End Of Heavens

Chapter 238

End Of Heavens Chapter 238


Chapter 237 Jetfire's Brilliant Eternal Inextinguishable

嘁嘁gu gu ka ka!

Luo Su uses Character Card And covered the skin, in an instant it turned into the appearance of Jetfire, a rickety old man with a cane. It's not over yet, All-Spark's power is introduced into his body, and he manipulates information to constantly change his decaying body.

The Energy Shield was full, the old body slowly straightened, and the peak period was reset to a giant robot with a height of 10 meters. The mottled rust peeled off one after another, revealing the black armor that absorbs light like a black hole, and the eight sharp sword back armors folded behind him, and solemn killing aura came out through his body.

The old Jetfire's crutches for walking have now turned into a double-headed lance, like a long sword with two tail sections fitted together. The tip of the spear and the blade are sharp, and a slight vibration is the sound of tearing the air.

Full of energy, Luo Su retracted the All-Spark fragment, raised his arm and glanced. It turns out that the paint on the surface of the Jetfire is not black, but dark blue, because the color is too dark to be regarded as black.

"Jetfire, you're right, those Decepticons showing off one's military strength are indeed rubbish." Luo Su clenched his fists hard, surging power filled his body, the young version of Jetfire was too strong .

It is even stronger than the Starscream strengthened by All-Spark, especially the Energy Shield covering the whole body, which is so tenacious that he does not know how to describe it. It is definitely a leader-level level.

Ratchet and Jetfire were stunned the whole time. Ratchet knew that Luo Su had the ability to transform. He also transformed into Starscream on the Los Angeles battlefield, but he was fiercely shocked when he saw the transformation process for the first time.

Jetfire is slightly stronger than Ratchet, sees more winds and waves, and soon wakes up. Seeing Luo Su become himself, not only did he not have the anger that his image rights were violated, but he danced like a child cheering excitedly: "Yes, that's it, go fuck them..."


Jetfire got carried away, his feet swayed fiercely and fell, he lay on the ground and looked up at his young self, red's electronic eyes full of pride: "Go, you are the strongest!"

Saying this, Jetfire held out a trembling hand.

Luo Su understood and didn't help the old man. He bent down and gave him a high-five: "Jetfire, how did you say that line?"

Jetfire heard that one He was stunned, and then grinned: "I'll say it for the last time, you remember it clearly, Jetfire's brilliant Eternal Inextinguishable!"


Luo Su held the lance in his right hand and placed it behind his back, and the five fingers of his left hand were clasped to the ground, and the arc of blue swam on the surface of his body. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Jetfire: "I see, the last moment of your life is very dazzling!"

"That's right, you miniature spine creature, how can you compare to old fogey More? Hurry up and teach them a lesson, I can't wait to see you slaughter all sides." Jetfire laughed heartily, waving his arms in a gesture of permission to take off.

"As you wish!"

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ————

A piercing thud, Luo Su flashing arcs disappeared without a trace.


bang! bang! bang! Boom————

On the desert battlefield, the fire was soaring into the sky, the explosion sounded endlessly, and the red Fireball Rising up, carpet bombing from the Decepticons devastated the ground.

Da Huangfeng and the others fled in the heat wave, realizing their whereabouts were revealed, and most likely by the Decepticons, they immediately turned away from the point of contact, trying to ensure that Optimus Prime's body would not be found .

There is no bunker on the ground, Da Huangfeng and the others can't even find a suitable opportunity to fight back. Facing the bombardment hiding the sky and covering the earth, they can only follow the zigzag route and try their best to dodge the falling from the sky. gunfire.



A beam bomb swayed into the sky and hit the F-16 Fighting Falcon that was diving at a low altitude. It failed to break the shield but knocked the fuselage off balance, and fell to the ground with a bang. Formed Decepticons robots with a height of over 7 meters.

Being shot down in the air, the Decepticons roared, his right arm deformed into a conjoined missile launcher, aiming at the Autobot to fire frantically.

He had the wrong target, the attack was coming from the other side.

Ironhide set up its stout barrel and fired three missiles in a row, all hitting the Decepticons. Jazz and Sideswipe fired at the same time, and the three attacked together, shattering its shields in the blink of an eye and ripping the 7-meter-tall body to shreds.

"Da Huangfeng, find a way to take Sam out of the battlefield, and the other Autobots will stay with me."

Ironhide, Jazz, and Sideswipe rushed to the battlefield, and the Autobot escaped. Immediately began to organize a counterattack, more than a dozen Decepticons said more or less, and if they were to form a fight, the Autobot side would not be afraid of them.

The terrain is too favorable for the Decepticons, and as long as Starscream keeps his mind open and sticks to air guerrilla tactics, Autobot has no chance of winning.

The question is, will Starscream give up air superiority and transform into robots and Autobots?

impossible, if you really want to like this fierce, he is not Starscream!

Also, battle-hardened intuition and EXP tell Ironhide that the Starscream are not the only attacking force, there must be other Decepticons on their way.

So, no matter what tactics are used, Autobot will lose this battle.

Ironhide knows this, but he's not afraid of sacrifice, and he's sure his comrades aren't afraid either. From a strategic point of view, as long as they can successfully cover the withdrawal of the leadership module, their sacrifice is worth it.

"Autobot! Fire at full force and drive the Decepticons back!"

Ironhide increased its firepower output, attracting the Decepticons' air power, trying to hold in a short time, to Da Huangfeng Buy time to escape. It's hard to escape the air force in the desert, and everyone knows that the hope is extremely slim, but who makes Autobot not fly!

In the sky, more than a dozen Decepticons aircraft whistled past and turned back to prepare for the next round of bombing.

"Lord Megatron, found Ironhide and Jazz, Optimus Prime's body is in the vicinity..." The leading Starscream was the fastest, first reporting the battle situation to Megatron, and then requesting the ground troops to send out encirclement and suppression, as long as the encirclement was set up He was the one who led the Decepticons to defeat Autobot.

Starscream was indignant, obviously in the Los Angeles battlefield, the Transformers who killed the Megatron were the same model of his own...

Although it is not him, it also proves from the side that he is stronger than Megatron, but The Fallen has always turned a blind eye and still trusts Megatron more.

Today, Starscream felt that the opportunity had come. He tried his hardest and endured humiliation to survive, and all the humiliation of kneeling and licking the Megatron was not in vain. Kill the Autobot below, take down The Fallen's scourge, and he'll make The Fallen look new and become the new leader of the Decepticons.

And Megatron...

Starscream has made up his mind. When he is in power, he will transfer Megatron to the nursery to be a babysitter for the newborn cubs!

It's not that Starscream gets carried away, he firmly controls the air, and fires at a group of live targets. He really can't think of a reason for failure.

"Agh, all the Decepticons attack and tear the Autobots below to shreds!" Starscream grinned and dived first. Two missiles slammed into the Autobot camp, knocking the resisters' shields down. got on the verge of collapse .

bang! bang!

Two loud bangs made Starscream burst out laughing, laughing and laughing. He suddenly realized something was wrong. In addition to the explosion on the ground, there were also two bangs behind him. .

Someone got hit!

Where did the attack come from?

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

Starscream hurriedly turned the fuselage, and the howling explosions sounded in the sky, and the Decepticons air force formation was a mess. , the sound of explosions and wild shooting of bullets is everywhere along the way.

In the light of the fire, a black robot was charging and killing rapidly. The huge body was more than 10 meters, and it was invincible like a War God. Even if the Decepticons next to him were firing frantically, they could not stop him from moving forward. footsteps.

Looking carefully, the ferocious black robot has terrifying firepower, a missile launcher in the left hand, and a double-headed lance in the right. A single hit of a missile can smash the Decepticons' shields, and then the lance sweeps, either severing wings or severing humanoid Decepticons' limbs.

Alternating use of hot and cold weapons, ramming back and forth in the Decepticons camp with reckless abandon, with the lance he wields, a Decepticons robot is always shot down in the air.

Three Cybertron jet fighters transformed into giant robots about 10 meters in size, which were surrounded by jets behind them.

They each held missile launchers and cannons, and the sprayed fire snakes covered the air, locking the space around the uninvited guests. More than a dozen missiles flew in with red flames, locked on the intruder, and launched a dense barrage of death.

The intruder had no way to retreat, and the scarlet electron flashed with disdain, leaned down and launched a charge, and rammed into the hail of bullets without fear.

bang! bang! Rumble————

The huge Fireball exploded in the sky, the shock wave bounced the nearby Decepticons far away, and the huge explosion sounded continuously. The flames hadn't dissipated, and a huge silhouette as dark as Death God slowly flew out. Even if the Decepticons attacked with more intense artillery fire, it was difficult to see a trace of movement on his grinning face.

"Remember, hairless brats, Jetfire's splendid Eternal Inextinguishable!!"

Amidst the explosion, the black droid's laughter was harsh and cold!

Starscream's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but growl: "pathfinder! Jetfire!?"

"Damn, isn't he ours?"


"This bastard betrayed the Decepticons, come on, kill him!"

The remaining Decepticons were dignified, and Jetfire showed no less than a leader-level strength, both in terms of firepower and Shields are too strong. But the Decepticons, who had always practiced killing and fighting, shouted in unison and launched a siege at the same time.


"Who is that person?"

On the ground, Autobots was a little stunned, and Jetfire who suddenly appeared was a Decepticons no matter what , but why would he attack his companions?

"Is he... Jetfire?"

Ironhide and Jazz looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes, that old fogey was struggling to walk, how could he like this much energy ? Moreover, this energetic look can wrestle with Optimus Prime, how can there be a bit of senile?

"He's not Jetfire..." Looking at the terrifying silhouette of the Decepticons harvesting in the sky, a clear comprehension flashed in Jazz's eyes: "It's Mr. Luo Su, he used magic to transform into Jetfire. "

"You're right, it's Mr. Luo Su!" Ironhide nodded suddenly, then raised his cannon and shouted: "Autobot, don't just watch the show, clean up the garbage on the ground." ”

Because Luo Su was concerned about mission, he didn't attack Decepticons with a dead hand, he only beat them to the ground and then stopped, so there were a lot of Decepticons lying on the ground.


Luo Su glanced over, jumped over the only three Decepticons remaining, met Starscream's gaze, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Starscream: "..."

(end of chapter)

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