End Of Heavens

Chapter 261

End Of Heavens Chapter 261


Chapter 260 Blasphemers, how dare to impudent in front of the god Black Panther

"Azuli, I will tear it apart in front of everyone Shatter you!" White Ape Elder growled, elbows on his chest, and slammed into Azuri.

Azuli frowned, toes on the ground, kicked up the shield fragments, and went straight to the front door of White Ape Elder.

White Ape Elder subconsciously tilted his head, and his figure couldn't help but stop for a while, Azuri took advantage of the momentum to rush forward, jumped high with both feet on the ground, and hit the white Ape Elder with a flying knee. on the door.

With a muffled sound, as if the drum surface was covered with a layer of animal skin, Azuri rolled over and jumped behind White Ape Elder.

Two heavy blows, each of which was fatal, and cheers erupted from the direction of the four major tribes, but Azuri had a look of shock on his face, and took two steps back without a trace.


White Ape Elder sneered a few times, turned around and looked towards Azuri, blood splattered from the corners of his eyebrows, dyeing half of his face red, making him The image is more hideous.

White Ape Elder wiped the blood from the corners of his eyes and licked his fingers: "Azuli, didn't expect you to be weak like this. If I knew this, I should have challenged you in the first place."

Azu was sinking like water inside, and his indifferent expression made it impossible to see his inner thoughts. He quickly glanced at Lance on the ground and rushed towards White Ape Elder.

White Ape Elder tilted his head and saw Lance as well, coldly smiled, and slammed his fist at Azuri.

Azuli kicked at an accelerated rate, fists and feet intersected in mid-air, and it was a touch. In the next second, the fists collided, Azuri dodged left and right with his sharp body, seized the weak spot to fight back, and White Ape Elder ignored the defense completely, punching punch after punch with his arms like a pile driver.

Azuli's offensive is strange and changeable, and his moves are full of murderous intentions. White Ape Elder is another style, open and close, although the speed is a bit slower, but the momentum is huge, and the fist style is like thunder without losing cold blood and cruelty.

Finally, after a collision, Azuri inevitably went head-to-head with White Ape Elder, using his waist, legs, and arms at the same time, and threw a punch that contained the power of his entire body.

The boxer, like a hot knife through butter, leaves an afterimage in the air at an astonishingly fast speed.

White Ape Elder furiously shouted, blood dripping from the corners of his brows, his eyes reddened, he saw his muscles twitching all over his body, his right arm bulging and bulging, and he punched with a grin.

bang! !

The fists collided, and the two stepped back at the same time. White Ape Elder plowed two long marks on the ground with his feet, and Azuri rolled on the spot for a few laps, draining his strength and quickly standing up. .

How can this guy like this strong?

Azuri was just surprised when he first saw White Ape Elder's skills and didn't think much about it, thinking that he might be taking heart-shaped medicinal herb. Because White Ape Elder's physical fitness is amazing, but his fighting skills are rough, and it is obvious that the power he just obtained has not had time to adapt.

But slamming, Azuri found that White Ape Elder's strength is much stronger than him, and his reflexes are not bad, but his agility is slightly weaker. Especially the defensive power of skin is rough, flesh is thick is definitely not the effect of heart-shaped medicinal herb, White Ape Elder must have used other strengthening means.

"Look back, White Ape Elder is not so simple, find out the source of his power." Luo Su's eyes lit up from the side, and whispered to Natasha.

White Ape Elder's initial power has not been fully grasped, not only Azuri, but Luo Su also saw it. He knows Wakanda that only heart-shaped medicinal herb can strengthen the human body, but in the current situation, there is another possibility.

“Azuli, you are sure to lose!”

White Ape Elder laughed unbridled, a tentative confrontation, he has stabilized Azuri, today After that, no one can shake his throne.

Azuli coldly snorted, stomping on the ground with both feet, and quickly came to White Ape Elder's side, avoiding the two big hands that were pressed down by the other side, rolled and sprinted, picking up Lance and holding it in his hands.

White Ape Elder counterattacked, and the two fought together again. Azuri waved the lance, repeatedly combining the virtual and the real. With the advantage of the weapon, White Ape Elder was deflated several times and did not dare to move forward easily.

There is no doubt that Azuri is slightly inferior in terms of physical fitness, but he has been strengthened for a longer time, experienced, and has rich combat EXP.

Azuli used his superb fighting skills and bizarre and versatile agility to gradually suppress White Ape Elder. The latter had brute strength but was pinned down and unable to start. flushed.

Finally, White Ape Elder erupted in anger, strode forward, directly caught Lance with his chest, and then grabbed Lance with both arms.

"What else is there, just use it!"

White Ape Elder roared and pulled out the lance in front of his chest, disregarding the splash of blood, and threw it towards Azuri with all his might , At this time, his whole body was dyed red, and the baleful aura was scared witless.

Azuli avoided the lance and didn't have time to pick it up. He kicked away the fist slammed by White Ape Elder, and he was also unable to maintain his balance. He rolled a few times before regaining his footing.

White Ape Elder picked up the broken lance and threw it out from a distance, smashing Azuri's thoughts, strode towards him, and turned his raised high fist into a chambered cannonball halfway through. Howling wind.

Azuli had nowhere to go, so he stepped forward to meet him. He still focused on counterattacks and used his agile skills to move around. The silhouettes of the two overlapped, and Azuri's fists and feet were matched, and his figure was as fast as an afterimage. To outsiders, it seemed like he was playing with White Ape Elder.

Only Azuri knows that White Ape Elder is strong as an ox and that every blow requires his spare no effort to contend. He can fight with White Ape Elder till now, because the combat EXP is richer, once the opponent adapts to his speed, he is really useless.


On the battlefield, the situation took a turn for the worse.

White Ape Elder slammed the ground with a punch, raised his hand to grab the dust and lifted it up, shooting the gravel and dust, fascinated Azuri's eyes.

"King!" exclaimed all around.

Azuli has wild beast-like intuition. He avoided the attack of White Ape Elder twice in a row, but was slapped on the face with an elbow, and his body was thrown high. Before landing, he was attacked by White Ape Elder. Elder collided and flew ten meters away.

Azuli struggled to get up, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, tears washed away the dust, and his vision finally eased.

"Azuli, isn't it bad to live outside as a stray dog, and fly back to die?" White Ape Elder squeezed his fists and strode forward to grab Azuri's neck Pick him up.

Azuli kicked White Ape Elder's chest with each kick in the air, causing blood to splatter.

White Ape Elder turned a deaf ear, didn't care about the pain at all, grinned, red eyes full of madness: "Azuli, you are too weak, like this weak how to protect Wakanda?"


Saying that, White Ape Elder raised his hand to hold the kicked leg, and under Azuri's horrified eyes, he threw him to the ground, and then dropped his big foot, directly smashing the leg. Broken leg.


Looking at Azuri who was screaming in pain, White Ape Elder was content, and stepped on Azuri with one foot after another. In a hurry to assassin, he's going to fiercely humiliate Azuri at everyone, before killing him at the end.

"My King!!"

On the side of the four major tribes, the crowd was surging. Due to the tribe's rules, they all burst into tears, bowing their heads and weeping and couldn't bear to watch.

"BOSS, this is not in line with our plan, Azuri is about to be killed."

"Wait..." Luo Su frowned, secretly said Azuri too Toda, if he put on Black Panther's equipment and launched a challenge from the aspect of faith, with the Black Panther god against the White Ape god, he would definitely not end up like this.

However, despite the urgency of the situation, Luo Su was not ready to take action. At this moment, there must be a righteous friend on the stage, and he can just be a passerby and watch the play.

"roar roar roar————"

The righteous friend did not appear, Black Panther, who was lying on Luo Su's feet, roared, it stood up on all fours and had a long tail. He swayed slightly behind him, his drooping head only exposed his golden pupils, and his half-open, half-closed mouth roared again and again.

The imposing manner is terrifying, but Luo Su and other insiders know that this guy can only pretend!

White Ape Elder was beating Azuri, pressing him under his body with fists and feet, when he suddenly heard the roar of the beast, he turned around and saw Black Panther and Luo Su entire group.

White Ape Elder was stunned for a moment, then suddenly grinned: "Azuli, you said I kidnapped and humiliated you, but what happened to those people, a few of them looked familiar? !"

"Look, I'm going to expose your lies in front of everyone, you can't be a hero, you're Wakanda's sinner, and always will be."

White Ape Elder mentioned Azuri and walked towards Luo Su entire group: "You all listen, Azuri just deceived you, he colluded with the outsider who plotted Vibranium, and he is not worthy of being king."

Azuri was lifted up in mid-air, seeing Luo Su secretly said in one's heart bad, the next second his eyes were spinning, he was fiercely thrown by White Ape Elder, and fell to the leader Luo Su.

"Be careful, King Your Majesty!"

Luo Su shouted, pushed Yelena away from the side, and only blamed herself when Azuri fell to the ground Said: "I didn't hit...cough cough, sorry I didn't catch it, are you not hurt?"

Azuli: "..."

Luo Su half-squatted The land, leaning against Azuri's ear: "Do you think it can be done to expand the field?"


Azuli opened his mouth and did not open his mouth. As he spoke, his neck crooked and vomited blood.

"MD, it's about time, you're going to die." Luo Su secretly accepted: "It's really lost to you, the Vibranium field will be discussed later, the heart-shaped medicinal herb must be given I'll take pictures, this is the head office!"

Azuli grabbed Luo Su's trousers and vomited blood again: "Deal!"

Luo Su heavily nodded and kicked Kai Azuri grabbed the hand of his trousers, stood up and pointed at the White Ape Elder who came over, loudly scolded: "Hey, you aboriginal named White Ape Elder, how dare you fight in the Black Panther God Bast. Impudent in front of you!"

White Ape Elder was stunned for a moment, then furious: "I'm not called White Ape Elder, my name is..."

"I don't care what your name is, The Black Panther god Bast is coming, so why don't you have the right to speak, so don't kneel down quickly." Luo Su said, stepping on Black Panther's feet secretly.

"roar roar roar————"

Black Panther roared up to the sky immediately, it turned its head fiercely and looked towards Luo Su, and found that Luo Su's eyes were even more ruthless than it, immediately Turning back and looking towards White Ape Elder, golden's pupils angered.

"roar roar roar————"

White Ape Elder: "..."

I saw it, you stepped on it!

"You say this animal is the Black Panther god?" White Ape Elder broke out into laughter caused by anger: "Let's not say that I believe in the White Ape god, which is incompatible with the Black Panther god. Just say you The Black Panther I was looking for is too stupid, pretending to be the Black Panther god, who would believe it?"

The soldiers of the four tribes heard the Black Panther god, and they whispered and believed in it. The golden tribe of the Black Panther god is also skeptical. The Black Panther in front of him is no different from other Black Panthers. If there is any difference, it is probably bloated and fat.

This is nothing, because of beliefs, there are a large number of Black Panthers around Wakanda, and they are worshipped by tribal people. It is normal to eat and drink, and to be a little fat.

"What bastard Black Panther god, dare to dress up as God, play the Devil in front of me, watch me peel it off." White Ape Elder sneered, raised his hand to grab Black Panther go.

" Blasphemer, how dare you impudent the God of Black Panther?"

Luo Su was terrified and overwhelmed Black Panther. Flashing, a big blue-white cat of lightning rushed out, baring fangs and brandishing claws on White Ape Elder.


(end of this chapter)

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