End Of Heavens

Chapter 1180

End Of Heavens Chapter 1180


Chapter 1177 Sun God Luo Su Here, who dares to fight with me

Darkness descends on the earth!

The black clouds surged violently like a tide, the energy boiled, and the strange red lightning rolled, accompanied by the roar of one after another resounding through the sky, sending a heavy oppression to the earth.

The Monster Race army stopped charging and looked up at the sky. In their sight, the blue sky was all black, no daylight.

In the center, a huge black smoke column churned, swooping down toward the ground with a rumbling sound.

In the darkness, a pair of red eyes slowly opened, not only the darkness, but also the Demon God who controls the darkness.

The Monster Race army sensed the arrival of Dark Aura, and the powerhouses of Monster General and Monster Saint level were no exception. Seeing that it was not their own people, they immediately abandoned the Olympus Divine Race in front of them and pulled away. Retreat and hide among the boundless Monster Race army.

Dark Demon God rushed down from the sky, looking at the broken Olympus Mountain and the chaotic battlefield of the broken mountain range, he was suddenly surprised.

"What's the matter, what did we miss?"

Hecate and Athena hid in Demon God's body, looking at the manic mountain range, all turned pale in fright , the latter couldn't believe it: "Zeus, Zeus' Divine Force dissipated... Did he... fall?"


Luo Su and Hecate simultaneously denied.

“Zeus has experienced the Titan battle for ten years, and the turmoil of Typhon cholera at Mount Olympus. He has a smarter mind than anyone else. How could he die.”

After Hecate finished speaking, he suddenly found that Luo Su, who was on the same front, was silent, and gave him a puzzled look: "What's the matter, you're talking!"

"Uh, it's hard to say whether Zeus is dead or not, but Listening to your analysis just now, I thought that Poseidon might still be alive."

"This is a good thing, why are you so unhappy?"

"The Trident thing... ...if Poseidon is still alive, you should pretend that you don't see anything, you don't know anything, do you understand?"

Maybe that the two women don't understand, Luo Su added faintly: "Remind me. , Xing Tian, the only insider, is dead and killed by me."

Athena was slightly frowned, and Hecate next to him laughed out loud, and said unhappily, "Why, you still want to be tough? "

"How fresh..."

Luo Su didn't bother to talk nonsense with Hecate. At first glance, it was Goddess who didn't get married. He didn't know the simple truth like this.

The body of the dark Demon God landed on the ground, rumbled violently, and the huge body looked left and right, and found that whether it was Monster Race or the gods of Mount Olympus, they all had the same face. frightened.

"Sun God Luo Su is here, who would dare to fight me?"


No one answered!

“Who dares to fight with me?”

With the black flame sword in hand, Demon God swept away the dark ripples and swept the earth, and the shock wave shook the Monster Race.

Telepathy and electromagnetic waves swept away, Luo Su waved his hand to confuse the blockbuster Monster Race cannon fodder, causing it to fall into a chaotic bloodthirsty state.

The little chaos on the battlefield is not worth the sun. Luo Su cares about the Monster Race top-notch battle strength. Except for the nine Chaos Avatars, the two Monster Gods, Dijiang and Yujia, are not there.

This is interesting!

Luo Su pondered, if Zeus hadn't run away ahead of time, it would have meant that he was a hero.

"As expected of the king of the gods, consciousness is high!"

Luo Su secretly nodded, this sentence is neither a flag, nor taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, but It was the anti-milk Zeus who took a bite and kept him alive.

After all, some time ago, he said that the mountain would be blown up, and then the mountain would really blow up!

In short, Luo Su said this from a good starting point.

"Sun God!?"

In the Monster Race army, the Monster General and the Demon Saint are stunned. Such a dark sun... is really uncommon.

The gods on the other side are similar, they know Luo Su is dark and dark, but...

It's too dark!

Luo Su faced the Monster Race army, and stretched out two large black hands behind his back. Using his huge body as a block, he silently opened the Gates of Hell and communicated the passage to the underworld.

A series of black characters were drawn in mid-air, allowing the gods to hurry up and run away.

The situation on the battlefield is still a little chaotic, but Luo Su, Hecate, and Athena can see that Kamiyama has lost its only remaining strategic value, and it is time to retreat.

Hecate shook her head again and again, a wrong guard war, if Zeus had listened to her, the loss of this battle could have been avoided.

The gods sensed the breath of the underworld surging behind the Gates of Hell, and immediately followed one another, for fear that they would be one step slower than others.

Hundreds of gods are mostly second- or third-rate, or Demi-God and other reckless men with strong physiques. There are few servants left on the mountain, all of whom died in Heaven and Earth when the mountain broke. under the big impact.

Sensing several familiar auras such as Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Demeter, etc., Luo Su saw Apollo beside Hestia, but not Artemis .

When he was in doubt, the latter came straight to the dark Demon God, his body submerged in it.

In the vast Dark Land, Artemis only felt the world spinning, and suddenly his eyes lit up and discovered... Hecate and Athena.

(; ̄.)?…(. ̄'')(. ̄')

“Why are you two here?”

Artemis Big Angry, confirmed the eyes, they are all annoying little bitches.

"It's always been there!"

Hecate pursed her lips, and she just brought it up... just tasted the delicious food, she said, "You're a good man, I don't want to be beaten and stay away from him, I'll use it later."


Artemis trembled with anger, pointed at Hecate and said in a trembling voice, "Nothing. , shameless, shameless!"

"Come on, I didn't even dislike you using it."

Hecate brushed his long hair by his ear, and spoke frankly: "elder sister kindly reminds you that this man is too bad, you can't control it, it's better to leave me alone."

"You, you, you..."

"Don't be convinced , I'm doing it for your own good, trust me, you will definitely find a good man in the future."


Luo Su didn't know about the meeting in Demon God. When Wolf escaped into the Gates of Hell, the opposite Monster Race sensed it and rushed forward with the nine Chaos Avatars.

Little Chaos not worth mentioning!

Just when Xingtian was settled, Luo Su was just about to swell up. He raised the black flame sword with both hands, and a total annihilation was released.

The black sword light stretches infinitely, and the hurricane that bursts up rolls down with the black magic flame. One slash will kill the countless Monster Race army in the fire sea.

The flames burned inexhaustibly, and the continuous monster race army screamed in the flames. At the same time, the earth cracked open the abyss, and the quiet black ocean was revealed.

Big black hands rose into the sky, dancing ghost shadows, stirring vortex and dragging Monster Race into it.

In the central position, the giant meat ball opens its one eye, spreading the chaotic spiritual pollution, harvesting the sanity of the Monster Race army, letting them kill each other, or jumping into the Black Sea in pieces.

Boom! !

The black wind blows out the smoke, and the chaos cannot break the blockade of the dark Demon God. It may be due to fear or a lack of ability. The nine Avatars overlap into one.

He narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Where is Xingtian?"

"Hehehe, Xingtian is very chewy, what about you?"

The body of the Demon God waves Zhang Tian's bat swarm covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and smashing wildly around Chaos.

At this point, the gods of Olympus had already run away, Luo Su put away the Gates of Hell and was not in a hurry to leave.

He could see that Chaos was seriously injured, and one person was singled out, which was an extremely rare opportunity.

Missed, he couldn't forgive himself.

Several Monster Race Great Saints wanted to gather the Monster General and join forces to set up a great formation, but the Demon God's body was too huge, and the black flame great sword was swung casually, and the boundless black flame rolled down, approaching. Can't get close.

The chaotic body converged several times, and found that Luo Su couldn't help it, the blade light that was in no way landed, shaved off a layer of darkness, and was continuously continued.

Suddenly, hundreds of big black hands rushed out from behind the Demon God's body, swaying, disturbing the airflow between Heaven and Earth.

Chaos didn't check for a while, and was sneak attacked by one of the big hands, and the volley shot scattered into hazy smoke.

Not waiting for him to escape into the distance, a black sky suddenly came wrapped like a big net.

Chaos can see clearly, it is the huge black robe of the Demon God's body, six-color rays of light flow, so black and colorful, the heart is frightened.

When life and death were at stake, Chaos gritted his teeth and took out the broken Yin-Yang Mirror. The self-destruct magic weapon blasted the siege of the dark Demon God and escaped from the inescapable net.

As soon as he turned around, in front of him was a pale, incomparably weird huge meat ball, with countless tentacles flying up and down, spreading out an invisible sound wave that gave him a splitting headache.

It seems like a whisper in the ear, thousands of people absolutely tell together, between the visible and the invisible, and the mind has to respond to these people at the same time.

It was only a momentary contact, and it made him feel the pain of life rather than death.

The pale mouth opened wide, and Chaos stared at the huge head in full bloom, stunned.

"Xing... Xing Tian..."

"Ah hoo!"

The meat ball swallowed into chaos, slapped the black sea with its tentacles, moved towards the Demon God. Body rushed away.

In its body, one after another thorns bulge in all directions, which is the escape from chaos.

The body of the Demon God stepped forward quickly, swung the black robe to cover the meat ball in the darkness, and then moved towards the Monster Race army with a scarlet smile, the body sank into the black ocean, and was disappeared with it.

Away from the direction of Mount Olympus, the ground exploded with a bang, Luo Su punched a hole and jumped out, behind him were the three Artemis girls.

"Time is not and the others, I will send you to the underworld first."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I want to return Going to Sacred Domain, family properties are all there, so we can’t afford Monster Race.”

While speaking, Luo Su suddenly remembered something: “Athena, how is your pirated Divine Domain, do you want to go? One trip to take people away?"

"No need, before the war, I sent them to the underworld."


Luo Su scratched his head, wanting to spit but he didn't know where to start.

"I'll go with you to the Sacred Domain!"

Artemis raised his hand to hug Luo Su's arm, staring at Hecate with bad eyes: "You're not safe alone, I Protect you."


Luo Su scratched his head again, this sentence is also full of grooves, but when he listened to Xiao Luo, this groove would not spit out .


Hecate defiantly looked at Artemis, sneered, raised his hand and wiped his neck.

Through childhood, she and Artemis never lost a fight, and this time was no exception.

Not boasting, she can make Artemis cry for a long time with one punch!

(end of this chapter)

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