End Of Heavens

Chapter 287

End Of Heavens Chapter 287


Chapter 286 The owner of the dog has been found

Da! clatter! clatter! Da————

The fire snake shone, the muzzle let out a dull roar, and more than 20 firearms were shot in a concentrated manner, instantly forming a dense barrage, and a head was pressed out.

The skeleton reptile was probably just crawling out of the ground, and was still a little confused for a while, until the bullet hit him and was stimulated by pain before it began to burst into a frenzy.

It vibrates its sturdy and powerful forelimbs and jumps out of a deep pit. It is 10 meters tall and has a length of nearly 30 meters from head to tail, which is frighteningly large.

The huge body has a completely different agility. The skeleton reptile's forelimbs dig the ground, the long tail swings, and it jumps like a spring.

Not only is the size and speed crushing the previously weak Tyrannosaurus Rex, the defensive power of the skeleton reptile is also extremely terrifying, especially the bone structure of the head, which was swept away by the heavy machine gun and only dropped some white crumbs. The black skin on the arms and torso was slightly weaker, but only slightly weaker. After the bullets fired by the heavy machine gun broke through the skin, they were stuck tightly by the strong muscles.

"Fire! Fire! Get ready to throw grenades! Where's the flamethrower?" , the nerves have already been stretched to the extreme, and the pupils are dilated one by one, while roaring and pulling the trigger blindly, unable to listen to his orders.

Da! clatter! clatter! Da————

"roar roar roar————"

The distance between the two sides shortened rapidly, and the skeleton reptile roared, setting off a stench of strong wind, making the soldiers even more fear. The machine gunner with the heavy machine gun was at the front of the position, facing the roaring bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, his sanity completely collapsed, and he only wanted to pull the trigger in his mind, but he didn't realize that the bullet jammed.

As the prey approached, the faint green pupils of the skeleton reptile burst out with murderous intent, opening its mouth fiercely moved towards the machine gunner and pounced on it.

At the crucial moment, there was thunder on the ground, a silver white light and shadow flashed from the back of the position, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed into the huge mouth of the skeleton reptile.

bang! !

The white lightning burst, the skeleton reptile spit black smoke, and the huge body was overturned to the ground. It twisted its body frantically, a mass of scorched black in its mouth, and a large amount of dirty blood was spilled.

The sudden thunder stunned everyone. The thunder sounded like a big drum, beating heavily in their hearts, the fear dissipated, and they calmed down a little.

"roar roar roar————"

A loud and powerful wolf howl sounded, James, who was in charge of protecting the scientific research square, immediately turned his gun, and appeared in front of him, It is a giant werewolf with seven heads running upright.

"What the hell is this TM..."

The scientific research square has been stunned, first the prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex, then the giant beast that emerged from the ground, and now even the werewolf Appeared.

What's next, the devil?

Just as they raised their guns in self-defense and aimed at the galloping werewolf, they heard the same wolf howling around them. Under their shocked gaze, the eight huskies swelled up and stood upright on their hind legs, turning into giant werewolves of the same size.

"roar roar roar————"

Fifteen werewolves gathered together, kicking their powerful hind legs, leaping over the soldiers' front lines, heading towards the skeleton reptiles. rushed over.

Suddenly, everyone in the research squad realized that the dogs who had been begging for food were very dangerous. The Asian young woman in the squad turned pale, thinking that she had been feeding monsters like Eight Heads before, her whole body was not well.

Fortunately, the dogs turned hideous and terrifying, but they didn't attack them, and immediately fought with the skeleton reptiles.

The wild beast has the sharpest intuition, and the skeleton crawler is no exception. It appears and disappears unpredictably good at sneak attack, and is very alert by nature. Sensing that the source of danger was approaching, he immediately stopped his twisting body and made a roared sound mixed with pain at the werewolves.

When the bad wind hit, the fifteen werewolves were completely unafraid, and surrounded them with skeleton reptiles that were many times bigger than them.

sharp claw sweep! Flesh and blood fly!

A werewolf smashed into the belly of the skeleton reptile, leaving a half-meter-long wound on its forelimb, torn skin and gaping flesh, the scarlet's flesh was opened, and there was a fishy smell in the air. .


The skeleton reptile's hideous green pupils widened, and Fiercely swiped its tail to knock the werewolf out. The train flew upside down for dozens of meters, fell heavily on the ground, and smashed a big hole.

On the battlefield, although the skeleton reptile is flexible, it is obviously slow and slow compared to the werewolves. The huge body becomes a drag, and the front chest and back are covered with werewolves.

Fifteen werewolves with skin is rough, flesh is thick wielding sharp claws, and the wolf kisses ripped apart the flesh, and after a while, the skeleton reptiles fell to the ground. They swarmed up, and the teamwork made the skeleton reptiles helpless. Between the sharp teeth, blood splashed, disemboweled, white bones mixed with dirty blood, and the scene was bloody abnormal.

The skeleton reptile twisted and rolled on the ground, its eyes were blinded, and its long tongue was bitten off. It swept the werewolf with its forelimbs, but it attracted even more violent counterattacks.


The screams sounded, and the skeleton reptile collapsed to the ground, bloody and bloody all over.

The big mouth was full of blood, the dark blood holes under the bone visor replaced the original eyes, and the forelimbs and long tail were bitten and incomplete. The most terrifying wound was in the abdomen, a large hole was cut between the two rows of blood-red ribs, the intestines flowed all over the place, and the deeper internal organs could be vaguely seen.

The two werewolves crawled in along the big hole, and the skeleton reptile vibrated violently like a convulsion. Soon, the huge body twitched and died.

"ao wu woo————"

A perfect team hunt, the werewolves worked together to slaughter the skeleton reptiles dozens of times larger than them, and rode towards the sky one after another .

The soldiers looked at each other and finally looked towards Colonel Packard. The dogs were lively and cute before, and they had been warned and rescued many times. But the situation is different now. Fifteen giant werewolves walking upright are full of blood and blood, and they don't know if they are enemies or friends.

Colonel Packard raised his fist and signaled that his subordinates don't be impatient. At this time, the werewolves turned their heads and looked towards the position. Their eyes leaped over the soldiers and the scientific research squad. Shrinking Small Accomplishment Husky on all fours.

“wang wang wang~ !”

The dogs ran quickly, ignoring the confused soldiers and scientific research team, and disappeared without a shadow.

Everyone was sighed in relief first, fortunately the dogs were kind-hearted, and they were indeed man's best friend. Then, they suddenly came to their senses. Without the protection of the husky, what should they do when they encounter the skeleton crawler who is impervious to sword and spear?

"Quick! Follow, get them back!!" Colonel Packard and James shouted in unison.

Then everyone came to their senses. They didn't care about the guns and ammunition on the ground, and took big strides to chase the dog.

Chasing is impossible to catch up. If the husky likes this, it will be easy to catch up, and it will not be called 'let go'.

There is no such thing as a perfect road, everyone saw fifteen huskies before they ran for a while, and two strange silhouettes appeared along with them. A ten-year-old Asian girl, another...

It's hard to describe!

The whole body is shrouded in black robe, the facial features are covered by black mist, and only a pair of eyes emitting blue rays of light can be seen on the whole face. As far as the world view of normal people is concerned, this kind of person is either a villain, a villain leader, or a villain leader hidden behind the scenes.

However, the huskies jumped up and down around this man, rushing towards him.

"If you guessed correctly... we found the owner of the dog..." James muttered to himself, subconsciously looked towards Shan, a young Asian woman. Snacks should be able to fight for it!

(end of this chapter)

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