End Of Heavens

Chapter 263

End Of Heavens Chapter 263


Chapter 262 The super soldier who took heart-shaped medicinal herb was bitten by a mutant spider


Luo Su walked over with a black line on her face, raised her hand and clasped her wrist.

"What's the matter, BOSS?" Yelena looked innocent and innocent, her pulse was slow, her pupils were not dilated, and her palms were not sweating.

All features suggest she's not lying, she's not pretending to be calm, and she's an innocent passer-by, but given that she's a trained agent and her potential to be Black Widow, none of these details are intuitive. evidence.

Besides, it's useless to quibble, everyone is not blind, and I saw her swallow the fruit of the heart-shaped medicinal herb with her own eyes.

"Hurry up and spit it out, you are not a child, how can you do something absurd like this!" Natasha stepped forward and punched Yelena in the stomach.

In conventional knockdown techniques, the stomach receives a severe impact, and the stomach muscles will instinctively contract to protect themselves and squeeze out the contents of the stomach.

Yelena was punched, and she was out of control and fell to the ground on her knees.

Without vomiting, Yelena covered her stomach with a pale face: "It's so hot...it spreads to the whole body...it's so hot..."

Her body was a little transparent, and her neck and neck were very hot. The palm outside the sleeve emits purple rays of light, and the meridian under the skin is clearly visible.

Obviously, Natasha's punch, Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain, directly smashed the fruit in Yelena's stomach, leaking energy and starting to exert medicine efficacy.

"Hurry up, hurry up to ceremony and bury her." Azuri hurriedly greeted everyone.

He is the one who is most worried here. Although he has already said something ugly, if something happens to Yelena in the cave, there is no guarantee that Luo Su will not take anger on him.

Everyone placed Yelena in the pit in the center, holding loess in their hands and burying her until a grave was buried. This is the primordial custom of Wakanda, possibly a symbol of rebirth, which every king successor must go through.

A few minutes later, Yelena sat up like a corpse, her chest heaving violently, but her face was flushed, and she couldn't breathe.

Luo Su just wanted to offer her first kiss today, Natasha took the lead, laid Yelena on her back, gave her artificial respiration mouth to mouth, and smoothed her breath in a few strokes.

"cough cough..."

After coughing a few times, Yelena took a steady breath and stood up slowly. She raised her hand to look at her palm, her fist clenched tightly, her eyes flashing. Had extremely excited rays of light.

"A successful case, heart-shaped medicinal herb is not restricted by members of the royal family." Luo Su relaxed, couldn't help but tease Azuri: "King Your Majesty, don't tell me Yelena is A member of the royal family living abroad."

Azuli sneered twice, the members of the royal family could perfectly blend into the night, Yelena was obviously not.

"King Your Majesty, if there is no objection, I will pick up some medicinal herbs and take them back to take pictures."

"How much do you plan to take..." Azuri couldn't help it Showing pain in the flesh, he opened his mouth and said, "The cultivation of heart-shaped medicinal herb has high requirements on the environment. Taking it out will only lead to withering, and finally the medicinal efficacy will be lost."

This remark said Luo Su Some hesitant, seeing that Wakanda like this has only two acres of medicine gardens in recent years, and there is no case of taking heart-shaped medicinal herb fortification in other places in China, indicating that heart-shaped medicinal herb is indeed difficult to cultivate. He also doesn't want to waste a good treasure like this before he is fully prepared.

Since you can't take it with you, eat it now!

Luo Su had an idea, mutter incantations in his mouth: "I wonder if people who have been injected with super soldier serum can use heart-shaped medicinal herb for a second boost?"

Bucky immediately released Lie, indicating that he is willing to test the medicine, Luo Su pushed him back.

Just kidding, only a few of my subordinates can really fight like this. If the drug conflict ends, where can I find a second Bucky? What should Steve do?

Luo Su raised his hand and picked out a random person among the Winter Soldiers: "You, Winter Soldier-13, eat a heart-shaped medicinal herb fruit."

"Yes, sir!"

Winter Soldier-13 did not hesitate, strode to the medicine garden, took a fruit, chewed it in his mouth, and swallowed it. The naked eye visible purple rays of light lit up from his esophagus, just like Yelena before, he covered his neck with a painful look on his face.

People buried it and waited for events to develop.

Luo Su couldn't help being overwhelmed by emotions when he saw the drama, super soldier serum + heart-shaped medicinal herb, seems to have a head start. At this time, he began to diverge again, thinking of other well-known reinforcement cases in the Marvel world, and connecting them one after another.

The super soldier who took heart-shaped medicinal herb was bitten by a mutant spider, and then learned magic from Sorcerer Supreme. After returning from school, he changed his job to study steel battle clothes. Due to an experimental accident, the gamma radiation that was accidentally leaked turned green. On the way to escape, he met a devil who wanted to sign a contract with him, and finally picked it up in the wilderness. A hammer...

The story is not over yet, a ball suddenly jumped out, loudly shouted: Son, I am your father!

MD, it's exciting to think about it, I can write a novel!

Luo Su's heart is twisted. He knows that the above probability is extremely low, but science lies in making bold assumptions, and a very low probability means there is a possibility.


The tomb suddenly exploded, awakening Luo Su from his sweet dream. Looking down, Winter Soldier-13 jumped up in place, the purple rays of light in his chest dwindled rapidly, he himself bent over and vomited, Purple crystalline liquid spat out.

"What's the matter, what happened, why is it suddenly interrupted?" Azuri looked at the dim liquid of the rays of light on the ground, his heart throbbing in pain.

Winter Soldier-13:  ̄□ ̄

"Soldier, how are you feeling?"

"Sir, I want to go to the toilet, but I can't hold back. !"


It has been confirmed that the heart-shaped medicinal herb cannot strengthen the warrior injected with the super soldier serum. From the setting, this is the will of the big universe. From a scientific point of view, people who have been injected with super soldier serum, the gene sequence recombination, the heart-shaped medicinal herb cannot produce medicinal efficacy.

The specific reasons still need to be studied. Luo Su and the others followed Azuri down the mountain, and the two made an appointment. Luo Su's heart-shaped medicinal herb is temporarily stored in the royal secret garden, and will be sent when needed. Notify Azuri.


Azuli regained the throne, it should have been a big celebration, but the people were destroyed because of the internal Zhan Family, and there are still many government affairs that need to be dealt with urgently, he really did not That mood.

The two most difficult things at the moment, one is to rectify the White Ape tribe, and the other is to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

In troubled times, severe punishment should be used to deter Xiaoxiao and appease people's hearts.

Azuli personally supervised, and the White Ape tribe was cleaned up from top to bottom. Anyone who was involved with the White Ape sect and who raised a butcher's knife to their compatriots during the war, all gathered and waited. hair fall.

The rest were scattered and integrated into other tribes, officially removing the White Ape tribe from the five major tribes. As for the original land of the White Ape tribe, part of the land was assigned to the meritorious people, and part of it was isolated and left to ' Black Panther god 'walks, eats, and walks the birds.

Said it was for the Black Panther god, but it was actually a plot of land for Luo Su, which was the safest reason Azuri could think of, that is, the elders of other tribes died in the war, otherwise he would It must be round.

Let's get down to business, the invasion of foreign enemies is urgent, and Azuri has strengthened border defenses, and the information sent back every day makes him devastated.

The surrounding tribal countries are really moving this time. They joined hands to prepare to divide up Wakanda. According to rough statistics, the number of soldiers has reached tens of thousands.

The war of tens of thousands of people... Wakanda has never happened in history, and it just happened to catch up with the most declining juncture of national power.

Azuli thought about using the White Ape tribe's waiting sinners as cannon fodder, but even so, the disparity in military strength was huge, and this battle was difficult!

As I said before, wars between tribes are cruel, resources and land must be robbed, and the most terrifying thing is population. On the side of the defeated tribe, all the women will be plundered, and the men will be slaughtered, leaving only a group of no one to rely on children.

Whether these children can survive or not depends on God’s mood!


Azuli was sitting in front of the case with a frown, thinking about how to deal with the pressure of the army, when he heard a loud roar in the sky and walked out of the door , Immediately a female bodyguard ran all the way.

"Wang, it's not good, those people have made a lot of noise, you'd better go and see for yourself."

Azuli's heart suddenly burst, the secret path is the most troublesome The matter came, and immediately took the female bodyguard and rushed to the original White Ape tribe's family site.

Boom! ! !

in the sky Transport helicopters dropped construction materials, a group of workers quickly built platforms on the ground, and more helicopters continued to transport engineering vehicles, filling the divided land.

Seeing the busy silhouette of the helicopter from a distance, Azuri has all kinds of envy in his eyes. He also wants to build this way, but he has no money. He can sell Vibranium for money, but he doesn't dare.

Azuli pushed aside the onlookers and found Luo Su under a pergola who was enjoying the shade. The latter had a beach chair + sunglasses, and Yelena pinched her shoulders and beat her back, and offered juice from time to time. drinks.

It hurts self-esteem too much, and Azuri is very annoyed. Yelena, who also took the heart-shaped medicinal herb with him, is just an errand on Luo Su's side, serving tea and water.

Seeing Azuri, Luo Su kindly greeted him: "King Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Do you want to drink juice? Don't drink it!"

A Zuri opened his mouth, put his raised arm back, and instructed the female bodyguard to evacuate the crowd, not to let everyone gather here, he stayed alone.

Azuli pointed to the construction site: "Mr. Luo Su, what are you doing?"

"Building a toilet for the Black Panther god, it's a bit louder, sorry !" Luo Su raised his head, Yelena held up the juice and handed it over, he drank it with the straw, very flat.

Azuli: "..."

"Why, the king Your Majesty has a lot of time to come here for this?"

"No, I'm here This is something to ask for!" Azu showed pain inside, saying that he would be slaughtered by Fiercely, but he really had nothing to do.

"What can you give me?" Luo Su didn't ask anything, and he could roughly guess that Azuri was suffering from being besieged by other tribes, but helicopters were flying all over the sky, he didn't think these people really dared Call in.

“What do you want?”

“No, I got everything I wanted.”


(end of chapter)

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