End Of Heavens

Chapter 201

End Of Heavens Chapter 201


Chapter 200 Devil, this man is definitely a devil!

Once Davy Jones died, so did Calypso, and with it the big vortex.

The Flying Dutchman sank into the deep sea, and the new captain and crew were never seen again.

Different from the past, Davy Jones has nothing to do all day because no one is in charge of him, he can do whatever he wants. Now Calypso undo seal, will definitely not let the dead souls be extradited, the new captain will just take office Working overtime.

The Black Pearl dashed out of the Great Vortex and the pirates had no time to celebrate the victory. The densely packed naval fleet was lined up in the far Sea Territory, and the real test came.

Aboard the Endeavour, Lord Beckett put down his telescope: "Davy Jones and his ship have sunk, now it's our turn to come on board, send orders, set sail, and sink all the pirates in one go."

The Effort is located in the center of the fleet and is firmly guarded by the stars. This is a routine operation. The flagship is the warship where the fleet commander is located, and controls the fate of the entire fleet. Once the war starts, it is The top priority of all warships is to protect them desperately.

This is the same as the fact that the commander sits in the army, planning strategies directing a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, the flagship that bears the fate of the entire fleet does not need to charge into the battle, it is what it should do to dispatch the entire army.

Like in the original, Endeavour took the lead, played GG in happy laughter and cheerful voices, the British Fleet was uncommanded, forced to retreat to give victory to the pirates... er, probably Lord Beckett by Second Master Guan is possessed.

As for the more than 200 warships in the British Fleet, Goddess was so frightened that Goddess scattered into crabs and ran away, but they did not fight against the tattered pirate ships, and their farts did not go away. This is also explainable.

Uh... um... eh...

cough cough , the British Navy is strictly disciplined and strictly follows the rules and regulations. Violators will be beheaded or sent to the gallows at every turn, losing their flagship Of course, no one dares to go beyond their authority to start a war.

It's like a car mechanic. It's reasonable and logical to hide a wrench and a hammer in the crotch...

That's it, the plot is rigorously constructed and the logic is very smooth, which is in line with the background of the times , no BUG, and no need to force an explanation!

According to a reasonable plot, the Flying Dutchman began to run long distances, couriering the souls who died at sea, and could not join forces with the Black Pearl; according to a reasonable plot, the Endeavour also stayed in the middle of the fleet and did not go out, it was time to start A showdown between cannons and cannons.

"Barbosa, is Goddess' asylum still there?"

The pirates were panicked, as if their father and mother had died and wanted to take a leave of absence to go home. The British Fleet is at the Overlord level both in terms of quantity and quality. In contrast, the Pirates Guild is a hooligans in the land of fish and meat. It's okay to bully the merchant ship.

It has nothing to do with guts. The gap in equipment is not a heavyweight. How can you fight Gundam with your bare hands?

Barbossa's forehead is sweating, the 50 broken ships of the Pirate Guild are not enough for a round of salvos from the opposite side, the outcome is already doomed, what can he do well.

Jack quietly retreated behind the crowd and put down the boat silently, not because he was afraid of death, but because this kind of death was not worth it. Dying at sea is the romance of a pirate, but being bombarded by a cannon is definitely not acceptable. He wants to be a pirate who is drunk on rum.

Jack was quietly laying down the rope, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Luo Su at the bow of the boat.

"Captain, what are you looking at?" Jack pinched his orchid fingers and intuitively told him that Luo Su must have a hole card that he didn't show.

"I'm thinking...is it a big tsunami or a big vortex?"

Jack shrugged and said, "If it's a big vortex of that level just now, The damage to the fleet is limited, and it cannot change the overall situation, so let's go with a tsunami!"

"It makes sense, then a tsunami will be fine."

Luo Su nods, silently using the The Skill Card of the tsunami, but the system prompt cannot be used, and there is a rigid requirement to contact seawater.

Luo Su was heartbroken, and it was rare for him to keep a low profile, but forcibly asked him to pretend, this system is really rubbish.

Although he is reluctant, the fact is like this cruel, who will go to hell if he doesn't go to hell. With a low-key heart, Luo Su turned over and jumped off the Black Pearl, stepping on the sea water with his hands close to the sea.

"System, use 'Skill Card: Big Tsunami'!"

【Skill Card: Big Tsunami (please make up your own disaster movie scene)]

A sound wave visible to naked eyes spread out from Luo Su's feet and spread forward along a fan-shaped trajectory. All the pirate ships, including the Black Pearl, shook violently. Jack, who was standing at the bow, hurriedly supported the side of the ship, and the pair of pirate ships shook. Eyes fixed on Luo Su below.

Barbossa and the others hurried over: "Jack, what's wrong?"

"The captain put his hand on the sea, and then..." Jack pointed his finger Below the bow, I don't know how to describe it, the hands are in a big bang posture.

"bang! bang! bang rumbling————"

A dull explosion came from under the sea, as if Heaven and Earth were reversed, and the sea instantly turned pitch black The dark cloud, and the deafening sound is one after another thunder continuously exploded.

The sea is churning and rolling, and it is relatively slow at first, and the tide is constantly obvious. But after a few blinks of an eye, the sea tore off its implicit camouflage and boiled violently, and the waves rolled higher and higher.

Luo Su stood up, shook his wet hands, and with his low-key and restrained movements, the wave expanded more and more. The Sea Territory where the pirate ship was located was slowly sinking, and the extracted sea water stirred waves of more than ten meters in front of it.

A tsunami with a length of several kilometers was initially formed, and one after another wave climbed up. If you look down at it from a high altitude, you will find that the sea at this moment is like a crumpled piece of blue paper. Wave after wave, the mighty power of nature shocked the eyeballs.

The hurricane swept through out of thin air, and the final tsunami began to take shape, and the waves became higher and higher in the process of rapid advance.

On the Black Pearl, everyone gasped when they saw this, and their eyes were full of horror. The British fleet was hit by a tsunami, and the fate of it could be imagined. However, this is not a natural disaster, it is caused by manpower...

Jack swallowed: "I'll ask again, did Sao Feng speak ill of me at the beginning?"

Elizabeth shook her head: "No, no one spoke ill of you, only I said you were a pirate and liar."


Jack's eyes bulged, you vicious women, how can you tell the truth?

British Fleet, Endeavour.

Lord Beckett couldn't let go of his arms, the telescope clapped onto the deck, and the sudden disaster left him in despair. He can only pray that the quality of the warship is excellent, otherwise today is his death, even if he survives the tsunami, the king will not let him go.

The tsunami that stretches for several kilometers on the sea surface is close to the large fleet, and the higher and higher sea wall is hiding the sky and covering the earth. Fly into the sky with a warship.

The tall hull of the warship is now as small as a small boat, drifting with the current and being pushed down row by row by the huge waves, and after a few waves in a row, only broken wooden boards are left.

The Black Pearl was dead silent, and even though they were far apart, they could feel the terrifying impact with their eyes.

Rao is an experienced and knowledgeable Barbossa. At this moment, his mouth is dry and his scalp is numb. The sea of destroying heaven extinguishing earth makes him unable to breathe, and he can't help but think of the aftermath of the tsunami in his mind. No one survived, and everyone was buried under the tragic state of the sea.

The British fleet is over, and the sea overlord of Britain is over. A huge empire is destroyed in an instant, just because one person took a shot at sea.

"I must be dreaming..."

Jack said absentmindedly, with disbelief in his eyes, saying that he slapped Gbagbo... After thinking about it, he slapped backhand. On the face of First Mate Gibbs.


Gibbs motionless, keeping the dumbfounded posture, Jack blinked twice: “It’s really a dream, it really doesn’t hurt.”

“bang! bang! bang rumbling————”


The brutal and relentless tsunami ravaged the audience, tearing wooden sailboats to pieces.

There is no escape, only dead end!


I don't know how long it took, the tsunami finally stopped, the darkness that devoured everything dissipated, and the sea returned to calm and tranquil, as if nothing had happened.

The warm sunlight shone again, shining on the cold hands and feet of everyone. As bystanders, they witnessed the destruction of an invincible fleet.

Luo Su jumped on the bow of the Black Pearl, shook off the water stains on his boots, and walked towards the captain's room. Everyone hurriedly made way for a passage, and Awe Youjia watched him leave, not daring to take a breath.

"Look, there's still a ship there, and a ship that's not sinking!"

"Who like this is so lucky to survive?"

Barbossa took the sight glasses and said surprisedly: "The Endeavour, the flagship of the British Fleet is still there!"

The existence of the flagship means that the naval battle is not over, even if 200 warships are still Gone. Everyone looked at Luo Su, and Barbossa asked, "Sir, do you want to sink it?"

Luo Su waved his hand without turning his head: "Forget it, it's not dead, it means it's dead. Life shouldn't end, just let it go. After all, if one can let people off, then spare them, God has the virtue of good life, and I'm not the one to kill to the last one."

"You really are Mercy!" Barbossa immediately took off his hat and saluted, bowing to deliver a flattery.

"That's right, you are really kind!" Jack hurriedly followed, annoyed that he was a step behind.

"Is it okay?" Elizabeth pulled the corner of Ratner's shirt and whispered: "The flagship is still there, the battle has not yet been decided, we should sink the Endeavour and let it be Die like a warrior, not live with grief."

Although her father died, Elizabeth no longer has any nostalgia for this country, but out of respect, she felt that it would be too much to let the effort go back alone. Cruel.

Elizabeth's voice was very low, but Luo Su still heard it, he stopped, and nodded agreed: "Then give it the honor of warrior, claiming that this battle was won by the East India Company, pirates They were utterly defeated, accidentally sank 200 warships, and were chased by the Endeavour and fled.”

(???(???(???(???(???* )

The devil, this man is definitely the devil!

(end of this chapter)

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