End Of Heavens

Chapter 258

End Of Heavens Chapter 258


Chapter 257 The Wakanda Chaos

The so-called negotiation is the exchange of views between the two parties, seeking a solution and finally reaching an agreement.

It is normal for Azuri to want to lower the price, but Luo Su doesn't think there is anything to discuss about this issue. Obtaining a piece of land and the right to mine the Vibranium lode is his bottom line.

"King Your Majesty, negotiation should be based on equality between the two parties, but obviously, you are not qualified to do so." Luo Su leaned back in his chair, implying that the prisoners can't help themselves, so don't ask too much .

"No, you don't understand what Vibranium means in Wakanda at all. Your appetite is too big. If I really agree, the king of Wakanda should be replaced." Azuri shook his head directly, if Luo Su is stubborn, it will be a dead end, and it will not benefit both parties.

Luo Sup nods and thinks for a moment: "Oh, then arrest the next king as well."

Azuli's heart froze, but his face remained calm: " It's useless, Wakanda can have no king."

Luo Su spread his hands: "That's nothing to talk about, come on, take the king Your Majesty..."

"Wait. Wait, what are you doing?"

Azuli jumped up, jumping three meters away, and jumped directly to the door of the tent. He clenched his collar and trousers tightly with both hands, his eyes full of grief and indignation, and he was saying something invisibly.

Luo Su rolled his eyes: "Someone, take the king Your Majesty along to withdraw, and let him come to see me when he has figured it out."

A Zuri was dragged away in the struggle, Luo Su continued to enjoy Yelena's massage, he had made up his mind to build the base in Wakanda, Azuri had to agree if he disagreed.

Luo Su doesn't think what he is doing is evil, and he has no intention of interfering in Wakanda's state affairs. Everyone minds their own business, and each is engaged in its own construction. Regardless of the fact that Wakanda ceded a piece of land, it was a disgrace to the country and the people, and they were the ones who ultimately benefited.

Luo Su has more than 70 or 80 years of Earth's technology tree on hand. A little bit of daily omission is enough for Wakanda people to achieve technological leaps and benefit for a lifetime.

As for the national treasure Vibranium, the Wakanda people are too hard-hearted. They didn't dig one-tenth of the country until the country was destroyed. What can be at worst if you divide it up? Could it be that Luo Su will dig up Vibranium completely ?

"Well, I shouldn't be this kind of person..."

Speaking of destroying the country, Luo Su felt that a country like Wakanda, which has a lot of treasures but a small land area, would rather secretly In construction, it is better to find a thigh to hug.

What's the use of having money, with their small population, a big flood will wipe out the country!

This is also the reason why Luo Su has no fear. Wakanda is close to Lake Turkana, and he can also roll up the flood and submerge Wakanda. I didn't do like this because he has a good heart. He is not a super villain who achieves his goals by fair means or foul. He prefers peaceful solutions to problems than killing.

"Bring the map, let's go to Lake Turkana, I want to see where the terrain is relatively low." Luo Su waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately put away their tents and started their trucks towards Turkana. Go to Lake Na.


The capital of Wakanda at this time.

Borning Zana, surrounded by green trees and mountains, has changed from the tranquility of the past, can be seen everywhere cheering and quarreling crowds.

A waterfall flew down, roaring like thunder, as if thousands of wild beasts were fighting and roaring, and finally rolled down. It poured into the boulders, causing thousands of waves at the foot of the mountain, and the water was misty.

On the crevice on the edge of the waterfall, the water flowed fast, and the elders of the five tribes gathered together. The golden tribe was temporarily handed over to Nanali because Azuri was not there.

The five tribes are divided into corners. Behind each Elder is a sturdy tribal warrior, who glances back and forth with aggressive eyes like wolves, making the atmosphere in the field extremely depressed.

Today is the day to re-select the king. According to Wakanda's rules, the king can only be born among the five tribes, because only the people of these five tribes have the royal bloodline.

wu wu wu ————

The horn was blown, and the warriors struck their lances on the ground, and sang the tribe's song of courage with splashes of water.

Five warriors stand out in the crowd, and the other four tribes, including the golden tribe, are young and strong descendants, but the White Ape tribe is not the case, the one vying for the throne is White Ape Elder.

Everyone is stunned. White Ape Elder is not too young. The young people here are all his children and nephews. Really fighting... He won't be beaten to death, right?

“White Ape Elder, let the throne be given to the latecomers!”

An Elder looked strange, all knew that White Ape Elder coveted the throne, but you are not too young, How many years can you really be a king?

It's better to give the opportunity to young people, so as not to be beaten to death on the spot and embarrassed in front of the people.

"Don't bother, the next king of Wakanda must be me." White Ape Elder grinned, each minding their own business smearing his face.

The five tribes have different beliefs, the golden tribe is the god Black Panther, and the white Ape tribe worships the god White Ape, who is the opposite of the Black Panther Totem. White Ape Elder knows that no matter how old and strong he is, it is impossible to win against young people, but he is unwilling to give up the opportunity to become a king. In order to make himself stronger, he unites with the White Ape in the tribe and kills a legendary white giant. ape, through the ancient ceremony eating flesh and drinking blood, gained the power of this wild beast.

Now he has strength, endurance and reaction speed far beyond ordinary people. This powerful strength is the source of his self-confidence. This time, the battle for the throne is stable.

The sound of the horns became more and more rapid, and the shouts of the warriors also became more intense. Finally, at the moment when the momentum reached its peak, all the sounds suddenly stopped.

The battle for the throne begins, and the last man standing is the new king of Wakanda.


White Ape Elder growled loudly, showing a… lung capacity that was very inappropriate for his age.

I saw his legs bent, his whole body bouncing high, leaving a burst of water in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the warriors who played on behalf of the golden tribe.

"Give me down!"

The speed was too fast, the warriors of the golden tribe only had time to raise the lance to block, and were hit by the fists whistling like cannonballs, The whole person flew out and fell from the waterfall.


For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Except for the people from the White Ape tribe who were cheering and dancing, the hearts of the other tribes sank.

"How is it possible, this power is definitely not something that White Ape Elder can possess, he must have taken the heart-shaped medicinal herb."

"He violated the rules and competed for the throne. You must not take heart-shaped medicinal herb." Seeing that something was wrong, several elders accused White Ape Elder of breaking the rules and wanted to disqualify him from running for the throne.

"You idiots, not only heart-shaped medicinal herbs can make people strong, White Ape God is the most powerful god." White Ape Elder sneered, put three other tribal warriors one after another put down.

Like children and adults, Bo Li, these three were defeated very quickly and had no ability to resist.

"From today onwards, I am the new king of Wakanda!" White Ape Elder laughed loudly, tore off the light armor of his upper body, revealing his strong muscles: "I became the first order of the king, That is, the White Ape religion will become the only religion of Wakanda."

"This is impossible!"

The golden tribe was indignant, and Nanali even directly accused: "Black Panther god It is a symbol of the unity of Wakanda, the White Ape God you speak of is just an Evil God who brings war, and it is not qualified to replace the Black Panther God."

The other three Elders were also furious, and Wakanda's most important The belief is the Black Panther god, but it does not mean a single belief. There are not a few people who worship the crocodile Totem, the lion Totem, and the hyena Totem.

"Hahaha, I knew you would be unconvinced..." White Ape Elder laughed loudly: "My second order to become a king is to remove all of you rebels, warriors of the tribe, for the sake of The time has come for the White Ape gods to fight."

The voice fell, and hundreds of warriors of the White Ape tribe rushed out from the four sides of the crack, and a killing was immediately staged. The warriors of the four major tribes were short-staffed and could only cover the retreat of the Elders. They drilled into the mountain cave behind them and ran back to their tribe.


air-splitting sound, lance penetrated White Ape Elder's chest from behind, and there was a sudden silence on the breach, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, The dramatic scene came too suddenly.

I saw the edge of the turbulent breach, and the golden tribe warrior who was thrown off the waterfall cliff by White Ape Elder climbed up, strode behind White Ape Elder, and pulled out the lance suddenly.

Blood splashed on his face, he held up his lance: "I'm the new king of Wakanda!"

"What did you say?"

The White Ape Elder who shot the lance didn't die, kicked the water splash and splashed on the face of the golden tribe warrior, and grabbed the lance with a big hand. He did not directly stab the warrior to death, but clamped the opponent's neck with both hands and held it up like this.

The warrior of the golden tribe suddenly shrunk his pupils, couldn't breathe, and desperately wanted to break the hands around his neck. His strength was so great that White Ape Elder almost let it go.

"What a great power..." White Ape Elder seemed to have thought of something, and said savagely: "so that's how it is, you took heart-shaped medicinal herb, damn golden tribe, you guys It's the offender."

After he finished speaking, he raised the warrior of the golden tribe high and smashed it hard against the sharp stone on the edge of the cliff.


The rock shattered, and the warrior immediately vomited blood, staggered and tried to stand up, but was knocked down by White Ape Elder.

"Those who dare to resist me... will die!" White Ape Elder took a lance and aimed it at the warrior's chest and stabbed it continuously until the opponent was completely breathless.

"Is the rhino array ready?"

White Ape Elder washed the wound on his chest with water, the pain made his face hideous and ugly.

"Elder...my king, is ready." The soldier stammered, intimidated by White Ape Elder's imposing manner.

"Release the signal, kill all the rebels, and let them know what the majesty of a king is!" White Ape Elder's eyes were even more ferocious, he got the power of wild beast, Also got the kill of wild beast.

(end of this chapter)

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