End Of Heavens

Chapter 281

End Of Heavens Chapter 281


Chapter 280 Do you know how much memory my digital camera has?

Boom! !

The sound of the explosion faded away, and two silhouettes, one big and one small, fell from the sky, the big one was a staff and the small one was Ying Yingying.

Luo Su took one in one hand and landed on the deck by stepping on the ocean current. Ying Yingying fell into a coma due to excessive consumption of magic power. The torrential rain kept falling on her body, and she had no tendency to wake up.

"This guy..."

Holding Ying Yingying's back collar, Luo Su noticed a strange thing, she shrank from 1.6 meters to 1.4 meters. Not only her body shape, but the childishness on her face has also increased a lot, and her age has regressed to a little girl less than ten years old.

"It turns into a little child when you hit it, what is this operation?"

Luo Su was stunned by the astonishing scene, considering the world in the main god space, what happened Anything is possible, so he suppressed his doubts.

He took off Ying Yingying's space ring and the Goddess ring that belonged to him. After thinking about it, he was still worried, and took off her belt and boots. Both items are magical creations, shrinking along with Ying Yingying's size, most likely with other abilities.

Be careful, Luo Su took off her sleeveless one-piece combat suit, surprisingly, there were no strands inside, not even underwear.

"See no evil, don't move any evil..."

Luo Su's secret path is too expensive, even a rich woman like Ying Yingying can't afford close-fitting clothes, so she just flips them off A rain cloth, wrap it into a zongzi and wear it on your shoulders.

He made it clear that the destination was Skull Island. He was not in a hurry to set off. He first searched for some necessary supplies for wild survival on the cruise ship, and then put down the lifeboat and left.

Use Trident to attract fish to guide the way. After confirming the direction, roll up the waves and push the cruise ship to the periphery of the rainstorm Sea Territory. There were only three survivors on the entire cruise ship, Trillian, male lead, and male lead's sidekick. The mercenaries were unlucky. They were the ones that Luo Su heard the dwindling gunshots before, and they all fed the sea monster.

The three survivors are all ordinary persons of the war five scumbags. There is only a dead end when they enter Skull Island by mistake. Luo Su kindly gave them a ride away from this dangerous Sea Territory.

A school of fish helped drag it along, and the lifeboat was fast, leaving the rainstorm-covered Sea Territory in less than half an hour. Immediately afterwards, the fog in front became thicker and thicker, and soon the five fingers were nowhere to be seen.

The fish swim underwater, unaffected by the dense fog, but Luo Su couldn't bear the unease that he couldn't see, and used Trident to disperse the fog ahead.

The thick fog automatically dissipated to both sides, revealing a straight water channel, with a faint light at the end.

"Hey, what's your purpose for catching me?"

Ying Yingying lay on the lifeboat and pushed off the rainproof cloth on her body. With her current small body, no one would be interested except for her special hobbies and perverts. She was distressed that all the equipment in her body had been confiscated, and the magic power she had accumulated had been used up, and the remaining warrior skills had also drastically reduced her battle strength due to her stature shrinking.

"Your ability is very interesting, can you talk about it?"

Luo Su is very curious about Ying Yingying's ability, the latter has not recovered from the coma until now. Signs, like an ordinary person who doesn't understand magic at all.

"Why should I tell you?" Ying Yingying had a dark face and tightened the rainproof cloth on her body. After all, she was a girl, and she felt insecure without clothes.

Luo Su lowered his voice and laughed twice, took out a set of children's clothes from the space ring, picked it up on the cruise ship, was embarrassed to put it on for Ying Yingying, and now uses it as a bargaining chip.

"Tell me the truth, I will give you the clothes, specially selected for you, this Peppa Pig is very suitable for you."

Ying Yingying: "..."

Between bare buttocks and clothes, Ying Yingying chose the latter, ambiguously telling her weird constitution.

Don't look at her immature figure, in fact, she is already the age of the third year. Before entering the main god space, she has always been a little kid.

After entering the main god space, I took the assassin route because of my petite stature, and also learned the skills of warrior.

After experiencing two worlds, she realized that the strange disease that has plagued her for many years is actually a strange magic constitution. She can't condense magic power, but she can absorb other people's magic power and store it in her body, the more magic power she absorbs. The closer her figure is to her actual age, so she changed jobs and embarked on this path of pitting other mages.

"Interesting, there's actually such a thing..." Luo Su's eyes lit up, looking at Ying Yingying up and down, like a little white mouse on the test bench.

Ying Yingying felt uncomfortable by Luo Su's eyes, and hurriedly said, "Hey, I said everything you want to know, give me the clothes."

Luo Su obeyed Promise, he handed over the children's sportswear with Peppa Pig printed on it. Ying Yingying took the clothes and was about to put it on when he suddenly remembered something, and his eyes rolled and stopped.

"Then who, do you have underwear? If not, I have a set in my space ring, can you give me the ring?" Ying Yingying blinked her bright and intelligent big eyes, her face innocent and lovely.

"Didn't you wear it before?" Luo Su sneered, with a poor trick, the body became smaller and IQ also dropped.

Hearing Luo Su's words, Ying Yingying pulled her face to the point where she sat alone in the lifeboat, grinding her teeth, as if she was cursing Luo Su's long needle eyes.

"The ring is impossible for you, but..." Luo Su showed the three rings on his left hand, shook it in front of Ying Yingying, and paused before saying: "I have a medical doctor here. The item can barely cover up your shame, so I sent it to you with mercy."

"What medical item, bandage?"

Ying Yingying took the item from Luo Su and looked down. , suddenly froze in place.

[Item Card: OK stretch x3 (strong hemostasis, sterilization, disinfection)]

Ying Yingying: ( ̄┰ ̄)

“Put it on Try and see if the numbers fit..."


Ying Yingying was furious, and threw the OK stretch into the cabin: "Captives also have human rights, whoever You can use this thing!"

"That's really sorry, my captives have no human rights, and if you play tricks with me, don't blame me for being impolite." Luo Su said, while reading from the space The digital camera was taken out of the ring, and the implication is self-evident.

Ying Yingying corner of mouth twitching, silently put on the children's sportswear, and put it in the pocket of his trousers.

"That's the way to be good, the little child is cute only if he is obedient!" Luo Su praised and pointed to the two large bags in the boat: "We are on the way to Skull Island, wait a while. After landing on the island, these two large bags are handed over to you, which are the necessary supplies for survival, so don't lose them."

"You can put them in the space ring."

"Poor man, the ring is too small to fit!"

"My space ring is big enough to fit..."

"Are you playing with me again? You know me How much memory does your digital camera have?”


(end of this chapter)

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