End Of Heavens

Chapter 1233

End Of Heavens Chapter 1233


There seems to be something wrong with Chapter 1230

In the plot of [Dragon War], there are two giant pythons, one green and one white, azure ' Bunaki' is an evil python, and white 'Imuji' is a good python.

Bunaki is the BOSS in the play. He has countless younger brothers and is eager to turn into a dragon and win the Dragon Ball.

In the past five hundred years, there have been two killings in order to win the Dragon Ball, which can be said to be a lot of evil.

In the end, the evil was overpowering, and Yimuki, the white good python, got the dragon ball, successfully transformed into a dragon, and spit Xingzi to kill Bunaki.

In terms of color, the python that Luo Su hit with one punch seems to be the white one.

When I think about the other party being disturbed, I warn at first, and then get angry when they are attacked.

In addition, there are no groups of younger brothers around it...

Luo Su's face is solemn, the facial features are clearly shadowed, and he said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, look at this big You know the size of the python, it can grow into what it is today, and there must be countless creatures who died under the snake's kiss."


"So two big pythons They are all vicious pythons, killing countless lives, and there are no kind people."

Luo Su felt more and more reasonable as he spoke, and continued: "Think about it again, only when the constrictor devours the woman with the dragon ball can it be transformed into Dragon, this is full of evil settings, no matter how you look at it, it is not a good person."


"heretical path of the devils everyone gets it and kills it, I don't have it. Kill a good snake by mistake!"

Luo Su pointed to the huge snake corpse on the ground with a loud voice: "It seems that such a sinner, who thinks that he will not be noticed by pretending to be kind, but he doesn't know that the world has its own generosity. After all, it is impossible to escape the righteous group fight of the four of us."


"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

"I'll put up a defensive cover!"

The three women shook their heads repeatedly, denying the three, expressing that they did not dare to take Luo Su's credit.

"hmph, it's too late to say this now, you said no, who would believe it?"

Luo Su coldly snorted, and then the conversation changed: "I have a fortified medicine recipe here. , the materials are all ready, everyone... Let's do it together."

"This is okay."

"I don't mean anything else, I just think it can't be wasted."

"That's right, it's a shame to waste."

After hearing the strengthening of the medicine recipe, the three girls lost their opinions and boarded Luo Su's pirate ship silently.


"It's really fragrant!"

The hot pot was boiling, and the four of them sat in a circle. Except for Luo Su, the other three enjoyed the constitution enhancement. benefits.

Luo Su has only good food left, more than 200 strength and physical attributes are too exaggerated, if you want to use medicine recipe to strengthen, you must be at the level of Heaven and Earth Divine Beast, the flesh and blood of the python can touch it. The lower limit is difficult.

The three girls smiled and took the benefit of Luo Su, saying that this incident will never be rumored today, and that he is a straightforward and upright good person.

"That's what I said!"

Luo Su twitched his lips, disdain to talk to the cheeky shameless people, waving his hand to chop off a large piece of python flesh, and then a Throw away the holy flame.

It's not to destroy the corpse and evidence, but to clean up the traces of the battle scene, so as not to be seen through the moves by someone with a heart, and this design framed him.

Although Luo Su is not afraid, more things are worse than less things.

"Okay, after killing this vicious python, there is no point in staying. Let's go back to Los Angeles. According to the plot, another vicious python will attack there."

"No problem, I'll listen to Captain...'s arrangement."

"You want to say Mrs. Captain, right?"

"No, it's Captain, anyway, you are a couple, It's the same for me."

Kang Xi explained with a serious face, the next second seeking death probed: "So what, as a member of the squad and your loyal dogleg, I just want to know one thing How many female Captains do we have in our squad?"

"Come closer and I will whisper to you."

"No, I suddenly don't want to know."

Kang Xi refused seriously, and Guan Yin and Mu Xinxin showed disappointment. They didn't hear the gossip, and they didn't see the beating of seeking death. They just felt empty in their hearts.

Mu Xinxin unleashed his psychic power and lifted the four of them to fly towards Los Angeles. Not long after liftoff, he saw black smoke floating over the city and a few Apache helicopters circling.

"The war started, the vicious python attacked the city, and the one killed by Captain was indeed..."

"cough cough!"

Luo Su clenched his fist lightly coughed : "Don't talk nonsense, it's not me, it's us."

Looking at the rioting city, he thought to himself that there might be some kind of feeling between the evil pythons, one died and the other couldn't hold back. Show up to grab the Dragon Ball.

"Get ready, I'm going to accelerate."

Luo Su grabbed the steering wheel from Mu Xinxin's hands, the electromagnetic force expelled the air in front of him, and flew at high speed in a vacuum state, blinking his eyes came to the sky over the city.

But seeing the army of the vicious python filling the streets and alleys, black clothed silver armor, holding cold weapons and swords, and ferocious mounts like raptors under the crotch.

In addition to the main infantry and cavalry, there is also a giant beast with an exaggerated body, bloated and slow moving, with magical equipment similar to the Rocket gun on his back, with amazing destructive power.

The unit with the strongest destructive power and the strongest maneuverability is the wyvern, which travels between tall buildings.

They are nimble, with formidable power comparable to the Rocket gun's wyvern in their mouths. There are thousands of them, in groups of three or four forming a hunting square, and they can easily shoot down an armed Apache.

"This must be the worst time the U.S. military has been hacked."

Luo Su felt that, like a metropolis like Los Angeles, the ultimate weapon in the military is restricted. Apache is indeed the best choice, and it is very comfortable with air to ground.

But these gunships have a poor record, and they are all in a state of uncommanded stray soldiers, unable to form an effective battle strength.

The ground tank that was supposed to strike continuously to destroy the evil Legion, that is, the slow-moving giant beast, was hit by the more flexible wyvern and crashed continuously.

On the battlefield, not only humans and evil armies battle, but also the reincarnator.

Because the mission is unknown, the reincarnator team is very chaotic. Except for the neutral and fish in troubled waters corpses, they are roughly divided into two camps.

Master the hero and heroine, help humans fight against the evil army; and for some unknown reason, team up with the evil-doer, take the side of the evil-doer to attack the USA army...

Hey, Something seems to be wrong!

Luo Su stroked it and decided to get the vicious python first.

The three girls and Luo Su hold the same view, the war has started, the final plot is coming, and it is meaningless to stay outside at this time.

The most important thing is that the kind-hearted python was killed by Luo Su, and he didn't have to rub the plot if he wanted to.

"roar roar roar————"

In the distance, the roar was like a tidal wave. City rampage.

Don't think about it, you must go after the heroine who carries the Dragon Ball.

Two Apache gunships followed, the aviation cannons spit flames, and the bullets shot out like no money, hitting the scales of the evil python Bunaki's body, rubbing out a large fire star.

Failed to break defense!

The next second, four missiles sprang out, red waves of fire tail rushing, and banging on Bunaki.

The orange red Fireball swelled and rolled, black smoke billowed high, jumped to the top of the high-rise building, and the shock wave shook, shattering large pieces of glass and falling to the ground.

In the firelight, a pair of snake pupils reflected anger, and with a long tail breaking through the air, the two helicopters disintegrated and exploded.

On the ground, more than fifty reincarnators confronted each other, and the side with a relatively small number took the initiative to attack, blocking Bunaki's progress.

The reincarnator is powerful, and with the recent discount of the Lord God, all kinds of props bloodline are almost half sold and half free, which has led to a great increase in the strength of this group of people. Pick one at random, and the destructive power is far from the Apache full of destructive power. above.

Bunaki is not a dry eater either, his strength is much stronger than the one in the movie, not only the defensive power is amazing, but also the mouth can breathe flames and freezing gas.

The two reincarnators broke through and killed in front of them, and they were instantly frozen into ice sculptures by the frost, and then their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl came, without even leaving a last word.

Suddenly, a loud noise fell to the ground, the whole body was pitch black, and a giant robot with a very sci-fi texture rose from the ground.

He is more than 80 meters tall, the black mecha shell is accompanied by golden energy lines, the weapons on both shoulders bounce off, and four missiles are released, which blows up the reincarnator.

Obviously, this guy is on one side with Bunaki.

"That's 'Obsidian Nemesis', one of the main mechas from [Pacific Rim 2], with a height of nearly 88 meters and a weight of nearly 2,000 tons..."

Guan Yin Liang, mentioning mecha instantly came to the spirit, and introduced the opposite obsidian Nemesis.

"It's only 2,000 tons, so light!"

Luo Su complained. Some time ago, he used the adult's Character Card, which is 45 meters tall and weighs 45,000. Ton.

Calculated, an average of 1,000 tons per meter, the holster on the bare body is heavier than the obsidian Nemesis.

"I gave this mecha to me, and you go after the evil python."

Guan Yin fighting intent Xiong Xiong, took out his universal capsule, and released the EVA- 01, picked up the Yang Electron Cannon, and when he came out, a strong light hit the black face of Obsidian Nemesis.

"Eat my face..."

The foul language was about to burst out, Guan Yin suddenly found that the cockpit was a little crowded, turned his head to look, three heads were close behind him.

“Why did you guys come in? Didn’t you say you were going to chase the evil python?”

Guan Yin was stunned, complained and stopped talking, detecting four missiles head on. , Under the inevitable, control EVA-01 to open golden light curtain defense.

AT force field!

The light curtain is in the shape of a golden and polygonal shape, and the defensive power is extremely powerful. Four missiles strike on it, and the aftermath spreads away, failing to hurt the EVA-01 one bit.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ! !

On the opposite side, the obsidian Nemesis double-armed catapult chain sword, the cutting power of the high-speed rotation's blade is amazing, and the burning air ignites the golden fire.

EVA-01 was swept away by a cannon, and the shock wave struck Obsidian Nemesis, which was defended by a chain sword with both hands, his feet embedded in the ground, and two ravines were plowed.

The battle between two huge monsters made the USA army stunned for a long time, and the reincarnators were also surprised that the rich were really rich, and they fled around and quickly left the battlefield.


In the cab, when he received a provocation from Obsidian Nemesis, Guan Yin didn't know which switch was blown, he let out a weird laughter of unknown meaning, and ejected his shoulder to melee. arms.

The yang electron gun was put away, a high-vibration dagger was held, and the slender EVA-01 quickly attacked.

"That's it?"

Luo Su winked, the main gods have greatly reduced the price, why not exchange for a sonic spear?

Suddenly he remembered something, the captain of this squad embezzled public funds and used it to raise pretty boy.

(end of this chapter)

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