword.

"Bah, sure enough, the strong features are not good things!"

Seeing that there is still a demon sword, Luo Su generously forgave Di Jiang and prepared to Shake him again next time.

"Zeus, the Monster Race over there is fighting in the nest. One has run and one is left."

Poseidon tightened Trident and proposed: "We will take him down together. , also to torture some information."

"Don't be stupid, it's me."

Luo Su was snorted, his body flashing arcs, and his appearance changed.

"Zeus, don't be fooled, since he can become a Monster Race, he must also become a Sun God."

Poseidon added in time, listening to Luo Su, Zeus , Hrazzi rolled the eyes.

It's not that I'm really stupid, but I'm pretending to be stupid. It's just that I pretend to be too long, and I can't get out of the play too deeply.

Luo Su secretly said ashamed, Poseidon is called acting, he can't do it, a former Monster Race warlord General, he played the same as the real thing.

“cough cough ———”

The strong enemy left, Zeus clenched his fist and coughed lightly, looking at the blood in his palm, his face was extremely gloomy.

"Zeus, are you okay?"

Hera took two steps forward and supported Zeus's arm.

"It's okay, I just worked too hard, just rest for two days."

Zeus shook his head slightly, and glanced at Poseidon from the corner of his eye: "You..."


"cough cough cough!!"

Poseidon's face was flushed, he coughed up blood, and said while coughing: "Zeus, I was injured by that monster's black hand just now, I need to It takes a long time to rest."

"That's really a coincidence."

Zeus didn't bother to talk nonsense with Poseidon, and instead looked towards Luo Su and said: "With The fastest speed, kill all the Monster Races on the mountain, not one can let go."

Luo Su nods, puts on Sun God battle clothes, and flutters his wings to clear the battlefield. remnants.

"Go, let's go to the golden great hall."


The great hall of the gods.

After Di Jiang left, the war on the sacred mountain ended soon, and the remaining Monster Race lacked Young Master's heart and was beaten to pieces.

Except for the Monster Race Great Saint with Innate Divine Ability or magic weapon body protection who escaped two, the remaining Monster Races were all killed on the spot and turned into fresh ones, ahem, turned into coolness corpse.

At this moment, these corpses are piling up outside the hall.

In the great hall, the gods whispered and exchanged information. The atmosphere was very depressing.

The main Divine Grade powerhouses did not fall, but the second-rate gods died too many, far more than the Monster Race corpses outside the temple.

This can't be blamed on them either, it's mainly due to the style of the Olympus pantheon, because authority is not conducive to combat, often four or five go together, but are hung up and beaten by a Monster General.

Demi-God, who has no theocratic power, let alone the servants below him, the casualty figures have not yet been sorted out.

On the old god's side, it is said that they gathered together for a dinner today, so when the Monster Race attacked the sacred mountain, it just crashed into their encirclement, so there was no damage.

Here at Twelve Main Gods, it is very rare for all members to appear today, and Luo Su is also fortunate to see Demeter and Hestia, two low-key Goddess who have been diving for thousands of years.

First there is 'Agriculture and Harvest Goddess' Demeter, the second sister of Zeus' third brother, the ex-wife of Zeus' Ranked 4th, and Hades' mother-in-law.

Like this might be a bit of a twist, but it's the truth.

Demeter Goddess is elegant and poised. Unlike the majestic Hera, her noble and majestic temperament is more indifferent, elegant and quiet, and her voice is gentle and euphemistic.

It's no wonder she can't become a queen, she lacks majesty and can't put on airs.

But from the perspective of choosing a wife, she is undoubtedly the type that men look forward to most. She is beautiful, good-natured, and can be in the hall and the kitchen.

And most importantly, she has money!

This is followed by 'Stove and Family Guardian God' Hestia, the eldest sister of the three brothers of Zeus, and one of the three Goddess on Mount Olympus.

Oh, it's two now!

As the eldest daughter of the second-generation Divine King Cronus, Hestia has a prominent position in the Twelve Main Gods, and her seniority is also first-class.

But this does not mean that Hestia is an image of a middle-aged woman. It may be because she is unmarried and unmarried, and has not been harmed by scumbags. She is not only tall, youthful and beautiful, but also The temperament is far less mature than Luo Su imagined.

More majestic than majesty, she is stronger than Athena and Aphrodite, and weaker than her two younger sisters, Hera and Demeter.

According to Luo Su's analogy, Artemis is a young girl, Athena and Aphrodite are the royal sisters, and Hestia has just passed the critical point of the royal sisters and is a little familiar.

Unfortunately, it happens to be the type that Luo Su likes.

As long as it's pretty, he likes it!

So, I couldn't help but take a peek at it, one has two, then the second, the third...


The sound of breathing suddenly thickened, Luo Su despised in his heart, wondering which two bastards did not abide by the rules of civilization when watching the ball, and swept left and right to find that it was Poseidon and Apollo.

Bah, shameless thing, she's your big sister/aunt!

Luo Su felt even more contempt in her heart, and then continued to be polite and admire Hestia's high value.

Unconsciously, he followed the local customs, and his painting style was perfectly integrated into Olympus.


The coldly snorted voice, but full of resentment, came.

Luo Su immediately withdrew his polite gaze and put on a serious and upright face. He looked towards Athena on the left, and got a look of disgust.

Looking towards Aphrodite on the right, the goddess of love who is substituting in the ice-beauty character, blinked his right eye slightly, a little teasing, and continued to be indifferent.


Another heavy breathing, from the grumpy Old Brother Hephaestus.

Luo Su didn't sense Hephaestus' fire-breathing sight, jumped over Aphrodite, saw the back of Artemis' head, and Apollo's smug, disdainful face.

Smile, you are the one who should cry the most!

Luo Su glared at Apollo with contempt, and continued looking towards Hestia in a vengeful manner, nothing else, just to make Apollo unhappy.

"Aphrodite, tell the gods the information you have collected."

On the throne, Zeus looked expressionless and worried.

true or false do not know.

Considering that this guy is a yin person, he has an excellent innate talent when he cheats his own people, and 80% of it is fake.

Aphrodite nodded, waving her hand to summon her intelligence... Four Monster Race Generals.

The four of them were muddleheaded and walked into the great hall of the gods and said everything they knew. Luo Su frowned and listened, confirming that the information was exactly the same as what he got from the five Chichi.

Three hundred and sixty-five Monster Generals, ten Great Saints, four Monster Gods, Demon Masters, Monster Emperors...

The Great World, space channel, and Monster Race have conquered There are more than 30 worlds, and there are no native gods left behind...

After the four Monster Generals finished speaking, the rustling of the golden great hall continued, and Zeus did not Shout out and leave plenty of time for the gods to digest the information.

One-on-three, Dijiang alone against Divine King, Tianhou, and Haihuang, is just one of the four Monster Gods of Monster Race. There are also monsters possessing great magical power, as well as deep and unmeasurable Monsters. Emperor.

The discussion of the gods basically revolves around this point. To be honest, Monster Race will not take prisoners, otherwise there will be a Demi-God who will stand up immediately, and the incarnation of the Lord and the faction will tell Zeus to pay tribute. And, there are many benefits to ceding territory and becoming a minister.

Without Zeus blocking, the surrender was only a dead end. The discussion in the great hall became more and more sharp, and for some reason, fights suddenly started in several places.

Luo Su be eager to have a try , watching her blood boil, wondering if she should take off Athena's shoes and throw them on Zeus' face.

At this moment, a strange space fluctuation came, the dark vortex stirred outside the golden great hall, Hades was wearing Hades battle clothes, and the facial expression grave stepped into the door.

Beside him, there is a stunning Goddess with a tall figure and a cool temperament.

"Hades, Hecate, you are here."

Zeus nodded, and asked people to bring the seats and place them on both sides of the throne, and let the two sit.

"So she is Hecate..."

Luo Su narrowed her eyes, nodded close to Athena, and whispered, "Who is Hecate and why is she qualified? Sit with Hades?"

Athena rolled her eyes: "You should ask Artemis, not me, this kind of question."

"I asked, but she If I don't open the door, I can't do anything about it."

Luo Su is very aggrieved, the girl's heart is six days, and changes are unpredictable, he is completely toyed with, and there is nothing he can do.

(end of this chapter)

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