End Of Heavens

Chapter 305

End Of Heavens Chapter 305


Chapter 304 You don't need to talk to him about the rivers and lakes, let's go to

"He escaped, we..."

Kang Xi originally wanted to say that he would go after him and kill Jian Feizao, but when he saw the messy battlefield, he realized that Luo Su had consumed a lot of physical strength, and changed his words: "I will chase him, you rest for a while."

"It's okay, a little injury won't affect the action. If you chase into the mirror space, it will be difficult to meet again." Luo Su put away his two guns, and walked to the front of the corridor. The estimated time is about the same. After that, I walked in with Kang Xi.

The two walked less than 50 meters, and there were bloodstains on the walls and the ground. Kang Xi stepped forward and squatted down, his fingertips were stained with blood, with a grave expression on his face: "The blood is still very strong. It’s fresh, the early bird caught the worm, it’s really unfortunate.”

Luo Su silently nodded, blood splashed on the wall, and a pool of blood accumulated on the ground, he could guess the scene at that time at a glance .

Jason sneaked attack Jian Feizao from behind, covered his mouth, and then the dog-leg knife wiped his neck.

"Damn, I've fought so hard until now, I've finally lost blood, and some people actually picked up people's heads." Kang Xi said bitterly, killing other reincarnators in the squad can get reward points, but they're gone now .

"Just like playing games, there's nothing to worry about, let's go, mission first."

"Oh! This is your reward point, don't you feel bad?"

"I feel bad for this little money, it's not worth it."

"che, damn rich."


The two of them, one after the other, walked along the complicated corridor, making Kang Xi's brain dizzy, when Luo Su suddenly accelerated, grabbed her arm and ran all the way.

The mirrored space reappeared, and the two passed through the invisible barrier and left the corridor that seemed to have no end. In front of them, there was a narrow path stacked with stone steps.

The stone path extends downward, and there are two stone statues at the entrance, both of which are wolf-headed men on one-knee kneels. A gloomy and dark aura.

According to the structure of the pyramid, this downward passage is likely to lead directly to the mausoleum burial chamber, and the two looked at each other and walked in without the slightest hesitation.

As I walked, a colorful ancient mural appeared on the wall, one every ten meters, which recorded the life of an Egyptian Great Emperor who lived about 100 years ago. For more than 5,000 years, he was brave and good at fighting, and when the country was the most prosperous, he led the army to conquer the world.

Conquering the world is just a statement. Throughout history, those who wanted to conquer the world were finally conquered by the world.

The Great Emperor was no exception, his invincible army suffered a crushing defeat and retreated all the way to the desert. Except for the Great Emperor himself, soldiers and generals were ruthlessly swallowed by the desert, and he sacrificed his soul to Death God Anubis on his last days, gained incomparable power, and succeeded in revenge.

Kang Xi stopped to watch carefully, frowning quickly: "Jason, do you remember anything when you look at the mural on the wall?"

The mural is nothing In particular, but after the Great Emperor succeeded in taking revenge, his soul was taken away by Anubis and turned into a ferocious giant scorpion.

"The second film in the Mummy series, the Great Emperor should refer to The Scorpion King..." The vivid scorpion pattern on the mural stings Luo Su's eyes, who frowned: "If this The relics of civilization really represent ancient Egypt, so why is The Scorpion King, who really existed in history?"

"It should have existed, but it was over-mythicalized by later generations." After passing The Scorpion King, he pointed to one of the murals, which was painted with the Great Emperor sacrificing his soul, and Death God Anubis appeared: "Compared to The Scorpion King, this is the boss, if the Lord God increases the difficulty Let him appear, and the trouble will be big."

Anubis is the Death God in Egyptian mythology, once the king of the underworld, famous for his heart balance ceremony, as the guardian of mummies, but the pyramids Appears, he is an indispensable role.

"You're right, but that's not what I meant."

Luo Su shook his head lightly: "At first, I guess the five relics are the four ancient civilizations. , coupled with an Aegean civilization, or a rare beast civilization, the sudden appearance of an overhead character disrupted my previous speculation."

"What speculation?" Kang Xi wondered, Doubt.

"Have you ever wondered who represents Chinese civilization?"


Kang Xi was asked, and later generations There are as many historical figures in mythology as the Yellow Emperor, Flame Emperor, and Chiyou. How could she answer this?

"Let's go, let's explore this ancient Egyptian civilization first, and talk about the rest later. Don't worry about Anubis showing up, his rank is too high, and even if he appears, he will be weakened. After all, the Lord God For the reincarnator to complete the mission, it is not to die." Luo Su shrugged, and now he can only take one step at a time.

The two continued to go deep into the stone road, walking for about five minutes, and the cold atmosphere became stronger. Finally, the dim light came on, and they reached the end of the stone path.

Walking out of the stone path, the vision suddenly became clear, and a huge space appeared inside the pyramid. The two-kilometer-diameter space extends upward, as if it runs through Heaven and Earth, beyond the upper limit of vision.

In the cylindrical space, on the walls of all directions, the corridors are densely arranged, and Luo Su and Kang Xi walked out of only one of them.

Kang Xi was raising his head and looking towards the sky, he was pulled by Luo Su, and he squatted and hid under a scorpion statue.

"What's the matter?"

"Don't talk, look down."

Kang Xi looked towards the bottom after hearing this, a distance about the depth of them. In the 100-meter stone chamber square, nine pillars are arranged around the edge, and each stone pillar has a statue above it, which represents the nine-pillar god in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Nine Fireballs are suspended above the stone pillar out of thin air, and the firelight illuminates the square like daylight. The most noticeable is the scorpion statue in the center.

The stone statue is more than 20 meters high, with a strong gloomy and cold aura sealed in its body, surrounded by black mist, rhythmic like breathing. Around the stone statue, there are a lot of gold and silver treasures, piled up into mountains of gold and silver, and the firelight shines on them, which is particularly eye-catching.

"That should be the Scorpion King. Is it possible to kill him and complete the mission?" Kang Xi asked, the Lord God did not mention any way to be successful in exploring the ruins, she could only think of this.

"There is too little information. Let's take a look at it first." Luo Su looked towards the bottom.

A group of four reincarnators approached the stone statue cautiously, one of them took out the Rocket tube from the space ring and aimed at the stone statue to fire.


The Rocket shot out, that is, the front of the stone statue was blocked by a sand wall that suddenly rose. The sand wall had amazing defensive power, and the formidable power of the Rocket bomb did not shake it.

The flames spilled out, and the sand walls twisted and folded, turning into a bald robust man in a black robe.

The sacrifice of the pharaoh, Imhotep!

“If you want to gain the power of The Scorpion King, you must abide by the rules set by Anubis, one-on-one and I will decide the winner, and the winner will be eligible to challenge The Scorpion King.” Imhotep looked towards the four reincarnators, expressionlessly said: "Which one of you will come first?"

The four reincarnators glanced at each other, then nodded and took out their weapons: "hmph, to deal with this kind of The devil, you don't need to talk to him about the morality of the rivers and lakes, let's go together."

Luo Su looked at the secret nodded, talking about a talent, and his thoughts coincided with him.

(end of this chapter)

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