End Of Heavens

Chapter 196

End Of Heavens Chapter 196


Chapter 195 If everything in life is unsatisfactory, it is better to hang on to the southeast branch

Davy Jones' heartbroken appearance reminds Luo Su of a lyric, Love makes people happy, but it also brings suffering!

Because of love and hate, and tormenting back and forth between love and hate, these days have been boring, and it is better to live than to die, so Luo Su decisively cut the gun and sent him on the road.

Davy Jones is a pitiful person, but there must be something hateful about the poor man. On the surface, Calypso betrayed him, but he was actually torturing himself.

Anyone can shirk responsibility, but don't put the blame on love as soon as something happens, everyone is an adult, and there is no need to whitewash yourself with emotional hurt. Realistically, human beings are selfish creatures, and the root of suffering has always been unsatisfied desires.

If Davy Jones is true love, he should tolerate Calypso's fascination, and silently bless when a spare tire is behind his back, waiting for Goddess to stand up and be a father when he needs it.

I don't even have this awareness, and I dare to say that I love Goddess!

Luo Su is not a psychiatrist, so he won't persuade him to take a good look at it. If he feels that everything in his life is unsatisfactory, then he will hang on to the southeast branch, and death ends all one's troubles.

Saying a thousand words and ten thousand, struggling on whilst at death's door Live, purely because of fear of death!

Since Davy Jones can't do it himself, Luo Su will help him, let him return to the embrace of the sea completely, and never be separated from the woman he loves.

“bang! bang! bang! bang————”

Davy Jones was shot and fell from the side of the boat into the sea, Luo Su was fed up Thorn, jumped out and followed to the sea.

The two guns were put away, Luo Su took out the Adamantium knife, slashed it down, and the sword qi separated from the sea, revealing the restored Davy Jones.

"It's strange, you shouldn't be famous for your abilities, but I've been sailing on the sea for a long time, and I haven't even heard of your name." Davy Jones feet Stepping on the sea, with a thoughtful look, I don't know what to think, his face instantly darkened, and he suddenly raised his long knife and slashed at Luo Su.


Sparks flew from where the blades collided, and Davy Jones only felt a force no less than his own, which made him frightened and angry, After becoming a monster, it was the first time he met a human with such a strong physique.

He is really human, not necessarily...

Davy Jones's frowning brows slowly loosened, thinking that Luo Su is a human being given a priesthood just like him, Or a half-human Demi-God with dive blood flowing in his body.

The two were stiff for a moment, Luo Su grinned and pressed down with both hands, Adamantium knife cut into the long knife instantly and cut it off. and removed.

Without blood, Davy Jones' severed arm dripped with light green viscous droplets, squirming to form a vague outline of the arm, the color gradually deepened, and the crab claws grew back.

Luo Su secretly said that he was in trouble. When it comes to fighting alone, ten Davy Jones is not enough for him to abuse him; when it comes to equipment, he has Sand Eagle Heavenly God and Adamantium knife, which can stabilize the other side; when it comes to pets , Thunder Beast is above Kraken in terms of appearance and ability; as for the younger brother, Jason is uglier than the seafood crew.

But Davy Jones' Immortal Body leveled the gap between the two sides. The only weakness, the heart, was not around. In addition to the home court of the sea, no matter how he killed it, he couldn't kill it.

In fact, Davy Jones's strength is really not bad, Immortal Body, teleportation, shuttle object, contract soul, summon pet, is a physical enhancement version of wizard, and Luo Su go the same way .

After Davy Jones recovered, he glanced at the broken knife in his hand and was a little surprised.

"It's useless, this knife is made of the hardest metal in this world, no matter how many times I restore it, I will cut it off."

Luo Su kicked Stepping into the sea, he kicked the spray to interfere with Davy Jones's sight, and then swung his knife forward, and cut off Davy Jones' long knife again at the moment when the two passed by.

"The hardest metal in the world, maybe not..." Davy Jones sarcastically inserted the long knife into the sea, and after lifting it, the broken blade was supplemented by the blade formed by the sea water.


When the blades collided, Luo Su was surprised to find that the Adamantium knife could not cut through a mass of seawater. He talked about physics with the other party, and the other party He talks about magic.

"Arrogant! The hardest metal in the world...hehe, when you have seen the weapons of gods, you will know how ridiculous this is." Davy Jones clamped the blade with a pair of pliers, his hands forcefully Press the blade towards Luo Su.

Luo Su held the knife with both hands to resist the pressure of the downward pressure, and kicked Davy Jones in the crotch. shooting.

"bang! bang! bang! bang————"

Davy Jones' octopus head was smashed, and Luo Su's arm was also slashed by Luo Su. fall, income space ring. Davy Jones recovered, empty-handed and black-faced, submerged in the water, and reappeared on the Flying Dutchman.

Continuing will only waste time, he doesn't want to do pointless fights, control the Dutchman to dive, those pirates who are still on the ship's side battle are bad luck, they are dragged into the sea by the diving vortex , directly drowned most of them.

The Flying Dutchman voluntarily evacuated the battlefield. Before the pirates could cheer, they were knocked over by a big wave.

It's time to test the captain's EXP. The Chinese pirates put down their boats and ropes, pulled up a few closest companions who fell into the water, obeyed Barbossa's orders, and continued to sail towards Shipwreck Bay.


half a day later, the Black Pearl was the first to leave the rainstorm, and the two junks rushed out one after the other. Everyone fought a battle first, and then struggled with the bad weather. They were exhausted and couldn't hold on. They slowed down the speed and let the crew repair.

"Mr. military advisor, before arriving at Shipwreck Bay, I have something to discuss with you." Barbossa, Jack, and Sao Feng appeared in the captain's room of the Black Pearl together. Bossa and Sao Feng looked serious, only Jack was listless, as if he was about to go to the execution ground.

"About the matter of voting for the pirate Great Emperor at the pirate convention, all three of us think you are the most suitable." A bunch of disobedient madmen. In particular, the nine pirate kings will never choose a pirate Great Emperor to tyrannically abuse power on his head. The result of the vote can be imagined, and there will be no result if you vote a hundred times.

Barbossa himself, let him vote for Sao Feng or Jake, it's better than a killing blade. But Luo Su is different. Powerful strength is the top-notch battle strength that the pirates desperately need. After getting along for a few days, the experienced Barbossa believes that Luo Su has no desire for fame and fortune, and becoming a pirate Great Emperor is also a master who doesn't care about anything.

This is the same as Jack's vote for Elizabeth, and it's optional. Who do not vote for him?

"Pirate Great Emperor...I have graduated from the second year of junior high for many years..." Luo Su whispered, categorically rejecting the good intentions of the three: "I am not a pirate king, and I am not eligible to run for election. The three of you discuss it, whoever likes to do it."

"My lord, my subordinate is willing to give you the title of Singapore Pirate King." Sao Feng immediately jumped out to show his loyalty, for fear of being slow. One step ahead of Barbosa.

"Go away, don't make trouble here." Luo Su gave Sao Feng a wicked look: "I'm not even a pirate, I'm the pirate king!"

Looking at the pirates In history, only the first pirate guild elected the pirate Great Emperor, in order to seal Calypso. After that, the Pirate Congress was held twice, and no one was elected as the Pirate Great Emperor.

According to the Code of Pirates, the Great Emperor of Pirates possessed enormous power and was able to lead the pirates of the world. Its duties are detailed in the Pirate Code, such as declaring war with the enemy, negotiating, arming the forces, and formulating strategy.

Luo Su's mission was not to lead the rise of pirates. He didn't kidnap Jack and Barbossa directly to start the Trident trip. It was to surprise the East India Company when the war started, and he didn't care about the identity of the pirate Great Emperor I don't care.

Jack was lightly coughed, and volunteered: "Since you don't want to be a pirate Great Emperor, Captain, let me do it for you, Barbossa, Sao Feng, you can vote..."

"Idiot, you don't even have a ship right now. Even if everyone votes for you, you can't be a pirate Great Emperor according to the code."

"That's right, let What's the difference between you being a pirate Great Emperor and surrendering directly!"

Barbossa and Sao Feng watched indifferently, Jack saw that the atmosphere was not right, shut up and retreated.

Luo Su glanced at the three of them and ended the discussion: "Sao Feng, you are not allowed to vote for yourself when voting. Barbossa and Jack, you can vote for whichever you like."

"Okay, my lord." This result was not what Sao Feng wanted to see, but Luo Su ordered him not to disobey, so he could only respond when he was upset.

Jack grabbed Sao Feng's shoulders, his eyes were full of love: "Captain Sao Feng, my good buddy, I am missing a ship from the Great Emperor of Pirates, and your crucial one. I've voted. Looking at our past friendship, this time you have to help me!"

Sao Feng sneered, patted off Jack's paw, and said with Barbossa in a friendly manner: "Captain Barbossa, I will vote for you, but I have a request, when you become the pirate Great Emperor, the first thing you will order is to tie Jack to the cannon and sink into the sea."

The two shrugged their shoulders. Leaving behind, Barbosa said with a smile: "Captain Sao Feng, please rest assured, even if you don't say it, I will do it like this."

"Happy cooperation!"X2

(end of chapter)

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