End Of Heavens

Chapter 198

End Of Heavens Chapter 198


Chapter 197 greets death with full spirit

The voting went according to the process, and the Pirate Kings voted for themselves, including Jack , he still voted for himself, and in the end only Sao Feng was left.

The pirates are ready to vote in the second round. They know Sao Feng too well. On the surface, they are polite and polite, but they are greedy and greedy in private. Not to mention changing the actors, even if the script is changed, Sao Feng is impossible to give up the throne of the pirate Great Emperor.

I saw Sao Feng stand up and look around the crowd with a mysterious smile: "I vote for Captain Barbosa."

My face hurts a little, under the slackjawed of the audience, the host of the meeting Barbossa was lightly coughed, and the results of the vote were fairly announced: "Captain Sao Feng voted for Barbossa, and Barbossa won by a total of two votes. According to the Code of Pirates, Captain Barbossa will become the second pirate Great Emperor. Below we have a request Captain Barbossa, the pirate Great Emperor, speaks."

Barbossa took the lead in applauding after speaking, smiled and stepped back to make way, then adjusted his hat and put on the Great Emperor accent and took the first two steps: " Ladies and gentlemen, the situation facing the Pirate Guild is imminent. As the new pirate Great Emperor, I will simply say a few words. First of all, I ordered Jack to sink..."


Seeing that the official Barbossa played two roles, he was so happy that he even broke into the official accent. The stunned pirate kings came back to his senses, and slapped the table with indignation.

"shameless! The Sao Feng I know is absolutely impossible to vote for Barbossa, you must have made a shady deal!"

"Cheating, this vote is not Forget it, do it all over again!" Jack shouted.

The pirate king of the Caspian Sea, Barbossa, wanted money but no money and nobody. He was the worst among the nine pirate kings. He didn't even have one. Heartbreakingly dissatisfied.

With a bang, the old captain Teague lowered his head to adjust the acoustic guitar: "According to the code, Barbossa is the pirate Great Emperor, and those who question the result of the vote are questioning the pirate code."

Once it was finalized and no one objected to the vote, Barbossa officially became the second pirate Great Emperor.

"Get your ships ready for battle at dawn!"


Without sleepless nights, the pirates worked all night to make it before dawn the next day Load your ships with ammunition and gather them outside Shipwreck Cove. Although the flag myriad, pirates and pirates have different faces and ships, there are more than 50 sailboats in full, which is definitely a sea force that cannot be ignored.

The morning sun rose, and the fog on the sea gradually dissipated. The pirates looked at the fleet of their own lined up, and they were all complacent. The pirate guild was strong and strong. .

It is possible that the East India Company will take the initiative to ask for peace and issue a plunder certificate to them due to the situation.

Happiness is beckoning!

Pirates elated daydreaming and greeted the new morning sun with full spirits, which means a bright future.

However, the bright future is just a mirage. What greets them is not the morning sun, but a tall battleship with neat military appearances on the sea level. The black dots are connected together, like black clouds, roaring with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers.

All of them are battleships, and there are more than 200 ships. The super-luxurious lineup with Level 3 sailing battleships as the center represents the strongest invincible fleet in this era.

The pirates died down, and their morale dropped to a freezing point in an instant. One-tenth of their troops could crush them. This is not a war, it is bullying.

"The British Imperial Family fleet was dispatched in full force, but the result was just to fight pirates. You can't spend money like this!" Luo Su was convinced, the magically changed world makes people unable to complain, not to mention Britain Does the Imperial Family Navy have many warships like this? Just the military spending of the Imperial Family Navy is enough for the pirates to scramble for a lifetime. What is the purpose of this war?

"I saw Endeavour, that ship has 100 guns..."

"It's a loser! They have at least ten Level 1 sailing battleships, and the Flying Dutchman We have no chance of winning.”

The pirates looked frustrated, the strength of the enemy and the enemy was too different, and the Imperial Family navy only appeared, and their will to fight was completely disintegrated.

"Maybe we can ask for negotiation!"

"Then we have to agree to the other party. The other side has made it clear that they want to wipe out the pirate guild. What are we going to negotiate with?"


"Shut up for me, since being in a mess will really give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage." Barbossa pulled out his long sword and shouted at the crowd: "Fools, face the reality, war The horn has been blown, and we have no way out!"

"But Captain Barbossa, there is only a dead end..."

"Who said it was a dead end, the Imperial Family Navy It seems invincible, but it is not invincible, we still have the last chip." Barbossa narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "There is still a hole card, and now I order as the pirate Great Emperor to immediately unblock the ocean Goddess... ...Calypso!"

Barbossa was well prepared for this, and as he explained a few words, Tia Doma was brought on deck in a short time, nine pieces of Spanish Silver Coin during the meeting Detained by him, all placed in the brazier.

"Calypso, according to the deal, I will release you from your mortal body, and you must help us defeat the East India Company's fleet." Before lighting the brazier, Barbossa reiterated the deal.

Tia Doma stared at the brazier in front of her with her eyes shining. She had waited for this day for too long, and Barbossa's words were directly ignored. She hated the pirate guild that sealed her for a long time. , secretly determined to drown all the pirates as long as the Divine Force was restored.

The Barbossa is old and sophisticated, and can roughly guess what Goddess is thinking, but he knows how to take advantage of a woman's weakness, and he takes a step closer and whispers: "Calypso, you know that the Pirate Guild can seal you back then, is it? Who provided the information?"

Calypso turned his head sharply, his eyes hazy and hated: "Who is it?"

"David Jones!"

Leaving this sentence, Barbossa set the brazier on fire, and after some heartfelt confession, he successfully unlocked Calypso's seal.

The flame burns the Silver Coin, releasing light purple smoke, Calypso sucks the smoke like a drug addict, with an expression of infinite satisfaction on his face.

After the Calypso was sucked, her body began to grow wildly, and she became a giantess taller than the Black Pearl. The pirates lost one's head out of fear and retreated all around, for fear of being caught by giants Stamped to death.

"Great Ocean Goddess, please follow the agreement and bring disaster on our enemies." Barbossa kneeled down reverently, took off his hat and saluted.

Calypso doesn't eat this set at all, what the agreement is, she has thoroughly forgotten.

She hated the pirates who sealed her, and she hated Davy Jones who betrayed her. She didn't help each other in this war, and watched them fight either the fish dies or the net splits. The huge body turned into thousands of stone crabs, rolling along the deck into the ocean, disappeared without a trace.

Luo Su saw the whole process clearly, Calypso's female giant form is not a Titan god body, but the last person in the unblocking process. Because it was so fragile, Luo Su was so confident that he could use a magic bullet to open a hole in it.

Calypso has been sealed for too long, and it will take some time to get back the Divine Force. During this time, she can use the divine power of the ocean Goddess, but the strongest hand-to-hand combat of the Titan God is not to be thought of.

The pirates looked at each other in blank dismay , Calypso broke his appointment and left very simply, and the cards with high hopes like this were gone.

"Barbossa, your plan fell through. That woman simply doesn't make sense." Jack said, quietly taking two steps away, keeping a certain distance from Barbossa.

Barbossa was coldly snorted, seeing many pirates glaring at him, panicked. At this moment, the clouds covering the heavens, shielding the sun swept over, and the wind on the sea changed from calm and tranquil to favoring the pirates.

"Look, the Goddess of the Sea has complied with the agreement, and now the wind is in our favor." Barbossa boosted morale: "With the Goddess of the Sea sheltered, what are you still afraid of, set sail and fight a Bloody Road!!!"


Barbossa's ability is definitely MAX level, but unfortunately he went to the wrong theater. In the blood, he can say two words to make Davy Jones start the memory killing, and hand over the sadness.

On the other side, on the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones looked up at the sky with his chest covered, the dark clouds rolled into black vortex, and the black hole swallowed the light, throwing a cold darkness on him.


The cold icy rain slapped randomly on his face, and Davy Jones choked with grief, saying the name of his beloved Goddess. The cold and unfeeling rainstorm told him that everything was over, this was the curse of his lover, and his hatred was like a knife, cutting him to death.

The torrential rain hua hua fell, and the sea water swelled and converged, synchronizing with the dark clouds in the sky, creating a strong suction force in the Central Region, and forming a giant sea vortex. For a moment, the sky and the sea were turbulent at the same time, and all you could see were rolling waves and turbulent waves.

"Rush to the big vortex, a deadly battle!"

Davy Jones waved his hand, his pain needs to be vented, his empty heart needs to be filled, he is eager to use blood Forget the pain, whether it's the enemy's or your own.

Almost at the same time, on the side of the pirate fleet, the Black Pearl, like a hot knife through butter, sailed for the big vortex.

(end of this chapter)

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