End Of Heavens

Chapter 1336

End Of Heavens Chapter 1336


Chapter 1332 When did I lie to you

"Is he really Satan?"

looking Luo Su, who was easily controlled by Poison Ivy, Clark felt all kinds of inconceivable. If it was true, the moisture was too much.

"Listen, whatever he does, don't resist! Your struggles will only make him happier, and then make it worse... On the contrary, if we don't do anything, he'll stop when he's bored. ."

Bruce gritted his teeth and did not believe that Luo Su would be controlled by Poison Ivy anyway, there is only one truth: "Remember, he is not controlled, like this is just to arouse our resistance, both Don't be fooled."


Batman, Clark, and Selina were all speechless when they heard this.

They never got along with Luo Su, and when they heard Bruce's words, their first reaction was disbelief, and they suspected that Bruce was an undercover agent.

The absurdity of collective surrender without firing a shot has been unheard of since World War II.

Also, they don't believe that there are like this boring, and like this Satan with no morals!

In order to have fun, the master of hell pretends to be controlled by mortals, which sounds fake...

Do you still want powerhouse majesty?

"Have you guys finished chatting? If it's your last words, I can give you some more time."

Luo Su put down Poison Ivy, got up and left the green seat.

Bruce heard what he said, understood him very well, and got to the point, but so what, the green light in his eyes was like a mountain, he was indeed controlled!

"Luo Su, I know your purpose, it's useless, I won't oppose..."


The black light flashed was fleeting, Luo Su instantly appeared in front of Bruce, punched the middle door, and knocked him down the 100-meter-high building.

"There's a lot of nonsense..."

After getting Bruce, Luo Su turned around and looked towards the Batman trio: "tsk tsk, they are all familiar faces, suddenly let me kill , and a little unbearable."

Clark woke up from the daze, and rushed out of the botanical garden in the form of red lightning, trying to save Bruce who fell from the building.


The black flash cut off the red glow, Clark had severe pain in his chest and abdomen, and his eyes were spinning. When he came back to his senses, Luo Su had already stepped on it.

"Clark, you have to do everything within your means, otherwise it will become what it is now, people are not saved but trapped in themselves."

Said, Luo Su's feet With force, the red cloak without red pants stepped downstairs.

Poison Ivy: "..."

So happy, her new boyfriend is too strong, her spring is coming!

Batman can understand it in one move. Many villains can do it. Although Batman will be beaten by Batman in the second fight, this is not the point, Batman is just an ordinary person, the physical fitness of the human Peak, is within the acceptable range.

Superman is different, Iron Body, super strength, super speed, can overturn him in one move, as far as Poison Ivy knows, no one can do it as easily as Luo Su.

"That kick was a little hard, and the damage was all concentrated in the body. Clark has to lie down for a while. Let's have fun during this time."

Luo Su looked at the bat Xia and Selina, the facial features are dark and foggy, and the blood line at the corner of the mouth draws to the ear: "must struggle, at least until Clark's self-healing is complete, otherwise it will die..."

"Also, I advise you not to die, because death is not liberation, it is really just the beginning, once you die, your soul will become my property completely."


Batman's facial expression grave, began to think about Bruce's proposal, perhaps as he said, no resistance is the best resistance.

"Do you have a plan?"

Selina whispered BB, seeing Batman's silence, she couldn't help scolding bad luck in her heart.

Superman just lay down when she met, and she hasn't recovered yet, so she'll be a cat biscuits before she lays down!

I knew that Satan looked like this, she didn't follow anything, and she was right that curiosity killed the cat.

Selina wailed, Batman had no plans and set out to save himself.

The fight was impossible. It was courting death. If you want to survive, you can only delay time until Superman comes back and carry it a few more times.

"Just now you said they were all familiar faces, what do you mean, do you and I also know each other?"

Selina pulled down the goggles and mask, revealing a delicate and charming face, Feeling that it is not enough, I pulled the zipper of the leather jacket again.

Whether it's Clark or Luo Su, with their abilities, Poison Ivy would have impossible kissing them if they didn't voluntarily, and the control of psychotoxin is nonsense.

Since the little bitch can seduce successfully, so can she!

"I know, I'm still very familiar with you. In a certain parallel universe, you are my secretary, the kind that is close to me 24 hours a day."

Luo Su said: "But yours His ability to work is average, but he quit the day shift and became a lazy, lazy domestic cat that just rolls on the Jewelry Mountain."

"It's really enviable...disgusting."

Selina feels very sad, complaining that God is unfair, why is the Catwoman of that universe not her, she also wants Jewel Mountain, and she also wants to be a domestic cat.

"Okay, the chat is over, it's time to send you off."

"Wait a minute, aren't we very close?"

Plug Linna was dumbfounded, what did you mean, the sheets were rolled in vain?

"It's very close, but the reason for the restart of the timeline is because 'you' manipulated the computer indiscriminately and sent my treasured Batman dark history to the Internet."

said At this point, Luo Su immediately regained his energy, waved his hand to open the light curtain in mid-air, made two sets of Bruce's photo albums into PPT slideshows, and played them in front of several people.

Batman: "..."

Now, it's his turn to feel very awkward!

"Hahaha, this is really interesting..."

Poison Ivy was stunned at first, and his mouth opened into an O shape, then came back to his senses and coldly said: " Luo Su, what are you waiting for, I told you to kill them quickly."

"This, this...I can't do it, I'm a good person."


Not only Batman and Selena, Poison Ivy rolled his eyes when he heard it, and some people just couldn't recognize reality.

"Come here, come to me."

Poison Ivy summoned Luo Su and gave a deep kiss: "Kill them, understand?"

"I, I..."


Poison Ivy complained about Luo Su's powerful anti-toxicity, and stepped up, red lips kissed deeply, strengthening control over him.

Silly woman! x2

The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear , Batman and Selina see through the truth at a glance, as Bruce said, some Satans are not controlled at all, change tricks Just take advantage.

Also, Poison Ivy loses IQ seriously, and it is worth considering who is being controlled!

Unlike Batman who is ready to give up resistance, Selina is fiercely relaxed. In this situation, she is destined to live in peace tonight.

She's pretty like this, Luo Su sure...


The shadows flashed past, and Selina swirled in the air for more than ten laps.

Who am I, where am I, am I not beautiful?

"I can't bear to fight Selina over there, so I have to take you out to vent my anger, don't feel wronged, because you are her."

Luo Su kindly explained and answered Selina's doubts.


The Catwoman of the parallel universe sits on her super thighs, so she doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking. Jewelry uses mountains as the unit of measurement. She acts wilfully every day. Endgame, and she...

Without nothing, she still has to take the blame!

My chest hurts!


Luo Su waved away the confused Selina, and walked towards Batman with his fists squeezed: "The same is true for you, I wanted to beat you a long time ago, because of bad feelings. If you strike, the parallel universe doesn't matter."

"I won't fight back."

"It's up to you."

Luo Su grinned, His eyes narrowed slightly to control Batman's actions, and he took out a marble-sized bomb, dropped it on the spot, and moved it three meters to the side.

bang! bang!

Two consecutive explosions, the first sound, Clark's fist smashed the ground, the second sound, the bomb exploded, green smoke filled the air, and Clark charged. The heat vision that was about to start suddenly stopped, looked at Batman with aggrieved expression, and fell back along the hole where he came.

"As expected of Batman, Superman is powerless in front of you. It's easier than me to deal with him..."

"Luo Su, stop talking nonsense, kill them quickly ."

Poison Ivy couldn't bear it, although this was stable and there was no possibility of a comeback, but she saw the ending of the villain's death.

"No, I...I don't want to kill, I can't..."

Luo Su tangled aloud, and her painful expression was Faintly discernible under the dark fog, sometimes hideous, Sometimes frowning and struggling.

"Fu beep!!"

Poison Ivy's lips hurt from anger, he quickly walked towards Luo Su, wrapped his hands around his neck, wrapped around him like an octopus, and acted like this Carry the controller with you to continuously stabilize the dose of toxins.

The magic operation, Luo Su's whole person is stunned.

"Kill them, immediately!"

"Wu wu, this is... not good!"


Poison Ivy looked at Luo Su suspiciously, kissed subconsciously, probed: "Kill them, do you still have any questions?"

Luo Su:(._.)

Poison Ivy: (゜一゜)


"Damn, you bastard!"

A moment of silence, Poison Ivy IQ Gradually went online, pushed Luo Su away suddenly, covered his lips, stood aside and glared.

As a lesbian, kissing is her way of attack. She doesn't have any feelings for any male, but she can kiss her mouth directly...

The more you think about it, the more angry you are!

Poison Ivy is so angry that the occasion is wrong, otherwise he will definitely question Batman, Luo Su is playing hooligan in front of everyone, and the superheroes don't care.


Bruce returned to the top floor with the hook gun and said with a blank face: "It's a bad scene, it looks like you didn't have fun."

"Yeah, I'm very disappointed. I sacrificed like this, the first kiss was gone, but the joy was not doubled."

Luo Su sighed, raised his hand and wiped his lips: "Originally I made a plan to first extract the souls of everyone in the Metropolis, and use this as a threat to fatten up all the Justice League members one by one. As a result, Poison Ivy exposed them, revealing the true colors of good people, and I couldn't pretend."


Be a person!

"Forget it, I'm tired, this world is no longer interesting."

Luo Su touched the chin thinking, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Go, I Take you to a parallel universe, a world where superheroes and villains are replaced, where Joker is a good guy with integrity and kindness, Batman commiting any imaginable misdeed, thinking about destroying the multiverse all day long."

Bruce: "..."

Here again, he doesn't believe what he said!

"Bruce, manage your expression, that's the truth, besides, when did I lie to you?"

Batman tied up Poison Ivy, who had given up resistance, lifted up the foul-mouthed Selina, and disappeared into the distance on a swing.

A moment later, Clark cautiously floated up to the top floor, the house was empty, super-vision to see the Batfighter leaving the Metropolis.


Again, Batman ignores him every time!

(end of this chapter)

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