End Of Heavens

Chapter 1210

End Of Heavens Chapter 1210


Chapter 1207 War

In the next month or so, calm and tranquil, Monster Race did not make any big moves, as if they had forgotten Olin Peace world in general.

The gods under Luo Su's management did not make any big moves, but kept making small moves. Regarding the issue of belief, many gods slipped into the world one after another, manifesting themselves in front of people, and fiercely brushed a wave of presence.

Luo Su saw it in his eyes and called him several times, but Xiao Xiao suppressed the signs and prevented them from becoming a big trend.

There was no direct stop or punishment, because he wanted to know how Monster Race would respond if the gods resumed the battle for faith.

As a result, Luo Su was very ashamed. The human world has been disappointed with the gods for too long, and has already lost patience. These gods showed their forefoot to harvest the believers, and the hindfoot believers spit on the ground and ran throughly.

The gods themselves fell before the Monster Race could exert its strength.

As the king of the gods, Luo Su only felt that his face was disgraceful, and the mud could not support the wall. This was the worst period of his younger brothers.

Of course, among the gods, there are also several gods with excellent reputation. Although they can be counted on one's fingers, they are not alone.

Such as Hestia, Demeter, Athena, Prometheus, Hephaestus.

The first two are stoves and family Guardian God, agriculture and harvest Goddess, the latter three spread knowledge and skills, and are related to all aspects of human life. There have always been many supporters, and they usually do not cause trouble. , can be regarded as the conscience of the gods.

But these guys are among the Twelve Main Gods, and the relationship is very important. Luo Su will not let them go out to fight for faith. If it is a Monster Race conspiracy, it will be a big loss.

Apart from this, Aphrodite also has a wide range of believers in the world. Although it is not the preferred belief, both men and women will believe in her more or less.

No way, everyone has a love for beauty, and no one can refuse her charm.

This can't be sent out either. In case of being caught, tsk tsk...

The source of the new faith has been found out. With the power of gods, such as Sleeping God and Dream God, It is easy to follow the vine to find the source, a dream smashes past, and the ordinary person has no power to resist.

The fact is indeed the same as Luo Su guessed. Behind the new faith is Monster Race. In order to erase the prestige of the gods in the world, they desperately poured dirty water on them.

Hearing this, Luo Su almost laughed out loud. Monster Race's intelligence work was not done well, and the gods are so black. How dirty can it be?

Accidentally, it might be self-defeating and help them clean up.

Maybe Monster Race discovered this too. After the fire of faith was ignited, it would no longer interfere and ignore it, leaving it to develop on its own.

Monster Race is also ruthless, just fan the flames and make the world no longer believe in the gods, whether human beings will be revenge by the gods in the future, whether a certain Trident man will set off a tsunami, and take away the blasphemers in waves , regardless of all.

Those new sects have no definite believers in their teachings. In addition to smearing the gods, the rest is to make people work hard and firmly believe that people can conquer the sky.

It's quite a pit, and it's okay to put it in other worlds, but in the world of Olympus, this set will not work.

When Luo Su was struggling with the 'All Gods turn to Dusk' mission, he also wanted to come to a spinning machine, but because of the huge disparity between the power of man and God, he finally chose to give up.

This is not a good thing for human beings, it angers the gods, and when a world-destroying flood is passed, all of them have to go to the streets.

And Monster Race is also very tricky, it only ignites the fire of faith, and does not leave behind the power of human beings to compete with the gods, unlike Luo Su, the second set of plans also made a holy garment, giving humans the power to fight against the gods. The power of a god's fist.

I can't understand the intention of Monster Race more and more. Except for the disgusting people, there is no result.

Luo Su didn't know, so he secretly stepped up patrols, and even let Gaia, Erebus, and Nyx personally monitor to see if there was any secret Monster Race activity in the world.

Nothing, quite a prelude to wind and rain.

It was very depressed, which made Luo Su feel restless, and in the past few days, Athena had no idea.

Not only Athena, but sometimes disguised as Hades to go out and see Artemis, they are all well-behaved and upright gentleman.

It doesn't mean anything else, I just feel that starting from the big War General, we will be ready to fight at all times by conserve strength and store up energy.

The doubts in his heart, he also told several main battle strengths, Gaia and the others have the same idea.

However, the trace of Monster Race is unknown, and the space gate is also in the hands of the opponent. We can only strengthen the fortifications and wrap the three layers in the underworld tightly and wait for the Monster Race to show up.

Before the game started, it fell into a strategic disadvantage.

On the other side, the beliefs of the world have gone through many ups and downs. Under the suppression of Luo Su, the gods have no courage to take revenge. push down.


Finally, when the temple on earth was flattened by bits and pieces, Monster Race finally started.

The mutation happens suddenly, without warning!

The blue sky splits into a huge dark gap, the abyss gaps open, and fiery red meteorites pour out of it.

The roaring fire and rain dyed half of the sky red, and along the inclined angle, rapidly impacted the human continent and the ocean, spreading endlessly, the number of which made the scalp numb.

Behind the red light, the black smoke column extending out connects the crack, the whole scene of the end of the world.

On the throne, Luo Su squinted his eyes slightly, and Hecate next to him closed his eyes, spare no effort assisted him, and magnified the authority of the sky to the limit.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ————

between Heaven and Earth swaying invisible ripples, where it travels, one after another meteorite freezes in mid-air, red glow ten thousand zhang and The earth is far away.

On the ground, screaming crowds fled, gathered toward the nearest temple, and prayed for the protection of the gods.

However, it is of no use. The invasion of the foreign world has begun, and the gods are already powerless to defend themselves, so how can they still have the energy to help them.

The Jetfire meteors gathered and turned into hundreds of fireballs with amazing heat. After a thunderstorm, they moved in the opposite direction and charged towards the back of the black crack.

The chasm of the abyss is open to all who come and engulf it.

Then, on the edge of the black crack, another abyss mouth opened.


More than 30 pitch-black mouths opened, or a gust of wind poured in backwards, Or descending mountain meteorites, or swallowing colorful rays of light, filling the sky of the entire Olympus world.

Luo Su's face changed slightly. After grunting, he raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The gods were stunned. One black crack was filled with countless Monster Races. With so many cracks opened at the same time, the Olympus world could be filled with human sea tactics.

"Divine King, there is something wrong with these cracks, which is different from the battle of the mountain."

Beside him, Gaia reminded, his eyes were extremely horrified: "I am behind the cracks. I saw...another world...every one."

Luo Su's eyes shrank suddenly and suddenly remembered one thing, the Monster Emperor fought many worlds, the number and the cracks in the sky Just match.

If each crack represents a world, then the reason for these cracks opening is worth pondering...

There is nothing to ponder, and it must not be shaped!

Luo Su waved beckoned, captured Trident in the hands of Poseidon, was in the underworld, ordered the oceans of the world to rise into the sky to block the crack opened by one after another.

Under Poseidon's trembling in fear, Luo Su used Trident and gave it back to him.

"Sea Emperor, freeze all the foreign world passages."

Luo Su spoke quickly, contacting Erebus and Nyx, and covering it with darkness Ice Sea, a second blockade.

The third blockade is done by himself, with the sky as the barrier, and he must ensure that the invasion of the foreign world is blocked at the root.

Poseidon took over Trident tremblingly, fiercely relaxed, not because he had an idea, but because the Divine King was really not a person.

Last time, he was beaten by hundreds of strong titans for three days and three nights, and when he woke up, Trident was gone.

He didn't dare to say or ask.

When I went to find Hephaestus and the One-Eyed Giant to rebuild, those people looked at him strangely, so scared that he hid and tucked him after getting the new new trident, no Dare to expose people easily.

Especially in front of Luo Su!

Poseidon knows that Luo Su didn't take it, and it doesn't, but there is a saying that it is necessary to guard against others.

He used to guard against Zeus, but now he guarded Luo Su, he wasn't angry at all, he was used to it.


After about half a day of stalemate, Luo Su and the others’ faces changed suddenly, the three layers of the blockade line broke easily, the speed was fast, the trend was obvious, and there was no recovery. room.

The horrible to see hurricane Wind Tornado hangs upside down, the black crack at the end disappears, and in its place is a world of bizarre and motley.

The loess world shrouded in wind and sand, the frost world of World of Ice and Snow, the tree-lined Primitive World, the burning waves and rushing Flame World...

In addition to these special world, the rest are mostly the world where the ordinary person lives, and there is no lack of cultivation world with Spiritual Qi.

These unrelated worlds in the past, it can be said that they will never meet, are now seamlessly integrated and closely linked due to the opening of the channel.

"Everyone, the war is on!"

Luo Su's eyes narrowed slightly, this is definitely not the power of Divine Ability or magic weapon, a proper System is undoubtedly.

While staring at his own System as a piece of crap, he stopped the thousands of hours of thunder baptism in the System, browsed through the cards in his inventory, and decided not to save when necessary.

"System, I'm fighting with other System holders now, don't you have any technical support?"


System didn't Talking, blinking, showing cuteness, and proving with practical actions, apart from helping the host to decompress by being beaten, other farts are useless.

On the sky of the human world, the colorful holes in the world spit out bronze pillars, carved beams and painted pillars, and all animals are flying and dancing. At first glance, they are not ordinary things.

Luo Su didn't even think about it, and immediately summoned Trident and rolled up the sea to block it.

Poseidon: "..."

This kind of thing, Divine King can just tell it, you don't have to do it yourself every time, after all...

After all He is the king of the sea!

The ocean overturned and went straight to the sky, working with the sky to prevent the column from falling to the ground.

At the same time, Erebus and Nyx came to Dark Sky Curtain to assist, although I don't know what Monster Race's plan is, but it can't be wrong not to let it go.

At this time, another crack opened, and the clouds of Heavenly Demon rolled down...

(end of this chapter)

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