End Of Heavens

Chapter 1351

End Of Heavens Chapter 1351


Chapter 1347 The process is still to go

I heard an unfamiliar voice, accompanied by the cool air sou sou from the soles of my feet The board rushed to the top of the head, and the agents jumped up, clenching their weapons and looking at the source of the sound.

If I remember correctly, there should be no talent on spaceship.

In the shadows, Luo Su stepped out, with a nuclear good smile on his face, the shadow and darkness under his feet fused together, as if appearing out of thin air across the space.

"You are..."

"introduce myself, I'm from hell."

Luo Su interrupted directly, slapped it off to prevent accidental injury The weapons in the hands of everyone pointed to Coulson on the ground and said: "This gentleman is on the list, and he is focusing on the target. I made a special trip to take his soul to prevent him from breaking out of prison again."

Coulson didn't die once or twice, and it's not an exaggeration to say that he was a repeat offender. The agents knew it well, and when Luo Su like this said, they were in a hurry.

"I don't believe he should go to heaven!"

"Yes, Coulson is a good man."



"It's not up to you to decide whether he is a good person or not."

Luo Su shook the head, and said bluntly: "Forgive me for being ruthless, I can say something responsibly, don't let it go. Don't have any illusions about the future, all of you here are destined to go to hell, and no one is eligible to go to heaven."

After finishing speaking, Luo Su, regardless of how the agents reacted, waved them away and walked to the In front of Coulson's 'corpse'.

"Please wait, he's not dead yet, he can still be rescued."

"How could it be, he's dead."

Luo Su squatted down, He took out a medical thermometer and inserted it into Coulson's mouth, pulled it out a second later, and broke it in front of the agents: "Look, the thermometer is 90 degrees, and it's useless."

"..." xN

The agents had stiff expressions. It turns out that hell's thermometers are used like this. This... this is not scientific at all!

"cough, cough cough..."

Just in the cold field, Coulson suddenly cheated, curled up and coughed violently.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome, just like a cockroach."

Luo Su twitched his lips, and took out a sand eagle from behind, aiming it at Coulson's forehead and forcibly taking it away .


With a muffled sound, the spaceship swayed, and the unloaded bullet rubbed Coulson's forehead...


Luo Su looked dissatisfied, looked towards the side, put away the pistol, and read the lines according to the script: "Life is really big, there is no way, I can only go through the process and wait for a while."

Seeing that Luo Su stood in the corner, fused with the shadow, and the spaceship was jumping, the agents helped Coulson, who was back to the light, and determined that the shock just now was affected by the battle between Daisy and the King of Wanli.

Accurately speaking, Daisy was beaten in the dirt, and a Shockwave failed to hit the King of Wanli, but hit the spaceship that was forced to land on the ground.

The situation is grim. Coulson, who has just survived, immediately goes to work and directs the agents... think of a way, although the hope is slim, but he has the important task of saving Earth, and he must not until the last moment. give up.

"It's better to call the Avengers. Chicago is not far from New York anyway. From the map, it's just like this."

Seeing a group of people Anxious to brow beaded with sweat, Luo Su couldn't help but interject, and by the way raised his hand to measure the distance between his fingertips.


The agents looked towards the shadow and found that Luo Su soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed , fiercely swallowed, only Coulson was in front of him. Liang pursed his lips and took a few steps forward.

"Don't talk, I know what you want to say, but it's impossible..."

Before Coulson could speak, Luo Su said directly: "The soul is hell. Money, fear is the devil's food, the more war, death, killing, etc., the better for me, I have no obligation and no reason to stop the outside guys."

"I know, I don't expect the devil to save me world."

Coulson showed an honest smile, modest and confident: "But I heard that the devil likes to make deals with people, I don't know if I have the qualifications."

"Interesting, dare to take the initiative to make a deal with me!"

Luo Su touched his chin and looked at Coulson up and down, he would see that he has one's hair stand on end before he slowly said: "Originally No, after all, your time is limited, there is no point in trading with you, I just need to wait a moment, your soul is mine."

"But what?"

Coulson's eyes flashed brightly, fortunately there was a turning point in Luo Su's words.

"But I'm in a good mood today, I can make a deal with you, a deal with your soul as a bargaining chip..."

Luo Su stepped out of the darkness, with a black glow in his eyes. Ephemeral: "Consider clearly, you don't even know who I am. Once the contract is signed, your soul will be enslaved by me forever, and it will be too late to regret it."

"I will not Regret, where is the contract, I want to exchange for the power to defeat Talbot."

Coulson hurriedly spoke up, a few days of good life in exchange for a chance to save Earth, this business No matter how he looked at it, he didn't suffer, he was afraid that Luo Su would regret it.


Luo Su took out a stack of contracts printed on A4 paper from behind his butt, and fell a thick stack in front of Coulson, more than one meter five , it makes your legs soft.

"This contract is good... so thick."

Even if the situation was critical, Coulson spit out a black line in the face of the exaggerated thickness of the contract.

"It's alright, this is just the contract catalog, the original is longer, if you want to read it, I can..."

"No, just tell me where it is. Sign?"

Coulson heard brow beaded with sweat, knowing that there was something wrong with the contract, he jumped into the pit decisively.

The catalogues are all 1.5 meters long, and the original text starts at at least 10 meters. I really sit down and read them one by one. Daisy has been beaten to death a hundred times, how can he have such a spare time.

Luo Su took out a pen and handed it over: "On the first page, on the second line, if you see the 'victim' column, you can sign it."

Coulson: "..."

This is too direct, can't you be euphemistic, such as Party B or something.

The agents winked desperately, but Coulson pretended not to see, shua~ shua~ shua~ signed the name, and then relaxed.


Luo Su grinned and snapped his fingers, and after the contract disappeared out of thin air, he said in a pleasant manner: "The contract is established, your soul belongs to me, now, let's talk about you What kind of power do you want?"

"As long as you can beat Talbot!"

Colson said hurriedly, he didn't choose.

"Don't worry, I'm looking at the future. There is still a 40-second countdown before the Shockwave girl is killed. There's plenty of time."

Luo Su neither fast nor slow, waving at The light curtain projection was opened in front of him, and he pointed at the three items one after another and said: "The first is the incomplete Phoenix Force, the holder can barely destroy the parallel universe; the second Infinity Gauntlet, comes with six Infinity Gem, pay attention, this is an enhanced version of the multiverse, the holder can instantly kill the five gods of the universe; the third is the heart of the universe, which can control the almighty universe, and you have to kneel when the court of life comes..."

"Oh, you don't know the Life Court? It's the one... how do I put it, all the known and unknown managers, a very powerful guy, can't catch me a single thought."

Ke Ersen's eyelids twitched wildly, and a question popped into his mind. Fiercely swallowed and asked his doubts.

"You, who are you...?"

"My words, when I took office some time ago, I made a loud speaker in the multiverse, you should have heard it "..."

Luo Su looked directly at Coulson, and the blood lines on the corners of his mouth evoked: "Satan, don't think about it, the literal Satan."

"Duh! "xN

The agents swallowed collectively, Coulson looked pale, at this moment, he regretted it a little.

"Time is running out, don't be stupid, if you don't go, your daughter will be gone."

Luo Su raised his hand and patted the mutilated Phoenix Force into Coulson's body, Then he threw it out of the spaceship with his hands, and the process was a little violent, and half of the hull of the spaceship was gone.

"Everyone, who else wants to sign a contract? Write a name and instantly become another god at the Universe level!"

Luo Su: ?(???? )

Agents: ┐(TT )( TT)ノ

Agents look left and right, weeping weak and helpless tears, the real Great Demon King is in sight , the Wanli Wang outside is not terrifying at all.

Coulson didn't make the agents wait for a long time. As soon as the tears came out, he walked back with Daisy on the other side. , King Wanli died.

To be precise, he just raised his hand and hadn't hit it yet. King Wanli was like a deflated ball, ah, he died in one fell swoop.

It's too fake. This kind of actor has no chicken legs, let alone chicken legs.

"That's right, as you think, he died while he was in outer space, and he was able to move because I was controlling his body."

Luo Su kindly explained , full of maliciousness: "Let him add a scene to make you willingly sign the contract. After all, it is a devil, you can't break the rules, and the process should be followed."

"For, Why?"

Coulson asked in a trembling voice, the power in his body made him feel that he was omnipotent, Thanos was a younger brother in person, but reason told him that all resistance was futile.

"The reason is that the SHIELD you led the reorganization before eliminated the Nine Headed Snake!"

"What is the reason, a Nine Headed Snake..."

"Oh, didn't I say that?"

Luo Su grinned: "Besides Satan, I am the leader of the Nine Headed Snake, you kill the Nine Headed Snake of this parallel universe to the last one, I am very Shame!"


"Familiarize yourself with the Phoenix Force in your body, you don't need to worry about lifespan, I'm not nodded, it's hard for you to die."



Luo Su turned and merged into the darkness, turned back and smiled deeply: "Next time, I will send my Nine Headed Snake army to carry out a plane invasion. The leader is Nine Headed Snake Captain Steve Rogers, A bloody, inhuman executioner who has slaughtered hundreds of Earth, you will like him."


After the scourge of honest people, Luo Su Decided to deal with him and Bruce in the same way, that is, leave it for a while, wait until the hairline is more touching, and then let Steve, who knows nothing, lead the team into the field.

I'm looking forward to it!

I don't want to talk about it, I have to say one thing, Luo Su thinks that he has no opponents in terms of pitting his subordinates.

"Where should I go next?"

Luo Su said to himself, thinking of a certain white-bearded Maia, his eyes lit up.

(end of this chapter)

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