End Of Heavens

Chapter 1240

End Of Heavens Chapter 1240


Chapter 1237 Let it go, there is boiling water

At the base headquarters, hundreds of people are sitting at the computer desk, sorting and summarizing the data in an orderly manner, The graphics of each series on the large screen are refreshed frame by frame.

Many people think that mecha hunters can defeat rare beasts, and the driver is the first to win, without them there is no victory, these heroes are worthy of worship.

It is true, mecha drivers require extremely high innate talent, how much mecha can play depends on their on-the-spot performance.

Every time they are on the front line, they are fighting for their lives. They are qualified and worthy of this honor.

But this is only one aspect, behind the majesty of mecha hunters, there are countless unsung heroes.

Only logistical maintenance and supply online staff are more than ten thousand to measure, while mecha is in charge of statistics, transmission of intelligence, and service drivers who just wave their fists and ignore other elites during battles. All contributed.

Mecha is not human, every move has a delay and reaction time, you can't expect two pilots to fight with spare no effort while taking care of the others perfectly.

In fact, the rare beast that invaded Earth had more than one brain.


The vibrating alarm sounded, and on the electronic screen, the lipstick light of the modeling projection flashed, and the elites stared at the active data in a daze, and couldn't believe it for a while.

Nine rare beast responses have been created, three are three and six are small, six Level 4 Elites and three Level 5 Lords.

In addition to the previous two Level 4 rare beasts, the vicinity of the crossing mouth instantly became a desperate forbidden area.

"This, this is impossible!"

The elites are almost collapsed, such an exaggerated rare beast reaction has never been seen before, and the rare beast invasion law concluded through countless sacrifices, at this moment collapsed.

The atmosphere in the command room was depressed, the top commander's face was solemn, and the situation changed drastically.

"Sir, activate the nuclear bomb..."

"Shut up!"

The commander scolded loudly, his solemn expression extremely complicated at the moment.

It's definitely impossible to beat, four mecha hits eleven rare beasts, and three of them are unheard of Level 5 rare beasts, and you can know the result by thinking with the soles of your feet.

Nuclear bombs are the best choice. Planting four small mushrooms can completely destroy all eleven rare beasts.

What about later?

Without mecha, there are rare beasts again, what force can be used to resist them and continue to grow mushrooms?

The commander trembled with anger when he thought that the mecha bases around the world have not been reopened for a long time, and the battle strength has not yet formed, and there are no mecha hunters. Pull it out and kill it.

Suddenly, a strange wave struck, the commander's expression changed suddenly, and a hole in his eyes flashed, and he calmly said: "Inform all the pilots of the situation, and let the four mecha run at the fastest speed. Rush to the crossing, enter if you can, and hold your position if you can't."

"Also, activate the nuclear bomb, and the countdown will start immediately!"

The command is too cold, not a hero Some are treated, but the elites know that detonating a nuclear bomb is the only option, and these rare beasts must die for millions of people.

The command is issued, and four countdown numbers light up on the electronic screen.

Seeing this scene, the reincarnators hidden in the headquarters were relaxed, the eleven rare beasts were too terrifying, and it would be better if they could be solved with nuclear bombs.

In order to prevent the commander from thinking about it, one of the reincarnators used some small tricks to help him make a decision as soon as possible.

At the same time, these reincarnators couldn't help cursing EVA-01 in their hearts. If it wasn't for the trouble of the brother and your driver, the Lord God would not let the plot run rampant like this.

However, not long after the countdown number came on, it suddenly stopped.

Signal interrupted!

Command could not get in touch with the four mechas, not even for the pilot to activate the nukes manually.


Boom! !

When the calm sea suddenly broke out, four mecha hunters beat the foam and flew over the sea.

The pilots were stunned and ready to sacrifice, but the countdown to the nuclear bomb suddenly stopped.

Mecha is also out of control. The internal program operates on its own. After the nuclear bomb is ejected, it is far away from the battlefield, just like the situation when the computer is invaded by a Trojan horse.

Several drivers, both men and women, feel like this, but they don't say it, and they all say they don't know why.

Under the deep sea, Ying Yingying looked at the majestic figure of the deserter in surprise, and the rest of the women were too, not sure what to say.

"How is it, is there any contact from the headquarters?"

A certain culprit poked Duan Xinlan and got a shake of his head, and immediately showed a sarcastic look: " Unsurprisingly, a group of untrustworthy reincarnators will never be soft when stabbing."

"What's the situation?"

Ying Yingying asked aloud, thinking that Luo Su must be know something.

"The Lord God didn't know which tendon was wrong, and suddenly the difficulty of the plot increased. Now the number of monsters is eleven, Level 5 Kaiju beasts three, Level 4 Kaiju beasts eight."

Luo Su said: "The command issued an order to immediately activate the nuclear bomb and rare beast perish together, but the reincarnator over there did not inform this information. Fortunately, God opened his eyes, and the four mechas were collectively infected with the virus, no Controlled and flew away."


Three thousand ducks chirp chirp twitter twitter , Luo Su automatically blocked the sound, looked towards the deep sea crack, thinking about what to do Don't pull out the Trident for a big wave.

Does it bully aliens too much at home?

Suddenly the cuff was pulled, Luo Su turned his head and regained his hearing.

Ying Yingying whispered close to Luo Su: "Did you do it, you stopped the nuclear bomb countdown and transferred the four mechas away?"

"Don't make trouble, I There is no such ability, there are reincarnators around, it must be a hidden boss shot."

Luo Su shook his head repeatedly, indicating that the boss is a low-key person and a high-profile person, he admires in his heart, and can't see it. pity.

"If it was them, they would run away immediately after getting the news, how could they save others?"

Ying Yingying shook his head, seeing Luo Su denying it and not insisting, and asked: " What do you think, kill the rare beasts, or fish in troubled waters and involve other reincarnators?"

"Kill it, end this world as soon as possible, there are already two worlds, and the Lord God has not issued a mission... ..."

Just as Luo Su was muttering to himself and was about to open up, Guan Yin on the side found an opportunity, threw the all-purpose capsule, released EVA-01, and quickly opportunity to break into the cockpit.

Luo Su narrowed his eyes, flashes through a bright light.

Originally, he didn't want to continue to control EVA-01, but Guan Yin doesn't trust him, so he can't be blamed for his lack of trust.

The moment the cab door merged, lightning flashed, and the air instantly became heavier.

It is very heavy, and four people are crowded into a small space. At this time, seven people are packed, and the oxygen is almost running out.

"Ah, my hand, don't step on my hand."

"Foot, my foot is cramping."

"Don't move, I can't breathe."


"Everyone, let's get some water!"

Luo Su squatted from the crowd After stepping on it, he said unscrupulously: "Don't crowd, don't make noise, the space is very rich, and you can have ten more people." A long leg moved away, rubbing his hands and preparing to start work.

"You promised me!"

Suddenly hearing the voice of Guan Yin's grief and indignation in the crowd, Luo Su turned his head to look, but didn't see it. Where are the people.

"Remember, a man doesn't panic just once, he's lying every day."

Luo Su enjoys the spacious first-class seat with peace of mind, and suddenly a head hangs from above, dishevelled hair like a midnight bell.

Luo Su:( ̄_, ̄)

Ying Yingying:(. ̄.)

“This passenger, please turn your ass to the side Move up and block your sight."

Luo Su raised his hand and grabbed the long hair, wrapped it all around Ying Yingying's neck, pressed his head and shoved it back.

Probably because it was too crowded and the space was limited, after Ying Yingying's head was stuffed in, a long leg stretched out from behind the driver's seat and rested firmly on Luo Su's shoulders.


Luo Su looked bewildered, what is the situation, this kind of linkage reaction... How did they do it?

He didn't believe in evil, he tucked his long legs back, and when he looked up, Ying Yingying's head was stuck out again.

"It's amazing!"

Luo Su was shocked beyond words after listening to the angry yelling from behind. He took out a sealed test tube, took a drop of blood, and clenched his fist and inserted it into the console.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't mess around!"

Ying Yingying had a foreboding feeling and hurriedly stopped.

"This passenger, please don't use your butt to make a sound."

Luo Su smiled sullenly: "It's a rare opportunity, keep your eyes open and see what you are. ."

Outside, EVA-01 growled dullly, striding towards the crack in the seabed.

As the EVA-01 waved beckoned, the vortex on the seabed in the distance rolled, and a red glow struck quickly, landing precisely in the palm of your hand.

Longinus Spear!

In the distance, shocked by the change caused by Longinus Spear, the rare beasts moved by the wind, smelling the fishy smell of pretense.

"roar roar roar————"

Undercurrents surging, dull roars are deafening, eleven rare beasts swim around EVA-01, and the seabed is covered with several long strips. The tail slaps, the amplitude is repeated.

Luo Su glanced at the neatly arranged nuclear bombs in the distance, and sent blood from the palm of his hand into the mouth of EVA-01, whispered: "More people bully less people, isn't it a coincidence, I also like this Do it."

"roar roar roar!!"

EVA-01's mouth opened wide, a pale ball of flesh swelled in its mouth, and with the continuous vomiting action, a large piece of white foam spit out by it.

After landing, these meatballs swelled rapidly, and under the terrifying gaze of Ying Yingying, they turned into white giants of the same size as EVA-01, and there were more than 30 of them.

"Mass production machine!"

Guan Yin squeezed out a head, with an extremely excited look on his face, seeing Luo Su's eyes glowing green, like a wolf.

Luo Su held down the dog's head and stuffed it back.

"It's just a drop of blood..."

Ying Yingying swallowed and said with difficulty, "Is this ability obtained by taking the full version of CPH4?"

“How about it, doesn’t it match well?”

Luo Su laughed: “Made in luosu, looking at the flaming red lips of the mass-produced machine, it is very suitable for your current age.”

(end of chapter)

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