End Of Heavens

Chapter 229

End Of Heavens Chapter 229


Chapter 228 Reinforcement from All-Spark

"What's the matter, these Decepticons never come out..."

Luo Su looked down and swept past, the rampant Decepticons on the street were killing humans, and in addition to USA soldiers, they also opened fire on civilians. This made Luo Su's breathing stagnate. The group of Decepticons didn't give him a strong feeling. Although there were quite a few bigger guys among them, they seemed to have no brains.

For example, a Decepticons robot active in the field, 3 meters tall, painted in green, has four arms, and the right arm stray bullet is frantically venting firepower.

He didn't attack the Autobot position, but with a frenzied scream, he chased the civilians and began to massacre. Even if the roadblocks shouted to his throat, he would turn a deaf ear, and go his own way to launch the human extinction plan.

This is no longer a bad brain, this guy has no brain at all!

"If I remember correctly, these Decepticons are probably..." Luo Su narrowed his eyes and roughly guessed the reason.

Sam hugged All-Spark to avoid the pursuit of Decepticons, and fled all the way under the cover of armored vehicles. As a result, he fell on the ground and made close contact with the ground, and All-Spark in his arms also fell to the ground.

It fell for no reason, and All-Spark was very dissatisfied. It radiated a beam of radiation, transforming all the mechanical products on the street into Decepticons, cars, motorcycles, mobile phones, and even vending machines. .

A bunch of chaotic newborns, who only know how to follow their instincts to kill and destroy, full of battlefield cannon fodder.

"My mission is to end the Cybertron mechanical life form. I don't know if these Decepticons born on Earth are counted." Luo Su thought for a while, and then fell from a high altitude.

When he landed, he turned sharply, his body was close to the ground, transformed into a 9-meter giant robot, grabbed four-armed Decepticons, learned Megatron to tear Jazz by hand, pulled it into pieces, and personally Squeeze the opponent's fire.

The mission does not suggest effective kills, in other words, these newborns on Earth are not the mechanical life of Cybertron.

"The registered nationality of the system also depends on the birthplace, so I'm welcome!" Luo Su sneered, and looked up to find Sam in the Autobot position and All-Spark in the other's hands.

sou! !

Luo Su transformed into an F-22 Raptor, roaring from the sky, full of firepower, and indiscriminately bombarded the Decepticons along the street. Because of the confusing silhouette, the roadblock thought it was a teammate, so he didn't have time to defend, was hit in the back by a missile, and fell heavily.

Neonatal Decepticons are not so lucky. Although their firepower is passable, their shield energy is average. Luo Su swept it once, and more than half of the Decepticons died directly, and the rest were also All wounded.

"It's him again!"

"What's up with Starscream, does he want to switch to our Autobot camp?"

"I don't agree, this guy can Betray Megatron, you can betray Optimus Prime!"

The three of Ironhide were confused, each minding their own business, and Jazz, who knew the truth, hurriedly explained: "He is not Starscream, just long Like, he saved my life before, fighting with Optimus Prime against Megatron, his own."

"Are you sure? Jazz, your brain was broken by Megatron?"


“Lie down quickly and I’ll treat you.”

The three Ironhide looked surprised, right here , Luo Su fell from the sky, transformed into a robot form, fell into the Autobot camp, and happened to stand behind Jazz.

Ironhide, Ratchet, and Da Huangfeng didn't even think about it, they immediately raised their arms and mounted the artillery, all aimed at Luo Su.

"Hey guys, I said he's not the enemy." Jazz hurriedly stopped, and opened his big hand to block Luo Su.

The Autobots were skeptical, but Jazz, a battlefield veteran and Optimus Prime's lieutenant, looked at each other to make sure Luo Su wasn't hostile and could only lower the guns slightly.

Luo Su didn't say anything, after all, he used Starscream's Character Card, which convinced Autobot that the probability was basically zero.

Jazz turned and asked, "Why are you here, Optimus Prime and Megatron?"

Luo Su shrugged: "The two leaders are fighting in close quarters, my shield It's about to be blown up and can't interfere in their battlefield, come here to deal with the trash."

The three of Ironhide were extremely embarrassed when the voice fell, and subconsciously raised the muzzle.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down!" Jazz quickly pressed down the guns of the Ironhide three, and looked towards Luo Su speechlessly. He had a great impression of the savior, but this Opening your mouth is too much to offend people.

Thinking about the first encounter between the two, he was even more speechless when he was trampled under his feet by Luo Su.

"What's the condition of your shield, and how much energy is left?"

"It's Starscream, I'm chasing him." Luo Su said angrily: "I was originally with Optimus Prime. Teaming up to fight against Megatron, I cut off one of Megatron's arms, and the grandson suddenly ran out and opened fire on me, and ran away after the fight, it's disgusting!"

Ironhide: "..."


Ratchet: "..."

Da Huangfeng: "..."

Aren't you Starscream?

Jazz: "..."

Even though he knew that Luo Su was not a Starscream, these words came out of the face in front of him, and he still didn't know how to answer.

"Don't talk, get rid of the roadblocks first, Optimus Prime is not safe against Megatron alone." Luo Su said, looking towards the air: "I'm in charge of air strikes, and by the way, watch out for Starscream sneak attack."


Ironhide and the others felt weird when they heard 'Starscream' say take down the barricades, and it was the first time they had ever experienced such a bizarre fight.

Tzzzzzzz ————

Sam just took two steps, and the All-Spark in his hand emitted a current, the target was Luo Su, or Luo Su’s Transformers body.

A huge amount of energy poured into his body, Luo Su hummed comfortably, and when he came back to his senses, he found Sam running away with All-Spark in his arms, and Ironhide and the others pointed their cannons again. self.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you all right?" Jazz's eyes twitched, and they should have asked this question.

"I'm fine, the plans changed, the Decepticons scumbags were handed over to me." Luo Su shook the missile launcher on his arm, All-Spark repaired his mechanical body, almost The exhausted Energy Shield fills up in an instant.

This can't help but make Luo Su puzzled, the same Cybertron mechanical life, why All-Spark's attitude towards Decepticons and Autobot is completely different?

Confused can restore broken bodies with All-Spark, Megatron can be resurrected with All-Spark fragments, his Starscream can also be used to restore energy, and...

What's up with the wounded Autobot?

Speaking of which, All-Spark spread radiation just now, and the newborn babies created are also the breath of Decepticons!

One more thing, Megatron can be resurrected with All-Spark shards, but Optimus Prime can't, can only use the matrix key, just because he has noble blood in his body?

It's so unfair, obviously Megatron is also very noble, so he is an illegal illegitimate child!

Looking at the very similar patterns on the surface of the All-Spark and the Megatron, Luo Su also found similar patterns on his Starscream body, he seemed to have guessed something.

Optimus Prime...lie!

"However, what does this have to do with me." Luo Su laughed at himself, turned into an F-22 Raptor and flew into the sky, leaning over the ground to launch missiles.

bang! bang! Boom————

A group of flames bloomed on the ground, the smoke continued, and the air became hot with the tremor of the roar. The rocks splashed, and the shock wave swept past with the momentum of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, shaking the buildings on both sides shiver coldly, one after another cracks spread, and all the glass shattered instantly.

Decepticons all over the street were killed, except for the roadblocks, all tragically killed by F-22 fire.

"All-Spark strengthens my strength, this feeling is amazing!"

Luo Su turned into a human and landed, grabbed the head of the roadblock and lifted him up, and then The person is less than six meters tall, only slightly taller than Da Huangfeng.

"Starscream, you actually attacked me, are you crazy?"

I was lifted in the air by Luo Su, and the barricades kept fighting back with artillery, but Luo Su now has sufficient shields and energy intensity Going up a level, standing still allows him to play ten minutes without pressure.

"Yes, I'm going to switch to the Autobot camp, and your head will be the best gift I can give to win my trust in Optimus Prime." Luo Su let out a villainous laugh, making Ironhide and the others behind him laugh. I was speechless for a while, Starscream is so pitiful, like this big pot, don't want to mess with Decepticons in the future.

"Megatron will definitely kill you!"

"I can't ask for it! But before that, I will kill you first!" Luo Su raised the missile launcher and stuck it against the barricade's chest , grinning and firing continuously.

"no! Starscream ————"

bang! Open, the shield energy of the roadblock bottomed out in an instant, the metal body was all split up and in pieces by the missile, and the fire in the chest was extinguished. Su held his head in his hands.

World Mission: Personally end the Cybertron mechanical life form 1/20

"che, unable to withstand a single blow." Luo Su twitched his lips and spit out a mouthful of aviation kerosene on the ground.

The three Ironhide faces are black lines, this is definitely for them, this is provocation, absolutely provocative!

Ironhide said bitterly: "Jazz, I thought he was Starscream."

Ratchet added: "I like this too."

Da Huangfeng did not speak, and there was no suitable broadcast for the time being. He strongly agreed to nodded.

Jazz: "..."

Don't say it, he is a little hesitant!

bang! !

There was a loud bang on the street corner, and a Cybertron jet fighter crashed over the building and came forward, landing in the shape of a Megatron. Instead of rushing to steal All-Spark, he stared murderous-looking at Luo Su, red's electronic eyes flashing hatred.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Starscream, authentic." Saying that, Luo Su threw his head far away and threw it at Megatron's feet.

Megatron stared directly at the head at his feet, met the hollow electronic eyes of the roadblock, grinned at the corners of his mouth to reveal sharp fangs, and said with hatred, "No matter who you are, I will definitely kill you."


Luo Su glanced up and saw the tractor head of the truck rushing towards the end of the road, and suddenly became full of confidence: "Come on!"

bang! !

The Megatron combined with both hands, transformed into a fusion cannon, and blasted Luo Su out with one cannon.

Luo Su: "..."

What a fool, when did he put his arm back?

(end of this chapter)

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