End Of Heavens

Chapter 1253

End Of Heavens Chapter 1253


Chapter 1250 The spare tire of the spare tire

"Bah, you stinking shameless bastard, I can recognize you even if you turn to ashes."

The crappy thief in the ventilation duct is none other than the 'Deadpool' Wade Wilson who I haven't seen with Luo Su for a long time.

Maybe two steel knives got stuck, Deadpool struggled for a long time, but couldn't get down.

"Bastard Luo Su, you killed me..."

"That day you bought me the most expensive nightclub in the city, and TM for one day and one night, and then you I never showed up again!"

"I promised to treat guests, but I only paid a deposit!"

"It caused me to get drunk and be stuffed when I woke up. Into the laboratory..."

Deadpool was fuming in the ventilation duct, occasionally mixed with two swear words that little Wade and Luo Su got close to each other, which made Duan Xinlan feel bad.

"He...he's Deadpool!?"

Duan Xinlan pointed to the top of his head, then to the closed lab: "If he's Deadpool, then here is the Where? Also, how did you meet him?"

Sister, you know too much!

Luo Su's eyes gleamed faintly, thinking about the probability of Duan Xinlan's death by the mouth of venom, how to make it reasonable.

He took out the sand eagle and shot Deadpool in the forehead, then clenched his fist lightly coughed, explaining: "To be honest, I'm also very confused, maybe Deadpool has mistaken the person."


"But he said your name right?"

"Just misidentified, he said Luo Su, the mutant Little Fatty."

"Yes Is it..."

Duan Xinlan shook her head in disbelief, she was just greedy for Luo Su's body, it didn't mean that her IQ was reset to zero, and she wouldn't believe anything Luo Su said.

She remembered very clearly that the two entered this world together, and Luo Su almost never left under her nose.

Then the question is, how did Deadpool and Luo Su know each other?

Listen to the tone, it seems that I have known each other a long time ago, and they are still very good friends.

The most important thing is, why does Deadpool appear in the Venom movie?

A series of questions flashed through Duan Xinlan's mind, suddenly thinking of a possibility, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

"You, you're not Luo Su, you're a clone?"

Hey, that's a good reason!

"hehe, since you see through, I won't hide it anymore!"

Luo Su laughed twice, turning the gun to Duan Xinlan: "In the main god space, There is no Luo Su for a long time, it's just me from beginning to end."

"Hey, what are you doing, get me down."

Wade healed herself After finishing, there was a chaotic arch in the ventilation pipe: "Damn, little Wilson is getting more and more concerned, the pipe is crawling and crawling, and suddenly it fills..."


As soon as a gunshot rang out, Luo Su looked towards Duan Xinlan with a sullen face again: "I'm sorry, don't blame me for being cruel, I only believe that dead people can keep secrets."

There was a continuous silence for nearly In half a minute, the atmosphere became more and more awkward. Duan Xinlan went from being fully alert to being suspicious, and finally gave up his defense, frowned and started to think.

"Run, like this big muzzle, but you run!"

"Uh, I think...you want to do something, it doesn't matter if I run or not. ."

"Try it, it's not worth the money anyway."

At this point, it's hard for the lie to continue, Luo Su sighed and rewarded Deadpool with a bang. a bullet.

It's all this damned guy. He always likes to run around when he has nothing to do. Otherwise, why would there be such a mess today.

The appearance of Deadpool proves that the world of [Venom: Deadly Guardian] is real, not created by the Lord God himself.

Luo Su got goosebumps at the thought of this assumption.

The reason is very simple. Today, God's divine ability will send him to Deadpool, and tomorrow will be able to send Shen Menghan to Artemis, Hecate, Natasha, Yelena, Jennifer, Ashley...and in front of the others.

Bah, scumbag!

Thinking about it, Luo Su suddenly realized that ten fingers were not enough, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

“Luo Su, how did you and Deadpool know each other?”

Duan Xinlan cautiously stepped forward, sniffed his nose beside Luo Su, raised his hand and poked twice: “ Also, why do you deny knowing him, is there something wrong?"

"It's a shame..."

Luo Su thought for a while, when he was with Deadpool, It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, after all, they are not human affairs.

Eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, smoking, swindle stealing, all good and bad things were done when the two were hanging out, and they led Peter Parker down the wrong road.

That is, Parker is determined, otherwise he will really become a flower spider.

"There is no such thing as a loss, but...after all, stupid Deadpool, and getting to know him will damage your personal image."

Luo Su gave a well-founded answer, Not to mention, it's quite convincing.

"Is that so?"

Duan Xinlan was skeptical, and intuition told her that Luo Su must be hiding something.

This is a big secret that Luo Su doesn't want anyone to know, maybe not even Shen Menghan.

Thinking about it is still a little excited. If she grasps it properly and uses it as a threat, maybe she can...


Luo Su Listening to the laughter, I couldn't help but face full of black lines, and somehow I saw through Duan Xinlan's vile and dirty thoughts at a glance.

I couldn't help but complain, that is, the main god space, otherwise Duan Xinlan would have been humiliated by him long ago.


Luo Su violently dragged Deadpool down from the ventilation duct, slapped him twice, said ill-humoredly: "Tell me why you are here, Parker should be in New York."

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Deadpool curled up, put his hands on his crotch, and bowed his head on the ground for a while.

Luo Su: "..."

Duan Xinlan: "..."

"It's like this, I don't love Parker anymore. Knowing that you are haunting San Francisco, I made a special trip to find you."

Deadpool covered his face with his hands in a shy expression, suddenly raised his finger to Duan Xinlan, and said angrily: "The result! You actually have a woman outside, What's wrong with her, isn't it because her legs are a little longer, and there are two lumps of flesh on her chest? What's so amazing, she doesn't have the lump of flesh I have..."


Luo Su blew the sand eagle and looked towards Duan Xinlan expressionlessly: "Look, that's why I don't want to admit it."

"I get it. "

Duan Xinlan's mouth twitched, and he turned to say: "But he has a good eye, we are a good match, or you should think about it again."

"Don't think about it, I My body is weak and I can't stand the toss."

Luo Su replied angrily, took a photo of a holy light, accelerated Deadpool's self-healing, and continued: "Don't talk nonsense with me, to be honest, you Is this for Venom?"

"On the one hand..."

Deadpool scratched his head and was about to say something earthy when suddenly golden light flashed in front of him, just look When the gold bar was shaking in Luo Su's hand, he immediately said solemnly: "As expected of you, understand me!"

When the gold bar was in hand, Deadpool immediately turned on the truth mode: "Okay, I have to admit, I am here in this world. It is indeed for Peter."

"What do you mean by coming to this world, you can cross?"

Duan Xinlan was surprised, suddenly remembering that Deadpool can break the fourth wall The setting is even more surprising.

"Man, your girlfriend, looks a little..."

Deadpool raised his hand and nodded his head: "You know, that's what it means."


"No, she's not my girlfriend, to be precise...well, she's my girlfriend's friend."

"How could there be such a good thing?"

Deadpool's eyes widened when he heard this: "Damn, why don't I have such a girlfriend's friend, if my girlfriend's friend sees me, I'll talk to my estrus mother..."


Deadpool woke up with a pain in the cheek, and after harvesting the second gold bar, there was no more nonsense, complaining: "This world's Peter family Perfection, except for the death of Uncle; happy marriage, Everything was perfect except the wife was Mary Jane."


"So he refused to join my team and beat me up. You know, I'm totally reluctant to be rough with him...wait for a while, I'll keep this sentence for now..."


"That's right, I'm here to find Venom!"

With the muzzle of the gun on his forehead, Deadpool resolutely followed his heart and stopped his dirty jokes: "Man, it's different now. Now! With you around, Venom is nothing, it's a spare tire for a spare tire."

"You mean, I'm a spare..."

"cough cough cough !"

Hearing Duan Xinlan's coughing reminder, Luo Su immediately became furious. Damn Deadpool, actually designed him with a language trap.

"Calm down, Luo Su, there are too many brains on the ground, you keep shooting like this, only the cleaning staff in the lab will be unlucky."

After the jump, Deadpool, for the sake of the bullion, promises to shut up and stop talking nonsense.

At the same time, the two reached an agreement that Deadpool would never mention their past.

"Oh, it looks like I'm late, one of the three symbiotes has died, this blob...I remember it's called 'devour' in the comics."


Deadpool tsk tsk shook his head: "Poor guy, the Venom family finally made it to the big screen, but they disappeared as soon as they showed up." Talking about the plot, I always feel uncomfortable.

"There's another guy. According to the EXP I've read comics for many years, it must be a 'skin whip'. This guy has good ability and can make a lot of small tentacles, hehehe..."

Deadpool said and started rubbing his hands with the flies: "Although it has great abilities, Master Deadpool still loves venom. No way, who makes venom a father!"

In the closed laboratory, two people are locked up. The experimental subjects are all homeless people caught by the Life Foundation from the roadside, and they are housed in Venom and Leather Whip respectively.

Deadpool ignored the whip, slashed open the glass door with two knives, and rushed towards Venom's Host.

"Venom little darling, Uncle Deadpool is here... ah ah ah, don't run!"

The moment Deadpool broke through the door, the venom rushed out of the homeless body Out, a sticky mass of liquid moved around, dodging Deadpool's various swoops.

Reluctantly, with a very strong personality, he has the attitude of swearing to death.

The picture is too horrible to watch, Luo Su covered his face and didn't want to see it, and Duan Xinlan next to him was similar.

At this moment, the door was pushed outside the laboratory, and two sneaky footsteps approached carefully.

On the ground, Venom was stunned for a moment, then swooped in the direction of the visitor.

There will be two shifts today, and three shifts will be resumed tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)

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