End Of Heavens

Chapter 235

End Of Heavens Chapter 235


Chapter 234 Failed Oil Pipeline

[World Mission: End Cybertron Mechanical Life Form 5/20]

Accidentally completed 1/4/2022 of the mission quota. To be on the safe side, Luo Su decided to keep a low profile and try not to interfere in the fight between Autobot and Decepticons.

On the deck, Ratchet is assembling the body of Optimus Prime. Although the medical technology of Cybertron star is not simple laser welding, but a near-perfect body reconstruction, Ratchet said that the body has been damaged and rebuilt, Optimus Prime. After Prime's resurrection, the overall strength will definitely drop a lot.

Ratchet is not sure whether the infinitely powerful Matrix of Leadership can make up for this, if not, I am afraid that only the rebirth of the Titanium master can make the resurrected Optimus Prime's strength not retreat but advance.

"Mr. Luo Su, thank you very much for your help with Autobot, now we should go to Egypt." Ironhide stood by and saw Optimus Prime's body being repaired one by one, with great emotion in his heart.

At this time, the enemies facing Autobot are too strong, Megatron is resurrected, The Fallen appears, Decepticons are very likely to launch an all-out attack, and the savior Sentinel Prime they have high hopes for has not only failed to bring hope, Also fiercely stabbed in the back.

The Fallen, Megatron, Sentinel Prime, Shockwave, Sonic, Starscream...

Can this war really be won?

Rao is an old warrior with strong psychological qualities like Ironhide, who can't help but feel despair in the face of the enemy's strong lineup.


Luo Su brows tightly knit, now rushing to Egypt is definitely self-defeating, Optimus Prime's body was robbed by Autobot, Decepticons will definitely do Targeted deployment.

Especially The Fallen, in order to prevent the resurrection of Optimus Prime, he may have arranged a mission for Sonic, and it is not wise to rush there to monitor every move around Egypt by satellite.

"Ironhide, Ratchet said that Optimus Prime is likely to lose his strength after resurrection, and he has to find a way to bring him back to Peak state."

"Is there anything you can do? "Ironhide was overjoyed when he heard the words, subconsciously thinking of Luo Su magician's identity, he used the Internet to collect a lot of magician intelligence, and found that this is a profession with no science at all, with powerful abilities comparable to gods.

Luo Su raised his brows: "Do you know Jetfire?"

"Jetfire, I know him..." Ironhide frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "The oldest one. Criticizing Transformers, even in the same era as the Supremes, he's a Legendary figure, as powerful as a leader, but...he's a member of the Decepticons!"

Heard Ironhide like this Said, Luo Su was immediately relaxed, and it seemed that Optimus Prime had not made contact with the Legendary character in the process of searching for the key: "A Decepticons who are tired of war and yearn for peace are also capable of helping Optimus Prime, we will find it now. Him."

"But, it's the Decepticons!" Ironhide reiterated that he didn't have a crush on Decepticons.

"Believe me! Besides, there is no other choice now, the regressed Optimus Prime can't beat The Fallen, Megatron and Sentinel Prime, and you don't want to see him just resurrected and torn down Windshield, maybe it's just the wipers this time."

Ironhide: "..."

Without agreeing or denying, Optimus Prime chose to trust Luo Su, he could only Respond with silence.

"Mr. Major, do you know which museums the retired Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft of USA are stored in now?" Luo Su turned around and asked, the major of the lair became Luo Su's liaison with the military .

"Please wait a moment, I'll go check the information." The major turned and left, and returned to the deck with the printed documents after a while.

Luo Su took the document and looked at it. The 'SR-71Blackbird' is a long-range, high-altitude, high-speed strategic reconnaissance aircraft of the USA Air Force. A total of 32 aircraft were produced. For flight research, the remaining aircraft are retired in three stages, all of which are permanently displayed in various museums or air force bases.

These places are called - the Blackbird's Nest!

In addition to one in the Imperial War Museum in Britain, the rest of the Blackbird's nests are distributed in major museums and air force bases in the United States, with more than 20 nests.

The Sky Zoo in Portage, Michigan! Wright Patterson Base in Dayton, Ohio! The EVA Air Museum in McMinnville, Oregon! Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, Louisiana! Robbins Air Force Base in Georgia! The Sea, Air and Space Museum on the USS fearless in New York...

Luo Su recalled the plot, compared the pictures and texts on the documents, and deleted them one by one, and finally confirmed the place where Jetfire slept.

The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., the largest museum of flight in the world, a private institution specializing in museum public services!

"This is it, we're going to Jetfire..."


Naval base, military transport plane loaded with Optimus Prime's body, Autobots have transformed into hidden planes and headed to Washington at Luo Su's request.

The Major has bad news for the Autobots, Sam may well have exposed the location, as the Decepticons are acting erratically, they have taken a pyramid as a stronghold and are blatantly amassing their forces.

The Egyptian military was beaten and rebuilt, and the USA's Pacific Fleet was also destroyed. Under pressure, the Egyptian side defected and became the dogleg of the Decepticons.

"Short-sighted bastards, this is a repeat of Munich, they will be destroyed by the invaders like Britain and France." The major was cursed with anger. Now Egypt's airspace is under total martial law, and all the Decepticons are flying in the sky. They are struggling. , there is no way to get Optimus Prime there, and resurrection is nonsense.

"Actually, I hope the Decepticons gather in the more the better. Once a nuclear bomb goes down, I don't believe their shields can stop it."

"But...then It's a pyramid after all."

"This is something the Egyptians should consider!"

"That's right, for the peace of the world, someone has to sacrifice."

Soldiers of the lair army, you said your word, pondering the fastest way to save the world, and finally they came to the conclusion that 80% of the life fell on the USA, who made the United Nations headquarters in New York!

Luo Su took the document and glanced at it. The situation in Egypt is very serious, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a disaster. Masses of Decepticons were assembled, and meteors fell from the sky every now and then, and the force was exaggerated to a horrific one.

But seeing the pyramid, Luo Su was relieved, Sam didn't reveal the position, Decepticons like this did to prevent Optimus Prime from attacking the energy matrix after the resurrection.

Without All-Spark, power blocks are crucial, space bridges can teleport Cybertron planet, but that doesn't mean it's over. Decepticons are also distressed by must be in order to race and survive, in which case the strategic significance of the energy matrix is still above the space bridge.

Thinking of this, Luo Su closed his eyes and began to take a nap. He was still a long way from Washington, and he had to keep his spirits up for the upcoming battle.


The military received the information and made arrangements. The Blackbird reconnaissance plane that Jetfire transformed into was dragged out of the museum and placed in the military base. Because of the sign of the other side's Decepticons, a group of long spear short guns Aim it at it and wait for the Autobot to arrive.

The transport plane arrived in Washington, and under Luo Su's order, the body of Optimus Prime was dragged out, and a group of Autobots and him came to the bird reconnaissance plane.

Ironhide and the others took out their weapons and prepared to fight at any time, and the human side also established an encirclement on the periphery, absorbing the EXP of fighting the Decepticons, using heavy firepower.

"How do we wake him up, he looks like Sentinel Prime now." Ironhide raised his hand and tapped on the Blackbird, then gestured at the gun barrel on his arm, thinking about using the familiar one. Way to wake the Decepticons elder.

Luo Su didn't say a word, moved close to Blackbird's abdomen and put his palm on it.

He has been researching All-Spark fragments for some time. Although he is only a transmission tool and cannot grasp the information going and leaving, he has also learned a lot in the process. It is not difficult to wake up a Jetfire in deep sleep until the Optimus Prime, whose fire is extinguished, is resurrected.

weng! !

A circle of Cybertron characters scattered from Luo Su's feet, shrouding Jetfire like a magic array, Ironhide heart startled, and hurriedly retreated, raising his weapon to be on guard.

I saw Luo Su's palm flickering with chaotic electricity, and the blue halo spread out, sweeping the entire Blackbird reconnaissance plane aside.

ka ka ka!

The sound of the deformation is not as smooth as other Transformers, more like rusted metal rubbing, and the root of the human tooth is almost sore.

In the slow deformation of the Blackbird reconnaissance plane, the metal displacement of the body part, under the stunned gaze of Jazz and the others, a large piece of metal parts ding ding dong dong fell to the ground, and the hunched silhouette leaning on crutches trembled. stand up.

"Damn, where is this? Who turned off the lights?"

The old mechanical sound rang out, Jetfire seemed to think of something, humming and slamming down on the ground. On his face, violence lifted his rusted visor. Just after doing this, his strength was almost exhausted, and he pressed his hands on the crutches and made a hehe hu hu gasp.

Compared to Optimus Prime and other Transformers over 8 meters, Jetfire is a lot shorter, but this is because he is old. If Jetfire could straighten his old arms and legs, throw away his crutches and straighten up, he'd be a head taller than Optimus Prime.

"Drink~~~ Bah!"

Jetfire looked all around to see the situation clearly, but he didn't show any timidity in the encirclement, opened his mouth and spit out an old tooth, when he just hammered his face knocked out.

"Who are you?"

"Jetfire, put down your weapons... er, put down your crutches."

Ironhide said to himself. Dropped the gun barrel on his arm as he saw the Jetfire's oil pipeline, which the poor Old Guy lost control of and was crash-banging to the ground.

Ironhide immediately judged that Jetfire was no threat to him, he hated Decepticons yes, but he was also a warrior with a high self-esteem, and he couldn't do it with a gun at a veteran with a failed oil pipeline.

"You...you dare to look down on me? Damn kid, I'm going to be one-on-one duel with you and let you know the eternal glory of Jetfire!" Jetfire doesn't care about Ironhide Respected the old man, when he saw that the other party moved the muzzle away, he was immediately furious.

Jetfire is old and has a good temper, panting with rage, picks up his cane and takes two steps toward Ironhide, then...stops in place to rest.

"hairless brat, show your weapon, come over and face me." Jetfire took two more trembling steps, stepped on the kerosene and fell on all fours, humming a few times. He said: "Who do you think you are fighting, when I get up, I will teach you a good lesson!"

Ironhide: "..."

Ratchet, Fix his pipeline, or I won't be able to do it.

(end of this chapter)

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