End Of Heavens

Chapter 272

End Of Heavens Chapter 272


Chapter 271 Chase him, pack of wolves

Ke Yatai Stark, character from the comic [Death God], in all Arrancars in Hueco Mundo Ranked 1st in killing ability, Espada NO.1.

The so-called Espada, each person has a symbol of their own form of death, representing the ten factors that lead to the death of human beings.

According to Luo Su's verification of Ke Yatai Stark's information, the factor of death he represents is loneliness, because the strength is too strong, the weak will automatically consume their souls and die when they approach him.

The character is lazy, has no fighting spirit, does not like fighting, and always thinks about paddling when facing the enemy. Because of this negative attitude, his ending was also very miserable, and he was defeated and died!

But there is no doubt about his strength. If he is not one level above everyone, he will not be alone!


Luo Su suddenly opened his eyes, in an indescribable imposing manner hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out, like a reiatsu like an abyss , with no end in sight, filling every corner between Heaven and Earth.

The dense air froze instantly, as if being pressed by a sea, and all objects in the line of sight uttered the wailing from in the depth of one's soul.

The first to bear the brunt is the pioneer guard monster scattered all around, the soul is crushed, and it falls into pieces like wheat. Looking down from a high altitude, it was like throwing a pebble on a calm lake, a circle of ripples swayed, and a large space was cleared in the blink of an eye.

It has nothing to do with the number of people, the soul strength is not up to standard, no matter how many you come, you will die!

Natasha knelt on her knees, her trembling hands resting on the ground, Luo Su deliberately avoided the reiatsu imposed on her, but she was too close and was affected.

This is the true power of BOSS?

Natasha was shocked, her mind was blank, and she only knew how to repeat this sentence. Finally, after trying for a while, he still couldn't resist the pressure, rolled his eyes and passed out.

Jason's soul strength is extremely tough, he may always be summoned to summon by Luo Su summon, and he can survive on his own, but he can only lie on the ground and stare, and it is difficult to move.

General Corvus Glaive, who was being cared for, was unable to move even a little bit, and when he tried to lift his arm, he felt as if he was heavy.

"What a joke, this monster never pops up, why have I never heard of it before?"

General Corvus Glaive was leaning on the blade in both hands, and that alone was enough. Exhausted, he knew there was no need to fight this battle, and his odds of winning were less than the hair follicles on Thanos' scalp, zero.


Luo Su a finger pointed, violent energy volleyed into the sky, the blue rays of light exuded icy chills, and all objects passed by were swept away. Dyed blue.

Boom! !

Cero with a diameter of more than ten meters submerged the position of General Corvus Glaive. After a brief second of silence, it exploded, the ground shook, and the strong wind swept away in all directions with the momentum of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood .

General Corvus Glaive's body melted in contact, the war blade that harbored the soul was not damaged, countless flying shards poured in, and he was instantly revived with blood.

"The artillery bombardment, the firepower is full to smash the enemy! The air force is fighting together!"

At this time, he has no heart to fight, and Luo Su's strength leaves him only Fear, probably because of the destruction of the War Blade, after issuing the command to attack, immediately summon the tractor beam and flee back to the flagship in the high sky.

Failed to kill General Corvus Glaive, Luo Su was not surprised by it, Koyatai Stark's Character Card is in a complete state after returning to the blade, and he still has a few moves he wants to try. End the battle as soon as necessary.

It's just pretending, although he doesn't think so!

"The characters who fight with two guns may teach me a lot..." Luo Su's eyes were cold, he held Sand Eagle · Heavenly God in both hands, raised high and aimed at the sky.

Unlimited reloads of Cero! !

The giant battleship high in the sky adjusts its hull slightly, and the missile launch ports under its abdomen are all opened, and there are hundreds of densely packed. The fully charged beam cannon also extended out, and all of them fired in an instant, and a magnificent barrage fell.

The small spaceships coming from the surrounding locust boards are also full of firepower, and green light spots are scattered all over the sky...

bang! bang! bang! Boom————

Where the jungle is located, the space several kilometers in diameter is devastated, the loud noise of heaven shaking, earth shattering is connected in a string, the scarlet Fireball is mixed with billowing black smoke, dancing in the raging wind, Dazzling.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ! !

The vortex is rolled up on the flat ground, the hurricane is hovering in the fire sea, Luo Su stands on the ground intact, there is an invisible reiatsu wall around the body, all the objects touched are cracked, shattered, Dissipated, he used reiatsu to separate the fire waves, protecting Jason and Natasha.

The next second, the blue light dots spread out on his body, space distortion, icy blue rays of light shining in the sky.

Luo Su raised his dual guns and instantly released a large-scale Cero group, with a large range, fast burst speed, thousands of shots per second, and astonishing destructive power.

Cero exploded in the sky, and the blue rays of light flourished, covering the sky in the blink of an eye, and the entire world was rendered blue. The battleship shield stirred, and the shock wave swept away wave after wave, like a hurricane destroying heaven extinguishing earth, sweeping the audience in an instant.

The shield of the giant battleship is barely supported, and the surrounding small spaceships are miserable. There are countless explosions scattered all over the place. After a while, they all become Fireballs, falling to the ground in the air.

"General! The shield of the battleship is only half left, and it is falling rapidly. We can't support it for long."

After hearing the danger reported by his subordinates, General Corvus Glaive was even more afraid, and the battleship exploded You can't kill him, but it's absolutely impossible to face Luo Su, the monster, after landing.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately!"

The gap between the two was so big that there was only despair. General Corvus Glaive was afraid that Luo Su would see through the weakness of his Immortal Body. I don't know when to start, he subconsciously Think Luo Su can destroy the Glaive.


Luo Su tapped her toes on the ground and came to the front of the battleship in an instant. With every step she took, her imposing manner improved by one point. Her cold eyes were sent to the battleship control room by the observer, making everyone look desperate, even breathing. can't do it.

In the clouds, ominous black clouds gather, and the strong energy radiation interferes with the magnetic field, causing ripples in the space.

"Chase him, pack of wolves!!"

Luo Su spreads his arms, behind the hazy mist, condensed into a silver white giant wolf with scarlet eyes. The monster-like reiatsu, with an extremely depressed atmosphere, made Heaven and Earth quiet.

The strongest move from Character Card Koyatai Stark, by splitting his own soul into pieces, creating a pack of wolves that shreds their prey.

These wolves are not weapons, each is himself!

"General, a powerful energy response has been detected..."

In the command room, just as the voice fell, the continuous explosion shook everyone to their knees. The shield light curtain reached the zero point, and it suddenly dissipated with a crisp sound of ka-cha.

The pack of wolves roared up, swarmed up like they were chasing their prey, tore apart the outer defensive armor, digged into the interior of the hull, and wreaked havoc on the structure.

bang! bang! Boom————

Every giant wolf that splits out of the soul contains a terrifying reiatsu, jumping into the hull and exploding, which is very important to the battleship. Unbelievable disaster. Deafening explosions continued to sound inside the battleship, triggering an irreversible continuous response, clusters of flaming demon flowers bloomed, and billowing black clouds rose into the air.

The hot shock wave formed secondary damage, and a large number of parts were separated from the main body of the battleship and fell down like raindrops.

Black smoke covering the heavens, shielding the sun rose from the battleship, and the entire hull tilted and fell to the ground. Even if the isolation zone was activated, it could not stop the wolves from attacking.

Luo Su looked up to the sky, turned continuously for a long distance, and ran across space towards the outer space. A battleship didn't cost him much effort, and the Character Card had a lot of time left, so he couldn't just waste it like this.


(There are 2 more changes today, and it will be changed to 2000 words per chapter in the future)

(end of this chapter)


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