End Of Heavens

Chapter 292

End Of Heavens Chapter 292


Chapter 291 We need Megazord's formidable power

On the other side, the remaining skeleton reptiles are hissing and screaming. Desolate, it makes those who hear it sad and those who watch it cry.

King Kong turned around, and suddenly the chill went straight from the soles of his feet to his forehead. He shivered in fright, and took two steps back while covering his butt. He was still a child and couldn't bear this kind of picture.

The werewolves attacked in groups, brought down the skeletons and climbed the Insect Empress, and misused the hyena's good tricks, so that the skeletons and reptiles were not dead, but their hearts were dead.

Luo Su "..."

I don't know if it's an illusion, I feel that Ying Yingying has silently alienated him a few steps, with a look of disgust on his face, the picture is very familiar.

After a while, the skeleton crawler let out a scream of relief, and finally died.

The dogs emerged from the belly of the skeleton reptile, roared towards the sky to celebrate their victory, and then shrank in size and ran towards Luo Su in a swarm.

Luo Su sucked in a breath of cold air, unable to keep up, and rolled up a wall of water with Trident, blocking the group of smelly huskies. Regardless of whether they are willing or not, they are all pressed into the water and washed for a long time before releasing them.

King Kong stood silently on the side, watching the dogs frolic with Luo Su, turned around and walked into the distance, with a lonely back. If I remember correctly, it is the last King Kong on Skull Island, and probably the last one on Earth.

"It's really miserable, I'm all alone, even if I'm alive, I'll always taste loneliness..." Ying Yingying watched King Kong go away, feeling inexplicably sad.

"I feel like this deeply, you can stay with it."

"That's fine, I don't like rough-haired types, but I can help King Kong introduce Judging from the plot, it is likely to like Weaver."

"Don't be silly, Weaver's face is too big for King Kong to like. It likes beautiful women who can sing and dance, and Not a strong group!"


After King Kong had gone away, the small broken boat swam over, and Colonel Packard swept the two huge 's corpse, looking in the direction of King Kong's departure, showing a strong hatred.

"No, you can't do it like this, King Kong is the Guardian God of the island, if you insist on killing it, the skeleton monster will pour out of the ground, when the time comes the whole island will melt Hell on earth. Besides, our guns won't kill it, you'll kill everyone!"

Veteran Mark stopped Colonel Packard, who lived on the island After ten years, he could imagine what a terrifying picture it was. The tribesmen were kind to him, and he couldn't stand on the sidelines.

Colonel Packard grabbed Mark's collar and said with fire in his eyes, "It killed my subordinates, my comrades in arms, my brother, how can you let me put down my hatred?"


"But you'll kill more people!" Mark refused to yield an inch, yelling loudly.

"The monsters are dead, all killed by King Kong, you look at those two giant beasts, is it possible that there will be more and bigger monsters?" Paka Colonel De points to the bodies of the two skeleton reptiles, argue with the courage of one's convictions.

Because of the consumption of energy and substances, the number of creatures in the food chain goes up, and the number gradually decreases, and the two skeleton reptiles must be the final BOSS.

No more, otherwise it will be unscientific!

"You don't understand, King Kong's parents were even bigger, but they were still killed by skeleton monsters. These two are far from the most powerful monsters." Mark said that when he came to this island, don't put it on him. Science is on the lips, this is not the jurisdiction of science.

"I only believe my eyes, unless you show evidence now, otherwise..."


The mountain collapsed, The river surged, the ground shook violently, and the strong fluctuations like a Level 8 earthquake spread to the entire island.

The shock wave was fleeting, more like a violently detonated bomb. Everyone fell into the water, and after climbing on the boat, they saw a scene that made them unforgettable.

I saw between the distant mountains, the fountain of black shot straight into the clouds, like an oil blowout. The water spewed up and splashed down from the sky, and the black water spots came to life one by one, and they were all skeleton reptiles. The number is uncountable, among them there are many huge monsters, the length of which is more than 100 meters.

"Colonel... Colonel, you... say you only trust your own eyes?" Mark swallowed and asked tremblingly, almost forgetting how to speak.


“Then what do we… now?”

“Go back, leave, go home!” Colonel Packard was dumbfounded. , immediately turned the bow and sailed off the island.

Brothers, I'm going to retreat with the other living brothers, it's not that I won't avenge you, just the number of monsters, King Kong is doomed!

The little broken boat hummed along the waterway and headed out of the island...

Luo Su rolled up the current to hold fifteen huskies, these idiots fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, When I saw the monster blowout, I was going to fight hard.

What about the husky, how come you're not cowardly at all?

"Jason, do you want to go take a look, it should be a reincarnator squad that hit a mine, causing the plot to go wild." Ying Yingying's eyes flashed with anxiety, for fear that it was his teammate.

"How to get there, go over there?" Luo Su was speechless. With his small body, without using a Character Card, he would be submerged by the Kuroshio when he went up, making sure that there were no bones left.

"I have a flying carpet in my space ring!"

"Flying carpet..." Luo Su said softly, lowered his head and looked thoughtful: "By the way, you can fly, yes Right?"

"You...what do you want to do?" Ying Yingying froze in place, with a bad premonition.



Clouds cover the top of the mountain, a black dot is flying slowly, the flight speed is very slow, and it loses time to time. The power falls a certain distance in the air.

"It's too slow, is it taking away the magic I gave you?" Luo Su sat on Ying Yingying's waist, with his hands raised, he soared in the air in a Superman pose.

"You treat a girl like this, won't your conscience hurt?" Ying Yingying is going crazy, no, she's already crazy.

"Of course not, I simply have no conscience!"

Luo Su said, put his hand on Ying Yingying's back, and sent some magic power over it.

"Don't touch my back with your dirty hands, it's disgusting." Ying Yingying was not happy at all after absorbing the magic power.

"Do you think that if you say like this, I will touch your ass? Don't you think about it, I hate my hands!"

"aaaaaaaaahhhhh ———"

"Don't worry, I'm a clean freak, I put a layer of plastic wrap before touching you..."

"Ahhh, that's even more disgusting, take off the plastic wrap, and take it off quickly." !"

The two stumbled, fortunately, the straight-line distance in the air was the shortest, catching up with the last wave of the blowout.

The unlucky person who hit the mine was indeed the reincarnator. There were five people in total, surrounded by the swarm of skeleton beasts. The five people were strong, surrounded by thousands of skeleton reptiles, and they persisted until now.

These five people are clearly dressed in combat suits in five colors: red, black, blue, yellow, and pink. The weapons in their hands also have nothing common with each other, long sword, battle axe, Bow, lance, dagger. They cooperate with each other tacitly and are proficient in Combined Assault Technique. Although they are in a weak position, their defense is very strict. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as not one drop of water can leak out.

I feel like I've seen these people somewhere!

Luo Su corner of mouth twitching , then shook his head desperately to dispel the absurd thoughts in his mind. Impossible, what is the age, and now the special film is more popular Mask Knight.

"Jason, the five below look familiar!" Ying Yingying asked suspiciously.

"No, you read it wrong."

"Impossible, I also have childhood!"

"No, your childhood was Xiong Da and Xiong Er. And the bald head is strong."

At this moment, the five-member group below moved closer together, with their right hand held high and their fingers spread out, creating a humiliating shape.

"We need the formidable power of Megazord!!"

Luo Su: "..."

(end of this chapter)

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