End Of Heavens

Chapter 1196

End Of Heavens Chapter 1196


Chapter 1193 has been in the sea for many years, Titan collapsed and face doesn't change


Athena turned away with a dark face, she knew that Luo Su had always been shameless, but this was too shameless.

Sleep, I won't choose you to be the queen tomorrow!

This kind of words can be said, but also with a tone of great loss, more shameless than Zeus.

Athena came for the same reason as Hestia, to throw the blame and save herself.

Forcibly sell a wave, touting Hestia's many advantages, good looks and good figure, and divert the attention of scumbags.

Originally, Athena didn't want to come. Based on his understanding of Luo Su, although his words and deeds were absurd, he was actually a nostalgic person. No accident would be Artemis.

But Artemis was too quiet in great hall today, it didn't mean to compete for the queen, and even voted for Hestia.

Athena lamented that Artemis loved Luo Su deeply, and the speed of maturity was amazing, and then began to feel uneasy.

Luo Su doesn't choose Artemis, it can only be her and Hestia, the odds are too terrifying, lest they will be forced to marry tomorrow.

It's not that she is too narcissistic, but that Luo Su moved her hands and feet when she helped her forge battle clothes.

It's too hard to be a clean Goddess in Olympus, even if you swear not to marry or not to marry...

Athena sighed and left, stopping at the door, hesitating to speak Still wanting to struggle, he turned his head to meet Luo Su's shy little eyes, and immediately turned and left.

Without hesitation!

"Goddess of the mountain is only as big as the tip of a needle. Yesterday, he solemnly vowed to identify with Hecate, and today he will change his mouth and blow Hestia..."

"Really, it's a bit inexplicable. Unhappy!"

The big black bed melted and turned into muddy water and poured into Luo Su's shadow.

He knew exactly what Artemis was thinking, and he disguised himself as a shameless lecher, so that Athena and Athena would have no idea.

A woman may not be able to see the face of a scumbag when she is in love, thinking that he is the most fragrant, but when it comes to rivalry for love, all of them are king players with full innate talent points.

Luo Su is willing to accompany Artemis to mischief, but also to see the wonderful changes of the two of them.

It didn't disappoint, it was quite interesting.

What made Luo Su unhappy was the firm attitude of the two Goddess when they refused. He is handsome like this and is a Divine King, how could he have no idea about him!

This matter should be written down in a small notebook, and find an opportunity to take revenge back.

"Hehe, it's really interesting to see the expressions on the two of them."

Artemis covered his mouth and walked out of the side hall, his eyes were laughing with crescent moons. To Luo Su's speechless voice.

"Hecate is here, how about you, do you want me to meet her?"

"You must, lie down quickly."

Artemis Nodded again and again, it's not wrong tonight, there's another good show to watch.

"I'm afraid this won't work."

Luo Su grabbed Artemis who was about to run to the side hall, and said weakly, "Hecate is different from Athena and Hestia. , I dare to lie down, she dares to lie next to me, you can't give her a chance."


Artemis' eyes instantly became vigilant: "Let her come in, and then... give me the authority of the marriage, and I will give it to her myself, so that she can know that this time she did not win me, it was me who took the initiative. Let it go."

"Not good, Hecate needs face too."

"Hmph, why did she lose face when she robbed my man!"


You are the fiercest and the most reasonable.

Luo Su threw the authority of marriage to Artemis and let the golden saints outside let go, and soon saw the dignified Hecate.

No wrong word, ninety-nine percent of the gods know that Hecate is good at convincing people with reason, can do things without thinking, but when she is in public, she behaves dignifiedly , can't pick out a single fault.

"Artemis, why are you here?"

Hecate started to bully her cousin as soon as she walked in the door, mystifying said: "Why, I think there is no hope for competition, so I'm going to use sexuality. entrapment?"

"I suddenly don't want to choose her anymore."

Artemis looked back towards Luo Su, full of resentment.

"I see, Hestia and Athena are both good, why don't you think about it again?"


Artemis coldly snorted, threw the back of Luo Su's head, determined not to be fooled by a scumbag.

She looked at Hecate with a sneer, raised her hand and flashed a white light: "The power of marriage was just taken from Hera, do you want it?"

"What do you mean?"

Hecate frowned, feeling insulted.

Hecate likes to use her fists to solve problems because her martial power is enough to solve all problems without thinking.

Just because she doesn't have a brain, doesn't mean she doesn't have a brain. It's rare to count the gods, ingenuity and strategic vision above her.

At least Athena recognized the resourcefulness of this ally. The two joined forces and kept the plan from Zeus for many years. If Monster Race didn't appear suddenly, adding a Luo Su would be a major event.

“During the war, I knew that becoming a queen would not only be useless, but also drag Luo Su’s back. You are the most suitable candidate.”

Artemis said solemnly : "So, I rejected the position of the queen to Luo Su and agreed with you."

"That's really sorry, I don't care about it now!"

Hekate Leng He glanced at Luo Su coldly, and then said, "I will only fight for what I want, and if I can't get it, I will grab it. I don't want to give it to anyone!"

"Hecate, This is for the sake of the overall situation, don't be too selfish."

"Stop doing this, if you are not selfish, give the authority to Luo Su and let him personally deliver it to me."

"No, I have to come."

"Then there is nothing to talk about."



"Ai, it's starting again..."

Luo Su shrugged, turned and sat on the chair to watch the play, but sat down with a butt, and the style of the scene changed drastically.


"Aiya, Artemis, why are you not talking?"

After a muffled sound, Hecate supported the fainted Artemis, While showing surprise, he took away the authority of marriage.

She strode up to Luo Su, handed the authority to Luo Su, and said condescendingly, "Say, you want to marry me to be the queen."

"I'm afraid it won't work. "

Luo Su shook his head: "Artemis has been wronged like this, I will not let her be wronged again, so I will give her the authority of marriage and let her choose a queen."

Luo Su shook her head. p>

"I'm afraid it won't work!"

Hecate copied Luo Su's words, coldly snorted and said: "You can also see that she is too stressed and tired, and can't hand over authority. Give it to me."

"When she wakes up..."

"It's going to be faint! It's going to be faint! Just won't wake up!"


Luo Su silently took over the authority of marriage, and was very surprised at how charming he was, and suddenly he was a little bloated.

He puzzled: "To be honest, Hestia and Athena have been here before, and when I heard that I was going to make them queens, my face turned pale with fright, why did you take the initiative like this? ?"

"hmph, self-righteous women, I bet you won't resist if you force one of them to be a queen."

Hecate Gu, continued: "I'm not the same as them, you're powerful, and... although you are not right, but I know you will definitely take responsibility, Artemis is the best example..."

"So, I will take the initiative to pursue, instead of being coy and reluctant like them!"

"Is this true?"

Luo Su When his eyes lit up, it seemed that he had underestimated the power of the Divine King until now. This is the rhythm of marrying whoever he wants, without any resistance!

There is still room for action!

"hmph hum."

Hecate twitched his lips: "Stop acting, I'll ask you one question, Hestia and Athena, who do you choose? "

"Uh...this kind of thing needs careful consideration."

"I knew it!"

Hecate raised her hand and pressed on the authority of marriage , closed his eyes and said, "I lost to Artemis this time. I don't know what follow-up plans she has, and what did you promise her, but you must not fail me."

After that, The authority of marriage was integrated into her body. When she opened her eyes again, there was a lot of love in them. She pursed her lips and put down her restraint, hugged Luo Su's head and kissed deeply.

"Bah, it's all Artemis. Let me taste it later, and I'll kill her with my own hands."

Hecate blushed and raised her head, her heartbeat speeding up and not daring to Looking at Luo Su, he turned and left.

Three seconds later, she folds back and rubs Artemis' long hair into a chicken coop.

"I'll give you a night to catch up with your old lover. After tomorrow, you won't be allowed to see her again."

Hecate left, Artemis dared to let her Means to tie Luo Su for a lifetime, let Artemis having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it, be a single dog for a lifetime.

Don't blame the elder sister for being cruel, I said last time, this man is too bad, you can't uniform him!

Hecate raised her hand to hold down the redness on her face. She bullied Artemis since she was a child, just to let him know that the mountain will of the people is vicious.

I never thought that Artemis still didn't understand this truth, and he was so daring to send his man out!

Hekate felt that her mission was difficult. Although she was reluctant, she was still determined. As long as she continued to bully her, Artemis would definitely grow up.

"Interesting, from a certain point of view, they are indeed sisters..."

Luo Su's eyes are bright light glittering, looking at the reality through the surface, and discovering the happy ending. Grand Finale.


An angry hum sounded in his ear, Luo Su looked up and saw Artemis combing his long hair, surprised: "You're awake, why this time? like this soon?"

I woke up last time too, you don't know!

Artemis murmured in his heart, and said unhappily: "I saw it, she just kissed you, and you didn't refuse."

The proposition is here!

After many years, Luo Su has realized the core technology, and the face doesn't change.

He slammed the rake and said, "Since you are awake, why didn't you stop her?"

"?" Baba said: "I, I was... according to the plan, that's all!"

"Shut up, it's clearly trying to compete, because you won Hecate once, and you threw me out of your joy. The back of my head."

"No, I don't..."

Artemis was explaining, suddenly frowned, as if something was wrong.

(end of this chapter)

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